
冬季来临,很多女性都会出现畏冷、手脚冰凉的情况。除了身体血液循环下降之外,还可能是因为脾虚导致的!女人如果脾虚,不仅影响消化功能,还会导致内分泌失调、发胖等后果。冬季如何补脾?多吃下面5类食物吧。 气温下降 手脚冰凉或是脾虚



5类食物 健脾补脾



黄豆:味甘,性平。有健脾宽中,润燥之功。用于疳积瘦弱,腹胀泻痢等症。 荞麦:味甘,性凉。有消积下气,健脾除湿之功。用于胃肠积滞,腹胀满,及脾虚而有湿热的腹泻、痢疾。








草鱼:味甘,性温。有补脾暖胃之功。用于虚损,少气乏力,饮食减少之症。 鲫鱼:味甘,性平。能益脾开胃,利水除湿。适用于脾胃虚弱,少食乏力,或呕吐、干哕。













Winter is coming, many women will appear and fear of cold, cold hands and feet of the. In addition to body blood circulation decline, may also be due to spleen deficiency caused! If a woman with http://dmqzkfw.com/post/539.html deficiency of the spleen, not only affect the digestive function, can lead to endocrine disorders, obesity and other

consequences. Winter how invigorating the spleen? Eat the following 5 kinds offood. The temperature dropped cold hands and feet or deficiency of the spleen

Spleen deficiency, the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine refers to spleen

deficiency caused www.nkwcbs.com by illness, Spleen Qi of water and nutrients and controlling bloodfunction operation in food. The spleen is the disorder of

transportation, and there may be nutritional disorders, water lost to spread

out and wet with phlegm, or the occurrence of hemorrhagic disease.

Some one to fall and winter season, the body does not feel cold, but cold hands and feet would have been www.flwluo.net in a state of not temperature, this is unripe cold ofspleen deficiency. The cold weather, the female is blood, easily lead

to blooddeficiency, deficiency of Qi and blood and organs of the human

body lost, resulting in endocrine, estrogen and various metabolic disorders, resulting in "deficiency syndrome".

5 types of food of invigorating the spleen and tonifying spleen

1, grain type

Rice: also known as rice. Sweet, Ping, are the spleen and

stomach, strongstrength, strong muscles. For the spleen diarrhea, weight

loss, depression,diarrhea.

Soya beans: sweet, sexual ping. There are the wide, Runzao. For anemia and thin,abdominal www.ahgylm.com distension and diarrhea disease.

Buckwheat: sweet, cool. A consumer product under the gas, the spleen

dehumidification. Used for gastrointestinal stagnation, abdominal

distension, anddeficiency of the spleen and damp heat diarrhea, dysentery.

Sesame oil: sweet, cool. There Runchang catharsis, detoxification, born

muscle.For constipation, Ascaris lumbricoides, dyspepsia abdominal pain, ulcer. 2, R

Pork stomach: sweet, warm in nature. Fill wasting, spleen and stomach. For virtualfatigue emaciated, stomach www.lianhejob.com pain, stomach sagging, rickets in children. Pig spleen: sweet, sexual ping. Capable of invigorating spleen and stomach. Forthe spleen and stomach qi deficiency caused by loss of appetite, fatigue,abdominal distention, diarrhea disease.

Tripe: sweet, sexual ping. With the spleen and stomach, helping digestion, the

effectiveness of Qi and www.yofotoark.com blood. For weak spleen and stomach caused byindigestion, lack of Qi and blood weak constitution.

Rabbit: sweet, cool. Spleen qi. For the weak stomach, eating less, body tired fatigue, dry mouth or diabetes. Pay attention to spleen deficiency were not take.

3, aquatic products

Grass Carp: sweet, warm in nature. The spleen and stomach. For the deficiency,less gas weakness, eating less.

Carp: sweet, sexual ping. Can the spleen appetizer, desiccant diuresis. Apply to the

spleen and www.zjiajias.com stomach weakness, eat less fatigue, dry or vomiting, hiccup.

Bighead: also known as variegated carp, bullhead. Sweet, warm in nature. Canwarm the stomach and spleen, tonifying brain. For the treatment of spleen and stomach deficiency due to loss of appetite, indigestion.

Flatfish: sweet, sexual ping. Replenishing qi and blood, spleen and stomach. For children jiubingtixu, deficiency of Qi and blood, fatigue, loss of appetite and other symptoms.

4, vegetables

Tomato: also known as tomatoes. Acid sweet, slightly cold. There are appetizers spleen, thirst. For loss of appetite, fever, thirst, etc..

Kohlrabi: bitter sweet, sexual ping. There are warm spleen, appetizers,detoxification and removing dampness. For indigestion, cold drink cold inducedabdominal

pain, jaundice, urination disorders.

Hericium: sweet, sexual ping. Spleen qi, help digestion. For the weak stomach,eating less, indigestion, or www.jixieinfo.net body tired asthenia.

Bean: sweet, sexual ping. There spleen appetizers, and the Qi, the effect of summer heat dampness. For damp vomiting and diarrhea, vomiting and spleen, eat less loose stools, diarrhea and edema disease.

5, fruit

Apple: sweet and sour, flat. With spleen and stomach, Shengjinzhike. For lack of gas, diarrhea, constipation, etc..

Coconut: sweet, warm in nature. Coconut tonic, strong body, used for the treatment of rickets in children yellow thin; also can de worming, effective of the

tapeworm,Fasciolopsis buski.

Jujube: sweet, warm flat. Nourishing Qi, invigorating spleen and

stomach,Shengjinzhike, strong God strong force. Applicable to weak spleen and

stomach,food is not www.zhuzhucun.com satisfied incense, loose stool, deficiency of Qi and blood, anemia,ischemia, emaciation with sallow complexion, sleep uneasiness person. Children should not eat raw, cooked food every time should not be too much, eating toomany aid wet heat, stomach fullness, damage the teeth.

Orange: sour in taste, cool. Are the spleen and stomach, vomiting Kuanxiong. Forloss of appetite, abdominal distention after eating, vomiting, constipation etc..

冬季来临,很多女性都会出现畏冷、手脚冰凉的情况。除了身体血液循环下降之外,还可能是因为脾虚导致的!女人如果脾虚,不仅影响消化功能,还会导致内分泌失调、发胖等后果。冬季如何补脾?多吃下面5类食物吧。 气温下降 手脚冰凉或是脾虚



5类食物 健脾补脾



黄豆:味甘,性平。有健脾宽中,润燥之功。用于疳积瘦弱,腹胀泻痢等症。 荞麦:味甘,性凉。有消积下气,健脾除湿之功。用于胃肠积滞,腹胀满,及脾虚而有湿热的腹泻、痢疾。








草鱼:味甘,性温。有补脾暖胃之功。用于虚损,少气乏力,饮食减少之症。 鲫鱼:味甘,性平。能益脾开胃,利水除湿。适用于脾胃虚弱,少食乏力,或呕吐、干哕。













Winter is coming, many women will appear and fear of cold, cold hands and feet of the. In addition to body blood circulation decline, may also be due to spleen deficiency caused! If a woman with http://dmqzkfw.com/post/539.html deficiency of the spleen, not only affect the digestive function, can lead to endocrine disorders, obesity and other

consequences. Winter how invigorating the spleen? Eat the following 5 kinds offood. The temperature dropped cold hands and feet or deficiency of the spleen

Spleen deficiency, the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine refers to spleen

deficiency caused www.nkwcbs.com by illness, Spleen Qi of water and nutrients and controlling bloodfunction operation in food. The spleen is the disorder of

transportation, and there may be nutritional disorders, water lost to spread

out and wet with phlegm, or the occurrence of hemorrhagic disease.

Some one to fall and winter season, the body does not feel cold, but cold hands and feet would have been www.flwluo.net in a state of not temperature, this is unripe cold ofspleen deficiency. The cold weather, the female is blood, easily lead

to blooddeficiency, deficiency of Qi and blood and organs of the human

body lost, resulting in endocrine, estrogen and various metabolic disorders, resulting in "deficiency syndrome".

5 types of food of invigorating the spleen and tonifying spleen

1, grain type

Rice: also known as rice. Sweet, Ping, are the spleen and

stomach, strongstrength, strong muscles. For the spleen diarrhea, weight

loss, depression,diarrhea.

Soya beans: sweet, sexual ping. There are the wide, Runzao. For anemia and thin,abdominal www.ahgylm.com distension and diarrhea disease.

Buckwheat: sweet, cool. A consumer product under the gas, the spleen

dehumidification. Used for gastrointestinal stagnation, abdominal

distension, anddeficiency of the spleen and damp heat diarrhea, dysentery.

Sesame oil: sweet, cool. There Runchang catharsis, detoxification, born

muscle.For constipation, Ascaris lumbricoides, dyspepsia abdominal pain, ulcer. 2, R

Pork stomach: sweet, warm in nature. Fill wasting, spleen and stomach. For virtualfatigue emaciated, stomach www.lianhejob.com pain, stomach sagging, rickets in children. Pig spleen: sweet, sexual ping. Capable of invigorating spleen and stomach. Forthe spleen and stomach qi deficiency caused by loss of appetite, fatigue,abdominal distention, diarrhea disease.

Tripe: sweet, sexual ping. With the spleen and stomach, helping digestion, the

effectiveness of Qi and www.yofotoark.com blood. For weak spleen and stomach caused byindigestion, lack of Qi and blood weak constitution.

Rabbit: sweet, cool. Spleen qi. For the weak stomach, eating less, body tired fatigue, dry mouth or diabetes. Pay attention to spleen deficiency were not take.

3, aquatic products

Grass Carp: sweet, warm in nature. The spleen and stomach. For the deficiency,less gas weakness, eating less.

Carp: sweet, sexual ping. Can the spleen appetizer, desiccant diuresis. Apply to the

spleen and www.zjiajias.com stomach weakness, eat less fatigue, dry or vomiting, hiccup.

Bighead: also known as variegated carp, bullhead. Sweet, warm in nature. Canwarm the stomach and spleen, tonifying brain. For the treatment of spleen and stomach deficiency due to loss of appetite, indigestion.

Flatfish: sweet, sexual ping. Replenishing qi and blood, spleen and stomach. For children jiubingtixu, deficiency of Qi and blood, fatigue, loss of appetite and other symptoms.

4, vegetables

Tomato: also known as tomatoes. Acid sweet, slightly cold. There are appetizers spleen, thirst. For loss of appetite, fever, thirst, etc..

Kohlrabi: bitter sweet, sexual ping. There are warm spleen, appetizers,detoxification and removing dampness. For indigestion, cold drink cold inducedabdominal

pain, jaundice, urination disorders.

Hericium: sweet, sexual ping. Spleen qi, help digestion. For the weak stomach,eating less, indigestion, or www.jixieinfo.net body tired asthenia.

Bean: sweet, sexual ping. There spleen appetizers, and the Qi, the effect of summer heat dampness. For damp vomiting and diarrhea, vomiting and spleen, eat less loose stools, diarrhea and edema disease.

5, fruit

Apple: sweet and sour, flat. With spleen and stomach, Shengjinzhike. For lack of gas, diarrhea, constipation, etc..

Coconut: sweet, warm in nature. Coconut tonic, strong body, used for the treatment of rickets in children yellow thin; also can de worming, effective of the

tapeworm,Fasciolopsis buski.

Jujube: sweet, warm flat. Nourishing Qi, invigorating spleen and

stomach,Shengjinzhike, strong God strong force. Applicable to weak spleen and

stomach,food is not www.zhuzhucun.com satisfied incense, loose stool, deficiency of Qi and blood, anemia,ischemia, emaciation with sallow complexion, sleep uneasiness person. Children should not eat raw, cooked food every time should not be too much, eating toomany aid wet heat, stomach fullness, damage the teeth.

Orange: sour in taste, cool. Are the spleen and stomach, vomiting Kuanxiong. Forloss of appetite, abdominal distention after eating, vomiting, constipation etc..


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