

A: Hi! Linda,Good moring!

B: Hi! Lucy ,Goodmoring!

A: You look so sad,what’s wrong with you?

B: I quarreled with my boyfriend just now.

A: Why?I think he is very well and he is kind of you always.

B: Because he recently adicted to smoking.I just worried about his healthy!

A: I feel so sad to hear that ! I think we can find some way to help him to give up smoking.

B: Really? What should I do ?

A: You can distract him when he want to smoke.

B:I don’t really understand.Please say a little detail.

A: For example ,you can buy some food he likes ,when he want to smoke ,you give him some food to full his mouth.

B: Sounds good ! It’s good for health.But I'm afraid his addiction to smoking is very serious, this way can’t work.

A: If he does not listen to you,you can hide his cigarette.If he listen to you ,you can give him some in a period of time,and decrease the number slowly.

B:It’s sound great! I will try it at once!

A: I'm expecting your success!

B: Thank you very very much! A:No thanks.


A: Hi! Linda,Good moring!

B: Hi! Lucy ,Goodmoring!

A: You look so sad,what’s wrong with you?

B: I quarreled with my boyfriend just now.

A: Why?I think he is very well and he is kind of you always.

B: Because he recently adicted to smoking.I just worried about his healthy!

A: I feel so sad to hear that ! I think we can find some way to help him to give up smoking.

B: Really? What should I do ?

A: You can distract him when he want to smoke.

B:I don’t really understand.Please say a little detail.

A: For example ,you can buy some food he likes ,when he want to smoke ,you give him some food to full his mouth.

B: Sounds good ! It’s good for health.But I'm afraid his addiction to smoking is very serious, this way can’t work.

A: If he does not listen to you,you can hide his cigarette.If he listen to you ,you can give him some in a period of time,and decrease the number slowly.

B:It’s sound great! I will try it at once!

A: I'm expecting your success!

B: Thank you very very much! A:No thanks.


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