

日本地震引发的核泄漏危机使得人心惶惶,网上各种瞎扯的消息铺天盖地,与其在假消息中挣扎,倒不如来普及一下科学知识。核反应堆究竟是什么东西?它的工作原理是怎样的?今天我们就来图解福岛核电站故障。 核反应堆相关词汇表:

core 核心

control rods 控制棒

reactor vessel 反应堆

suppression pool 抑压池

primary containment vessel 第一层安全壳(反应堆外壳)

secondary containment building 第二层安全壳

turbine 涡轮

condenser 冷凝器

backup steam generator 备用蒸汽发电机

Normal operation


In operation since the early 1970s, Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant uses six boiling water reactors, which rely on uranium nuclear fission to generate heat. Water surrounding the core boils into steam that drives turbines to generate electricity.


The reactor vessel is surrounded by a thick steel-and-concrete primary containment vessel, equipped with a water reservoir designed to suppress overheating of the vessel.

反应堆由一个钢与混凝土构成的厚实外壳(第一层安全壳)保护着,另外还配有一个蓄水库,防止反应堆过热。 The suppression pool is designed to protect the primary vessel if the core gets too hot. Valves release steam into the pool, where it condenses, relieving dangerous pressure.


Earthquake damage


The earthquake initiated a rapid shutdown of the reactors, but the disaster cut power to controls and pumps, and the tsunami disabled backup generators. New diesel generators were delivered after batteries used to control the operation of the reactor were exhausted.


Since the quake hit, fuel rods in the cores of reactor 1, 2 and 3 have overheated because of a lack of cooling water.


Control rods were inserted into the cores to stop fission, but cores need several days to cool down. 控制棒已经插入,但是核心需要好几天时间来冷却。

Trying to cool the reactors


Cores in units 1, 2 and 3 heated up to the extent that the zirconium covering the fuel reacted with steam, releasing hydrogen gas. Hydrogen collected in the secondary containment buildings,

where it exploded, blowing the tops off units 1 and 3, and damaging the cooling system of unit 2. 1、2、3号反应堆核心的温度升高到了一定程度,使得覆盖在燃料棒上的锆元素与水蒸气产生了反应,释放出了氢气。氢气在第二层安全壳内聚集,最终爆炸,将1号和3号的顶盖炸飞,损毁了2号的冷却系统。

Primary containment vessels in units 1 and 3 are reportedly intact, but a structure in unit 2 has cracked, preventing water from fully covering the core.


Attempting to cool the cores, engineers are flooding cores and their containment vessels with seawater and boric acid, which acts to dampen fission reactions.


Two worst-case scenarios


If engineers are unable to cool a damaged fuel core, enriched uranium can melt into a pool of radioactive lava. The meltdown can burn its way out of the containment vessel or send radioactive steam out through cracks in the system.


Cooling the spent fuel is critical, for if it becomes exposed, a zirconium fire can break out and spew massive amounts of radiation.


According to nuclear analyst Kenneth D. Bergeron, the containment vessels at Daiichi are stronger than Chernobyl but not as robust as Three Mile Island.

据核分析师Kenneth D. Bergeron所言,日本福岛第一核电站的安全壳的结实程度比切尔诺贝利的好,却没三里岛的好。




日本地震引发的核泄漏危机使得人心惶惶,网上各种瞎扯的消息铺天盖地,与其在假消息中挣扎,倒不如来普及一下科学知识。核反应堆究竟是什么东西?它的工作原理是怎样的?今天我们就来图解福岛核电站故障。 核反应堆相关词汇表:

core 核心

control rods 控制棒

reactor vessel 反应堆

suppression pool 抑压池

primary containment vessel 第一层安全壳(反应堆外壳)

secondary containment building 第二层安全壳

turbine 涡轮

condenser 冷凝器

backup steam generator 备用蒸汽发电机

Normal operation


In operation since the early 1970s, Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant uses six boiling water reactors, which rely on uranium nuclear fission to generate heat. Water surrounding the core boils into steam that drives turbines to generate electricity.


The reactor vessel is surrounded by a thick steel-and-concrete primary containment vessel, equipped with a water reservoir designed to suppress overheating of the vessel.

反应堆由一个钢与混凝土构成的厚实外壳(第一层安全壳)保护着,另外还配有一个蓄水库,防止反应堆过热。 The suppression pool is designed to protect the primary vessel if the core gets too hot. Valves release steam into the pool, where it condenses, relieving dangerous pressure.


Earthquake damage


The earthquake initiated a rapid shutdown of the reactors, but the disaster cut power to controls and pumps, and the tsunami disabled backup generators. New diesel generators were delivered after batteries used to control the operation of the reactor were exhausted.


Since the quake hit, fuel rods in the cores of reactor 1, 2 and 3 have overheated because of a lack of cooling water.


Control rods were inserted into the cores to stop fission, but cores need several days to cool down. 控制棒已经插入,但是核心需要好几天时间来冷却。

Trying to cool the reactors


Cores in units 1, 2 and 3 heated up to the extent that the zirconium covering the fuel reacted with steam, releasing hydrogen gas. Hydrogen collected in the secondary containment buildings,

where it exploded, blowing the tops off units 1 and 3, and damaging the cooling system of unit 2. 1、2、3号反应堆核心的温度升高到了一定程度,使得覆盖在燃料棒上的锆元素与水蒸气产生了反应,释放出了氢气。氢气在第二层安全壳内聚集,最终爆炸,将1号和3号的顶盖炸飞,损毁了2号的冷却系统。

Primary containment vessels in units 1 and 3 are reportedly intact, but a structure in unit 2 has cracked, preventing water from fully covering the core.


Attempting to cool the cores, engineers are flooding cores and their containment vessels with seawater and boric acid, which acts to dampen fission reactions.


Two worst-case scenarios


If engineers are unable to cool a damaged fuel core, enriched uranium can melt into a pool of radioactive lava. The meltdown can burn its way out of the containment vessel or send radioactive steam out through cracks in the system.


Cooling the spent fuel is critical, for if it becomes exposed, a zirconium fire can break out and spew massive amounts of radiation.


According to nuclear analyst Kenneth D. Bergeron, the containment vessels at Daiichi are stronger than Chernobyl but not as robust as Three Mile Island.

据核分析师Kenneth D. Bergeron所言,日本福岛第一核电站的安全壳的结实程度比切尔诺贝利的好,却没三里岛的好。




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