




power n.权力

fame n.名望

sensitivity n.敏感性 determination n.决心 willpower/persistence n.毅力 iron-mindedness n.坚强的意志

ambition n.雄心 innovation n.创新 challenge n.挑战

endeavor n./v. 努力 passion n.激情


striving spirit n.进取精神 money-worship n.拜金 hard work n.勤奋

contentment/satisfaction n.满足 courage n.勇气 well-being n.好的生活 contribution n.贡献 self-esteem 自尊

strength n.力量、长处 symbols of success成功的象征 self-discipline/control 自律/控

self-independence 自立 self-confidence 自信

self-realization/actualization 自我实现 high social status 很好的社会地位

brave adj.勇敢的 conceited adj.自以为是的 gloomy/depressed adj.沮丧的 creative adj.有创造力的 sociable adj.善交际的 make one’s own way 成功

positive attitude 正面的态度

aggressive adj.有进取心的 diligent/industrious adj.勤奋的 arrogant adj.傲慢、自大的 energetic adj.精力充沛的 intelligent adj. 智慧的 persistent adj.坚持的 optimistic adj.乐观的 make the riffle 成功

frustrated adj.挫败的

successful adj.成功的 pessimistic adj.悲观的 triumph over 成功、胜利

seize/take opportunity 抓住机会 think independently 独立思考

achieve/accomplish success 获得成功 realize one’s dream/hope 实现梦想/希望 alleviate the stress/pressure缓解紧张/压力 be satisfied/content with 满意

enhance comprehensive quality 提高综合素质 withstand challenges


overcome difficulties 克服困难 pursue/seek happiness 追求幸福 with heart and soul 全心全意地 widen one’s knowledge 增长见识

strengthen mutual cooperation 增强相互合作 adopt an overall point of view 树立全局观点 underestimate one’s abilities 低估某人的能力

attribute/owe one’s success/failure to 把成功/失败归因于 draw useful lessons from 从…中吸取教训

concentrate/focus one’s attention on/upon 把注意力集中于… be confronted with danger/difficulties 面临危险/困难 work for the well-being of the people 为人民谋幸福

sense of honor/achievement/responsibility/inferiority/superiority/happiness荣誉/成就/责任/自卑/优越/幸福感


The photo presents us with an encouraging scene—regardless of hardships and dangers, a

man keeps climbing, longing for the moment of reaching the top of the mountain. It is obvious that by this picture the photographer endeavors to show people the value of braveness, courage, and above all, perseverance!

Indeed, as the photograph tells us, success, to a large extent, is rooted in persistence. Or, put it another way, one, at least once in life, may be caught in dilemma—occasionally the most difficult situation in his life, and then there are two choices before him: persisting in the goal or giving it up. If he chooses the former and tries to break through the barrier, difficult as it will be, success will be the result one day. On the contrary, the latter choice may kill off his dream and ambition and lead to a pity in the rest of his life, although such choice seems to be much easier for him at the moment.

As college students, definitely, we are facing or will face such difficult choices. At such

moment, we should bear in mind that persistence is a mirror of one’s will, a quality, a positive attitude toward life and an approach to success. Stay with the goal, and we will win a better life.



We can see from the above cartoon that a young man lying against a slope is dreaming about the great harvest of his apple tree which is withering. Although the shovel and bucket are besides him, he is too lazy to water the tree. Just as the caption reads; “No pains, no gains.”

The author of the cartoon invites us to focus on a truth that great harvest could not be realized without great efforts. There are simply no great success and achievements in the world that are not achieved through hard work and diligence. A glimpse of my own experience reveals the stronger power of diligence. I participated in the National English Speech Contest for colleges students last year. Faced with many talented candidates from all over the country, I was nervous and suddenly lost confidence. However, I did not give up for I firmly believed that as long as I worked hard for this, good results would definitely come. In the following month, I spent every minute of my leisure time collecting information, reciting and practicing. At last my diligence and efforts rewarded me with the first prize.

From my perspective, industriousness is like a boat that carries us to our dream on the other side of the river. Therefore, we should set up a goal and work diligently towards it rather than lying in bed dreaming about the goal being achieved by itself. As a Chinese proverb says, there are no gains without pains.





power n.权力

fame n.名望

sensitivity n.敏感性 determination n.决心 willpower/persistence n.毅力 iron-mindedness n.坚强的意志

ambition n.雄心 innovation n.创新 challenge n.挑战

endeavor n./v. 努力 passion n.激情


striving spirit n.进取精神 money-worship n.拜金 hard work n.勤奋

contentment/satisfaction n.满足 courage n.勇气 well-being n.好的生活 contribution n.贡献 self-esteem 自尊

strength n.力量、长处 symbols of success成功的象征 self-discipline/control 自律/控

self-independence 自立 self-confidence 自信

self-realization/actualization 自我实现 high social status 很好的社会地位

brave adj.勇敢的 conceited adj.自以为是的 gloomy/depressed adj.沮丧的 creative adj.有创造力的 sociable adj.善交际的 make one’s own way 成功

positive attitude 正面的态度

aggressive adj.有进取心的 diligent/industrious adj.勤奋的 arrogant adj.傲慢、自大的 energetic adj.精力充沛的 intelligent adj. 智慧的 persistent adj.坚持的 optimistic adj.乐观的 make the riffle 成功

frustrated adj.挫败的

successful adj.成功的 pessimistic adj.悲观的 triumph over 成功、胜利

seize/take opportunity 抓住机会 think independently 独立思考

achieve/accomplish success 获得成功 realize one’s dream/hope 实现梦想/希望 alleviate the stress/pressure缓解紧张/压力 be satisfied/content with 满意

enhance comprehensive quality 提高综合素质 withstand challenges


overcome difficulties 克服困难 pursue/seek happiness 追求幸福 with heart and soul 全心全意地 widen one’s knowledge 增长见识

strengthen mutual cooperation 增强相互合作 adopt an overall point of view 树立全局观点 underestimate one’s abilities 低估某人的能力

attribute/owe one’s success/failure to 把成功/失败归因于 draw useful lessons from 从…中吸取教训

concentrate/focus one’s attention on/upon 把注意力集中于… be confronted with danger/difficulties 面临危险/困难 work for the well-being of the people 为人民谋幸福

sense of honor/achievement/responsibility/inferiority/superiority/happiness荣誉/成就/责任/自卑/优越/幸福感


The photo presents us with an encouraging scene—regardless of hardships and dangers, a

man keeps climbing, longing for the moment of reaching the top of the mountain. It is obvious that by this picture the photographer endeavors to show people the value of braveness, courage, and above all, perseverance!

Indeed, as the photograph tells us, success, to a large extent, is rooted in persistence. Or, put it another way, one, at least once in life, may be caught in dilemma—occasionally the most difficult situation in his life, and then there are two choices before him: persisting in the goal or giving it up. If he chooses the former and tries to break through the barrier, difficult as it will be, success will be the result one day. On the contrary, the latter choice may kill off his dream and ambition and lead to a pity in the rest of his life, although such choice seems to be much easier for him at the moment.

As college students, definitely, we are facing or will face such difficult choices. At such

moment, we should bear in mind that persistence is a mirror of one’s will, a quality, a positive attitude toward life and an approach to success. Stay with the goal, and we will win a better life.



We can see from the above cartoon that a young man lying against a slope is dreaming about the great harvest of his apple tree which is withering. Although the shovel and bucket are besides him, he is too lazy to water the tree. Just as the caption reads; “No pains, no gains.”

The author of the cartoon invites us to focus on a truth that great harvest could not be realized without great efforts. There are simply no great success and achievements in the world that are not achieved through hard work and diligence. A glimpse of my own experience reveals the stronger power of diligence. I participated in the National English Speech Contest for colleges students last year. Faced with many talented candidates from all over the country, I was nervous and suddenly lost confidence. However, I did not give up for I firmly believed that as long as I worked hard for this, good results would definitely come. In the following month, I spent every minute of my leisure time collecting information, reciting and practicing. At last my diligence and efforts rewarded me with the first prize.

From my perspective, industriousness is like a boat that carries us to our dream on the other side of the river. Therefore, we should set up a goal and work diligently towards it rather than lying in bed dreaming about the goal being achieved by itself. As a Chinese proverb says, there are no gains without pains.


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