
新通外语广州学校网址: Gz.igo99.cn雅思口语话题“描述一个你想去的国家”范文结构

Describe a country you would like to visit for the first time.

You should say:

what country it is

how long you would stay there

what you would like to do there

and explain why you would like to visit this particular country.

Ok right then, well, one country that I’d really love to go and visit sometime is the States. And the reason I wanna go there is„„„„.well, there are a few reasons really. First of all, I have some really good friends living there, and um, you know they told me if I do ever get round to going there, then I’m welcome to stay at their place, which would be great!

And another thing is that I’ve always wanted to go there, but have never quite seemed to have the opportunity, what with all my study and stuff, so I really hope that sometime in the future I’ll be able to go there.

You know, I think there would be so much to do there. I mean, first of all, I’d definitely go and see Hollywood. And if I’m not mistaken, that’s where Universal Studios is, where you can, like, go around and check out all thesets from all these famous movies that have been filmed there. So that would be pretty cool! Um, what else„..oh and the weather’s meant to be really great there, you know, sunny the whole time, at least in California anyway, which is where I’d spend most of the time, seeing as that’s where my friends are based.

And as for how long I would stay there, well I’m not actually that sure, but I suppose two or three weeks would be about right. You know, I think I’d be able to do and see most things in that time. And if I stayed any longer, I’d probably end up spending far more money than I can afford to, if you know what I mean!

But um, anyway, I think it would be an amazing place to visit, and hopefully I’ll have the chance to do so in the near future!

◆ Notes:


新通外语广州学校网址: Gz.igo99.cnIn this topic, your score will be better if you can use the conditional – i.e. using “would”, and not just “want”, “would like” or “will”. So I’ve tried to give a lot of example sentences using “would” J

The States = The United States (in spoken English, “the States” is very common) get round to - 抽出时间去„(腾出时间来做某件是)

what with„and stuff – 考虑到„„什么的

set – here, it refers to movie set 电影场景

right – here, it means “suitable”

far more = much more (but stronger than “much”!)



新通外语广州学校网址: Gz.igo99.cn雅思口语话题“描述一个你想去的国家”范文结构

Describe a country you would like to visit for the first time.

You should say:

what country it is

how long you would stay there

what you would like to do there

and explain why you would like to visit this particular country.

Ok right then, well, one country that I’d really love to go and visit sometime is the States. And the reason I wanna go there is„„„„.well, there are a few reasons really. First of all, I have some really good friends living there, and um, you know they told me if I do ever get round to going there, then I’m welcome to stay at their place, which would be great!

And another thing is that I’ve always wanted to go there, but have never quite seemed to have the opportunity, what with all my study and stuff, so I really hope that sometime in the future I’ll be able to go there.

You know, I think there would be so much to do there. I mean, first of all, I’d definitely go and see Hollywood. And if I’m not mistaken, that’s where Universal Studios is, where you can, like, go around and check out all thesets from all these famous movies that have been filmed there. So that would be pretty cool! Um, what else„..oh and the weather’s meant to be really great there, you know, sunny the whole time, at least in California anyway, which is where I’d spend most of the time, seeing as that’s where my friends are based.

And as for how long I would stay there, well I’m not actually that sure, but I suppose two or three weeks would be about right. You know, I think I’d be able to do and see most things in that time. And if I stayed any longer, I’d probably end up spending far more money than I can afford to, if you know what I mean!

But um, anyway, I think it would be an amazing place to visit, and hopefully I’ll have the chance to do so in the near future!

◆ Notes:


新通外语广州学校网址: Gz.igo99.cnIn this topic, your score will be better if you can use the conditional – i.e. using “would”, and not just “want”, “would like” or “will”. So I’ve tried to give a lot of example sentences using “would” J

The States = The United States (in spoken English, “the States” is very common) get round to - 抽出时间去„(腾出时间来做某件是)

what with„and stuff – 考虑到„„什么的

set – here, it refers to movie set 电影场景

right – here, it means “suitable”

far more = much more (but stronger than “much”!)




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