祛斑霜化妆品说明书(中 英文翻译)




Composition: Arbutin, Natural Plant Extracts, Carbomer Resin, Emollient, Amino Silicone Oil, Almond Oil , Olive Oil, Deionized Water and Essence.



Application Scope:

Chloasma, Sunburn, Cyasma (Butterfly-shaped Patches), Freckle, Senile Plaque, Radiation Burn,Pigmentation, Rough Skin and Ageing Skin, Tinea Faciei,Acne and the Similar.




Cleanse your face with clear water and facial cleanser of original Mediterranean blue mud in the small blue bottle. Then Apply the product of proper quantity to your face and smear gently, once in the morning and in the evening respectively.

注意事项: Cautions:


1. When the products are used for more than 15 days,consumers at the age of 16~50 with oily skin are kindly advised to use only once in the evening in case of the outdoor temperature above 28℃ .


2. Anyone with sensitive skin or allergic to essence is kindly advised to have a trial smear at the skin behind his ears and free use may be considered when there is no allergic symptoms such as swelling or itching upon 24 hours.


3. Allergy risk for the product is one in a thousand, so in case of allergic symptoms such as swelling or itching in application, please stop immediately and these symptoms will disappear soon within 3~7 days.


4. Half amount in application is advised in case of hectic face without any swelling or itching and only once in the evening. Apply the product once in the morning and in the evening respectively till such symptoms disappear.


5. The application amount for each set of the original marine wrinkle spot essence in a small blue bottle is for 15~18 days generally and overtime application will impact freckle removing.


6. Please eat less seafood or hot and spicy food and drink less alcohol in course of using the product.


7. Please do not use the product with other cosmetics for fear of consequences.




Composition: Arbutin, Natural Plant Extracts, Carbomer Resin, Emollient, Amino Silicone Oil, Almond Oil , Olive Oil, Deionized Water and Essence.



Application Scope:

Chloasma, Sunburn, Cyasma (Butterfly-shaped Patches), Freckle, Senile Plaque, Radiation Burn,Pigmentation, Rough Skin and Ageing Skin, Tinea Faciei,Acne and the Similar.




Cleanse your face with clear water and facial cleanser of original Mediterranean blue mud in the small blue bottle. Then Apply the product of proper quantity to your face and smear gently, once in the morning and in the evening respectively.

注意事项: Cautions:


1. When the products are used for more than 15 days,consumers at the age of 16~50 with oily skin are kindly advised to use only once in the evening in case of the outdoor temperature above 28℃ .


2. Anyone with sensitive skin or allergic to essence is kindly advised to have a trial smear at the skin behind his ears and free use may be considered when there is no allergic symptoms such as swelling or itching upon 24 hours.


3. Allergy risk for the product is one in a thousand, so in case of allergic symptoms such as swelling or itching in application, please stop immediately and these symptoms will disappear soon within 3~7 days.


4. Half amount in application is advised in case of hectic face without any swelling or itching and only once in the evening. Apply the product once in the morning and in the evening respectively till such symptoms disappear.


5. The application amount for each set of the original marine wrinkle spot essence in a small blue bottle is for 15~18 days generally and overtime application will impact freckle removing.


6. Please eat less seafood or hot and spicy food and drink less alcohol in course of using the product.


7. Please do not use the product with other cosmetics for fear of consequences.


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