
智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料





Many parts of the world are losing important natural

resources, such as forests, animals, or clean water. Choose oneresource that is disappearing and explain why it needs to besaved . Use specific reasons and examples to support youropinion .

Many natural resources are disappointed of being wasted onour planet every day. One of the most important resources weare abusing is our trees. Each year , hundreds of thousands ofacres of trees disappear in countries all around the world . Insome countries , these trees are used for fuel. In other countries ,trees are destroyed to build housing developments and

shopping centers. Saving trees has become a major cultural andeconomical issue in many of the world.

Trees are essential to our survival . They are a major part ofthe process of photosynthesis . Photosynthesis is the process inwhich green plants use carbon dioxide to produce oxygen ,andoxygen is something all of us need . The fewer trees there are,the more this affects our ability to breathe.

Trees are also important in the development of manymedicines. The mainstream medical establishment did notrecognize this for many years. However , those who use naturalmedicines have always known how important trees are. Now

scientists are agreeing with them. Many drugs come from theleaves of certain trees, along with other herds and plants.

In rural areas, farmers have always known how importanttrees are to soil conservation. This is why you’ll usually see treeslining a field . Tree rots help keep the soil in place, and are also afactor in water distribution deep beneath the ground .

Finally ,we should save trees from disappearing because theyprovide so much pleasure. ‘I think that I shall never see a poemas lovely as a tree,’ wrote a poet .

That is the truth . A tall , stately tree is beautiful to look at,and pleasing to the soul . It is also a great place to find shade ona hot summer’s day. For practical and emotional reasons, weneed to preserve our planet’s trees.


智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料





Many parts of the world are losing important natural

resources, such as forests, animals, or clean water. Choose oneresource that is disappearing and explain why it needs to besaved . Use specific reasons and examples to support youropinion .

Many natural resources are disappointed of being wasted onour planet every day. One of the most important resources weare abusing is our trees. Each year , hundreds of thousands ofacres of trees disappear in countries all around the world . Insome countries , these trees are used for fuel. In other countries ,trees are destroyed to build housing developments and

shopping centers. Saving trees has become a major cultural andeconomical issue in many of the world.

Trees are essential to our survival . They are a major part ofthe process of photosynthesis . Photosynthesis is the process inwhich green plants use carbon dioxide to produce oxygen ,andoxygen is something all of us need . The fewer trees there are,the more this affects our ability to breathe.

Trees are also important in the development of manymedicines. The mainstream medical establishment did notrecognize this for many years. However , those who use naturalmedicines have always known how important trees are. Now

scientists are agreeing with them. Many drugs come from theleaves of certain trees, along with other herds and plants.

In rural areas, farmers have always known how importanttrees are to soil conservation. This is why you’ll usually see treeslining a field . Tree rots help keep the soil in place, and are also afactor in water distribution deep beneath the ground .

Finally ,we should save trees from disappearing because theyprovide so much pleasure. ‘I think that I shall never see a poemas lovely as a tree,’ wrote a poet .

That is the truth . A tall , stately tree is beautiful to look at,and pleasing to the soul . It is also a great place to find shade ona hot summer’s day. For practical and emotional reasons, weneed to preserve our planet’s trees.



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