

1、Stop bullying me! Leave me alone.别再欺负我了,让我静一静。

Why can't you leave me alone?为什么就不能放过我?

2、You can't do me like this.你不能这样对我。

3、I don't want to be the third wheel.我可不想当电灯泡。

4、I wouldn't want to bother any love birds.我可不想打扰那些如胶似漆的情侣们。

5、They are a match made in heaven.他们是天造地设的一对。

6、Our boss pushes us hard.我们的老板对我们很严格。

push sb. hard: 把某人逼得很紧,对某人很严格。

Teachers and parents are pushing us very hard.老师和父母把我们逼得很紧。 Don't push your employees so hard.别把你的员工逼得太紧了。

7、I would like to request my travel reimbursement.我的旅费需要报帐。

8、I laughed incredibly hard last night. I almost died.我笑得很夸张,差点没笑死。 I was incredibly full last night. I almost died.我昨天吃地很饱,差点给撑死。

I was incredibly angry with him yesterday. I almost die.我昨天对他很生气,差点给气死。

9、You scared the shit out of me.你吓死我了。

scare the shit out of sb. :吓了一大跳。Shit 的原意是排泄物。

10、The actress is a big shot.这个女演员是个大腕。 big shot: 大腕,大人物。 My grand-father was a big shot .我爷爷是一个头面人物。

11、He is only a stunt-double.他只是个替身演员。

12、He is lame.他很无趣

The joke is so lame.这个笑话太冷了。

13、I have no sense of direction.我是个路痴。

14、I know that city like the back of my hand.我对那座城市了如指掌。

like the back of my hand: 了如指掌

15、Don't beef and do something.别发牢骚,做点事吧!

beef 这里是动词,表示"抱怨,发牢骚"的意思。

The man who likes to beef often has little to complain about.


16、I don't have the heart to tell you.我不忍心告诉你。

not have the heart to do: 不忍心

17、It's too good to be true.哪有这种好事!

18、I almost got bamboozled.我差点就被忽悠了。

He was bamboozled into joining the club.他是被忽悠进来俱乐部的。

The con artist bamboozled her out of $600.那骗人的老手骗走了她600美元。

19、Did he take you to a candlelight dinner?他有带你去烛光晚餐吗?

20、He is a flirt.他是调情高手。

He was born a natural flirt and he is good with a lot of girls.


He is trying to flirt with you. Be careful!他试著在跟你打情骂俏,你要当心点。 21、We had a brainstorming session.我们来了一次头脑风暴。

22、We need to sit down and brainstorm ideas.我们需要坐下来集思广益。

23、He doesn't want to go steady.他还不想定下来。 go steady 表示"认真地发展一段恋 He wants to go steady with me.他想跟我发展下去。

Let's go steady.我们都认真对待这段关系吧。

24、Let's put our heads together.让我们集思广益吧

put someones' heads together, 把头放在一起,引伸出来就是集思广益。

Let's put our heads together and figure out what we can give her for her birthday. 让我们一起想想,给她送什么生日礼物吧。

Let's put our heads together and think about how to learn English well.


25、Could you stop flipping the channels?你能不能不要一直转台啊?

flip the channel: 电视换台,转台

26、Our TV gets too much snow.电视信号不好。

27、You do the math.你自已算算看吧。 do the math: 自己算算看

—— How long have you been waiting at the airport?

—— I came here at 9 am, and now it's 3 pm. You do the math.



28、She's pushing me over the edge.她让我快要抓狂啦! push sb. over the edge: 使某人抓狂29、That's the final straw.这是最后一次警告。

30、We're in the same boat.我们处境相同。

31、Just stay put, all right? 站着别动好吗? stay put: 站在原地,别走动,站着别动

32、He really has an ear for music.他确实能听懂音乐。

have an ear for sth. 是指"对……有鉴赏力"或"对……很有天分",一般是和听力有关的方面。 You really have an ear for languages.你对语言很有天赋

33、They had taken to their heels.他们已经逃之夭夭了。

take to one's heels: 逃跑,逃之夭夭,溜之大吉。

When police arrived, the thieves had already taken to their heels.

34、I trust your mouth.我不怕吃你的口水。

That's OK. I trust your mouth.没事,我不介意吃别人的吃过的东西。

——Here,have a taste.来尝一下。

——No offense, but I don't trust your mouth.不好意思,我比较介意吃别人吃过的。

35、Don't jump the gun.别太早发火。

jump the gun原义是"起跑时抢跑"。引申意义是"太早行动"或是"不明究理的情况下乱发脾气 Hey! Don't jump the gun. What's up?喂,不要太早生气,到底发生了什么事?

36、I hope I'm not in the way.我希望我没有碍手碍脚。

in the way: 挡道,造成妨碍,碍手碍脚。也可说成in one's way表示"挡着某人的道。反

义是off the way.

I'm afraid your car is in the way.看来你的汽车挡着道了。

Get off my way, you idiot.走开,白痴!(此句慎用)

37、No monkey business.不许胡闹。

monkey business: 胡闹,捣乱

He told the boys to quit their monkey business, or he would call a teacher.


38、What about a stroll after supper?晚饭后去溜达溜达怎么样?

Stroll = leisure walk/闲散,惬意的散步,溜达。 亦可作动词。

On Sunday evening people stroll along the boulevard.星期日的傍晚,人人都沿着大街遛达。

39、I break my neck to get an A.为了得A,我拼了。

You don't have to break your neck fixing this TV set: I really don't need it next week. 你不必赶紧地修这个电视机,我下星期并不需要它。

40、She is a grass widow.她就跟守活寡似的。

grass widow:专指丈夫长期在外,守活寡的女人,或离了婚的女人 。

Every weekend my husband goes off golfing; I'm tired of being a grass widow.


41、The teacher knew his subject from A to Z.那位老师对自己的专业了解得很清楚。 from A to Z: 从头到尾。彻底地。

I have read the book from A to Z for several times.这本书我从头到尾读了好几遍。

42、My heart stood still.吓得我心脏都好像停止跳动了。

My heart stood still when the other car ran through the red light and I knew we were about to crash.当我看到那辆汽车穿红灯的时候,我知道我们要撞车了。我的心都好像停止跳动了

43、I am sitting in the hot seat.我现在真是进退两难。

Some people seem to always be in the hot seat.有些人好像总是身处困境。

44、He had to eat crow.他不得不承认他很丢脸。

crow 就是乌鸦,To eat crow 的意思是一个人把自己弄得很丢脸,因为他犯了一个很难堪的错误,而又不得不承认。

Our neighbor had to eat crow. He's been telling us what a good tennis player he is. But my son just beat him yesterday.


45、She always sings the blues about her boss.她总是抱怨她的老板。

sing the blues: 诉苦、抱怨

Every time I ask Joe to pay back the money he borrowed from me, he sings the blues about all the things at home he needs money for.


46、Don't bury your head in the sand.不要逃避现实。

Don't bury your head in the sand. Your family are counting on you. Come on!


47、It burns me up.我发火了。

It burns me up when people don't do their job right.别人做错事的时候,我会发怒。

48、I will keep my fingers crossed for you today.我今天会为你祈祷,希望幸运之神眷顾你。 keep one's fingers crossed 字面上是"交叉手指",引申为"祈祷,祈求好运"。

Let's keep our fingers crossed.让我们共同祈祷

Keep your fingers crossed that I get the job.为我能得到这份工作祈祷吧。

49、Let bygones be bygones.过去的事就让它过去吧。

Don't take it too hard. Let bygones be bygones. Everything will be fine.


50、She won't like it if you rock the boat.如果你惹是生非,她会不高兴的。

rock the boat 字面上意思是"摇晃船身",引申的意思为:"捣乱,搞破坏或是兴风作浪"。

Please don't rock the boat by telling mother, because I'm sure she wouldn't agree. 我肯定妈是不会同意的,所以请你千万不要告诉妈妈,那样会破坏我们的计划的。

51、You are talking big.你吹牛。

on't talk big. I don't believe you.别吹牛了,我不相信。

52、He sniffed at my idea.他对我的想法很不屑。

sniff 是"闻,嗅"的意思。sniff at sth. 就是"对某物不屑,嗤之以鼻"。

He sniffed at my idea of becoming a doctor.他对我要成为一名医生的想法很不屑。

53、The lecture is dry as dust.讲座乏味至极。

dry as dust 形容某物非常枯燥无味。也可说as dry as dust。

The book was as dry as dust.这本书枯燥无味。

54、Don't try to brainwash me.别想给我洗脑。

Perhaps she was brainwashed the same way the company just tried to brainwash him. 也许她被洗脑了,就像"公司"试图为他洗脑一样

55、He disappeared without a trace.他消失得无影无踪。

The exploration team disappeared without a trace in the jungle.


56、I've got pillow lust.我快困死了。

pillow是"枕头"的意思。lust是"渴望" 的意思,"对枕头渴望"当然是"困得要命"啦。 Oh dude, it's been such a long week. I've got pillow lust, and I've got it bad.


57、Get your feet wet.通过实践去学习。

I know most of you are afraid to embarrass yourselves by trying to speak English. But that's the best way to learn: when you meet an American, try a few words—jump in and get your feet wet.我知道你们担心英语说不好会很丢脸。但是最好的学习方法就是:当你见到美国人的时候,硬着头皮去说。

58、Let's get the ball rolling.我们带个头吧。

No one seems inclined to ask a question, will you get the ball rolling, Tom?.


59、Can I pick your brains about this?我能向你请教这件事吗?

pick someone's brains : 向某人请教

I need a new French dictionary. Can I pick your brains about the best one to buy?


60、Our new film will be a real blockbuster.我们的新影片一定会大为轰动。

Her first novel was a blockbuster, which made her a millionaire.


61、Let's go out to pig out!我们出去大吃一顿吧!

pig out (on sth.) : 大吃一顿,大吃特吃

All the exams are finished, let's go out to pig out!所有的考试都考完了,我们出去大吃一顿吧!We pig out on pizza and beer.我们大吃比萨饼,大喝啤酒。

62、This cellphone is a lemon.这手机真次。

My car has gone wrong again! It's the fifth time in this month. I think I bought a lemon. 我的车又坏了。这个月已经坏了5次了。我觉得我买到了劣质车。

63、Too many odds and ends pile up in my room.我的房间里堆了太多杂七杂八的东西。 odds and ends : 零碎东西,杂七杂八的东西

Okay, I'm all packed now, except for a few odds and ends I'll put in a handbag and carry on the plane with me.


64、Pick up your banana oil.别再花言巧语了。

banana oil : 花言巧语

Pick up your banana oil , it makes me sick.收起你的花言巧语吧,它让我觉得恶心。

65、She is no spring chicken.她已青春不再。

no spring chicken : 不再年轻,年纪大了

That actress is no spring chicken, but she does a pretty good job of playing a twenty-year-old girl.



1、Stop bullying me! Leave me alone.别再欺负我了,让我静一静。

Why can't you leave me alone?为什么就不能放过我?

2、You can't do me like this.你不能这样对我。

3、I don't want to be the third wheel.我可不想当电灯泡。

4、I wouldn't want to bother any love birds.我可不想打扰那些如胶似漆的情侣们。

5、They are a match made in heaven.他们是天造地设的一对。

6、Our boss pushes us hard.我们的老板对我们很严格。

push sb. hard: 把某人逼得很紧,对某人很严格。

Teachers and parents are pushing us very hard.老师和父母把我们逼得很紧。 Don't push your employees so hard.别把你的员工逼得太紧了。

7、I would like to request my travel reimbursement.我的旅费需要报帐。

8、I laughed incredibly hard last night. I almost died.我笑得很夸张,差点没笑死。 I was incredibly full last night. I almost died.我昨天吃地很饱,差点给撑死。

I was incredibly angry with him yesterday. I almost die.我昨天对他很生气,差点给气死。

9、You scared the shit out of me.你吓死我了。

scare the shit out of sb. :吓了一大跳。Shit 的原意是排泄物。

10、The actress is a big shot.这个女演员是个大腕。 big shot: 大腕,大人物。 My grand-father was a big shot .我爷爷是一个头面人物。

11、He is only a stunt-double.他只是个替身演员。

12、He is lame.他很无趣

The joke is so lame.这个笑话太冷了。

13、I have no sense of direction.我是个路痴。

14、I know that city like the back of my hand.我对那座城市了如指掌。

like the back of my hand: 了如指掌

15、Don't beef and do something.别发牢骚,做点事吧!

beef 这里是动词,表示"抱怨,发牢骚"的意思。

The man who likes to beef often has little to complain about.


16、I don't have the heart to tell you.我不忍心告诉你。

not have the heart to do: 不忍心

17、It's too good to be true.哪有这种好事!

18、I almost got bamboozled.我差点就被忽悠了。

He was bamboozled into joining the club.他是被忽悠进来俱乐部的。

The con artist bamboozled her out of $600.那骗人的老手骗走了她600美元。

19、Did he take you to a candlelight dinner?他有带你去烛光晚餐吗?

20、He is a flirt.他是调情高手。

He was born a natural flirt and he is good with a lot of girls.


He is trying to flirt with you. Be careful!他试著在跟你打情骂俏,你要当心点。 21、We had a brainstorming session.我们来了一次头脑风暴。

22、We need to sit down and brainstorm ideas.我们需要坐下来集思广益。

23、He doesn't want to go steady.他还不想定下来。 go steady 表示"认真地发展一段恋 He wants to go steady with me.他想跟我发展下去。

Let's go steady.我们都认真对待这段关系吧。

24、Let's put our heads together.让我们集思广益吧

put someones' heads together, 把头放在一起,引伸出来就是集思广益。

Let's put our heads together and figure out what we can give her for her birthday. 让我们一起想想,给她送什么生日礼物吧。

Let's put our heads together and think about how to learn English well.


25、Could you stop flipping the channels?你能不能不要一直转台啊?

flip the channel: 电视换台,转台

26、Our TV gets too much snow.电视信号不好。

27、You do the math.你自已算算看吧。 do the math: 自己算算看

—— How long have you been waiting at the airport?

—— I came here at 9 am, and now it's 3 pm. You do the math.



28、She's pushing me over the edge.她让我快要抓狂啦! push sb. over the edge: 使某人抓狂29、That's the final straw.这是最后一次警告。

30、We're in the same boat.我们处境相同。

31、Just stay put, all right? 站着别动好吗? stay put: 站在原地,别走动,站着别动

32、He really has an ear for music.他确实能听懂音乐。

have an ear for sth. 是指"对……有鉴赏力"或"对……很有天分",一般是和听力有关的方面。 You really have an ear for languages.你对语言很有天赋

33、They had taken to their heels.他们已经逃之夭夭了。

take to one's heels: 逃跑,逃之夭夭,溜之大吉。

When police arrived, the thieves had already taken to their heels.

34、I trust your mouth.我不怕吃你的口水。

That's OK. I trust your mouth.没事,我不介意吃别人的吃过的东西。

——Here,have a taste.来尝一下。

——No offense, but I don't trust your mouth.不好意思,我比较介意吃别人吃过的。

35、Don't jump the gun.别太早发火。

jump the gun原义是"起跑时抢跑"。引申意义是"太早行动"或是"不明究理的情况下乱发脾气 Hey! Don't jump the gun. What's up?喂,不要太早生气,到底发生了什么事?

36、I hope I'm not in the way.我希望我没有碍手碍脚。

in the way: 挡道,造成妨碍,碍手碍脚。也可说成in one's way表示"挡着某人的道。反

义是off the way.

I'm afraid your car is in the way.看来你的汽车挡着道了。

Get off my way, you idiot.走开,白痴!(此句慎用)

37、No monkey business.不许胡闹。

monkey business: 胡闹,捣乱

He told the boys to quit their monkey business, or he would call a teacher.


38、What about a stroll after supper?晚饭后去溜达溜达怎么样?

Stroll = leisure walk/闲散,惬意的散步,溜达。 亦可作动词。

On Sunday evening people stroll along the boulevard.星期日的傍晚,人人都沿着大街遛达。

39、I break my neck to get an A.为了得A,我拼了。

You don't have to break your neck fixing this TV set: I really don't need it next week. 你不必赶紧地修这个电视机,我下星期并不需要它。

40、She is a grass widow.她就跟守活寡似的。

grass widow:专指丈夫长期在外,守活寡的女人,或离了婚的女人 。

Every weekend my husband goes off golfing; I'm tired of being a grass widow.


41、The teacher knew his subject from A to Z.那位老师对自己的专业了解得很清楚。 from A to Z: 从头到尾。彻底地。

I have read the book from A to Z for several times.这本书我从头到尾读了好几遍。

42、My heart stood still.吓得我心脏都好像停止跳动了。

My heart stood still when the other car ran through the red light and I knew we were about to crash.当我看到那辆汽车穿红灯的时候,我知道我们要撞车了。我的心都好像停止跳动了

43、I am sitting in the hot seat.我现在真是进退两难。

Some people seem to always be in the hot seat.有些人好像总是身处困境。

44、He had to eat crow.他不得不承认他很丢脸。

crow 就是乌鸦,To eat crow 的意思是一个人把自己弄得很丢脸,因为他犯了一个很难堪的错误,而又不得不承认。

Our neighbor had to eat crow. He's been telling us what a good tennis player he is. But my son just beat him yesterday.


45、She always sings the blues about her boss.她总是抱怨她的老板。

sing the blues: 诉苦、抱怨

Every time I ask Joe to pay back the money he borrowed from me, he sings the blues about all the things at home he needs money for.


46、Don't bury your head in the sand.不要逃避现实。

Don't bury your head in the sand. Your family are counting on you. Come on!


47、It burns me up.我发火了。

It burns me up when people don't do their job right.别人做错事的时候,我会发怒。

48、I will keep my fingers crossed for you today.我今天会为你祈祷,希望幸运之神眷顾你。 keep one's fingers crossed 字面上是"交叉手指",引申为"祈祷,祈求好运"。

Let's keep our fingers crossed.让我们共同祈祷

Keep your fingers crossed that I get the job.为我能得到这份工作祈祷吧。

49、Let bygones be bygones.过去的事就让它过去吧。

Don't take it too hard. Let bygones be bygones. Everything will be fine.


50、She won't like it if you rock the boat.如果你惹是生非,她会不高兴的。

rock the boat 字面上意思是"摇晃船身",引申的意思为:"捣乱,搞破坏或是兴风作浪"。

Please don't rock the boat by telling mother, because I'm sure she wouldn't agree. 我肯定妈是不会同意的,所以请你千万不要告诉妈妈,那样会破坏我们的计划的。

51、You are talking big.你吹牛。

on't talk big. I don't believe you.别吹牛了,我不相信。

52、He sniffed at my idea.他对我的想法很不屑。

sniff 是"闻,嗅"的意思。sniff at sth. 就是"对某物不屑,嗤之以鼻"。

He sniffed at my idea of becoming a doctor.他对我要成为一名医生的想法很不屑。

53、The lecture is dry as dust.讲座乏味至极。

dry as dust 形容某物非常枯燥无味。也可说as dry as dust。

The book was as dry as dust.这本书枯燥无味。

54、Don't try to brainwash me.别想给我洗脑。

Perhaps she was brainwashed the same way the company just tried to brainwash him. 也许她被洗脑了,就像"公司"试图为他洗脑一样

55、He disappeared without a trace.他消失得无影无踪。

The exploration team disappeared without a trace in the jungle.


56、I've got pillow lust.我快困死了。

pillow是"枕头"的意思。lust是"渴望" 的意思,"对枕头渴望"当然是"困得要命"啦。 Oh dude, it's been such a long week. I've got pillow lust, and I've got it bad.


57、Get your feet wet.通过实践去学习。

I know most of you are afraid to embarrass yourselves by trying to speak English. But that's the best way to learn: when you meet an American, try a few words—jump in and get your feet wet.我知道你们担心英语说不好会很丢脸。但是最好的学习方法就是:当你见到美国人的时候,硬着头皮去说。

58、Let's get the ball rolling.我们带个头吧。

No one seems inclined to ask a question, will you get the ball rolling, Tom?.


59、Can I pick your brains about this?我能向你请教这件事吗?

pick someone's brains : 向某人请教

I need a new French dictionary. Can I pick your brains about the best one to buy?


60、Our new film will be a real blockbuster.我们的新影片一定会大为轰动。

Her first novel was a blockbuster, which made her a millionaire.


61、Let's go out to pig out!我们出去大吃一顿吧!

pig out (on sth.) : 大吃一顿,大吃特吃

All the exams are finished, let's go out to pig out!所有的考试都考完了,我们出去大吃一顿吧!We pig out on pizza and beer.我们大吃比萨饼,大喝啤酒。

62、This cellphone is a lemon.这手机真次。

My car has gone wrong again! It's the fifth time in this month. I think I bought a lemon. 我的车又坏了。这个月已经坏了5次了。我觉得我买到了劣质车。

63、Too many odds and ends pile up in my room.我的房间里堆了太多杂七杂八的东西。 odds and ends : 零碎东西,杂七杂八的东西

Okay, I'm all packed now, except for a few odds and ends I'll put in a handbag and carry on the plane with me.


64、Pick up your banana oil.别再花言巧语了。

banana oil : 花言巧语

Pick up your banana oil , it makes me sick.收起你的花言巧语吧,它让我觉得恶心。

65、She is no spring chicken.她已青春不再。

no spring chicken : 不再年轻,年纪大了

That actress is no spring chicken, but she does a pretty good job of playing a twenty-year-old girl.



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