
Gaokao from foreigners' perspective


Allegedly the world's largest high-stakes test featuring cramming and intense exam preparation, the gaokao has been attracting foreign media attention. Curious reporters found some typical gaokao scenes such as the following.


One yaer,before the gaokao


For the past year, Liu Qichao has focused on one thing, and only one thing: the gaokao. Fourteen to 16 hours a day, he studied for the college entrance examination. He took one day off every 3 weeks. (The New York Times, Jun 13, 2009)


Three month,before the gaokao


Ma Li, 18, fits the profile of a final-year student toiling on the exam treadmill. She regularly puts in an extra 6 hours at home at the end of a 10-hour school day. (BBC, Jun 8, 2012)


One week,before the gaokao


Families pull out all the stops to optimize their children's scores. In Sichuan Province in southwestern China, students studied in a hospital, hooked up to oxygen containers, in the hope of improving their concentration. Some girls take contraceptives so they will not get their periods during the exam. (The New York Times, Jun 13, 2009)


The day of gaokao


Outside the exam sites, parents keep vigil for hours, as anxiously as husbands waiting for their wives to give birth. A tardy arrival is disastrous. One student who arrived 4 minutes late in 2007 was turned away, even though she and her mother knelt before the exam proctor, begging for leniency. (The New York Times, Jun 13, 2009)


Tough reality


Following the end of the


But lower-income Chinese parents now endure too heavy a financial burden as they push their children to obtain as much education as possible.


For a rural parent in China, each year of higher education costs 6 to 15 months' labor. A year at an average private university in the US equals almost a year's income for the average wage earner, while an in-state public university costs about 6 months' pay. Moreover, an American family that spends half its income helping a child through college has more spending power with the other half of its income than a rural Chinese family earning less than $5,000 a year.


Yet a college degree no longer ensures a well-paying job, because the number of graduates in China has quadrupled in the last decade.



Gaokao from foreigners' perspective


Allegedly the world's largest high-stakes test featuring cramming and intense exam preparation, the gaokao has been attracting foreign media attention. Curious reporters found some typical gaokao scenes such as the following.


One yaer,before the gaokao


For the past year, Liu Qichao has focused on one thing, and only one thing: the gaokao. Fourteen to 16 hours a day, he studied for the college entrance examination. He took one day off every 3 weeks. (The New York Times, Jun 13, 2009)


Three month,before the gaokao


Ma Li, 18, fits the profile of a final-year student toiling on the exam treadmill. She regularly puts in an extra 6 hours at home at the end of a 10-hour school day. (BBC, Jun 8, 2012)


One week,before the gaokao


Families pull out all the stops to optimize their children's scores. In Sichuan Province in southwestern China, students studied in a hospital, hooked up to oxygen containers, in the hope of improving their concentration. Some girls take contraceptives so they will not get their periods during the exam. (The New York Times, Jun 13, 2009)


The day of gaokao


Outside the exam sites, parents keep vigil for hours, as anxiously as husbands waiting for their wives to give birth. A tardy arrival is disastrous. One student who arrived 4 minutes late in 2007 was turned away, even though she and her mother knelt before the exam proctor, begging for leniency. (The New York Times, Jun 13, 2009)


Tough reality


Following the end of the


But lower-income Chinese parents now endure too heavy a financial burden as they push their children to obtain as much education as possible.


For a rural parent in China, each year of higher education costs 6 to 15 months' labor. A year at an average private university in the US equals almost a year's income for the average wage earner, while an in-state public university costs about 6 months' pay. Moreover, an American family that spends half its income helping a child through college has more spending power with the other half of its income than a rural Chinese family earning less than $5,000 a year.


Yet a college degree no longer ensures a well-paying job, because the number of graduates in China has quadrupled in the last decade.




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