

英 语 试 卷

班级________ 姓名____________


I、 听音标序号。请根据所听到的单词选择相应的图片,将其序号填在图片下的方框内。(每题读两遍)(10分)

□ □ □ □ □

□ □ □ □ □

II、 听音判断。请根据录音判断所听句子内容是否与各题的图片相符,相符的在方框内写“T”,不相符的写“F”。(每题读两遍)(10分)

□ □ □ □ □ III、听音选择。请根据所听内容在每位小朋友害怕的事情下打 “√”,不害怕的事情下打“×”。 (短文读两遍)(10分)

IV、 听对话。下面你将听到五段小对话,请根据每段对话内容选择正确答案,将字母代号填入题前方框内。 (每段小对话听两遍)(10分)

( ) 1. He likes __________best.

A. winter B. spring. C. summer

( ) 2. They’re going to _________________.

A. have a picnic. B. see a play. C. travel.

( ) 3.__________ runs faster than Bob.

A. Jane. B. Bill. C. Bill and Jane.

( ) 4. How can we get to the shopping centre faster ? ----_____________________ .

A. By train. B. By taxi. C. By bike

( ) 5. What’s the weather like in spring in Suzhou? ----_____________________ .

A. rainy. B. snowy. C. Sunny.


1、_____________ 2、_____________ 3、____________ 4、_____________ 5、_____________

□ □ □ □ □

A、dance B、school bag C、car D、sing E、ruler

F、 ice -cream G、purple H、black I、cake J、boat

II、 读一读,请将相同类别的单词的序号写在对应单词下的方格内。(10分)

III、 请将下面的句子排序,使其构成一段意义连贯的对话,将数字序号写在题前方框内,其中第三句已标明。 (10分)

□On foot? Is your home near the school?

□I ususlly go to school on foot.

3 How do you go to school,Amy? □□Nice to see you too.



□I go to chool by bus. my home is far.

□Good idea!

IV、 找出下面各句的答语,将代表该答语的字母代号填入题前方框内。(10分)

□1. What day is it today?

A. It’s on the 28th of June. □ 2. What would you like?

B. It’s January. □ 3. When’s your father’s birthday?

C. Thank you. 4. What date is it today? □D. It’s Tuesday. □ 5. Would you like some juice? E. Yes, please.

F. Yes, I do. □ 6. What is the first month of the year?

G. I’d like that one. □7. Whose birthday is it?

H. It’s the first of April. 8. Do you usually have a birthday party? □I. Su Hai’s.

J. It’s spring .

□ 9. Which season do you like best ?

□ 10. Your Chinese is very good. .

V、 看图完成对话。请根据图片提示完成句中空缺单词,将答案写在横线上,一线一词。(10分)

1. ——How many dogs can you see?

——I can see ________ _________.

2. ——Do you like swimming?

——_________, __________ _________.

3. ——What time is it?

——It’s ________ _________ _________.

4. ——What does he do?

——He is a ________.

5. ——Where is the book?

——It’s _______ the desk.

VI、 阅读下面的材料,并根据其内容选择正确答案,将答案的字母代号填在题前方框内。(10分)

Tom rides his bike to school every day. He puts it in the garden of the school. There are many bikes there. After school the students go home by bike. Sometimes a policeman stops them all and lets the cars go by. Some students carry heavy bags of books with them.

One day Tom and Jack were on one bike. The policeman stopped them. Jack was angry. “I am ill. Let us go.” He shouted at the policeman.

“Don’t shout at him,” Tom said. “He is right. It’s his duty.”

( ) 1. Where is Tom put his bike?

A. He puts it in the park B. He puts it in the classroom.

C. He puts it in the garden of the school. D. He puts it near the school.

( ) 2. Who stops the bikes and lets the cars go by?

A. A policeman B. Tom and Jack

C. No one D. Some students.

( ) 3. What do some students carry with them after school?

A. They carry some bags. B. They carry many books with them.

C. They carry heavy bags of books with them.

D. They carry heavy bags with them.

( ) 4. What did Tom and Jack do?

A. They rode the same bike. B. Tom rode a bike with Jack.

C. They were on the same bike. D. They rode two bikes.

( ) 5. Who is right?

A. The students. B. The policeman.

C. Tom and Jack. D. All of them.

Ⅶ 、作文题目:My Friend




3.不可出现真实的校名与姓名,人名一律用Tina 或John 。

My Friend



英 语 试 卷

班级________ 姓名____________


I、 听音标序号。请根据所听到的单词选择相应的图片,将其序号填在图片下的方框内。(每题读两遍)(10分)

□ □ □ □ □

□ □ □ □ □

II、 听音判断。请根据录音判断所听句子内容是否与各题的图片相符,相符的在方框内写“T”,不相符的写“F”。(每题读两遍)(10分)

□ □ □ □ □ III、听音选择。请根据所听内容在每位小朋友害怕的事情下打 “√”,不害怕的事情下打“×”。 (短文读两遍)(10分)

IV、 听对话。下面你将听到五段小对话,请根据每段对话内容选择正确答案,将字母代号填入题前方框内。 (每段小对话听两遍)(10分)

( ) 1. He likes __________best.

A. winter B. spring. C. summer

( ) 2. They’re going to _________________.

A. have a picnic. B. see a play. C. travel.

( ) 3.__________ runs faster than Bob.

A. Jane. B. Bill. C. Bill and Jane.

( ) 4. How can we get to the shopping centre faster ? ----_____________________ .

A. By train. B. By taxi. C. By bike

( ) 5. What’s the weather like in spring in Suzhou? ----_____________________ .

A. rainy. B. snowy. C. Sunny.


1、_____________ 2、_____________ 3、____________ 4、_____________ 5、_____________

□ □ □ □ □

A、dance B、school bag C、car D、sing E、ruler

F、 ice -cream G、purple H、black I、cake J、boat

II、 读一读,请将相同类别的单词的序号写在对应单词下的方格内。(10分)

III、 请将下面的句子排序,使其构成一段意义连贯的对话,将数字序号写在题前方框内,其中第三句已标明。 (10分)

□On foot? Is your home near the school?

□I ususlly go to school on foot.

3 How do you go to school,Amy? □□Nice to see you too.



□I go to chool by bus. my home is far.

□Good idea!

IV、 找出下面各句的答语,将代表该答语的字母代号填入题前方框内。(10分)

□1. What day is it today?

A. It’s on the 28th of June. □ 2. What would you like?

B. It’s January. □ 3. When’s your father’s birthday?

C. Thank you. 4. What date is it today? □D. It’s Tuesday. □ 5. Would you like some juice? E. Yes, please.

F. Yes, I do. □ 6. What is the first month of the year?

G. I’d like that one. □7. Whose birthday is it?

H. It’s the first of April. 8. Do you usually have a birthday party? □I. Su Hai’s.

J. It’s spring .

□ 9. Which season do you like best ?

□ 10. Your Chinese is very good. .

V、 看图完成对话。请根据图片提示完成句中空缺单词,将答案写在横线上,一线一词。(10分)

1. ——How many dogs can you see?

——I can see ________ _________.

2. ——Do you like swimming?

——_________, __________ _________.

3. ——What time is it?

——It’s ________ _________ _________.

4. ——What does he do?

——He is a ________.

5. ——Where is the book?

——It’s _______ the desk.

VI、 阅读下面的材料,并根据其内容选择正确答案,将答案的字母代号填在题前方框内。(10分)

Tom rides his bike to school every day. He puts it in the garden of the school. There are many bikes there. After school the students go home by bike. Sometimes a policeman stops them all and lets the cars go by. Some students carry heavy bags of books with them.

One day Tom and Jack were on one bike. The policeman stopped them. Jack was angry. “I am ill. Let us go.” He shouted at the policeman.

“Don’t shout at him,” Tom said. “He is right. It’s his duty.”

( ) 1. Where is Tom put his bike?

A. He puts it in the park B. He puts it in the classroom.

C. He puts it in the garden of the school. D. He puts it near the school.

( ) 2. Who stops the bikes and lets the cars go by?

A. A policeman B. Tom and Jack

C. No one D. Some students.

( ) 3. What do some students carry with them after school?

A. They carry some bags. B. They carry many books with them.

C. They carry heavy bags of books with them.

D. They carry heavy bags with them.

( ) 4. What did Tom and Jack do?

A. They rode the same bike. B. Tom rode a bike with Jack.

C. They were on the same bike. D. They rode two bikes.

( ) 5. Who is right?

A. The students. B. The policeman.

C. Tom and Jack. D. All of them.

Ⅶ 、作文题目:My Friend




3.不可出现真实的校名与姓名,人名一律用Tina 或John 。

My Friend



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