2013年全国中考英语专题整理---There be句型与祈使句


There be句型:

【2013铜仁】1.—There’s going to ___ an English evening tonight? Would you like to go with us?

—I’d love to.

A. have             B.has              C. is              D. be

【2013盐城】2.Last winter it was very cold and ________ was a

lot of snow in the north.

A. it            B. this             C. that                D. there

【2013黔西南】3. _________ two soccer games in our school next week .

A.There is has                         B.There are have

C. There are going to be                 D. There is going to be

【2013湘西】4. Do you think there _____ robots in People’s homes in the future?

A. will be                                     B. will is                              C. be will

【2013孝感】5.—Mike , you look so excited.

—Yeah! There          a tennis game played by Li Na this evening.

A. will have             B. is going to be         C. is going to have      D. are going to be

【2013雅安】6. 'There         be a fashion show in our town tomorrow.

A. are going to       B. will have        C. has             D. is going to

【2013遂宁】7. There        a basketball match this weekend.

A.will have    B.is going to be    C.is going to have

【2013济南】8.—Excuse me. Is there a post office near here?

—Yes, _________. Go down this street and turn right.

A.it           B.this           C.that          D.there

【2013贺州】9. There        a basketball game in our school this evening.

A. is going to have   B.will have    B.will is    C.will be

【2013凉山】10. —There        a football match this evening.

—Yeah, that’s great.

A. is going to be         B. are going to be       C. will have

【2013黔东南】11.There        an English contest in Kaili Next term.

A. is going to have         B. is going to be         C. will have     D.will to be


【2013安顺】1.Tom,         afraid of speaking in front of people. You are the best one.

A.don’t                     B.not                   C.not be                D.don’t be

【2013南充】2. ___________ call me Wang Wang! It’s my dog’s name.

A.Not              B.No           C.Don’t

【2013济南】3. —_______ up, Ann. It’s seven thirty.

—One more minute, Mum.

A.Get             B.Gets          C.Getting          D.Got

【2013扬州】4. —Jim, _____ read books while you are walking in the street. It’s very dangerous.

—OK, thank you.

A. don’t           B. doesn’t        C. won’t           D. can’t

【2013黔东南】5._______ hard and you’ll succeed sooner or later.

A.Study           B.To study        C.Studying        D.Studied


There be句型:

【2013铜仁】1.—There’s going to ___ an English evening tonight? Would you like to go with us?

—I’d love to.

A. have             B.has              C. is              D. be

【2013盐城】2.Last winter it was very cold and ________ was a

lot of snow in the north.

A. it            B. this             C. that                D. there

【2013黔西南】3. _________ two soccer games in our school next week .

A.There is has                         B.There are have

C. There are going to be                 D. There is going to be

【2013湘西】4. Do you think there _____ robots in People’s homes in the future?

A. will be                                     B. will is                              C. be will

【2013孝感】5.—Mike , you look so excited.

—Yeah! There          a tennis game played by Li Na this evening.

A. will have             B. is going to be         C. is going to have      D. are going to be

【2013雅安】6. 'There         be a fashion show in our town tomorrow.

A. are going to       B. will have        C. has             D. is going to

【2013遂宁】7. There        a basketball match this weekend.

A.will have    B.is going to be    C.is going to have

【2013济南】8.—Excuse me. Is there a post office near here?

—Yes, _________. Go down this street and turn right.

A.it           B.this           C.that          D.there

【2013贺州】9. There        a basketball game in our school this evening.

A. is going to have   B.will have    B.will is    C.will be

【2013凉山】10. —There        a football match this evening.

—Yeah, that’s great.

A. is going to be         B. are going to be       C. will have

【2013黔东南】11.There        an English contest in Kaili Next term.

A. is going to have         B. is going to be         C. will have     D.will to be


【2013安顺】1.Tom,         afraid of speaking in front of people. You are the best one.

A.don’t                     B.not                   C.not be                D.don’t be

【2013南充】2. ___________ call me Wang Wang! It’s my dog’s name.

A.Not              B.No           C.Don’t

【2013济南】3. —_______ up, Ann. It’s seven thirty.

—One more minute, Mum.

A.Get             B.Gets          C.Getting          D.Got

【2013扬州】4. —Jim, _____ read books while you are walking in the street. It’s very dangerous.

—OK, thank you.

A. don’t           B. doesn’t        C. won’t           D. can’t

【2013黔东南】5._______ hard and you’ll succeed sooner or later.

A.Study           B.To study        C.Studying        D.Studied


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