

Once upon a time,there was a shepherd who kept some sheep.He herded them outside in daytime;at night,he drived them in the sheepfold which was inclosed by hays and pegs etc.

One morning,the shepherd went to herd sheep and found one sheep lost.He then discovered that the sheepfold had been broken,and the wolf must had thieved the sheep through the hollow.

You'd better repaire the sheepfold and plug up the hollow as soon as possible! Neighbours advised him.

The sheep has been lost,why should I reparie the sheepfold? He didn't accept the neighbour's kind suggestions.

The next morning,he went to herd and found another sheep lost.The wolf had again did it.

The shepherd now regreted for not taking neighbour's advice and taking remediations in time.So he stifled the hollow soon,and reinforced the whole sheepfold ,and made the sheepfold so substantial.

From then on,the sheep of this shepherd hadn't been thieved by the wolf any more.

The story tells us that it is very common to make mistakes and encounter frustrations. As long as you can draw lessons and remedy in time,you can avoid remaking mistakes and suffering much losses.











Once upon a time,there was a shepherd who kept some sheep.He herded them outside in daytime;at night,he drived them in the sheepfold which was inclosed by hays and pegs etc.

One morning,the shepherd went to herd sheep and found one sheep lost.He then discovered that the sheepfold had been broken,and the wolf must had thieved the sheep through the hollow.

You'd better repaire the sheepfold and plug up the hollow as soon as possible! Neighbours advised him.

The sheep has been lost,why should I reparie the sheepfold? He didn't accept the neighbour's kind suggestions.

The next morning,he went to herd and found another sheep lost.The wolf had again did it.

The shepherd now regreted for not taking neighbour's advice and taking remediations in time.So he stifled the hollow soon,and reinforced the whole sheepfold ,and made the sheepfold so substantial.

From then on,the sheep of this shepherd hadn't been thieved by the wolf any more.

The story tells us that it is very common to make mistakes and encounter frustrations. As long as you can draw lessons and remedy in time,you can avoid remaking mistakes and suffering much losses.











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