

1. ( ) ______ exciting news it is! Our government is doing sth to stop the haze.

A. What B. What an C. How D. How an

2. Martin was chosen to be Julia’s _________(part) in the school dancing competition.

3. We must think of a plot before we start to write a story.

A plot must _______ _________ of before we start to write a story.

4. Add an ending to your story, and you’ll find it more attractive.

You ________ find your story less attractive _________ you add an ending to it.

5.( ) The crash of German Flight 4U955_______ the south of France ______March 25th shocked the whole world.

A. at , on B. in, at C. in, on D. at ,in

6. ( ) We teenagers ______have dreams. With dreams and hard work, anything amazing can be created.

A. can B. may C. need D. should

7. ( ) You can ’t play the computer games. You may ______help me with the housework _______do your homework.

A. not only…but also B. both…and C. neither…nor D. either … or

8. When you can’t hear anything ________ (clear) , you may say “Pardon? ”

9. You need to __________(change) the money before going aboard for future study.

10.( ) It’s a good habit to go to _______bed early and get up early.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

11. ( ) Neither Alice nor I _________ from Canada. We are both from China.

A. am B. is C. are D. be

12. The book collects the __________ (wise) and thoughts of many people in our school.

13. My brother Frank receives a letter from his family every Christmas ( 句意不变) My brother Frank _________ ________ his family every Christmas.

14. Because of the heavy traffic jam, I missed the __________(begin) of the exciting film.

15. The old man has planted many trees since he came to live here.

Many trees _______ ________ planted by the old man since he came to live here.

16. ( ) As a teacher, it’s important that the kids take you ____________.

A. friendly B. likely C. seriously D. lonely

17. ( ) They got tried _________fighting with each other. They decided to make peace.

A. for B. from C. with D. of.

18. ( ) My mother ______herself busy since she retired from work.

A. keeps B. has kept C. had kept D. would keep

19. My grandpa is getting to _________(forget) I have to remind him to take his medicine.

20. The elephant is so powerful that it can pull down the tree in a moment. The elephant is ________ _________ to pull down the tree in a moment.

21. ( ) I have got two tickets _______ the concert tonight.

Would you like to go with me?

A.from B.about C. of D. for

22. ( ) The clerk denied _________ the money and the boss had to report it to the police.

A. steal B. stole C. stealing D. to steal

23. Female elephants are usually smaller and ________(weight) less than the bulls.

24. ( ) I think a policeman’s responsibility is ________ our city a safe place.

A. make B. makes C. making D. to make


1. ( ) ______ exciting news it is! Our government is doing sth to stop the haze.

A. What B. What an C. How D. How an

2. Martin was chosen to be Julia’s _________(part) in the school dancing competition.

3. We must think of a plot before we start to write a story.

A plot must _______ _________ of before we start to write a story.

4. Add an ending to your story, and you’ll find it more attractive.

You ________ find your story less attractive _________ you add an ending to it.

5.( ) The crash of German Flight 4U955_______ the south of France ______March 25th shocked the whole world.

A. at , on B. in, at C. in, on D. at ,in

6. ( ) We teenagers ______have dreams. With dreams and hard work, anything amazing can be created.

A. can B. may C. need D. should

7. ( ) You can ’t play the computer games. You may ______help me with the housework _______do your homework.

A. not only…but also B. both…and C. neither…nor D. either … or

8. When you can’t hear anything ________ (clear) , you may say “Pardon? ”

9. You need to __________(change) the money before going aboard for future study.

10.( ) It’s a good habit to go to _______bed early and get up early.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

11. ( ) Neither Alice nor I _________ from Canada. We are both from China.

A. am B. is C. are D. be

12. The book collects the __________ (wise) and thoughts of many people in our school.

13. My brother Frank receives a letter from his family every Christmas ( 句意不变) My brother Frank _________ ________ his family every Christmas.

14. Because of the heavy traffic jam, I missed the __________(begin) of the exciting film.

15. The old man has planted many trees since he came to live here.

Many trees _______ ________ planted by the old man since he came to live here.

16. ( ) As a teacher, it’s important that the kids take you ____________.

A. friendly B. likely C. seriously D. lonely

17. ( ) They got tried _________fighting with each other. They decided to make peace.

A. for B. from C. with D. of.

18. ( ) My mother ______herself busy since she retired from work.

A. keeps B. has kept C. had kept D. would keep

19. My grandpa is getting to _________(forget) I have to remind him to take his medicine.

20. The elephant is so powerful that it can pull down the tree in a moment. The elephant is ________ _________ to pull down the tree in a moment.

21. ( ) I have got two tickets _______ the concert tonight.

Would you like to go with me?

A.from B.about C. of D. for

22. ( ) The clerk denied _________ the money and the boss had to report it to the police.

A. steal B. stole C. stealing D. to steal

23. Female elephants are usually smaller and ________(weight) less than the bulls.

24. ( ) I think a policeman’s responsibility is ________ our city a safe place.

A. make B. makes C. making D. to make


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