
the students, next sunday is a meaningful holiday is father's day. on father's day, we should know the origin of it.
  1909, bruce lived in washington more than medvedev, in time to celebrate mother's day had an idea: since there is a mother's day, so why not have a father's day then?
  multi-dev and his mother five years ago his younger brother, is the primary custody of his father great. how many years have passed, and 6 siblings during the father's birthday anniversary of the death, with a total recall father put up with all kinds of scenarios to support their families. in support of dr. rasmus, write to the state government, she wrote an earnest letter words, called for the establishment of father's day, and recommended the festival will be june 5 in her father's birthday that day. the state government to adopt the recommendation of her rush, will be father's day on the 19th, that is, the first in june 1909, sunday, 3. the following year, more than medvedev people of sri lanka where the city of spokane to celebrate this festival, the mayor announced the proclamation father's day, scheduled for this day for the anniversary of chonju. other states also celebrate father's day. father's day in this day, people choose specific flowers to show respect for his father. it adopted a number of people peter medvedev suggested that wearing red roses to the surviving loved father said, wearing a white rose to express his grief for his father passed away. later, in vancouver, people chose to wear white clove, pennsylvania with a dandelion to pay tribute to the father said. in order to make father's day into law, and all aspects of a strong appeal to parliament to recognize the holiday. in 1972, president nixon signed father's day, the establishment of the parliamentary resolution. to legal form this festive set.
  students, this festival is the first established by foreigners, but it is the expression of the people of the world his father's respect and love for the elders, therefore, we should also remember that such a festival. although this beautiful festival is over, but for the respect and affection of the older generation will never last. students, parents gave us life, raising their hands, we grew up with constantly exhort their ears ... ... in our parents loved us, we should not all the same as the birds and leaves temple with the same love return them? if you wish, with our love life, love to learn the mental outlook of the expulsion of the trouble in their minds, to bring them joy and pleasure you!
  father's day this year will soon be past, but we feel respected elders has not disappeared forever. hope that we can learn in the future, remember the life of ex-rearing parents, and with a grateful attitude towards parents has done for us. birthday of their parents, and when mother's day, father's day came to the time, do not forget to send out best wishes for them, say greetings.

  thank you!

the students, next sunday is a meaningful holiday is father's day. on father's day, we should know the origin of it.
  1909, bruce lived in washington more than medvedev, in time to celebrate mother's day had an idea: since there is a mother's day, so why not have a father's day then?
  multi-dev and his mother five years ago his younger brother, is the primary custody of his father great. how many years have passed, and 6 siblings during the father's birthday anniversary of the death, with a total recall father put up with all kinds of scenarios to support their families. in support of dr. rasmus, write to the state government, she wrote an earnest letter words, called for the establishment of father's day, and recommended the festival will be june 5 in her father's birthday that day. the state government to adopt the recommendation of her rush, will be father's day on the 19th, that is, the first in june 1909, sunday, 3. the following year, more than medvedev people of sri lanka where the city of spokane to celebrate this festival, the mayor announced the proclamation father's day, scheduled for this day for the anniversary of chonju. other states also celebrate father's day. father's day in this day, people choose specific flowers to show respect for his father. it adopted a number of people peter medvedev suggested that wearing red roses to the surviving loved father said, wearing a white rose to express his grief for his father passed away. later, in vancouver, people chose to wear white clove, pennsylvania with a dandelion to pay tribute to the father said. in order to make father's day into law, and all aspects of a strong appeal to parliament to recognize the holiday. in 1972, president nixon signed father's day, the establishment of the parliamentary resolution. to legal form this festive set.
  students, this festival is the first established by foreigners, but it is the expression of the people of the world his father's respect and love for the elders, therefore, we should also remember that such a festival. although this beautiful festival is over, but for the respect and affection of the older generation will never last. students, parents gave us life, raising their hands, we grew up with constantly exhort their ears ... ... in our parents loved us, we should not all the same as the birds and leaves temple with the same love return them? if you wish, with our love life, love to learn the mental outlook of the expulsion of the trouble in their minds, to bring them joy and pleasure you!
  father's day this year will soon be past, but we feel respected elders has not disappeared forever. hope that we can learn in the future, remember the life of ex-rearing parents, and with a grateful attitude towards parents has done for us. birthday of their parents, and when mother's day, father's day came to the time, do not forget to send out best wishes for them, say greetings.

  thank you!


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