
外 国 语 学 院



(J 2320005)

专 业: 英语 学 号: 姓 名:指导教师: 提交日期: 2016年 5 月16日



原文1. The growth of translation studies as a separate discipline is a success story of the

1980s. The subject has developed in many parts of the world and is clearly destined to

continue developing well into the 21st century. Translation studies brings together work in a wide variety of fields, including linguistics, literary study, history, anthropology, psychology and economics. These series of books will reflect the breadth of work in translation studies and will enable readers to share in the exciting new developments that are taking place at the present time.

This book deals with those in the middle, the men and women who do not write

literature, but rewrite it. It does so because they are, at present, responsible for the general reception and survival of works of literature among non-professiona1 readers, who constitute the great majority of readers in our global cuIture, to at least the same, if not a greater extent than the writers themselves.

What is usually referred to as “the intrinsic value ” of a work of literature p1ays much less of a part in this than is usually assumed. As is well known, the poetry of John Donne remained relatively unknown and unread from a few decades after his death until his rediscovery by T s Eliot and other modernists. Yet it is safe to assume that the “intrinsic value”of his poems must have been the same all along.„

译文 1:

原文2. There is something about the relationship between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama

that fascinates Washington journalists — and then stymies them.

In 2009, we learned that NBC‟s Chuck Todd was writing a book about Obama and Clinton, a “nuanced analytical narrative” of their political relationship, according to Todd‟s agent. By the time “The Stranger” came out in 2014, though, it had devolved into a daily rundown of Obama White House coverage; the portions focusing on the president and secretary of state, however tantalizing, were a small part of the story.

Now Mark Landler of the New York Times offers “Alter Egos,” promising the inside account of Obama and Clinton, “protagonists in a great debate over American power . .  . archrivals who became partners for a time, trailblazers who shared a common sense of their historic destiny but different instincts about how to project power.” The result is an

outstanding book on U.S. foreign policy over the past seven years, a work that is granular when it must be and overarching when it can, revealing how foreign relations are conducted and deliberated, and packed with fly-on-the-wall anecdotes.

What it does not provide, however, is a particularly surprising look at the relationship between the two principals or a clear sense of sharply contrasting foreign policy doctrines. Although Landler plays up the differences — “Clinton and Obama have come to embody competing visions of America‟s role in the world” — there is no real clash of worldviews

here. As the author admits early on, “It must be said, [they] agreed more than they

disagreed.” Where they diverge, their differences are more of style than of substance, of instinct than of principle.

译文 2:

原文3. 我的父亲在我一岁的时候,离开杭州来到一个叫海盐的县城,从而实现了他最大的愿望,成为了一名外科医生。我父亲一辈子只念过六年书,三年是小学,另外三年是大学,中间的课程是他在部队时当卫生员时自学的,他在浙江医科大学专科毕业后,不想回到防疫站去,为了当一名外科医生,他先是到嘉兴,可是嘉兴方面让他去卫生学校当教务主任;所以他最后来到了一个更小的地方——海盐。




译文 3:

原文 4.

拿什么证明天猫国际产品的真假 “双11”又快到了,家住四川的网购达人小美(化名)早早开始泡在网上,准备在这个一年一度的网络狂欢节买一些心仪的产品。

10月16日,小美在天猫国际店铺LG 生活健康海外旗舰店看中了“韩国LG 直邮whoo/后 拱辰享气韵生滋养6件套”产品,价格比平时便宜不少。于是,她按照今年“双11”规则支付了定金。



译文 4:


指导教师(签名) 年 月 日



学 生 实 习 日 志

环节名称 学院(系) 姓学

名 号

翻译技能训练 外 国 语 学 院

英 语 专 业

2016 年5 月 4日至2015 年5 月 15 日

专业名称 使用班级 实习地点 起止时间

广 东 海 洋 大 学 教 务 处 制

第 1 天 共 10 天

记录人: 手签自己名字

指导教师: 于艳华打印



第 2 天 共 10 天


第 2 天

共 10天


外 国 语 学 院



(J 2320005)

专 业: 英语 学 号: 姓 名:指导教师: 提交日期: 2016年 5 月16日



原文1. The growth of translation studies as a separate discipline is a success story of the

1980s. The subject has developed in many parts of the world and is clearly destined to

continue developing well into the 21st century. Translation studies brings together work in a wide variety of fields, including linguistics, literary study, history, anthropology, psychology and economics. These series of books will reflect the breadth of work in translation studies and will enable readers to share in the exciting new developments that are taking place at the present time.

This book deals with those in the middle, the men and women who do not write

literature, but rewrite it. It does so because they are, at present, responsible for the general reception and survival of works of literature among non-professiona1 readers, who constitute the great majority of readers in our global cuIture, to at least the same, if not a greater extent than the writers themselves.

What is usually referred to as “the intrinsic value ” of a work of literature p1ays much less of a part in this than is usually assumed. As is well known, the poetry of John Donne remained relatively unknown and unread from a few decades after his death until his rediscovery by T s Eliot and other modernists. Yet it is safe to assume that the “intrinsic value”of his poems must have been the same all along.„

译文 1:

原文2. There is something about the relationship between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama

that fascinates Washington journalists — and then stymies them.

In 2009, we learned that NBC‟s Chuck Todd was writing a book about Obama and Clinton, a “nuanced analytical narrative” of their political relationship, according to Todd‟s agent. By the time “The Stranger” came out in 2014, though, it had devolved into a daily rundown of Obama White House coverage; the portions focusing on the president and secretary of state, however tantalizing, were a small part of the story.

Now Mark Landler of the New York Times offers “Alter Egos,” promising the inside account of Obama and Clinton, “protagonists in a great debate over American power . .  . archrivals who became partners for a time, trailblazers who shared a common sense of their historic destiny but different instincts about how to project power.” The result is an

outstanding book on U.S. foreign policy over the past seven years, a work that is granular when it must be and overarching when it can, revealing how foreign relations are conducted and deliberated, and packed with fly-on-the-wall anecdotes.

What it does not provide, however, is a particularly surprising look at the relationship between the two principals or a clear sense of sharply contrasting foreign policy doctrines. Although Landler plays up the differences — “Clinton and Obama have come to embody competing visions of America‟s role in the world” — there is no real clash of worldviews

here. As the author admits early on, “It must be said, [they] agreed more than they

disagreed.” Where they diverge, their differences are more of style than of substance, of instinct than of principle.

译文 2:

原文3. 我的父亲在我一岁的时候,离开杭州来到一个叫海盐的县城,从而实现了他最大的愿望,成为了一名外科医生。我父亲一辈子只念过六年书,三年是小学,另外三年是大学,中间的课程是他在部队时当卫生员时自学的,他在浙江医科大学专科毕业后,不想回到防疫站去,为了当一名外科医生,他先是到嘉兴,可是嘉兴方面让他去卫生学校当教务主任;所以他最后来到了一个更小的地方——海盐。




译文 3:

原文 4.

拿什么证明天猫国际产品的真假 “双11”又快到了,家住四川的网购达人小美(化名)早早开始泡在网上,准备在这个一年一度的网络狂欢节买一些心仪的产品。

10月16日,小美在天猫国际店铺LG 生活健康海外旗舰店看中了“韩国LG 直邮whoo/后 拱辰享气韵生滋养6件套”产品,价格比平时便宜不少。于是,她按照今年“双11”规则支付了定金。



译文 4:


指导教师(签名) 年 月 日



学 生 实 习 日 志

环节名称 学院(系) 姓学

名 号

翻译技能训练 外 国 语 学 院

英 语 专 业

2016 年5 月 4日至2015 年5 月 15 日

专业名称 使用班级 实习地点 起止时间

广 东 海 洋 大 学 教 务 处 制

第 1 天 共 10 天

记录人: 手签自己名字

指导教师: 于艳华打印



第 2 天 共 10 天


第 2 天

共 10天



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