
Deliver the spirit of Long Match

Good morning ,everyone.My name is Han Haoxuan.It is an honor for me to give you a speech here.Today I’d like to talk about the spirit of Long Match.

This year is the 80 anniversary of the victory of the Long March.Of course, we have already learned something about the Long Match.With time going by,it seems that more and more people are not paying less attention to the Long Match compared with their parents and their grandparents.The spirit of the Long Match is like a slogan to be talked.However,may I ask you a question please,is this the attitude we should have?

Every time we think of the Long Match,we know that the heroes should be admired and we also know that we should learn their spirits, but, what did we do to learn from them ?It is not that simple to hold some meetings, read some books or shout the slogans .Everybody,we really shouldn’t just stay on the surface.

We know that the soldiers at that time experienced the life that can not be imagined by we modern humans. But could we, when faced with difficulties ,have more patience ,move forward towards the goal even if there is just a little possibility to succeed.Could we, every time when we feel pains , try to stand a little longer ,for the position may get a great change just after a few

minutes even seconds.Could we ,when next time we really can not see the light of success, let the worries go and concentrate on what we should do at present.Could we ,when next time see somebody not bad who need help,give him a hand.Because when we are faced with the same enemy, people ’s help between each other is more powerful than weapons.

Actually what I have mentioned is far from complete, but in one word , insistence ,patience and love.Let’s make the spirit of the Long Match not only a slogan but also a spiritual wealth .Come on!

Deliver the spirit of Long Match

Good morning ,everyone.My name is Han Haoxuan.It is an honor for me to give you a speech here.Today I’d like to talk about the spirit of Long Match.

This year is the 80 anniversary of the victory of the Long March.Of course, we have already learned something about the Long Match.With time going by,it seems that more and more people are not paying less attention to the Long Match compared with their parents and their grandparents.The spirit of the Long Match is like a slogan to be talked.However,may I ask you a question please,is this the attitude we should have?

Every time we think of the Long Match,we know that the heroes should be admired and we also know that we should learn their spirits, but, what did we do to learn from them ?It is not that simple to hold some meetings, read some books or shout the slogans .Everybody,we really shouldn’t just stay on the surface.

We know that the soldiers at that time experienced the life that can not be imagined by we modern humans. But could we, when faced with difficulties ,have more patience ,move forward towards the goal even if there is just a little possibility to succeed.Could we, every time when we feel pains , try to stand a little longer ,for the position may get a great change just after a few

minutes even seconds.Could we ,when next time we really can not see the light of success, let the worries go and concentrate on what we should do at present.Could we ,when next time see somebody not bad who need help,give him a hand.Because when we are faced with the same enemy, people ’s help between each other is more powerful than weapons.

Actually what I have mentioned is far from complete, but in one word , insistence ,patience and love.Let’s make the spirit of the Long Match not only a slogan but also a spiritual wealth .Come on!


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