

一、 Choose the different words.(选出每组中与其他单词不同类 的一个单词。20分)

( ) 1. A. Monday B. Friday C. Sunday D. day ( ) 2. A. Miss B. music

C. Mr

D. Mrs ( ) 3. A. fat B. tall C. big

D. bag

( ) 4. A. tea

B. Coke

C. milk

D. egg

( ) 5. A. smart B. strict C. strong D. funny ( ) 6. A. tall

B. strong

C. hungry

( ) 7. A. clean B. living room C. classroom

( ) 8. A. in B. on C. play

( ) 9. A. lake

B. city C. river ( ) 10. A. master

B. Mr

C. Miss

二、Read and choose.(读一读,选出最合适的搭配。20分)

( )1. 当你询问同学新来的老师是谁时,你应说:_______

A. Who ’s that man ? B. Who ’s our new teacher ? C. Who ’s our new principal ?

( ) 2.当你告诉别人你的同学迈克(男生) 很风趣时,你说:________

A. She ’s very funny. B. You are funny. C. He ’s very funny.

( )3.当你询问今天是星期几时,你应说:_________

A. What is it day ? B. What it is today ? C. What day is it today ?

( )4.当你询问别人星期二的课程安排时,你应说:_________

A. What day do you have on Tuesdays ? B. What do you have on Tuesdays ? C. What do you like on Tuesdays ?

( ) 5. Tomatoe my favourite food.

A. is B. are C. am

( ) 6. What’s she like?

______ is pretty.

A. He B. She C. I

( ) 7. What’s he like?

______ is strict but very kind.

A. He B. She C. I

( ) 8. _____is your English teacher?

Mr. Carter.

A. Who B. What C. who’s

( ) 9. Mr. Carter, He’s _______ Canada.

A. from B. on C. under

( ) 10.What would you like , beef or mutton ?

_______ some pork .

A. I like B. I’d like C. I would

三、Read and natch.(将问句和相应的答句连接起来,并将选项填入题号前括号内。) (10分)

( ) 1、What can you do? A、No ,she isn’t ( ) 2、Can you wash the clothes? B、Yes ,there is. ( ) 3、Is there a river in the park? C、I can do housework. ( ) 4、Is he young? D、No,he isn’t. ( ) 5、Is she quiet? E、Yes ,I can.

四、Read and natch.(把单词和它们的汉语意思连起来。10分)


( ) 1.I often watch TV ____ Mondays.

A. in B. on C. at D. to ( ) 2.What ____ you do on Saturdays?

A. do B. is C. are D. does

( ) 3.She can do the ____ at home.

A 、dish B、dishes C. / D. dish’s

( ) 4.____ your math teacher like ?

A. Who B. What C. What’s D. How

( ) 5.What do you ____ for lunch today?

A. have B. do C. eat D. drink


1. do , What , Fridays , do , you , on , ?

_______________________________________________ ? 2. What’s , art , like , your , new .

_______________________________________________ ? 3. you , What , Saturdays , do , on , do ?

_______________________________________________ ? 4. is , Today , Tuesday .

_______________________________________________ ? 5. I , homework , often , do , watch , my , and , TV . _______________________________________________ ?


Sarah :

Hi, Chen Jie.

Chen Jie: Hi, Sarah. Do you have new teachers? Satah :

Yes. We have two new teachers.

Chen Jie: Who are they? Satah :

An English teacher, a music teacher and a Chinese teacher.

Chen Jie: Wow, it’s so good. Who’s your English teacher? Sarah : Miss White. She’s very active. Her class is so much fun.

We all like her.

Chen Jie: What’s she like? Sarah :

She ’s tall and thin. She’s young. We have English class today.

Chen Jie: That’s great!

( ) 1. Sarah has 3 new teachers.

( ) 2. Sarah’s Chinese teacher is a new teacher. ( ) 3. Miss White is a music teacher. ( ) 4. Miss White is short and thin. ( ) 5. Sarah has English class today.


Hello.I am John.Today is Monday.I have three new teachers.

They are Mr Carter,Miss Green and Mrs Black.Mr Carter is from the UK.He teaches us math.His class is so funny.We are like him very much .Miss Green is our art teacher.She is strict,but she’s very kind .Mrs Black is smart.They are all nice.

( ) 1. I have new teacher.

A.three B.two C.a ( ) 2. Mr Carter is a teacher.

A.art B.math C.Chinese ( ) 3. Tomorrow is .

A.Monday B.Tuesday C.Wednesday

( ) 4. is an art teacher.

A.Mr Carter B.Mrs Black C.Miss Green ( ) 5. is smart.

A.Mr Carter B.Mrs Black C.Miss Green


一、 Choose the different words.(选出每组中与其他单词不同类 的一个单词。20分)

( ) 1. A. Monday B. Friday C. Sunday D. day ( ) 2. A. Miss B. music

C. Mr

D. Mrs ( ) 3. A. fat B. tall C. big

D. bag

( ) 4. A. tea

B. Coke

C. milk

D. egg

( ) 5. A. smart B. strict C. strong D. funny ( ) 6. A. tall

B. strong

C. hungry

( ) 7. A. clean B. living room C. classroom

( ) 8. A. in B. on C. play

( ) 9. A. lake

B. city C. river ( ) 10. A. master

B. Mr

C. Miss

二、Read and choose.(读一读,选出最合适的搭配。20分)

( )1. 当你询问同学新来的老师是谁时,你应说:_______

A. Who ’s that man ? B. Who ’s our new teacher ? C. Who ’s our new principal ?

( ) 2.当你告诉别人你的同学迈克(男生) 很风趣时,你说:________

A. She ’s very funny. B. You are funny. C. He ’s very funny.

( )3.当你询问今天是星期几时,你应说:_________

A. What is it day ? B. What it is today ? C. What day is it today ?

( )4.当你询问别人星期二的课程安排时,你应说:_________

A. What day do you have on Tuesdays ? B. What do you have on Tuesdays ? C. What do you like on Tuesdays ?

( ) 5. Tomatoe my favourite food.

A. is B. are C. am

( ) 6. What’s she like?

______ is pretty.

A. He B. She C. I

( ) 7. What’s he like?

______ is strict but very kind.

A. He B. She C. I

( ) 8. _____is your English teacher?

Mr. Carter.

A. Who B. What C. who’s

( ) 9. Mr. Carter, He’s _______ Canada.

A. from B. on C. under

( ) 10.What would you like , beef or mutton ?

_______ some pork .

A. I like B. I’d like C. I would

三、Read and natch.(将问句和相应的答句连接起来,并将选项填入题号前括号内。) (10分)

( ) 1、What can you do? A、No ,she isn’t ( ) 2、Can you wash the clothes? B、Yes ,there is. ( ) 3、Is there a river in the park? C、I can do housework. ( ) 4、Is he young? D、No,he isn’t. ( ) 5、Is she quiet? E、Yes ,I can.

四、Read and natch.(把单词和它们的汉语意思连起来。10分)


( ) 1.I often watch TV ____ Mondays.

A. in B. on C. at D. to ( ) 2.What ____ you do on Saturdays?

A. do B. is C. are D. does

( ) 3.She can do the ____ at home.

A 、dish B、dishes C. / D. dish’s

( ) 4.____ your math teacher like ?

A. Who B. What C. What’s D. How

( ) 5.What do you ____ for lunch today?

A. have B. do C. eat D. drink


1. do , What , Fridays , do , you , on , ?

_______________________________________________ ? 2. What’s , art , like , your , new .

_______________________________________________ ? 3. you , What , Saturdays , do , on , do ?

_______________________________________________ ? 4. is , Today , Tuesday .

_______________________________________________ ? 5. I , homework , often , do , watch , my , and , TV . _______________________________________________ ?


Sarah :

Hi, Chen Jie.

Chen Jie: Hi, Sarah. Do you have new teachers? Satah :

Yes. We have two new teachers.

Chen Jie: Who are they? Satah :

An English teacher, a music teacher and a Chinese teacher.

Chen Jie: Wow, it’s so good. Who’s your English teacher? Sarah : Miss White. She’s very active. Her class is so much fun.

We all like her.

Chen Jie: What’s she like? Sarah :

She ’s tall and thin. She’s young. We have English class today.

Chen Jie: That’s great!

( ) 1. Sarah has 3 new teachers.

( ) 2. Sarah’s Chinese teacher is a new teacher. ( ) 3. Miss White is a music teacher. ( ) 4. Miss White is short and thin. ( ) 5. Sarah has English class today.


Hello.I am John.Today is Monday.I have three new teachers.

They are Mr Carter,Miss Green and Mrs Black.Mr Carter is from the UK.He teaches us math.His class is so funny.We are like him very much .Miss Green is our art teacher.She is strict,but she’s very kind .Mrs Black is smart.They are all nice.

( ) 1. I have new teacher.

A.three B.two C.a ( ) 2. Mr Carter is a teacher.

A.art B.math C.Chinese ( ) 3. Tomorrow is .

A.Monday B.Tuesday C.Wednesday

( ) 4. is an art teacher.

A.Mr Carter B.Mrs Black C.Miss Green ( ) 5. is smart.

A.Mr Carter B.Mrs Black C.Miss Green


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