

Dear Mr. Smith

How are you? It is a pity that I am leaving this school soon .At the moment I really want to say“Thank you very much”

I remember that I had problems in English last year. I tried to talk about problem in English with you and you told me how to learn English well. You were very kind to me and you always cared about me .When I wanted to give up,you encouraged me and you said “If you persist ,your English will improve”. When I had questions,you were very patient and helped me to solve the questions. When I put up my hands to answer the question, you always ask me to answer to question .Little by little my English has improved a lot.

So,I think you are a kind、patient、helpful and hardworking teacher. I am thankful for you to learn English. I am lucky and proud to have a teacher that likes you. Best wishes!

Your student Li Ying


My low-carbon life

I am Li Ming ,I found the environmental pollution is getting serious ,so I began to do something to protect the planet that we live on .I go to school on foot or by bike each day .And I always turn off the light and when I leave the classroom .I also make full use of the paper „„I think it is very important to protect our planet and if we all live a Low-carbon life, our planet will get better.


Mary and Mike are great. They understand their parents, because they often help their parents with the housework .Mary often takes out the trash when the trashcan is full and cleans the yard ,makes it looks more beautiful. Mike often sweeps the floor and cleans his bedroom.

So we should learn from them. I always help my mother to do housework too. I often clean the floor and sweep the house from top to bottom on weekends. I also often make my bed and books, But from Monday to Friday, because I am busy doing my homework. The summer vacation is coming,so I decide to do more housework. I am going to wash dishes everyday, and I will learn how to cook„„

How to protect eyes

Eyes are very important for us,so we should protect our eyes. We should do the following things. First, we should have our eyes checked once a month and rest our eyes from time to time. We should do eye exercise carefully everyday when our eyes feel tired. We should also look at more green objects, because these can rest our eyes .Of course there are things that we shouldn’t do. We Should not read when there is not a lot of light or on a bus. We should not

play computer games for too long and watch too much TV. All of these things hurt our eyes.

An unforgettable experience

In my memory there were many unforgettable experiences. The most unforgettable experience is to climb a mountain that is about 350 meters high. One day my sister and I went to climb the mountain, we went there by bus. It took us 30 minutes to get there .First, we were happy and enjoyed the flowers and trees. When we dimed half of the mountain. I fell very tired and. I wanted to give up this journey , but my sister continued walking up. So, I got a new goal and I decided to climb to climb to the top of the mountain. At last, we all reached the top, we saw a more beautiful sky and farther place. I think the journey is useful and an unforgettable experience for me. I learnt a lot. We should have goals before we do everything and we should persist when we want to give up.

Dear Rachel

I am happy to hear that you will come to visit our city. And I like to tell you something about the traffic here. When you want to take a bus, you must get to a bus stop. And you have to wait a line to get on a bus. You can’t get off the bus at other places that are not official bus stops. When you walk on the road, you must cross the street at the crosswalk. You also have to walk on the right side of the street when there is no sidewalk, Most importantly, you must follow the traffic rules.

Hope to see you soon.



Dear Mr. Smith

How are you? It is a pity that I am leaving this school soon .At the moment I really want to say“Thank you very much”

I remember that I had problems in English last year. I tried to talk about problem in English with you and you told me how to learn English well. You were very kind to me and you always cared about me .When I wanted to give up,you encouraged me and you said “If you persist ,your English will improve”. When I had questions,you were very patient and helped me to solve the questions. When I put up my hands to answer the question, you always ask me to answer to question .Little by little my English has improved a lot.

So,I think you are a kind、patient、helpful and hardworking teacher. I am thankful for you to learn English. I am lucky and proud to have a teacher that likes you. Best wishes!

Your student Li Ying


My low-carbon life

I am Li Ming ,I found the environmental pollution is getting serious ,so I began to do something to protect the planet that we live on .I go to school on foot or by bike each day .And I always turn off the light and when I leave the classroom .I also make full use of the paper „„I think it is very important to protect our planet and if we all live a Low-carbon life, our planet will get better.


Mary and Mike are great. They understand their parents, because they often help their parents with the housework .Mary often takes out the trash when the trashcan is full and cleans the yard ,makes it looks more beautiful. Mike often sweeps the floor and cleans his bedroom.

So we should learn from them. I always help my mother to do housework too. I often clean the floor and sweep the house from top to bottom on weekends. I also often make my bed and books, But from Monday to Friday, because I am busy doing my homework. The summer vacation is coming,so I decide to do more housework. I am going to wash dishes everyday, and I will learn how to cook„„

How to protect eyes

Eyes are very important for us,so we should protect our eyes. We should do the following things. First, we should have our eyes checked once a month and rest our eyes from time to time. We should do eye exercise carefully everyday when our eyes feel tired. We should also look at more green objects, because these can rest our eyes .Of course there are things that we shouldn’t do. We Should not read when there is not a lot of light or on a bus. We should not

play computer games for too long and watch too much TV. All of these things hurt our eyes.

An unforgettable experience

In my memory there were many unforgettable experiences. The most unforgettable experience is to climb a mountain that is about 350 meters high. One day my sister and I went to climb the mountain, we went there by bus. It took us 30 minutes to get there .First, we were happy and enjoyed the flowers and trees. When we dimed half of the mountain. I fell very tired and. I wanted to give up this journey , but my sister continued walking up. So, I got a new goal and I decided to climb to climb to the top of the mountain. At last, we all reached the top, we saw a more beautiful sky and farther place. I think the journey is useful and an unforgettable experience for me. I learnt a lot. We should have goals before we do everything and we should persist when we want to give up.

Dear Rachel

I am happy to hear that you will come to visit our city. And I like to tell you something about the traffic here. When you want to take a bus, you must get to a bus stop. And you have to wait a line to get on a bus. You can’t get off the bus at other places that are not official bus stops. When you walk on the road, you must cross the street at the crosswalk. You also have to walk on the right side of the street when there is no sidewalk, Most importantly, you must follow the traffic rules.

Hope to see you soon.



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