







在接下来的几天里,你们这些支持者需要在全国的各个城市和乡镇建立一个新的竞选组织。 当深远意义的竞选活动开始之初,我需要你们制定一个比以往任何时候都更具针对性、更具创造性的计划。



但是,为我们的家庭、社区和国家带来长远变革的事业,却从来不会系于一人。 唯有大家协同努力,这一事业才会成功。






Obama re-election bid announcement

US President Barack Obama has announced his intention to stand for a second term in office in 2012. Here is the full text of the e-mail, published by US media outlets.

Today, we are filing papers to launch our 2012 campaign.

We're doing this now because the politics we believe in does not start with expensive TV ads or extravaganzas, but with you - with people organizing block-by-block, talking to neighbors, co-workers, and friends.

And that kind of campaign takes time to build.

So even though I'm focused on the job you elected me to do, and the race may not reach full speed for a year or more, the work of laying the foundation for our campaign must start today.

We've always known that lasting change wouldn't come quickly or easily.

It never does.

But as my administration and folks across the country fight to protect the progress we've made - and make more - we also need to begin mobilizing for 2012, long before the time comes for me to begin campaigning in earnest.

As we take this step, I'd like to share a video that features some folks like you who are helping to lead the way on this journey. Please take a moment to watch:

In the coming days, supporters like you will begin forging a new organization that we'll build together in cities and towns across the country.

And I'll need you to help shape our plan as we create a campaign that's farther reaching, more focused, and more innovative than anything we've built before.

We'll start by doing something unprecedented: coordinating millions of one-on-one conversations between supporters across every single state, reconnecting old friends, inspiring new ones to join the cause, and readying ourselves for next year's fight.

This will be my final campaign, at least as a candidate.

But the cause of making a lasting difference for our families, our communities, and our country has never been about one person.

And it will succeed only if we work together.

There will be much more to come as the race unfolds.

Today, simply let us know you're in to help us begin, and then spread the word: http://my.barackobama.com/2012

Thank you,


Paid for by Obama for America








在接下来的几天里,你们这些支持者需要在全国的各个城市和乡镇建立一个新的竞选组织。 当深远意义的竞选活动开始之初,我需要你们制定一个比以往任何时候都更具针对性、更具创造性的计划。



但是,为我们的家庭、社区和国家带来长远变革的事业,却从来不会系于一人。 唯有大家协同努力,这一事业才会成功。






Obama re-election bid announcement

US President Barack Obama has announced his intention to stand for a second term in office in 2012. Here is the full text of the e-mail, published by US media outlets.

Today, we are filing papers to launch our 2012 campaign.

We're doing this now because the politics we believe in does not start with expensive TV ads or extravaganzas, but with you - with people organizing block-by-block, talking to neighbors, co-workers, and friends.

And that kind of campaign takes time to build.

So even though I'm focused on the job you elected me to do, and the race may not reach full speed for a year or more, the work of laying the foundation for our campaign must start today.

We've always known that lasting change wouldn't come quickly or easily.

It never does.

But as my administration and folks across the country fight to protect the progress we've made - and make more - we also need to begin mobilizing for 2012, long before the time comes for me to begin campaigning in earnest.

As we take this step, I'd like to share a video that features some folks like you who are helping to lead the way on this journey. Please take a moment to watch:

In the coming days, supporters like you will begin forging a new organization that we'll build together in cities and towns across the country.

And I'll need you to help shape our plan as we create a campaign that's farther reaching, more focused, and more innovative than anything we've built before.

We'll start by doing something unprecedented: coordinating millions of one-on-one conversations between supporters across every single state, reconnecting old friends, inspiring new ones to join the cause, and readying ourselves for next year's fight.

This will be my final campaign, at least as a candidate.

But the cause of making a lasting difference for our families, our communities, and our country has never been about one person.

And it will succeed only if we work together.

There will be much more to come as the race unfolds.

Today, simply let us know you're in to help us begin, and then spread the word: http://my.barackobama.com/2012

Thank you,


Paid for by Obama for America


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