





有实证研究表明发展中国家采取知识产权保护的措施对吸引外国直接投资有直接的影响,特别是经济大国在吸引外国直接投资中略显匮乏。本文探讨了知识产权对中国最近激增的外商直接投资所起的作用和贡献。我们认为,知识产权的替性代措施在经济发展水平不同的地区对外商直接投资的影响可能会有所不同。 我们使用38个国家的贸易数据进行研究,结果表明,在中国加强知识产权保护对外国直接投资有着积极和重要的作用。调查结果还显示,来自香港和台湾地区的外国直接投资的行为高于其他高收入国家。








本文目的是为了探讨中国知识产权法律对其吸收外资的影响 (1992∼2005)。这篇文献的贡献在于有几个方面。首先,这是第一个专注于大型和有影响力的经济发展,在过去二十年经历了其知识产权制度的显着变化的实证分析。因此,这种分析提供了一个可以替代以往通常从一个主要工业化国家(如美国)家长的角度强调不同群体的主办国的外国直接投资流入的研究。其次,我们还探讨知识产权保护对外商直接投资的效果可能会有所不同的伙伴国家的经济发展水平(史密斯,2001年)的可能性。第






相比之下,如果加强知识产权保护,那么它在外国公司的垄断力量的增加可能会对外国直接投资产生负面影响。 当面对来自于本地生产的仿制品的竞争,跨国公司可能会尝试以最大限度地减少子公司的产量和销售利润的方式进行竞争(马库斯和本巴提1995],[史密斯,1999]和[史密斯,2001])。此外,更强的知识产权保护也阻碍跨国公司选择增加外国直接投资,而不是许可。相反,技术含量低的生产者,在沉重的知识型产业投资公司可能产生更敏感的知识产权保护问题(曼斯菲尔德,1995年],


近年来,有许多关于外国直接投资流入的影响因素的实证研究,如中欧和东欧国家和中国的经济转型。以欧洲经济转型为重点的研究发现有助于吸引外国直接投资(卡斯特森和特拜耳传统因素(例如,市场潜力,生产要素成本和距离)和过渡的具体因素(例如,私有化和欧盟成员国的水平和方法) ,2004年,贝文和埃斯特林,2004年)。 相比之下,关注中国的实证研究将更加倾向于对基本经济因素,如市场规模,劳动力和投资成本的重视。 在重点研究了1978年至1992年进入中国的外国直接投资的驱动程序后,王和斯温(1995年)发现,GDP、工资和贸易限制措施都对外商直接投资具有积极的作用,而利率和汇率对外国直接投资却有着负面影响。同样,海德和里斯(1996)通过研究对外国直接投资的54个中国城市中的位置决定的因素发现,外国直接投资主要是吸引中国有雄厚的工业基础和优良的基础设施的城市。

在另一项研究中,孙等人分析了整个中国的从1986年到1998年30个省的外国直接投资决定因素发现,外国直接投资的主要驱动力随着时间的推移改变。 萧(2004)在研究了中国为什么能够吸引这么多的外国直接投资后发现,中国的外国直接投资约50%来源于香港和台湾。 张(2005)问:为什么前往中国的外国直接投资的很大一部分来自于香港和台湾?研究发现,从主要发达国家(欧盟 ,美国和日本)的外国直接投资和香港、台湾不同。 此外,一些探讨了除中国外的外国直接投资的其他方面的研究和一些学者探讨的生产性投入对外商直接投资的影响,推动中国近期的经济增长(陈等人,1995年,吴,2000]和[姚明和伟,2007])。


在中国,对知识产权在经济上的担任何种角色的分析比比皆是,但数据为根据的实证研究却寥寥无几。 近日,杜等人研究了区域经济、体制因素(即产权保护和合同执行)及美国跨国公司在区位选择上之间的关系,他建议美国跨国投资在有更好的知识产权保护的地区,以便减少政府对企业的干预,从而更好地执行合同。 然而,他们使用由每个省作为一个知识产权保护区域,从而代理政府批准的专利数量的决定可能会有问题。虽然有可能在一些地区中经济发展水平和体制基础设施会有变化,但没有这样的变化就存在跨省的知识产权保护问题,因为中国有统一的国家知识产权法律。统计推论强调,区域差异的影响会产生利用外商直接投资的知识产权保护知识产权代理变量时不改变跨区域的疑问。


本文探讨了知识产权保护在中国对外直接投资内流近期剧增中的贡献。 虽然一些研究探讨了发展中国家的外国直接投资的决定因素,其中知识产权的作用已相对忽略,但中国是一个有趣的案例研究,研究给出了其主要发展中国家的经济作用,呈现出跨国公司具有强大的威胁和模仿能力。在其试图加入世贸组织的过去十年中中国经历了其知识产权制度的显着变化。实证证据表明,在在中国加强知识产权保护在吸引外国直接投资中具有积极和重要的作用。其结果也表明除了 知识产权因素,市场规模,区域一体化,运输和贸易成本也是中国吸引外国直接投资的重要因素。 此外,这一结果是强大的替代型号规格和数据样本的分割。总的来说,我们的结果表明,加强发展中国家在知识产权保护,特别是对于大型经济体国家而言,可能会对吸引外国直接投资起到积极的作用,从而促进技术的转让。



Intellectual property rights protection and the surge in FDI in China

Titus O. Awokuse


There is scarcity of empirical studies focusing on the role of intellectual property rights (IPR) in attracting FDI into developing nations, especially large economies with relatively strong threat of imitation. This paper examines the contribution of IPR to the recent surge in China’s inward FDI. We consider two alternative measures of IPR and explore the possibility that the effect of IPR protection on FDI may vary by the level of economic development. Using a panel data for 38 countries, the empirical results indicate that the strengthening of IPR protection in China has a positive and significant effect on FDI. The results also show that FDI from Hong Kong and Taiwan behaves differently from the FDI originating from other high-income countries.


Intellectual property rights; Patent laws; FDI; China; Developing countries

China has experienced a phenomenal surge in its inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the past two decades. While Asia receives the bulk of FDI flows to the developing world, China accounts for almost half of Asia’s share of global FDI (see Table 1). China’s FDI grew from virtually nothing in 1979 to $45.5 billion in 1998; and less than a decade later in 2006, its FDI inflow increased to $69.5 billion. FDI flow into China accounts for more FDI than that of the entire African continent ($35.5 billion) and is just a bit behind all of Latin America ($83.8 billion) combined (see UNCTAD, 2007). Since 1993, it has become the largest recipient of FDI among developing countries and the most popular destination of choice for multinational firms, second only to the United States. This substantial volume and growth of FDI to China naturally raises the question: what is the driving force behind this growth?

Among developing countries, China is particularly suitable as a case study for analyzing the impact of IPR reforms on FDI flows. Surprisingly, China had no IPR protection before 1985. However, since the establishment of its first patent law in 1985 and its substantial revision in 1992 and 2000, China has undergone a gradual reform of its patent systems. In 1992, mainly due to pressure from the United States, China’s patent law was substantially amended to make it more aligned with those of many industrial nations (Allison and Lin, 1999). The strengthening of China’s patent laws was also accelerated by its membership in the WTO that required that Chinese IPR laws (i.e. patents, copyrights and trademarks) be better aligned with the WTO’s Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and other major international IPR conventions (Maskus, 2004). Since 1992, foreign patents have increased steadily with an annual growth rate of 19% (see follow picture) of Chinese patents (invention patent applications) were filed by foreign firms with the most important patentees coming from Japan, the US, EU member countries, and South Korea.

The objective of this paper is to investigate the impact of China’s IPR laws on its ability to attract FDI from 1992–2005. This paper contributes to the literature in several ways. First, this is the first empirical analysis focusing on a large and influential developing economy that has experienced significant changes in its IPR systems in the past two decades. Thus, this analysis provides an alternative to most previous studies that usually emphasize FDI flows from the perspective of a major industrialized parent-nation (e.g., United States) to a diverse group of host nations. Second, we also explore the possibility that the effect of IPR protection on FDI may vary by the level of economic development in partner countries (Smith, 2001). Third, in contrast to studies based on cross-sectional data from a single year, this study uses a panel data for 38 countries which covers a more extended time period (1992–2005) and allows for the consideration of the dynamic nature of the relationship between FDI and policy changes in IPR regimes. Fourth, this paper applies two alternative measures of IPR as a proxy for IPR regimes: Annual foreign patent applications as a measure of the strength of IPR protection in China

The IPR index, used by most previous studies, is based on a scoring method that is often arbitrary in their choice of weights on the importance of various criteria. Although useful in some cases, the index-based measures of IPR, based on laws on the books, may not adequately capture the dynamic nature of the interaction between changes in patent laws and standards over time as well as their potential impact on other economic variables (e.g., FDI). Alternatively, we use actual data on the number of patent applications from parent countries over time. The growing number of foreign patents filed each year could be a good indicator of growing confidence of foreign firms in the IPR protection laws and enforcement offered in China. Relative to the index-based approach, this measure of IPR protection strength accounts for more variation across time and may be less susceptible to measurement errors.

The main finding from this study suggests that the strengthening of IPR protection in China led to an increase in its FDI inflows. This paper’s empirical results further support the hypothesis that the strengthening of patent laws has a market expansion effect. Furthermore, our results also show that FDI from Hong Kong and Taiwan behaves differently from the FDI originating from other high-income countries. Thus, this study provides much needed empirical evidence on the current debate regarding policy reforms in IPR regimes and its effects on technology transfer and trade with China.

The nature of the linkages between IPR protection and global direct investment is ambiguous and has been a source of much debate and controversy. Disagreements persist on whether stronger IPR protection stimulates or discourages FDI flows to developing countries (for a review see Shatz et al. (2000)). Depending on a nation’s IPR regime,






有实证研究表明发展中国家采取知识产权保护的措施对吸引外国直接投资有直接的影响,特别是经济大国在吸引外国直接投资中略显匮乏。本文探讨了知识产权对中国最近激增的外商直接投资所起的作用和贡献。我们认为,知识产权的替性代措施在经济发展水平不同的地区对外商直接投资的影响可能会有所不同。 我们使用38个国家的贸易数据进行研究,结果表明,在中国加强知识产权保护对外国直接投资有着积极和重要的作用。调查结果还显示,来自香港和台湾地区的外国直接投资的行为高于其他高收入国家。








本文目的是为了探讨中国知识产权法律对其吸收外资的影响 (1992∼2005)。这篇文献的贡献在于有几个方面。首先,这是第一个专注于大型和有影响力的经济发展,在过去二十年经历了其知识产权制度的显着变化的实证分析。因此,这种分析提供了一个可以替代以往通常从一个主要工业化国家(如美国)家长的角度强调不同群体的主办国的外国直接投资流入的研究。其次,我们还探讨知识产权保护对外商直接投资的效果可能会有所不同的伙伴国家的经济发展水平(史密斯,2001年)的可能性。第






相比之下,如果加强知识产权保护,那么它在外国公司的垄断力量的增加可能会对外国直接投资产生负面影响。 当面对来自于本地生产的仿制品的竞争,跨国公司可能会尝试以最大限度地减少子公司的产量和销售利润的方式进行竞争(马库斯和本巴提1995],[史密斯,1999]和[史密斯,2001])。此外,更强的知识产权保护也阻碍跨国公司选择增加外国直接投资,而不是许可。相反,技术含量低的生产者,在沉重的知识型产业投资公司可能产生更敏感的知识产权保护问题(曼斯菲尔德,1995年],


近年来,有许多关于外国直接投资流入的影响因素的实证研究,如中欧和东欧国家和中国的经济转型。以欧洲经济转型为重点的研究发现有助于吸引外国直接投资(卡斯特森和特拜耳传统因素(例如,市场潜力,生产要素成本和距离)和过渡的具体因素(例如,私有化和欧盟成员国的水平和方法) ,2004年,贝文和埃斯特林,2004年)。 相比之下,关注中国的实证研究将更加倾向于对基本经济因素,如市场规模,劳动力和投资成本的重视。 在重点研究了1978年至1992年进入中国的外国直接投资的驱动程序后,王和斯温(1995年)发现,GDP、工资和贸易限制措施都对外商直接投资具有积极的作用,而利率和汇率对外国直接投资却有着负面影响。同样,海德和里斯(1996)通过研究对外国直接投资的54个中国城市中的位置决定的因素发现,外国直接投资主要是吸引中国有雄厚的工业基础和优良的基础设施的城市。

在另一项研究中,孙等人分析了整个中国的从1986年到1998年30个省的外国直接投资决定因素发现,外国直接投资的主要驱动力随着时间的推移改变。 萧(2004)在研究了中国为什么能够吸引这么多的外国直接投资后发现,中国的外国直接投资约50%来源于香港和台湾。 张(2005)问:为什么前往中国的外国直接投资的很大一部分来自于香港和台湾?研究发现,从主要发达国家(欧盟 ,美国和日本)的外国直接投资和香港、台湾不同。 此外,一些探讨了除中国外的外国直接投资的其他方面的研究和一些学者探讨的生产性投入对外商直接投资的影响,推动中国近期的经济增长(陈等人,1995年,吴,2000]和[姚明和伟,2007])。


在中国,对知识产权在经济上的担任何种角色的分析比比皆是,但数据为根据的实证研究却寥寥无几。 近日,杜等人研究了区域经济、体制因素(即产权保护和合同执行)及美国跨国公司在区位选择上之间的关系,他建议美国跨国投资在有更好的知识产权保护的地区,以便减少政府对企业的干预,从而更好地执行合同。 然而,他们使用由每个省作为一个知识产权保护区域,从而代理政府批准的专利数量的决定可能会有问题。虽然有可能在一些地区中经济发展水平和体制基础设施会有变化,但没有这样的变化就存在跨省的知识产权保护问题,因为中国有统一的国家知识产权法律。统计推论强调,区域差异的影响会产生利用外商直接投资的知识产权保护知识产权代理变量时不改变跨区域的疑问。


本文探讨了知识产权保护在中国对外直接投资内流近期剧增中的贡献。 虽然一些研究探讨了发展中国家的外国直接投资的决定因素,其中知识产权的作用已相对忽略,但中国是一个有趣的案例研究,研究给出了其主要发展中国家的经济作用,呈现出跨国公司具有强大的威胁和模仿能力。在其试图加入世贸组织的过去十年中中国经历了其知识产权制度的显着变化。实证证据表明,在在中国加强知识产权保护在吸引外国直接投资中具有积极和重要的作用。其结果也表明除了 知识产权因素,市场规模,区域一体化,运输和贸易成本也是中国吸引外国直接投资的重要因素。 此外,这一结果是强大的替代型号规格和数据样本的分割。总的来说,我们的结果表明,加强发展中国家在知识产权保护,特别是对于大型经济体国家而言,可能会对吸引外国直接投资起到积极的作用,从而促进技术的转让。



Intellectual property rights protection and the surge in FDI in China

Titus O. Awokuse


There is scarcity of empirical studies focusing on the role of intellectual property rights (IPR) in attracting FDI into developing nations, especially large economies with relatively strong threat of imitation. This paper examines the contribution of IPR to the recent surge in China’s inward FDI. We consider two alternative measures of IPR and explore the possibility that the effect of IPR protection on FDI may vary by the level of economic development. Using a panel data for 38 countries, the empirical results indicate that the strengthening of IPR protection in China has a positive and significant effect on FDI. The results also show that FDI from Hong Kong and Taiwan behaves differently from the FDI originating from other high-income countries.


Intellectual property rights; Patent laws; FDI; China; Developing countries

China has experienced a phenomenal surge in its inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the past two decades. While Asia receives the bulk of FDI flows to the developing world, China accounts for almost half of Asia’s share of global FDI (see Table 1). China’s FDI grew from virtually nothing in 1979 to $45.5 billion in 1998; and less than a decade later in 2006, its FDI inflow increased to $69.5 billion. FDI flow into China accounts for more FDI than that of the entire African continent ($35.5 billion) and is just a bit behind all of Latin America ($83.8 billion) combined (see UNCTAD, 2007). Since 1993, it has become the largest recipient of FDI among developing countries and the most popular destination of choice for multinational firms, second only to the United States. This substantial volume and growth of FDI to China naturally raises the question: what is the driving force behind this growth?

Among developing countries, China is particularly suitable as a case study for analyzing the impact of IPR reforms on FDI flows. Surprisingly, China had no IPR protection before 1985. However, since the establishment of its first patent law in 1985 and its substantial revision in 1992 and 2000, China has undergone a gradual reform of its patent systems. In 1992, mainly due to pressure from the United States, China’s patent law was substantially amended to make it more aligned with those of many industrial nations (Allison and Lin, 1999). The strengthening of China’s patent laws was also accelerated by its membership in the WTO that required that Chinese IPR laws (i.e. patents, copyrights and trademarks) be better aligned with the WTO’s Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and other major international IPR conventions (Maskus, 2004). Since 1992, foreign patents have increased steadily with an annual growth rate of 19% (see follow picture) of Chinese patents (invention patent applications) were filed by foreign firms with the most important patentees coming from Japan, the US, EU member countries, and South Korea.

The objective of this paper is to investigate the impact of China’s IPR laws on its ability to attract FDI from 1992–2005. This paper contributes to the literature in several ways. First, this is the first empirical analysis focusing on a large and influential developing economy that has experienced significant changes in its IPR systems in the past two decades. Thus, this analysis provides an alternative to most previous studies that usually emphasize FDI flows from the perspective of a major industrialized parent-nation (e.g., United States) to a diverse group of host nations. Second, we also explore the possibility that the effect of IPR protection on FDI may vary by the level of economic development in partner countries (Smith, 2001). Third, in contrast to studies based on cross-sectional data from a single year, this study uses a panel data for 38 countries which covers a more extended time period (1992–2005) and allows for the consideration of the dynamic nature of the relationship between FDI and policy changes in IPR regimes. Fourth, this paper applies two alternative measures of IPR as a proxy for IPR regimes: Annual foreign patent applications as a measure of the strength of IPR protection in China

The IPR index, used by most previous studies, is based on a scoring method that is often arbitrary in their choice of weights on the importance of various criteria. Although useful in some cases, the index-based measures of IPR, based on laws on the books, may not adequately capture the dynamic nature of the interaction between changes in patent laws and standards over time as well as their potential impact on other economic variables (e.g., FDI). Alternatively, we use actual data on the number of patent applications from parent countries over time. The growing number of foreign patents filed each year could be a good indicator of growing confidence of foreign firms in the IPR protection laws and enforcement offered in China. Relative to the index-based approach, this measure of IPR protection strength accounts for more variation across time and may be less susceptible to measurement errors.

The main finding from this study suggests that the strengthening of IPR protection in China led to an increase in its FDI inflows. This paper’s empirical results further support the hypothesis that the strengthening of patent laws has a market expansion effect. Furthermore, our results also show that FDI from Hong Kong and Taiwan behaves differently from the FDI originating from other high-income countries. Thus, this study provides much needed empirical evidence on the current debate regarding policy reforms in IPR regimes and its effects on technology transfer and trade with China.

The nature of the linkages between IPR protection and global direct investment is ambiguous and has been a source of much debate and controversy. Disagreements persist on whether stronger IPR protection stimulates or discourages FDI flows to developing countries (for a review see Shatz et al. (2000)). Depending on a nation’s IPR regime,


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  • 经济学院本科生毕业论文撰写规范细则(2011版) 2011-05-09 07:49 一.论文印装 毕业论文用纸在教务处网页下载,A4纸打印.页眉左侧为"安徽工业大学"字样,右侧为"毕业论文"字样:页脚靠右侧为"共-页,第-页",如" ...

  • 西安工业大学城市规划专业本科毕业设计规范
  • 西安工业大学城市规划专业本科毕业设计规范 1 总则 毕业设计是本科教学计划的重要组成部分,是培养学生理论联系实际和锻炼学生独立工作能力的有效手段,是对学生掌握和运用所学基础理论.基本知识.基本技能以及从事科学研究能力的综合考核.旨在系统地检验学生的学习成果,考查学生运用所学专业知识分析问题.解决问题 ...

  • 浙江大学本科毕业论文格式范文
  • 封面统一用 白色铜板纸 本 科 生 毕 业 论 文(设计) 题目采用宋体三号加粗打 印,不得手写 题目 数据仓库和数据挖掘技术在企业管理中的一个应用 姓名只有两个字的,中间空 出一个汉字符,e.g. 李 某 姓名与学号 指导教师 年级与专业 所在学院 张 某 3050142000 李 某 2011 ...

  • 旅游资料汉英翻译浅谈
  • 旅游资料汉英翻译浅谈 李丰 (北京联合大学旅游学院外语旅游文化系,北京100101) [摘要]中英文的差异是不言而喻的.中文旅游资料在写作之初没有.也不必考虑以后要翻译成英语的问题.鉴于旅游资料的翻译不同于文学作品,文献资料等的翻译,动笔之前首先要了解英文相关资料的写作模式:其次要明确翻译的目的,即 ...

  • 硕士论文查重七大方法
  • 大概当今所有的研究生毕业论文都会经过中国知网的"学术不端检测",即便最后不被盲审.这个系统的初衷其实是很好的,在一定程度上能够对即将踏入中国科研界的硕士研究生们一个警示作用:杜绝抄袭,踏实学问.但正所谓"世界万物,有矛就有盾"的哲学观,中国知网的这个" ...

  • 学年论文要求(财务软件)
  • 学年论文 一. 实训.实习的目的和任务 学年论文是在学完专业基础课和部分专业课的基础上,运用所学的理论知识并与社会实践初步结合而撰写的.撰写学年论文,不仅可以巩固和深化已学的专业知识,总结和检查三年来的学习成果,而且还有助于学生了解学术动态,拓宽知识领域,培养学生阅读文献.独立思考.独立工作,以及分 ...

  • 江苏大学毕业设计(论文)内容要求2016
  • 毕业设计(论文) (Graduation Project (Thesis)) 课程编号:03360070 学 分:12 学 时:12周 先修课程:所有课程 适用专业:机械设计制造及其自动化专业 教 材:各课题.指导老师指导的参考文献.英文文献(翻译) 开课学院:机械工程学院 一.毕业设计(论文)目的 ...