
it is my honor to stand here today. first of all, i want to thank our dean mrs. li to give me this chance to deliver a speech to you. thanks.

this is a speech about practice report, in the first place i want to share with you about my work experience.

in the first summer vacation in the college, i changed 3 part-time jobs. the first one was waiter; the second one was teaching assistant in talking time language village (ttlv); the third one was interpreter in a highway service station. maybe you will ask me how can you get 3 part-time jobs and why do you want to change it? actually this is a good question. here are 3 reasons: first i want to speak english,second i want to practice english, third i want to use english. this was also the main reason i quitted the first one job waiter. then i searched ttlv online and i attended the interview and passed the teaching test. everything seems went smoothly, i started to work there in a few days later. i was a teaching assistant there, i was in charge of 8 students in my class and i assisted the foreign teacher to interpret for the students during the class. i work there for 20 days then i left because of olympic games in china. so i lost, that seems god always take good care of me, one of my supervisor in ttlv recommended a good job to me after i lost a few days, that was my third job in that vacation. i was an interpreter and i was in charge of communication with foreign friends there. i worked there for 30 days, i got 1500rmb which was my first time to earn so much money by myself in my lifetime.

in the following winter vacation i went back to ttlv. i was in the same position there, but different students and different teachers, so i made new friends, i got along with my foreign teachers and i improved my english a lot, especially, brad who is an american, so well we got along with each other that he went back to my hometown with me to celebrate spring festival with my family, he spent 3 days with my family of course i was the only interpreter between my family and brad.

in this summer vacation, customized english services which is a new comprehensive english service in shijiazhuang was founded by brad. i was lucky to be selected by him. now i am working with him to assist him to do office work and establish business relationship with new clients.

above all, i mentioned so much work experience of mine, almost are related to english, if i don’t know english, if i don’t speak, practice, and speak english i have nothing. actually i am not the best one among you, some of you are better than me, but you need to stand out to show yourself. if you have no chance, make it; if you have a small chance, grab it and make it bigger and bigger.

english is an language it is a tool used by human, so let us be master of english let english be our servant. we need to take advantage of english, nor does let english take advantage of you. before i end my speech i wish everybody be the master of english and your life, find a decent job with english in the future. thank you!

it is my honor to stand here today. first of all, i want to thank our dean mrs. li to give me this chance to deliver a speech to you. thanks.

this is a speech about practice report, in the first place i want to share with you about my work experience.

in the first summer vacation in the college, i changed 3 part-time jobs. the first one was waiter; the second one was teaching assistant in talking time language village (ttlv); the third one was interpreter in a highway service station. maybe you will ask me how can you get 3 part-time jobs and why do you want to change it? actually this is a good question. here are 3 reasons: first i want to speak english,second i want to practice english, third i want to use english. this was also the main reason i quitted the first one job waiter. then i searched ttlv online and i attended the interview and passed the teaching test. everything seems went smoothly, i started to work there in a few days later. i was a teaching assistant there, i was in charge of 8 students in my class and i assisted the foreign teacher to interpret for the students during the class. i work there for 20 days then i left because of olympic games in china. so i lost, that seems god always take good care of me, one of my supervisor in ttlv recommended a good job to me after i lost a few days, that was my third job in that vacation. i was an interpreter and i was in charge of communication with foreign friends there. i worked there for 30 days, i got 1500rmb which was my first time to earn so much money by myself in my lifetime.

in the following winter vacation i went back to ttlv. i was in the same position there, but different students and different teachers, so i made new friends, i got along with my foreign teachers and i improved my english a lot, especially, brad who is an american, so well we got along with each other that he went back to my hometown with me to celebrate spring festival with my family, he spent 3 days with my family of course i was the only interpreter between my family and brad.

in this summer vacation, customized english services which is a new comprehensive english service in shijiazhuang was founded by brad. i was lucky to be selected by him. now i am working with him to assist him to do office work and establish business relationship with new clients.

above all, i mentioned so much work experience of mine, almost are related to english, if i don’t know english, if i don’t speak, practice, and speak english i have nothing. actually i am not the best one among you, some of you are better than me, but you need to stand out to show yourself. if you have no chance, make it; if you have a small chance, grab it and make it bigger and bigger.

english is an language it is a tool used by human, so let us be master of english let english be our servant. we need to take advantage of english, nor does let english take advantage of you. before i end my speech i wish everybody be the master of english and your life, find a decent job with english in the future. thank you!


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