
Mechanization of operations at the face started before 1900 with development of punching machines and chain-type cutters for undermining the coal seam before blasting,of coal and rock drills,eletric and compressed air locomotives,and even some early experiments with continuous mining machines.

机械化的操作在面对与发展始于1900年之前的冲床和链式刀为破坏煤层爆破之前, 煤岩体的演习, 高效率和压缩空气机车, 甚至一些早期的实验与连续采矿机器。

A borehole drilled very close to a normal fault may have a shortened interval between key strata, whereas in a reverse fault, part of the sequence may be repeated boring.

一个井眼钻非常接近正断层可能缩短间隔关键层, 而在一个逆断层, 部分的序列可能重复无聊。

In many mines, masses of the roof shale may protrude downward as if gently squeezed into the coal.


Coal mining involves both basic unit operations in the production and handling of coal and auxiliary operations of a service nature that are essential but do not contribute directly to the output of coal.

煤炭开采涉及两个基本单元操作在生产和处理煤和辅助服务的操作性质, 是必要的但不直接导致煤的产量。

Those constitute the bleeder entries which permit air circulation around the mined and eventually caved area known as the gob.


Mines not only extend horizontally but also vertically through the development of new levels. The life of the mines is thus extended considerably, and surface installations can be amortized over a longer period.

矿井不仅在水平方向上扩展,而且在垂直方向上也通过新的开拓水平来延伸。矿山的生命因此大大扩展, 可矿井表面安装工作需要消耗较长一段时间。

The complex system of forces and the resulting rock mechanical problems developed by mining activities at different levels result in significant differences between European and US underground development.


The immediate roof is generally a few thick but can vary from inches to 6.1m (20 ft) or more. There are examples of where is no immediate roof as the massive main roof lies directly on the coal bed, but this is rare.

眼前的顶板一般是几厚但相差可英寸到6.1米(20英尺) 或更多。有成功的例子是没有直接的屋顶, 大规模的直接顶板谎言煤层, 但这是罕见的。

Auxiliary Fans

While auxiliary fans have not achieved the popularity they deserve in coal mines, they are not necessarily a panacea for face ventilation. As a concept, the idea of hanging tubing out of the way while providing an adequate flow of air to the appears very attractive. However, when one beging to caculate the pressure and horsepower required by an auxiliary fan, one soon realizes that the tubing needs to the much larger than originally visualized .Also, it must be very carefully installed and maintained to minimize leakage and kept close to the face. However, it may be easier to keep the tubing closer to the face than it is with a line brattice.


而辅助球迷没有达到他们应得的声望在煤矿, 他们不一定是一剂灵丹妙药, 面对通风。作为一个概念, 这个想法的悬挂油管的方式, 同时提供一个足够的空气流量, 显得很有吸引力。然而, 当一个里的压力和功率计算所需的一个辅助风扇, 一个很快意识到这个油管需要更大比原可视化。同时, 它必须非常仔细地安装和维护, 以减少泄漏, 密切的脸。然而, 它可能更容易保持油管接近脸要比使用线隔板。

Mechanization of operations at the face started before 1900 with development of punching machines and chain-type cutters for undermining the coal seam before blasting,of coal and rock drills,eletric and compressed air locomotives,and even some early experiments with continuous mining machines.

机械化的操作在面对与发展始于1900年之前的冲床和链式刀为破坏煤层爆破之前, 煤岩体的演习, 高效率和压缩空气机车, 甚至一些早期的实验与连续采矿机器。

A borehole drilled very close to a normal fault may have a shortened interval between key strata, whereas in a reverse fault, part of the sequence may be repeated boring.

一个井眼钻非常接近正断层可能缩短间隔关键层, 而在一个逆断层, 部分的序列可能重复无聊。

In many mines, masses of the roof shale may protrude downward as if gently squeezed into the coal.


Coal mining involves both basic unit operations in the production and handling of coal and auxiliary operations of a service nature that are essential but do not contribute directly to the output of coal.

煤炭开采涉及两个基本单元操作在生产和处理煤和辅助服务的操作性质, 是必要的但不直接导致煤的产量。

Those constitute the bleeder entries which permit air circulation around the mined and eventually caved area known as the gob.


Mines not only extend horizontally but also vertically through the development of new levels. The life of the mines is thus extended considerably, and surface installations can be amortized over a longer period.

矿井不仅在水平方向上扩展,而且在垂直方向上也通过新的开拓水平来延伸。矿山的生命因此大大扩展, 可矿井表面安装工作需要消耗较长一段时间。

The complex system of forces and the resulting rock mechanical problems developed by mining activities at different levels result in significant differences between European and US underground development.


The immediate roof is generally a few thick but can vary from inches to 6.1m (20 ft) or more. There are examples of where is no immediate roof as the massive main roof lies directly on the coal bed, but this is rare.

眼前的顶板一般是几厚但相差可英寸到6.1米(20英尺) 或更多。有成功的例子是没有直接的屋顶, 大规模的直接顶板谎言煤层, 但这是罕见的。

Auxiliary Fans

While auxiliary fans have not achieved the popularity they deserve in coal mines, they are not necessarily a panacea for face ventilation. As a concept, the idea of hanging tubing out of the way while providing an adequate flow of air to the appears very attractive. However, when one beging to caculate the pressure and horsepower required by an auxiliary fan, one soon realizes that the tubing needs to the much larger than originally visualized .Also, it must be very carefully installed and maintained to minimize leakage and kept close to the face. However, it may be easier to keep the tubing closer to the face than it is with a line brattice.


而辅助球迷没有达到他们应得的声望在煤矿, 他们不一定是一剂灵丹妙药, 面对通风。作为一个概念, 这个想法的悬挂油管的方式, 同时提供一个足够的空气流量, 显得很有吸引力。然而, 当一个里的压力和功率计算所需的一个辅助风扇, 一个很快意识到这个油管需要更大比原可视化。同时, 它必须非常仔细地安装和维护, 以减少泄漏, 密切的脸。然而, 它可能更容易保持油管接近脸要比使用线隔板。


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