

( ) 1. Let_____ clean the classroom.

A . my B .me C. I

( ) 2. The desks _____green.

A. / B. are C. is

( ) 3. ---Where is my pencil? ---It’s_______.

A .on floor B. on the floor C. on floors

( ) 4. Let’s go and _____.

A .see B. sees C. to see

( ) 5 .Where are _____from?

A .you B. your C. she

( ) 6.---_____are you? ---Fine, thank you.

A .What B. Where C. How

( ) 7. There are 15_____ in the bag.

A. pen B. a pen C. pens

( ) 8. ---Who is that_____? ---She’s my sister.

A. boy B. girl C. man

( ) 9. ____some fruits.

A. Has B. Have C. To have

( ) 10. --- What’s in your pencil-case? --- ________

A. Two rulers and a pen. B. It`s a math book. C. A bag.

( ) 11. I have __________ English book.

A. a B. 6 C. an

( ) 12. Put your maths book ______ your desk .

A. at B. on C. the

( ) 13.---Let me help you ---_______________

A. Thank you B. Here you are. C. You’re right.

( ) 14.--- I have a new pencil box. ---_________? What colour is it ?

A. Good B. Really C. No

( ) 15. How many_____do you have ?

A. English books B. English C. English book

( ) 16.Turn ______ the light.

A. \ B. on C. in

( ) 17. I have ______ English book and ______ Chinese book.

A. a; a B. a; an C. an; a

( ) 18. --- What’s in the classroom? ---Two doors and _____ chairs.

A. many B. may C. math

( ) 19.I have______new schoolbag.

A. a B. an C. the

( ) 20. Who has _____English book?

A. a B. an C. the

( ) 21. _____ in your hand?

A. Where B. What’s C. How many

( ) 22. I have a new schoolbag. _____

A. Really? B. OK! C. Thank you.

( ) 23. I have___math book , ____notebook and_____English book .

A. a / an / a B. a /a /an C .an /a /a


( ) 1. Let_____ clean the classroom.

A . my B .me C. I

( ) 2. The desks _____green.

A. / B. are C. is

( ) 3. ---Where is my pencil? ---It’s_______.

A .on floor B. on the floor C. on floors

( ) 4. Let’s go and _____.

A .see B. sees C. to see

( ) 5 .Where are _____from?

A .you B. your C. she

( ) 6.---_____are you? ---Fine, thank you.

A .What B. Where C. How

( ) 7. There are 15_____ in the bag.

A. pen B. a pen C. pens

( ) 8. ---Who is that_____? ---She’s my sister.

A. boy B. girl C. man

( ) 9. ____some fruits.

A. Has B. Have C. To have

( ) 10. --- What’s in your pencil-case? --- ________

A. Two rulers and a pen. B. It`s a math book. C. A bag.

( ) 11. I have __________ English book.

A. a B. 6 C. an

( ) 12. Put your maths book ______ your desk .

A. at B. on C. the

( ) 13.---Let me help you ---_______________

A. Thank you B. Here you are. C. You’re right.

( ) 14.--- I have a new pencil box. ---_________? What colour is it ?

A. Good B. Really C. No

( ) 15. How many_____do you have ?

A. English books B. English C. English book

( ) 16.Turn ______ the light.

A. \ B. on C. in

( ) 17. I have ______ English book and ______ Chinese book.

A. a; a B. a; an C. an; a

( ) 18. --- What’s in the classroom? ---Two doors and _____ chairs.

A. many B. may C. math

( ) 19.I have______new schoolbag.

A. a B. an C. the

( ) 20. Who has _____English book?

A. a B. an C. the

( ) 21. _____ in your hand?

A. Where B. What’s C. How many

( ) 22. I have a new schoolbag. _____

A. Really? B. OK! C. Thank you.

( ) 23. I have___math book , ____notebook and_____English book .

A. a / an / a B. a /a /an C .an /a /a


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