
Module 1 Our life

一. 教学内容分析

Module 1的话题是“Our life ‖, 学生在四年级及五年级上学期已经学习了


述句和疑问句。Unit 2是用电话对话的形式引出Jiamin 平时学习的情况,这打

电话的日常用语在四年级的Module 4 Unit 11 的Fun with language 以笑


型…should/shouldn’t …可以与五年级…can/can’t … must/must…句型和句子联









Module 1的内容比较接近生活,我们在教学的过程中应尽量与实际联系起






四. 教学目标

(一) 语言技能X k B 1 . c o m

1. 听做: 能根据听到的内容指认本单元的新单词, 能听懂别人谈论某人日


2. 说唱: 能运用本单元的语言材料在真实情景中打电话、谈论别人的生活习


3. 玩演: 能积极参加课堂游戏及尝试表演课文内容和故事.

4. 读写: 能读本课的新单词, 读懂课文, 正确书写本课的四会单词和重点句


(二) 语言知识

1. 词汇:

New Words:

四会: study, early, subject, hour, practice, piano, than, pen friend, glad,

I ’d be glad to. , may, e-mail, each, other, each other, noon, begin, teach, soon, worried,

be worried about, tired, hand in, on time, do well (in)…,should, worry, catch up with,

together, seldom, shouldn’t

三会: former, Leeds

Sentence Structure:

Could you help me? I’d love/be glad to.

May I speak to…?

This is…speaking.

What/What time/Who/Whose/Where does he/she do…?

He/She always/usually/often/seldom/never does ...

I/You/He/She should/shouldn’t do…

2. 语法:能正确表达一般现在时第三人称的句子 能正确运用情态动词

should/shouldn’t 表达,介词to, for的正确运用。

3. 语音: 能正确运用音素/i:/, /i/, /p/,/b/,/t/,/d/拼读单词,能读准第三人称单

数动词,并能用升降调读出本单元的单词,并用正确的语调, 语音说本课


4. 话题:能用所学知识打电话、谈论别人的生活习惯,并能说出在日常生


(三). 情感态度




(四). 学习策略:

1. 能积极与他人合作,共同完成任务。

2. 能对所学习内容主动练习和实践。

3. 能积极运用所学的知识。

(五). 文化意识:了解西方人与朋友约会时一些不应该做的事情

二. 教学重点, 难点

重点: 运用本课的单词, 句型去谈论某人的生活,向别人提出建议.


三. 教学媒体

图画, 电脑, 软件, 鼓

四. 课时

本单元用8课时完成,Unit 1 :3课时;Unit 2:3课时;Unit 3:2课时.

五. 课时设计

X k B 1 . c o m

Unit 1 第一课时

一. 内容


二. 语言点

V ocabulary:

四会:study, early, subject, hour, practise, piano, than, pen friend, I’d be glad to,

may, e-mail, each other

三会:former ,Leeds

Sentence Structure:

What/What time/Who/Whose/Where does he/she do…?

He/She always/usually/often/seldom/never does ...

Could you help me? I’d love/be glad to.

三. 任务

Talk about one’s life.

四. 教学过程


1. 出示P1的图画并问学生:

A. What are they doing?

B. What does he/she usually do at/in…?



1. 出示“Sue ‖正在弹钢琴的照片

2. 问:Who ’s she?

How old is she?

What does Sue do on Weekdays?

Do you want to be her pen friend?

3. 教单词:practise, piano, than, hour, pen friend ,I ’d be glad to. E-mail, each,

other, each other (让学生注意practise 的读音和一小时的表达法:an hour)


1. 学生听录音3次,回答问题

A. Is Sue Miss White’s former pupil?

B. Does Sue study at Lily school in Leeds, England?

C. How does Sue go to school?

D. What subjects does Sue study at school.?

2. 检查答案并教单词:former, Leeds, subject,

3. 跟读课文2次,

4. 小组分角色读,演课文(可以给适当的图画和句子或表格做提示)

5. 检查。

(四)Pro-task and Check

1. 让学生把课文中谈到Janet 的日常生活的句子找出来,并在小组内说一说。

2. 检查,并让学生观察这些句子的动词,总结一般时第三人称单数动词的变


3. Sing along边跟唱边做动作.

4. 总结本节课的新单词和语法知识。

5. 出示活动手册P1第一题的图画,让学生互相问问说说图画中人物的生活。

6. 检查。

7. 笔头练习:根据活动手册P1图画填单词。(如果时间不够,可作为课后作


A. Ann _______ the ________ every day.

B. Judy _______ her homework in the evening on weekdays.

C. Tim _______ to school by ________.

D. John _________ his friends every Saturday.

E. Marry _______ at Rose School.

F. Ken always _______ the _______ for half an hour every day.

8. 检查。





Unit 1 第二课时

一. 内容

Rhyme, Work with language(1, 2)

二. 语言点

V ocabulary :noon, begin, teach, soon

Sentence Structure:

What/What time/Who/Whose/Where does he/she do…?

He/She always/usually/often/seldom/never does ...

三. 任务


四. 教学过程

(一) Leading-in

1. 评讲《活》的作业。

2.Sing the song the tape《Janet gets up early every day》。


1. 让学生根据歌词想一想:What do you think of Janet? Why?

2. 出示“Rhyme ‖,并教育学生要养成准时的良好习惯。

3. 让学生打着拍,读Rhyme

4. 师说:要做到准时,首先要安排好自己的时间,现在让我们看看Sue 是


5. 出示Work with language 1,教单词:noon, begin

6. 老师先做示范,然后让学生根据时间表讨论一下Sue 的日常生活。

Model: Sue gets up at seven in the morning on weekdays.

7. 检查


8. 比赛

让学生用What/What time/How/Does…小组内提问和回答,看哪一组能提出最多的问题,并回答正确。

9. 小结:一般现在时第三人称单数的陈述句和疑问句的表达。

10. 让学生仿照Sue 的时间表,想一想,写一写自己的时间表

11. 游戏:马拉松

先请一位学生说一个关于自己的生活的句子,如:I get up at seven in the morning. 然后第二位学生重复第一位的句子,但要变人称,并再说一个关于自己的生活的句子,如:He/She gets up at seven in the morning. I have breakfast at seven thirteen. 然后再请第三位学生重复刚才两位说的句子,再说一个关于自己生活的句子,如:He/She gets up at seven in the morning. He/She has breakfast at seven thirteen. I go to school at eight.这样一直接下去,看谁能接到最后。

12. 根据游戏中学生的表现和说的情况总结。

(四)Post-task and Check

13. 采访:


When/What time does your father/mother…?

14. 总结采访的情况和本节课的内容。


1. 家庭听写Unit 1的四会单词.

2. 按照书P5的时间表,说说读读关于Sue 日常生活的句子。

3. 完成〈〈活〉〉P3的第5题。

Unit 1 第三课时

一. 内容

Work with language3


二. 语言点

V ocabulary: Unit 1的单词

Sentence Structure: What/What time/Who/Whose/Where does he/she do…? He/She always/usually/often/seldom/never does ...

三. 任务


四. 教学过程

(一) Leading-in

1. Have a dictation

2. Check the homework in

3. Talk about Sue’s life according the timetable.

(二) Pre-task

4. 做一做Work with language3

5. 检查,对答案。

6. 向学生介绍“e-mail ‖的格式。

7. 让学生做一做〈〈活〉P2的第3小题。

8. 对答案,并让学生读一读。

9. 出示〈〈活〉〉P2第四题的画。

10. 让学生比较图中人和动物,说说他们的特征。

11. 让学生读一读本题的句子,并把句子的编号写在相应图的括号内。


12. 出示一幅画有两个女孩在练钢琴,一个练了2个小时,一个练了1个半小时,一个短头发,一个长头发。

13. 让学生根据图画提出问题,并回答。

14. 让学生比较图画中的人物,仿照〈〈活〉〉P2第四题的句子,写一段话(不少于5句)。

15. 根据学生写的情况小结。

16. 做一做〈〈活〉〉P4第6题

17. 检查,对答案。

(四)Pro-task and Check

18. 出示几位外国小朋友的相片或图画,

19. 让学生说说自己想知道关于他们哪方面的情况,并用问题的形式说出来。

20. 老师回答他们的问题。

21. 让学生小组说说自己的校园生活。

22. 根据学生的实际情况总结。


让学生选择以上一位自己喜欢的外国小朋友作为自己的笔友,仿照书P5并用e-mail 的形式向他或她介绍一下自己的校园生活。

Unit 2 第一课时

一. 内容

Dialogue ,Fun with language

二. 语言点

V ocabulary: worried, be worried about …, tired, hand in, on time, do well in(in)…, should, worry, catch up with, together, seldom, shouldn’t=should not Sentence Structure:

May I speak to…?

This is…speaking.

He/She always/usually/often/seldom/never does ...

I/You/She/He should/shouldn’t …

三. 任务


四. 教学过程


1.Free talk.

May I speak to…?

This is… speaking

How are you? I’m fine, thank you. And you?

I ’m fine too. Thanks.

2. 看情景,说说应该跟这些小朋友说写什么话

A . 小朋友在墙上画画

B . 小朋友摘公园的花

C . 小朋友喂动物园的猴子


1. 出示图画(Jiamin )

2. T :This is my pen friend Jiamin. What does he look like?

3. 出示Jiamin 另一幅又瘦又累的图片

4. T: What does he look like now?

5. 引导学生说出句子:He looks thinner now than before.

He looks tired.

6. T :Why Jiamin looks thinner now than before? Why he looks tired?

7. 让学生小组猜猜其原因。

He usually/often/sometimes/seldom/never...


8. 听课文录音3次,找出真正的原因。并说说他的不良表现。

9. 教单词:hand in, on time, do well(in…)

10. T: I’m worried about my pen friend Jiamin. What should Jiamin do? Let’s help

him together.

11. 教单词:worry, worried, be worried about, together.

12. 让学生小组讨论给Jiamin 的建议。

He should/shouldn’t …

13. 检查并出示书Dialogue2, 让学生读一读,并对学生进行情感教育。

(四)Pro-task and Check

14. 跟读课文2次,分角色朗读,并小组表演。

15. 检查,评价。

16. 给出情景,让学生小组扮演打电话。

D . 打电话采访教练, 了解一位拿了奥运金牌的运动明星的状况.

E . 打电话问问笔友近来的生活状况

F . 妈妈打电话帮孩子请假.

17. 检查, 评价

18. 总结:1、本节课的单词


3. 如何向别人提出建议.



3.完成《活》unit 2第1,5题。

Unit 2 第二课时

一. 内容

Sound families 《活》Unit 2 第3, 4

Fun with language

二. 语言点

V ocabulary: bee, bead, pit, pea, deed, pit , deep, tip

Sentence Structure:

He/She always/usually/often/seldom/never does ...

I/You/She/He should/shouldn’t …

三. 任务


四. 教学过程

(一) L eading-in


2.再放录音,让学生注意这题动词结尾的读音:gets, looks, has, practices, goes


(二) P re-task

1. 出示Sound families 3 a的单词

2.让学生听听它们的读音,说说词尾s 的发音,并引导他们找出发音规律。

3.同样方法教Sound families 3 b,c ,d ,e

4.让学生按照规律再把Sound families 3 的单词读一遍


6.让学生读Sound Families4的句子,注意动词词尾的读音

7.逐条呈现Sound Families1的单词


9.让学生尝试读出Sound Families2的单词。

10.让学生读出〈〈活〉〉Unit 2第3题的单词和句子

11.让学生读读〈〈活〉〉Unit 3第4题的例子,注意“stays ”的词尾音




(三) W hile-task

1. 玩游戏:Grandma says (Fun with language)

A .一位同学抽句子条,并把句子读出来,

B .其他同学做句子意思相反的动作。(当是“should ‖就不做,“shouldn ’t 就反而按照句子的意思做。)

C .抽6位同学出来根据其他同学说的句子做相反的动作。



3. 出示笑话:

4. 小组讨论:What do you think of her? What should she do?

5. 检查, 小结

6. 让学生小组扮演笑话, 并抽查, 评价.

(四).Pre-task and Check

7. 让学生小组说说自己平时的学习表现, 其他同学向他提出建议。

8. 小组用本班一位同学的表现,仿照课文编对话,并分角色扮演老师打电话家访。

9. 抽查,评价。

10. 总结本节课的教学内容及学生的表现.




Unit 2 第三课时

一. 内容

Work With Language


二. 语言点

V ocabulary: Unit2的单词

Sentence Structure : He/She always/usually/often/seldom/never does ...

I/You/She/He should/shouldn’t …

三. 任务


四. 教学过程


1. have a dictation

(二) P re-task

1. 出示Work With Language1的图

2. 让学生根据图画提出问题,并说出答案

3. 让学生根据左边的单词,先将图画编号

4. 完成Work With Language1

5. 读一读答案,注意动词的读音。

6. 给出情景,让学生说说情景中人物的日常生活表现,并给出建议

7. 仿照例子,小组说说Work With Language 2的图

8. 抽查

(四) W hile-task

9. 做〈〈活〉〉Unit 2第2题

A . 先读一读所要判断的句子

B . 再让学生听录音

C . 评讲答案,错的让学生说出原因

10. 做〈〈活〉〉Unit2第6题

11. 评讲答案

12. 分角色朗读本题的对话

(五) P ro-task and Check

13. 小组根据对话内容, 讨论给Sally 的建议

14. 根据对话内容,写出问题的答案

A . Are Sally’s eyes good?

B . D oes Sally often help her mother do housework at home?

C . W ho ’s Mr. Chen?

D . How is Sally at school?

E . W hich sport is she good at?

15. 检查,小结

16.Guessing Game:老师说一段关于班里一位同学在学校表现的话,让学生猜出是谁







Unit 3 第一课时

一. 内容

Story Time


V ocabulary: sleepy, more minutes, asleep

Sentence Structure: He/She always/usually/often/seldom/never does ...

I/You/She/He should/shouldn’t …

三. 任务

理解故事内容, 能综合运用本单元的知识做听, 说, 写的练习或活动.

四. 教学过程


1. 听写Module 1的单词

2. 让学生把对自己的建议向全班读一读,鼓励他们要养成好的习惯


3. 呈现Story 的第1,4幅图画

4. 讨论问题:

P1:What are piggy and poggy doing in picture 1?

What time is it?

Should we watch TV at this time? Why?

P4: Do piggy and poggy like the programme? Why?

5. 听录音,检查答案

6. 让学生猜单词的意思:asleep, sleepy, more, (故事内容)

minute (hour )

7. 教以上单词


8. 分角色读,演故事。


让学生用句型:What ’s your name?

What time do you…?



9. 抽查学生, 并让他们读一读., 并根据所做情况小结.

(四)Pro-task and Check

10. 做> Unit 3的第1题

A. 先让学生把给出的答案读一遍

B. 听录音, 做题目, 教会学生要学会听关键词

C. 评讲

11. 做>Unit3的第3题

A. 看图写出句子所缺的单词

B. 让学生读一读句子, 注意动词词尾的发音

C. 让学生同位根据图画和句子, 提出问题, 并回答.

12. 总结


1. 完成>unit3 第5题

2. 写写父母的日常生活

Unit 3 第二课时

一. 内容

Did you know?

Additional words


二. 语言点

V ocabulary: chat, hurry, straight,

Sentence Structure: He/She always/usually/often/seldom/never does ...

I/You/She/He should/shouldn’t …

三. 任务.


四. 教学过程




1. Sing a song

2. 根据歌词和实际, 说说我们在课堂上哪些是应该做的, 哪些是不应该做的


1. 呈现Additional words的图画

2. 判断should/shouldn’t

3. 呈现Additional words的句子

4. 猜猜单词chat, hurry, straight的意思.

5. 把句子与相应的图画连起来.

6. 呈现Did you know?的图画

7. 让学生用英语谈论图画的意思

8. 出示句子

9. 向学生介绍西方人日常生活中一些不应该做的事情

10. 让学生比较中西方在这些事情上的做法有什么相同与不同

11. 让学生小组讨论我们日常生活中哪些是应该做的, 哪些是不应该做


12. 做>unit 3的第4题

A. 找出关键词

B. 写出图的编号, 并画出钟的时间

C. 检查答案

13. 做>unit3的第2题

A. 读一读题目所给的句子

B. 听录音, 判断句子正误

C. 评讲答案, 要求学生说出错的原因

14. 做>unit3的第6题

A. 读短文

B. 分清e-mail 的内容是写谁

C. 比较两封e-mail 的内容, 找出两者的相同点和不同点

D. 填表, 评讲

(四)Pro-task and Check

1. 完成Self-assessment

2. 总结学生的表现及本单元的主要内容


仿照>P13写一封e-mail 给老师, 内容主要是关于自己的日常生活.

Module 2 Seeing a Docotor

Unit 4 Janet Fells Ill?



1、To learn the names of common illness in English.

2、To learn to express different feelings and symptoms when being ill , and ways of talking to a doctor .

3、To practise advice, especially when someone is ill .

4、To raise the awareness of fostering healthy living habits.



1、Show the pictures of the topic page. Let the pupils look at

the pictures and talk about how those people feel and guess what problem they have (in English or in Chinese) .

2、Teach the new worlds on the topic page after the pupils

work out the meaning of each picture .

3、Then tell them that if they feel ill, they need to see a

doctor, and subsequently introduce the topic of this module and Unit 4.

4、Show the pictures in 1 and ask the pupils to talk about the


5、Bring forth the questions in 2 and then play the tape .

6、Check the questions in 2 with the pupils to get a general

idea of the dialogue .

7、Play the tape for the second or third time and ask the

pupils to listen to what Mrs. Webb and Janet said respectively .

8、Group the pupils and ask them to read the dialogue in roles,

and help them imagine the feeling and intonation of a patient .

9、Get the pupils to discuss in groups about what Janet should

do and share with whole class .

Work with Language


1、To practise advice like ―You should …‖and ―You shouldn’t …”.

2、To learn more adjectives to describe illness .

3、To help understanding what is supposed to do and what is not supposed to do in order to keep healthy .


1、In this part, establish a situation that many pupils feel ill today , and the school invites a doctor here for consultation . Then ask the pupils what the doctor will do and say .

2、Tell the pupils that the doctor goes to see the pupils who are not feeling well first .

3、Then show pictures from 1, teach the new words and talk about the pictures together with the pupils .

4、The pupils finish 1, then you check the answers with them . Then tell the pupils that the doctor is coming to the class and help them know how to keep healthy .

6、Play the tape and let the pupils finish 2.

7、Group the pupils and ask them to give advice to each other

in order to live a healthier life .



1、To expose pupils to situations of seeing a doctor, and to

get to know

the language used in clinics .

2、To review using third person singular to describe a person’s

habits and routines .

3、To learn more new words and and expressions about seeing

a doctor .


1、Remind the pupils of Janet’s illness, and tell them that she’s

going to see the doctor today .

2、Get the pupils to predict what the doctor will do and say .

3、After the prediction, teach the new words and the new

expressions in the dialogue .

4、Play the tape and ask the pupils to listen carefully and

check their predictions .

5、Let the pupils read the dialogue in groups .

6、Then ask the pupils to think about what they would ask

and what they wouldn’t say if they were Janet’s doctor .

7、Ask the pupils to finish 2, and then check the answers .

Sound Families


1、To raise awareness of the letter-sound and sound-spelling

correspondence .

2、To provide more practice in reading regular words .


1、Show pictures in 2 and teach how to read the words .

2、Ask the pupils to read after you .

3、Get the pupils to observe the words in 1, and try to notice the features of the vow els and digraphs like ―ck, ph‖.

4、Give the pupils time to experiment reading the words themselves, and give appropriate supports .

5、Ask the pupils to read the words after you .

Sound Families


1、To raise awareness of the letter-sound and sound-spelling

correspondence .

2、To provide more practice in reading regular words .


1、Show pictures in 2 and teach how to read the words .

2、Ask the pupils to read after you .

3、Give the pupils time to experiment reading the words

themselves, and give appropriate supports .

4、Ask the pupils to read the words after you .

Work With Language


1、To reinforce what they have learnt .

2、To learn more words and expressions about illness .

3、To work out the meaning of the language in a situation,

and practise the language learnt in the situation .


1、For 1, explain the new words and expressions bye showing

the pictures or by acting them out .

2、Ask the pupils to match the pictures and the speech bubbles,

and then check the answers .

3、In 2, use the pictures in the textbook to establish the

situation .

4、Read the sentences together with the pupils, and if necessary,

explain some of the sentences .

5、Ask the pupils to work in pairs to identify the sentences

said by doctors and patients respectively, and finish 2 .

6、Check the answers with the whole class .

7、Then ask the pupils to work in pairs again to make a

dialogue of seeing a doctor .

8、Invite some of the pupils to present their dialogues .

Fun with language


1、To review the words and expressions learnt .

2、To get feedback of the pupils’ understanding of the language

from their pictures .

3、To practise the language in an interesting way .


1、For 1, group the pupils and ask them to find the words

learnt in this module .

2、Put/write all the words found in 1 and read them together

with the pupils .

3、Let the pupils finish 2 at home, and give them a chance

to show what they can do in class .

4、If your pupils are good at drawing or are very creative,

you may ask them to draw on a piece of paper, and then

make a picture to show in class .

5、Set up a situation in 3, and ask the pupils to make a

dialogue in pairs .

6、Then ask the pupils to role-play their dialogues for the

class .

Story Time


1、To provide the pupils with an interesting topic-related story .

2、To provide more language input .

3、To practise reading simple stories with the help of pictures . Suggestions

1、Play the tape/video, and ask the pupils to listen/watch

carefully .

2、Show pictures of the story in jumbled order .

3、Then ask the pupils to work out the right order of the

pictures in groups .

4、Check the answer .

5、Play the tape/video again, and ask the pupils to follow

along .

6、Let the pupil read the story in roles .

7、Ask pupils to role-play the story or tell their parents the

story as homework .

Module 3 Our School and Our Class


Module 3的Topic 是Our School and Our Class,主要以谈论校内建筑以及学校活动为主,逐步学会运用形容词和名词的比较级谈论事物,以及表达自己的看法。本单元的另一项任务是名词性物主代词的运用。老师在教学过程中应注意语言知识的迁移,运用已学的主格、宾格、形容词性物主代词引入学习名词性物主代词,注意它们之间的用法区别,减少学生不习的难度。


在Module 1 里已经出现过一些简单的形容词比较级,学生能用简单的句子对事物进行比较,学习新知识的时候,注意以旧带新,在学习过程注意培养他们的阅读,写作能力。学生已有了几年英语的基础,老师特别要注意培养学生的综合运用语言的能力,加大语言的输入量,在适当的时候可培养学生的自学能力。


(一) 语言技能

1.能就―自己学校和班级‖ 的话题进行交谈。

2. 能就―比较建筑物‖的话题进行交谈。


(二) 语言知识

1. 掌握下面音标和读音规则:

u blue ruler truth June July

oo food stool cartoon noodles afternoon kangaroo

oo cook book foot good goose mushroom

u put bull

m mum more must gym climb welcome

n north nurse neighbour cinema than train

ng song long thing boring spring young


1) His school is better than mine.

2) My new school is much larger than the old one.

3) Does the new school have more classroom than the old one?

4) She gets up earlier than us

3、情态动词would 及must 、need 的否定式的用法及一些交际用语:

1) You needn’t go to school by bus.

2) We mustn’t pick the flowers.

3) Would you like to visit our new school?

Yes, I’d love to.

4) Welcome to our school.

Thank you.


(三). 情感态度



(四). 学习策略:

4. 能积极与他人合作,共同完成任务。

5. 能对所学习内容主动练习和实践。

6. 能积极运用所学的知识。


(五). 文化意识:了解中西学样的不同

四.教学重点, 难点

重点: 1. 能就“自己学校和班级” 的话题进行交谈。

2. 能就“比较建筑物”的话题进行交谈

难点: 长句的认读


图画, 电脑, 软件, 录音机…


本单元用8课时完成,Unit 7 :3课时;Unit 8:3课时;Unit 9:2课时.


Unit 7 第一课时

一. 内容


Work with language

二. 语言点

V ocabulary:

四会:large , international , bright , more , more than , taller , bigger , larger , lower , smaller , brighter


Sentence Structure:

1) His school is better than mine.

2) My new school is much larger than the old one.

3) Does the new school have more classroom than the old one?



1.出示一幅Yongxian ’s old school 图


3.引导学生用tall , big , small , low , bright , high 等形容建筑物。


1.出示各有特征的同一组图片(Work with language 的图片)


例:Building A is taller than building B.

3.Practise work with language in pairs

4.教学新单词: large , larger , bright , brighter

5.再出示Yongxian ’s old school 图,介绍This is Yongxian ’s old school —Guangzhou International School . He still studies here . But he is going to move to a new school next Monday. Do you know how the new school is . Let ’s guess.

6.Guess and say

引导学生用Is your new school lar ger than the old one ?

Does it have more buildings and more classrooms? Is the playground larger than the old one ?

Is the swimming pool larger than the old one ?

Is the library larger than the old one?








(四)Pro-task and Check





Unit 7 第二课时

一. 内容

Dialogue (P31)

Sing along

二. 语言点

V ocabulary :pupil , thousand , ours

Sentence Structure:

1) His school is better than mine.

2) My new school is much larger than the old one.

3) Does the new school have more classroom than the old one?

4) Would you like to visit our new school?

Yes , I’d love to.

三. 教学过程

(二) Leading-in

1.Song ―Our New School‖





1.比较Tom 和Yongxian 的学校的人数,学习thousand


3.邀请Tom and Rose 参观新学校。

学习Would you like to visit our new school next Friday? Yes , I’d love to .

(四)Post-task and Check


2.说说自己学校与Yongxian 的学校的区别



5.《活》P27 第3题





Unit 7 第三课时

一. 内容


Work with language 2


二. 语言点

V ocabulary: his , hers , better , theirs

Sentence Structure:

Her school is larger than his.


(一) Leading-in

1.Check the homework 书P34

(二) Pre-task








6.《活》P29第5题。新- 课- 标-第 - 一- 网


8.Rhyme P32

(四)Pro-task and Check


Module 1 Our life

一. 教学内容分析

Module 1的话题是“Our life ‖, 学生在四年级及五年级上学期已经学习了


述句和疑问句。Unit 2是用电话对话的形式引出Jiamin 平时学习的情况,这打

电话的日常用语在四年级的Module 4 Unit 11 的Fun with language 以笑


型…should/shouldn’t …可以与五年级…can/can’t … must/must…句型和句子联









Module 1的内容比较接近生活,我们在教学的过程中应尽量与实际联系起






四. 教学目标

(一) 语言技能X k B 1 . c o m

1. 听做: 能根据听到的内容指认本单元的新单词, 能听懂别人谈论某人日


2. 说唱: 能运用本单元的语言材料在真实情景中打电话、谈论别人的生活习


3. 玩演: 能积极参加课堂游戏及尝试表演课文内容和故事.

4. 读写: 能读本课的新单词, 读懂课文, 正确书写本课的四会单词和重点句


(二) 语言知识

1. 词汇:

New Words:

四会: study, early, subject, hour, practice, piano, than, pen friend, glad,

I ’d be glad to. , may, e-mail, each, other, each other, noon, begin, teach, soon, worried,

be worried about, tired, hand in, on time, do well (in)…,should, worry, catch up with,

together, seldom, shouldn’t

三会: former, Leeds

Sentence Structure:

Could you help me? I’d love/be glad to.

May I speak to…?

This is…speaking.

What/What time/Who/Whose/Where does he/she do…?

He/She always/usually/often/seldom/never does ...

I/You/He/She should/shouldn’t do…

2. 语法:能正确表达一般现在时第三人称的句子 能正确运用情态动词

should/shouldn’t 表达,介词to, for的正确运用。

3. 语音: 能正确运用音素/i:/, /i/, /p/,/b/,/t/,/d/拼读单词,能读准第三人称单

数动词,并能用升降调读出本单元的单词,并用正确的语调, 语音说本课


4. 话题:能用所学知识打电话、谈论别人的生活习惯,并能说出在日常生


(三). 情感态度




(四). 学习策略:

1. 能积极与他人合作,共同完成任务。

2. 能对所学习内容主动练习和实践。

3. 能积极运用所学的知识。

(五). 文化意识:了解西方人与朋友约会时一些不应该做的事情

二. 教学重点, 难点

重点: 运用本课的单词, 句型去谈论某人的生活,向别人提出建议.


三. 教学媒体

图画, 电脑, 软件, 鼓

四. 课时

本单元用8课时完成,Unit 1 :3课时;Unit 2:3课时;Unit 3:2课时.

五. 课时设计

X k B 1 . c o m

Unit 1 第一课时

一. 内容


二. 语言点

V ocabulary:

四会:study, early, subject, hour, practise, piano, than, pen friend, I’d be glad to,

may, e-mail, each other

三会:former ,Leeds

Sentence Structure:

What/What time/Who/Whose/Where does he/she do…?

He/She always/usually/often/seldom/never does ...

Could you help me? I’d love/be glad to.

三. 任务

Talk about one’s life.

四. 教学过程


1. 出示P1的图画并问学生:

A. What are they doing?

B. What does he/she usually do at/in…?



1. 出示“Sue ‖正在弹钢琴的照片

2. 问:Who ’s she?

How old is she?

What does Sue do on Weekdays?

Do you want to be her pen friend?

3. 教单词:practise, piano, than, hour, pen friend ,I ’d be glad to. E-mail, each,

other, each other (让学生注意practise 的读音和一小时的表达法:an hour)


1. 学生听录音3次,回答问题

A. Is Sue Miss White’s former pupil?

B. Does Sue study at Lily school in Leeds, England?

C. How does Sue go to school?

D. What subjects does Sue study at school.?

2. 检查答案并教单词:former, Leeds, subject,

3. 跟读课文2次,

4. 小组分角色读,演课文(可以给适当的图画和句子或表格做提示)

5. 检查。

(四)Pro-task and Check

1. 让学生把课文中谈到Janet 的日常生活的句子找出来,并在小组内说一说。

2. 检查,并让学生观察这些句子的动词,总结一般时第三人称单数动词的变


3. Sing along边跟唱边做动作.

4. 总结本节课的新单词和语法知识。

5. 出示活动手册P1第一题的图画,让学生互相问问说说图画中人物的生活。

6. 检查。

7. 笔头练习:根据活动手册P1图画填单词。(如果时间不够,可作为课后作


A. Ann _______ the ________ every day.

B. Judy _______ her homework in the evening on weekdays.

C. Tim _______ to school by ________.

D. John _________ his friends every Saturday.

E. Marry _______ at Rose School.

F. Ken always _______ the _______ for half an hour every day.

8. 检查。





Unit 1 第二课时

一. 内容

Rhyme, Work with language(1, 2)

二. 语言点

V ocabulary :noon, begin, teach, soon

Sentence Structure:

What/What time/Who/Whose/Where does he/she do…?

He/She always/usually/often/seldom/never does ...

三. 任务


四. 教学过程

(一) Leading-in

1. 评讲《活》的作业。

2.Sing the song the tape《Janet gets up early every day》。


1. 让学生根据歌词想一想:What do you think of Janet? Why?

2. 出示“Rhyme ‖,并教育学生要养成准时的良好习惯。

3. 让学生打着拍,读Rhyme

4. 师说:要做到准时,首先要安排好自己的时间,现在让我们看看Sue 是


5. 出示Work with language 1,教单词:noon, begin

6. 老师先做示范,然后让学生根据时间表讨论一下Sue 的日常生活。

Model: Sue gets up at seven in the morning on weekdays.

7. 检查


8. 比赛

让学生用What/What time/How/Does…小组内提问和回答,看哪一组能提出最多的问题,并回答正确。

9. 小结:一般现在时第三人称单数的陈述句和疑问句的表达。

10. 让学生仿照Sue 的时间表,想一想,写一写自己的时间表

11. 游戏:马拉松

先请一位学生说一个关于自己的生活的句子,如:I get up at seven in the morning. 然后第二位学生重复第一位的句子,但要变人称,并再说一个关于自己的生活的句子,如:He/She gets up at seven in the morning. I have breakfast at seven thirteen. 然后再请第三位学生重复刚才两位说的句子,再说一个关于自己生活的句子,如:He/She gets up at seven in the morning. He/She has breakfast at seven thirteen. I go to school at eight.这样一直接下去,看谁能接到最后。

12. 根据游戏中学生的表现和说的情况总结。

(四)Post-task and Check

13. 采访:


When/What time does your father/mother…?

14. 总结采访的情况和本节课的内容。


1. 家庭听写Unit 1的四会单词.

2. 按照书P5的时间表,说说读读关于Sue 日常生活的句子。

3. 完成〈〈活〉〉P3的第5题。

Unit 1 第三课时

一. 内容

Work with language3


二. 语言点

V ocabulary: Unit 1的单词

Sentence Structure: What/What time/Who/Whose/Where does he/she do…? He/She always/usually/often/seldom/never does ...

三. 任务


四. 教学过程

(一) Leading-in

1. Have a dictation

2. Check the homework in

3. Talk about Sue’s life according the timetable.

(二) Pre-task

4. 做一做Work with language3

5. 检查,对答案。

6. 向学生介绍“e-mail ‖的格式。

7. 让学生做一做〈〈活〉P2的第3小题。

8. 对答案,并让学生读一读。

9. 出示〈〈活〉〉P2第四题的画。

10. 让学生比较图中人和动物,说说他们的特征。

11. 让学生读一读本题的句子,并把句子的编号写在相应图的括号内。


12. 出示一幅画有两个女孩在练钢琴,一个练了2个小时,一个练了1个半小时,一个短头发,一个长头发。

13. 让学生根据图画提出问题,并回答。

14. 让学生比较图画中的人物,仿照〈〈活〉〉P2第四题的句子,写一段话(不少于5句)。

15. 根据学生写的情况小结。

16. 做一做〈〈活〉〉P4第6题

17. 检查,对答案。

(四)Pro-task and Check

18. 出示几位外国小朋友的相片或图画,

19. 让学生说说自己想知道关于他们哪方面的情况,并用问题的形式说出来。

20. 老师回答他们的问题。

21. 让学生小组说说自己的校园生活。

22. 根据学生的实际情况总结。


让学生选择以上一位自己喜欢的外国小朋友作为自己的笔友,仿照书P5并用e-mail 的形式向他或她介绍一下自己的校园生活。

Unit 2 第一课时

一. 内容

Dialogue ,Fun with language

二. 语言点

V ocabulary: worried, be worried about …, tired, hand in, on time, do well in(in)…, should, worry, catch up with, together, seldom, shouldn’t=should not Sentence Structure:

May I speak to…?

This is…speaking.

He/She always/usually/often/seldom/never does ...

I/You/She/He should/shouldn’t …

三. 任务


四. 教学过程


1.Free talk.

May I speak to…?

This is… speaking

How are you? I’m fine, thank you. And you?

I ’m fine too. Thanks.

2. 看情景,说说应该跟这些小朋友说写什么话

A . 小朋友在墙上画画

B . 小朋友摘公园的花

C . 小朋友喂动物园的猴子


1. 出示图画(Jiamin )

2. T :This is my pen friend Jiamin. What does he look like?

3. 出示Jiamin 另一幅又瘦又累的图片

4. T: What does he look like now?

5. 引导学生说出句子:He looks thinner now than before.

He looks tired.

6. T :Why Jiamin looks thinner now than before? Why he looks tired?

7. 让学生小组猜猜其原因。

He usually/often/sometimes/seldom/never...


8. 听课文录音3次,找出真正的原因。并说说他的不良表现。

9. 教单词:hand in, on time, do well(in…)

10. T: I’m worried about my pen friend Jiamin. What should Jiamin do? Let’s help

him together.

11. 教单词:worry, worried, be worried about, together.

12. 让学生小组讨论给Jiamin 的建议。

He should/shouldn’t …

13. 检查并出示书Dialogue2, 让学生读一读,并对学生进行情感教育。

(四)Pro-task and Check

14. 跟读课文2次,分角色朗读,并小组表演。

15. 检查,评价。

16. 给出情景,让学生小组扮演打电话。

D . 打电话采访教练, 了解一位拿了奥运金牌的运动明星的状况.

E . 打电话问问笔友近来的生活状况

F . 妈妈打电话帮孩子请假.

17. 检查, 评价

18. 总结:1、本节课的单词


3. 如何向别人提出建议.



3.完成《活》unit 2第1,5题。

Unit 2 第二课时

一. 内容

Sound families 《活》Unit 2 第3, 4

Fun with language

二. 语言点

V ocabulary: bee, bead, pit, pea, deed, pit , deep, tip

Sentence Structure:

He/She always/usually/often/seldom/never does ...

I/You/She/He should/shouldn’t …

三. 任务


四. 教学过程

(一) L eading-in


2.再放录音,让学生注意这题动词结尾的读音:gets, looks, has, practices, goes


(二) P re-task

1. 出示Sound families 3 a的单词

2.让学生听听它们的读音,说说词尾s 的发音,并引导他们找出发音规律。

3.同样方法教Sound families 3 b,c ,d ,e

4.让学生按照规律再把Sound families 3 的单词读一遍


6.让学生读Sound Families4的句子,注意动词词尾的读音

7.逐条呈现Sound Families1的单词


9.让学生尝试读出Sound Families2的单词。

10.让学生读出〈〈活〉〉Unit 2第3题的单词和句子

11.让学生读读〈〈活〉〉Unit 3第4题的例子,注意“stays ”的词尾音




(三) W hile-task

1. 玩游戏:Grandma says (Fun with language)

A .一位同学抽句子条,并把句子读出来,

B .其他同学做句子意思相反的动作。(当是“should ‖就不做,“shouldn ’t 就反而按照句子的意思做。)

C .抽6位同学出来根据其他同学说的句子做相反的动作。



3. 出示笑话:

4. 小组讨论:What do you think of her? What should she do?

5. 检查, 小结

6. 让学生小组扮演笑话, 并抽查, 评价.

(四).Pre-task and Check

7. 让学生小组说说自己平时的学习表现, 其他同学向他提出建议。

8. 小组用本班一位同学的表现,仿照课文编对话,并分角色扮演老师打电话家访。

9. 抽查,评价。

10. 总结本节课的教学内容及学生的表现.




Unit 2 第三课时

一. 内容

Work With Language


二. 语言点

V ocabulary: Unit2的单词

Sentence Structure : He/She always/usually/often/seldom/never does ...

I/You/She/He should/shouldn’t …

三. 任务


四. 教学过程


1. have a dictation

(二) P re-task

1. 出示Work With Language1的图

2. 让学生根据图画提出问题,并说出答案

3. 让学生根据左边的单词,先将图画编号

4. 完成Work With Language1

5. 读一读答案,注意动词的读音。

6. 给出情景,让学生说说情景中人物的日常生活表现,并给出建议

7. 仿照例子,小组说说Work With Language 2的图

8. 抽查

(四) W hile-task

9. 做〈〈活〉〉Unit 2第2题

A . 先读一读所要判断的句子

B . 再让学生听录音

C . 评讲答案,错的让学生说出原因

10. 做〈〈活〉〉Unit2第6题

11. 评讲答案

12. 分角色朗读本题的对话

(五) P ro-task and Check

13. 小组根据对话内容, 讨论给Sally 的建议

14. 根据对话内容,写出问题的答案

A . Are Sally’s eyes good?

B . D oes Sally often help her mother do housework at home?

C . W ho ’s Mr. Chen?

D . How is Sally at school?

E . W hich sport is she good at?

15. 检查,小结

16.Guessing Game:老师说一段关于班里一位同学在学校表现的话,让学生猜出是谁







Unit 3 第一课时

一. 内容

Story Time


V ocabulary: sleepy, more minutes, asleep

Sentence Structure: He/She always/usually/often/seldom/never does ...

I/You/She/He should/shouldn’t …

三. 任务

理解故事内容, 能综合运用本单元的知识做听, 说, 写的练习或活动.

四. 教学过程


1. 听写Module 1的单词

2. 让学生把对自己的建议向全班读一读,鼓励他们要养成好的习惯


3. 呈现Story 的第1,4幅图画

4. 讨论问题:

P1:What are piggy and poggy doing in picture 1?

What time is it?

Should we watch TV at this time? Why?

P4: Do piggy and poggy like the programme? Why?

5. 听录音,检查答案

6. 让学生猜单词的意思:asleep, sleepy, more, (故事内容)

minute (hour )

7. 教以上单词


8. 分角色读,演故事。


让学生用句型:What ’s your name?

What time do you…?



9. 抽查学生, 并让他们读一读., 并根据所做情况小结.

(四)Pro-task and Check

10. 做> Unit 3的第1题

A. 先让学生把给出的答案读一遍

B. 听录音, 做题目, 教会学生要学会听关键词

C. 评讲

11. 做>Unit3的第3题

A. 看图写出句子所缺的单词

B. 让学生读一读句子, 注意动词词尾的发音

C. 让学生同位根据图画和句子, 提出问题, 并回答.

12. 总结


1. 完成>unit3 第5题

2. 写写父母的日常生活

Unit 3 第二课时

一. 内容

Did you know?

Additional words


二. 语言点

V ocabulary: chat, hurry, straight,

Sentence Structure: He/She always/usually/often/seldom/never does ...

I/You/She/He should/shouldn’t …

三. 任务.


四. 教学过程




1. Sing a song

2. 根据歌词和实际, 说说我们在课堂上哪些是应该做的, 哪些是不应该做的


1. 呈现Additional words的图画

2. 判断should/shouldn’t

3. 呈现Additional words的句子

4. 猜猜单词chat, hurry, straight的意思.

5. 把句子与相应的图画连起来.

6. 呈现Did you know?的图画

7. 让学生用英语谈论图画的意思

8. 出示句子

9. 向学生介绍西方人日常生活中一些不应该做的事情

10. 让学生比较中西方在这些事情上的做法有什么相同与不同

11. 让学生小组讨论我们日常生活中哪些是应该做的, 哪些是不应该做


12. 做>unit 3的第4题

A. 找出关键词

B. 写出图的编号, 并画出钟的时间

C. 检查答案

13. 做>unit3的第2题

A. 读一读题目所给的句子

B. 听录音, 判断句子正误

C. 评讲答案, 要求学生说出错的原因

14. 做>unit3的第6题

A. 读短文

B. 分清e-mail 的内容是写谁

C. 比较两封e-mail 的内容, 找出两者的相同点和不同点

D. 填表, 评讲

(四)Pro-task and Check

1. 完成Self-assessment

2. 总结学生的表现及本单元的主要内容


仿照>P13写一封e-mail 给老师, 内容主要是关于自己的日常生活.

Module 2 Seeing a Docotor

Unit 4 Janet Fells Ill?



1、To learn the names of common illness in English.

2、To learn to express different feelings and symptoms when being ill , and ways of talking to a doctor .

3、To practise advice, especially when someone is ill .

4、To raise the awareness of fostering healthy living habits.



1、Show the pictures of the topic page. Let the pupils look at

the pictures and talk about how those people feel and guess what problem they have (in English or in Chinese) .

2、Teach the new worlds on the topic page after the pupils

work out the meaning of each picture .

3、Then tell them that if they feel ill, they need to see a

doctor, and subsequently introduce the topic of this module and Unit 4.

4、Show the pictures in 1 and ask the pupils to talk about the


5、Bring forth the questions in 2 and then play the tape .

6、Check the questions in 2 with the pupils to get a general

idea of the dialogue .

7、Play the tape for the second or third time and ask the

pupils to listen to what Mrs. Webb and Janet said respectively .

8、Group the pupils and ask them to read the dialogue in roles,

and help them imagine the feeling and intonation of a patient .

9、Get the pupils to discuss in groups about what Janet should

do and share with whole class .

Work with Language


1、To practise advice like ―You should …‖and ―You shouldn’t …”.

2、To learn more adjectives to describe illness .

3、To help understanding what is supposed to do and what is not supposed to do in order to keep healthy .


1、In this part, establish a situation that many pupils feel ill today , and the school invites a doctor here for consultation . Then ask the pupils what the doctor will do and say .

2、Tell the pupils that the doctor goes to see the pupils who are not feeling well first .

3、Then show pictures from 1, teach the new words and talk about the pictures together with the pupils .

4、The pupils finish 1, then you check the answers with them . Then tell the pupils that the doctor is coming to the class and help them know how to keep healthy .

6、Play the tape and let the pupils finish 2.

7、Group the pupils and ask them to give advice to each other

in order to live a healthier life .



1、To expose pupils to situations of seeing a doctor, and to

get to know

the language used in clinics .

2、To review using third person singular to describe a person’s

habits and routines .

3、To learn more new words and and expressions about seeing

a doctor .


1、Remind the pupils of Janet’s illness, and tell them that she’s

going to see the doctor today .

2、Get the pupils to predict what the doctor will do and say .

3、After the prediction, teach the new words and the new

expressions in the dialogue .

4、Play the tape and ask the pupils to listen carefully and

check their predictions .

5、Let the pupils read the dialogue in groups .

6、Then ask the pupils to think about what they would ask

and what they wouldn’t say if they were Janet’s doctor .

7、Ask the pupils to finish 2, and then check the answers .

Sound Families


1、To raise awareness of the letter-sound and sound-spelling

correspondence .

2、To provide more practice in reading regular words .


1、Show pictures in 2 and teach how to read the words .

2、Ask the pupils to read after you .

3、Get the pupils to observe the words in 1, and try to notice the features of the vow els and digraphs like ―ck, ph‖.

4、Give the pupils time to experiment reading the words themselves, and give appropriate supports .

5、Ask the pupils to read the words after you .

Sound Families


1、To raise awareness of the letter-sound and sound-spelling

correspondence .

2、To provide more practice in reading regular words .


1、Show pictures in 2 and teach how to read the words .

2、Ask the pupils to read after you .

3、Give the pupils time to experiment reading the words

themselves, and give appropriate supports .

4、Ask the pupils to read the words after you .

Work With Language


1、To reinforce what they have learnt .

2、To learn more words and expressions about illness .

3、To work out the meaning of the language in a situation,

and practise the language learnt in the situation .


1、For 1, explain the new words and expressions bye showing

the pictures or by acting them out .

2、Ask the pupils to match the pictures and the speech bubbles,

and then check the answers .

3、In 2, use the pictures in the textbook to establish the

situation .

4、Read the sentences together with the pupils, and if necessary,

explain some of the sentences .

5、Ask the pupils to work in pairs to identify the sentences

said by doctors and patients respectively, and finish 2 .

6、Check the answers with the whole class .

7、Then ask the pupils to work in pairs again to make a

dialogue of seeing a doctor .

8、Invite some of the pupils to present their dialogues .

Fun with language


1、To review the words and expressions learnt .

2、To get feedback of the pupils’ understanding of the language

from their pictures .

3、To practise the language in an interesting way .


1、For 1, group the pupils and ask them to find the words

learnt in this module .

2、Put/write all the words found in 1 and read them together

with the pupils .

3、Let the pupils finish 2 at home, and give them a chance

to show what they can do in class .

4、If your pupils are good at drawing or are very creative,

you may ask them to draw on a piece of paper, and then

make a picture to show in class .

5、Set up a situation in 3, and ask the pupils to make a

dialogue in pairs .

6、Then ask the pupils to role-play their dialogues for the

class .

Story Time


1、To provide the pupils with an interesting topic-related story .

2、To provide more language input .

3、To practise reading simple stories with the help of pictures . Suggestions

1、Play the tape/video, and ask the pupils to listen/watch

carefully .

2、Show pictures of the story in jumbled order .

3、Then ask the pupils to work out the right order of the

pictures in groups .

4、Check the answer .

5、Play the tape/video again, and ask the pupils to follow

along .

6、Let the pupil read the story in roles .

7、Ask pupils to role-play the story or tell their parents the

story as homework .

Module 3 Our School and Our Class


Module 3的Topic 是Our School and Our Class,主要以谈论校内建筑以及学校活动为主,逐步学会运用形容词和名词的比较级谈论事物,以及表达自己的看法。本单元的另一项任务是名词性物主代词的运用。老师在教学过程中应注意语言知识的迁移,运用已学的主格、宾格、形容词性物主代词引入学习名词性物主代词,注意它们之间的用法区别,减少学生不习的难度。


在Module 1 里已经出现过一些简单的形容词比较级,学生能用简单的句子对事物进行比较,学习新知识的时候,注意以旧带新,在学习过程注意培养他们的阅读,写作能力。学生已有了几年英语的基础,老师特别要注意培养学生的综合运用语言的能力,加大语言的输入量,在适当的时候可培养学生的自学能力。


(一) 语言技能

1.能就―自己学校和班级‖ 的话题进行交谈。

2. 能就―比较建筑物‖的话题进行交谈。


(二) 语言知识

1. 掌握下面音标和读音规则:

u blue ruler truth June July

oo food stool cartoon noodles afternoon kangaroo

oo cook book foot good goose mushroom

u put bull

m mum more must gym climb welcome

n north nurse neighbour cinema than train

ng song long thing boring spring young


1) His school is better than mine.

2) My new school is much larger than the old one.

3) Does the new school have more classroom than the old one?

4) She gets up earlier than us

3、情态动词would 及must 、need 的否定式的用法及一些交际用语:

1) You needn’t go to school by bus.

2) We mustn’t pick the flowers.

3) Would you like to visit our new school?

Yes, I’d love to.

4) Welcome to our school.

Thank you.


(三). 情感态度



(四). 学习策略:

4. 能积极与他人合作,共同完成任务。

5. 能对所学习内容主动练习和实践。

6. 能积极运用所学的知识。


(五). 文化意识:了解中西学样的不同

四.教学重点, 难点

重点: 1. 能就“自己学校和班级” 的话题进行交谈。

2. 能就“比较建筑物”的话题进行交谈

难点: 长句的认读


图画, 电脑, 软件, 录音机…


本单元用8课时完成,Unit 7 :3课时;Unit 8:3课时;Unit 9:2课时.


Unit 7 第一课时

一. 内容


Work with language

二. 语言点

V ocabulary:

四会:large , international , bright , more , more than , taller , bigger , larger , lower , smaller , brighter


Sentence Structure:

1) His school is better than mine.

2) My new school is much larger than the old one.

3) Does the new school have more classroom than the old one?



1.出示一幅Yongxian ’s old school 图


3.引导学生用tall , big , small , low , bright , high 等形容建筑物。


1.出示各有特征的同一组图片(Work with language 的图片)


例:Building A is taller than building B.

3.Practise work with language in pairs

4.教学新单词: large , larger , bright , brighter

5.再出示Yongxian ’s old school 图,介绍This is Yongxian ’s old school —Guangzhou International School . He still studies here . But he is going to move to a new school next Monday. Do you know how the new school is . Let ’s guess.

6.Guess and say

引导学生用Is your new school lar ger than the old one ?

Does it have more buildings and more classrooms? Is the playground larger than the old one ?

Is the swimming pool larger than the old one ?

Is the library larger than the old one?








(四)Pro-task and Check





Unit 7 第二课时

一. 内容

Dialogue (P31)

Sing along

二. 语言点

V ocabulary :pupil , thousand , ours

Sentence Structure:

1) His school is better than mine.

2) My new school is much larger than the old one.

3) Does the new school have more classroom than the old one?

4) Would you like to visit our new school?

Yes , I’d love to.

三. 教学过程

(二) Leading-in

1.Song ―Our New School‖





1.比较Tom 和Yongxian 的学校的人数,学习thousand


3.邀请Tom and Rose 参观新学校。

学习Would you like to visit our new school next Friday? Yes , I’d love to .

(四)Post-task and Check


2.说说自己学校与Yongxian 的学校的区别



5.《活》P27 第3题





Unit 7 第三课时

一. 内容


Work with language 2


二. 语言点

V ocabulary: his , hers , better , theirs

Sentence Structure:

Her school is larger than his.


(一) Leading-in

1.Check the homework 书P34

(二) Pre-task








6.《活》P29第5题。新- 课- 标-第 - 一- 网


8.Rhyme P32

(四)Pro-task and Check



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