

He's got a gift 他很有天赋

You should really continue with your tennis lessons. You have a gift and I think you can have the chance to get into a pro.

你真该继续上网球课. 你很有天赋. 我觉得你会有机会进入职业队的.Pro. 职业队

He really has a gift with the ladies. He always has a date on Friday night. 他对女人很有一套. 周五晚上他总有约会的.

Get in the middle of 插手……,卷入……

It has nothing to do with you.Why are you getting in the middle of their arguments? 这事跟你一点关系都没有。你干吗搅合到他们的争论中呢?

I started working in a part time for a consulting firm.Now I'm right getting in the middle of this huge deal.I don't understand how my job became so important.


See your way clear of something:避免

If you don't want to get caught in that storm. You'd better see your way clear of highway 27. 你要是不想遭遇暴风雪,最好避开27号高速路。

To be that situation in life, you really need to see your way clear of a lot of temptation.


cut to the chase:说话直截了当, 切入正题

Let's cut to the chase.


Cut to the chase! We're tired of the story already.

直入主题吧! 我们已经听厌了这类故事。

Round and round:说话兜圈子

Look, we can go round and round all the afternoon, but we have to make a decision on the investment today.


You keep going round and round on the subject. Do you want to join the team our not?


you bet当然, 肯定地, 没问题

Can you help with my homework?

You bet. I just took this course last year.



You bet we’re going to the concert. We just got a great deal on tickets. 我们当然要去听音乐会了。我们拿到了几张优惠票。

Pep talk 鼓舞士气的讲话

My boss gave me a great pep talk before the big meeting.I think it really helped me to close the deal.


The team was given a pep talk on the morning of the big match. 运动队在大赛当天早晨听了一次鼓舞士气的讲话。

You give one heel of pep talk.


Angela needed a good pep talk after she didn't get asked to the prom. 没有人请Angela 跳舞,我们该给她一点鼓励。


He's got a gift 他很有天赋

You should really continue with your tennis lessons. You have a gift and I think you can have the chance to get into a pro.

你真该继续上网球课. 你很有天赋. 我觉得你会有机会进入职业队的.Pro. 职业队

He really has a gift with the ladies. He always has a date on Friday night. 他对女人很有一套. 周五晚上他总有约会的.

Get in the middle of 插手……,卷入……

It has nothing to do with you.Why are you getting in the middle of their arguments? 这事跟你一点关系都没有。你干吗搅合到他们的争论中呢?

I started working in a part time for a consulting firm.Now I'm right getting in the middle of this huge deal.I don't understand how my job became so important.


See your way clear of something:避免

If you don't want to get caught in that storm. You'd better see your way clear of highway 27. 你要是不想遭遇暴风雪,最好避开27号高速路。

To be that situation in life, you really need to see your way clear of a lot of temptation.


cut to the chase:说话直截了当, 切入正题

Let's cut to the chase.


Cut to the chase! We're tired of the story already.

直入主题吧! 我们已经听厌了这类故事。

Round and round:说话兜圈子

Look, we can go round and round all the afternoon, but we have to make a decision on the investment today.


You keep going round and round on the subject. Do you want to join the team our not?


you bet当然, 肯定地, 没问题

Can you help with my homework?

You bet. I just took this course last year.



You bet we’re going to the concert. We just got a great deal on tickets. 我们当然要去听音乐会了。我们拿到了几张优惠票。

Pep talk 鼓舞士气的讲话

My boss gave me a great pep talk before the big meeting.I think it really helped me to close the deal.


The team was given a pep talk on the morning of the big match. 运动队在大赛当天早晨听了一次鼓舞士气的讲话。

You give one heel of pep talk.


Angela needed a good pep talk after she didn't get asked to the prom. 没有人请Angela 跳舞,我们该给她一点鼓励。


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