
personal resume

姓名 性别 女 年龄 43
name: sex: female age: 43

address: suite , no. , lane , east hanyang road, shanghai

电话: 手机 e-mail
phone: mobile: e-mail:

educational background:

1994 - 1996年 日本神户学院大学药学研究科 获硕士学位
1994 - 1996 had studied at pharmaceutical research institute of kobe gakuin university, japan. had obtained a master’s degree.

1992 - 1993年 ○○○○○○○○日本语学校日语进修
1992 - 1993 had studied japanese language at japanese language school.

1979 - 1983年 中国华东理科大学生物化学专业 获学士学位
1979 - 1983 had studied specialty of bio-chemistry at east china science university. had obtained a bachelor’s degree.

career experience:

2003年6月 - 至现在 中央直属大型集团企业(中国○○集团)制药事业部 高级经理
june 2003 - now has acted as a senior manager of medicine manufacturing division of a big-sized group    enterprise the “china xx group corp.” - a subsidiary company directly owned by the chinese central government. had mainly handled the following related jobs of project investment in establishing a big-sized liquid medicament manufacture base owned by the group company

输液产品选择、市场调研、项目策划 (市场部)
l selection of transfusion product, conduct of marketing research and handling project scheming etc. (the marketing division)



; l co-operation matters with partners at home and abroad such as project initialization, equipment bidding invitation and technology importation; (the outsourcing affairs division)

从新产品研发到上市的推进协调 (新事业发展(nbd)部)
l promotion and co-ordination of new product in the stages from their research and development to launching them onto the market; (the new business development division)

2000 - 2003年 上海○○○○科技有限公司 总经理 (个人公司)
2000 - 2003 had acted as the general manager of shanghai technology co. ltd. (an individual-owned company)

进口药品添加剂的国内销售 技术支持 财会等全面管理
l in charge of overall management affairs of selling the imported medicinal additives on the home market, handle the technical support jobs and those in the finance division.

1996 - 1999年 日本著名大公司 药品及食品添加剂部 中国市场经理
1996 - 1999 had been a chinese marketing manager of medicine and food additives division of a famous big-sized japanese company.

药品相关法规及市场调研 市场策略 工作目标及计划
l research of medicine-related regulation and study of marketing affairs, as well as responsible for marketing strategy and scheming of work objectives and plans.

l conduct registry work for company’s major product being exported into chinese market.

策划 实施大型产品发布会 行业展览 产品演示等市场拓展活动
l scheme and conduct market development activities of big-sized product release show, exhibition within the trade, and product roadshows etc.

构筑全国范围内同大学院校 科研机构的技术合作交流网络
l had built a technical cooperation network with some colleges and universities all

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personal resume

姓名 性别 女 年龄 43
name: sex: female age: 43

address: suite , no. , lane , east hanyang road, shanghai

电话: 手机 e-mail
phone: mobile: e-mail:

educational background:

1994 - 1996年 日本神户学院大学药学研究科 获硕士学位
1994 - 1996 had studied at pharmaceutical research institute of kobe gakuin university, japan. had obtained a master’s degree.

1992 - 1993年 ○○○○○○○○日本语学校日语进修
1992 - 1993 had studied japanese language at japanese language school.

1979 - 1983年 中国华东理科大学生物化学专业 获学士学位
1979 - 1983 had studied specialty of bio-chemistry at east china science university. had obtained a bachelor’s degree.

career experience:

2003年6月 - 至现在 中央直属大型集团企业(中国○○集团)制药事业部 高级经理
june 2003 - now has acted as a senior manager of medicine manufacturing division of a big-sized group    enterprise the “china xx group corp.” - a subsidiary company directly owned by the chinese central government. had mainly handled the following related jobs of project investment in establishing a big-sized liquid medicament manufacture base owned by the group company

输液产品选择、市场调研、项目策划 (市场部)
l selection of transfusion product, conduct of marketing research and handling project scheming etc. (the marketing division)



; l co-operation matters with partners at home and abroad such as project initialization, equipment bidding invitation and technology importation; (the outsourcing affairs division)

从新产品研发到上市的推进协调 (新事业发展(nbd)部)
l promotion and co-ordination of new product in the stages from their research and development to launching them onto the market; (the new business development division)

2000 - 2003年 上海○○○○科技有限公司 总经理 (个人公司)
2000 - 2003 had acted as the general manager of shanghai technology co. ltd. (an individual-owned company)

进口药品添加剂的国内销售 技术支持 财会等全面管理
l in charge of overall management affairs of selling the imported medicinal additives on the home market, handle the technical support jobs and those in the finance division.

1996 - 1999年 日本著名大公司 药品及食品添加剂部 中国市场经理
1996 - 1999 had been a chinese marketing manager of medicine and food additives division of a famous big-sized japanese company.

药品相关法规及市场调研 市场策略 工作目标及计划
l research of medicine-related regulation and study of marketing affairs, as well as responsible for marketing strategy and scheming of work objectives and plans.

l conduct registry work for company’s major product being exported into chinese market.

策划 实施大型产品发布会 行业展览 产品演示等市场拓展活动
l scheme and conduct market development activities of big-sized product release show, exhibition within the trade, and product roadshows etc.

构筑全国范围内同大学院校 科研机构的技术合作交流网络
l had built a technical cooperation network with some colleges and universities all

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