

Winter nights are most serene and most lengthy, there is something for people who no doubt is a kind of repressed it, I do not know when to begin the fear of the dark of night. The dark night, people feel the kind of silent terror. The evening sun, even lower than at other times, the sun dipped lazy left corner of every corner of the city, making the city put on a dismal faint red coat. Always thought, I can live with this sale is missing, always thought, I can have in your heart, you have been in my dream, always thought, I can, Partition relative, never regret, but then I am in the endless night you may have seen me sad? Perhaps you really embrace this life I can never match the remote, but you ever know in my dreams, my number in your arms shed tears of Acacia? I am in your poem many times and had to tears!

I do not need eachother, I just need you and I will never go together, no matter what happens, the network handle life stubbornly persists. You are my drunk methylene blue color, a big crowd love you only. I used the end of your article, you will always be in my heart my only! The love you give is too perfect! I would rather hurt no regrets, the most beautiful smile I have left you!

Once again, touch your passionate words touched my heart in addition there is a loss, helpless I do not know how to describe their feelings, thinking of you, deep thoughts, his mind is your shadow, I am in front of you to I love poems, love, once again impact on my heart, love, once again wake up I have a numb heart, I had to do not I will not love, will not be tempted, I often tell myself, people in the Red , love in the World, I often miss the days you secretly tears, see you in the video, my smiling face, it is because you are beautiful beautiful that I laugh, I do not want my sadness to dominate you ideas, love you, happy is to you, to your happiness.

I really do not want to go on arguing with you has been like this, you say, you and I will never fight again, and I say this feels so good live, but this happiness is really too short, that I give up, ah, you said let her go, for our own good, but I recall the days and nights with you, there's always such promises, so many of eachother, the original, the original, so-called virtual love was so fragile. Would like to say to you: Do not care too much, I do not need too much commitment, as long as you love me good, but disturb your quiet life, so that another woman alone in the dark in sorrow. Would like to say to you: Do not think too much, I was only a brief moment in your life, a beautiful meteor only. But even if you are willing to give up, but how could I let go of your feelings deep as the sea? How can I forget you and I left with so many memories, so much sweetness, so many touching words, so many bits and pieces.

I have been silent, crying crying, you said you would love me to give me a Pacific Ocean, you will come together it turns my tears River. I repeated to read our chat in mind, that is repeated in the dream will be pondering why you will not believe me, I think, is not how good you do not know, my love for the self-confidence is not quite enough, the dough dream attachment to you, want this happiness to become eternal good, really want to stop the clock at this moment. We had so many barren luxury together, together, when the wasted too much time.

From the waves of the warm summer air, to cool autumn, to bleak winds, the memory footprint of the passage of a hurry, as if to imply that this world of short-lived. If so, I prefer in my heart, you never have existed in leaving traces. If the spring is the heart of the bud, is the heart of the summer bloom, fall is the heart of the harvest, then after the winter is a quiet passion, the feeling of loneliness waves, like this season all agreed, a piece of yellow leaves be regarded as a symbol to express it this season.











Winter nights are most serene and most lengthy, there is something for people who no doubt is a kind of repressed it, I do not know when to begin the fear of the dark of night. The dark night, people feel the kind of silent terror. The evening sun, even lower than at other times, the sun dipped lazy left corner of every corner of the city, making the city put on a dismal faint red coat. Always thought, I can live with this sale is missing, always thought, I can have in your heart, you have been in my dream, always thought, I can, Partition relative, never regret, but then I am in the endless night you may have seen me sad? Perhaps you really embrace this life I can never match the remote, but you ever know in my dreams, my number in your arms shed tears of Acacia? I am in your poem many times and had to tears!

I do not need eachother, I just need you and I will never go together, no matter what happens, the network handle life stubbornly persists. You are my drunk methylene blue color, a big crowd love you only. I used the end of your article, you will always be in my heart my only! The love you give is too perfect! I would rather hurt no regrets, the most beautiful smile I have left you!

Once again, touch your passionate words touched my heart in addition there is a loss, helpless I do not know how to describe their feelings, thinking of you, deep thoughts, his mind is your shadow, I am in front of you to I love poems, love, once again impact on my heart, love, once again wake up I have a numb heart, I had to do not I will not love, will not be tempted, I often tell myself, people in the Red , love in the World, I often miss the days you secretly tears, see you in the video, my smiling face, it is because you are beautiful beautiful that I laugh, I do not want my sadness to dominate you ideas, love you, happy is to you, to your happiness.

I really do not want to go on arguing with you has been like this, you say, you and I will never fight again, and I say this feels so good live, but this happiness is really too short, that I give up, ah, you said let her go, for our own good, but I recall the days and nights with you, there's always such promises, so many of eachother, the original, the original, so-called virtual love was so fragile. Would like to say to you: Do not care too much, I do not need too much commitment, as long as you love me good, but disturb your quiet life, so that another woman alone in the dark in sorrow. Would like to say to you: Do not think too much, I was only a brief moment in your life, a beautiful meteor only. But even if you are willing to give up, but how could I let go of your feelings deep as the sea? How can I forget you and I left with so many memories, so much sweetness, so many touching words, so many bits and pieces.

I have been silent, crying crying, you said you would love me to give me a Pacific Ocean, you will come together it turns my tears River. I repeated to read our chat in mind, that is repeated in the dream will be pondering why you will not believe me, I think, is not how good you do not know, my love for the self-confidence is not quite enough, the dough dream attachment to you, want this happiness to become eternal good, really want to stop the clock at this moment. We had so many barren luxury together, together, when the wasted too much time.

From the waves of the warm summer air, to cool autumn, to bleak winds, the memory footprint of the passage of a hurry, as if to imply that this world of short-lived. If so, I prefer in my heart, you never have existed in leaving traces. If the spring is the heart of the bud, is the heart of the summer bloom, fall is the heart of the harvest, then after the winter is a quiet passion, the feeling of loneliness waves, like this season all agreed, a piece of yellow leaves be regarded as a symbol to express it this season.











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