
Should Famous Chinese Sites of Historical Interest Charge Higher Fees?

There are many places of interest in China, which is known not only to every citizen, but also to the world. When the foreigners talk about China, they all extend their thumb and say China is a famous and fantastic country. Millions of people come to China from all over the world to see the sights of China, but there is a report recently shows that many famous sites of historical interest in China have begun or are considering charging tourists higher entry fees during peak travel seasons. Depending on personal experience, I agree with this plan. My arguments for this point are listed as follows.

In the beginning, as we all know that China is a country with large population. There are huge crowds of people heading for scenic spots during peak travel seasons. Tourist administration and government can not control the situation very well because of too many people. The tourists will ignore environment and destroy the historical relics. It has raised concerns over the impact on the ecosystem, so it is not a bad idea to charge higher fees on those days for appropriately restrict the stream of people to protect scenic environment. There is another factor that deserves some words here. Charging higher entry fees during peak travel seasons can promote the development of the GDP and further develop tourism. Appropriate increase the economic benefits so that we can better balance the off-season and tourist season. In addition, the reason is also usable when we consider that there are a lot of foreign tourists visiting famous places in China each year. Many citizens will release themselves with family by traveling if the entry fee is as usual. So foreigners will be astonished when seen such loaded people and squeezed or crowded, this will only reduce their impression of Chinese tourists.

In a word, the meaning of travel is going to some where you are interested and appreciate, enjoy the moment staying with family and friends, rather than see countless heads. The government charge higher entry fees during peak travel seasons is reasonable. Maintain order is the most significant anyway.

Should Famous Chinese Sites of Historical Interest Charge Higher Fees?

There are many places of interest in China, which is known not only to every citizen, but also to the world. When the foreigners talk about China, they all extend their thumb and say China is a famous and fantastic country. Millions of people come to China from all over the world to see the sights of China, but there is a report recently shows that many famous sites of historical interest in China have begun or are considering charging tourists higher entry fees during peak travel seasons. Depending on personal experience, I agree with this plan. My arguments for this point are listed as follows.

In the beginning, as we all know that China is a country with large population. There are huge crowds of people heading for scenic spots during peak travel seasons. Tourist administration and government can not control the situation very well because of too many people. The tourists will ignore environment and destroy the historical relics. It has raised concerns over the impact on the ecosystem, so it is not a bad idea to charge higher fees on those days for appropriately restrict the stream of people to protect scenic environment. There is another factor that deserves some words here. Charging higher entry fees during peak travel seasons can promote the development of the GDP and further develop tourism. Appropriate increase the economic benefits so that we can better balance the off-season and tourist season. In addition, the reason is also usable when we consider that there are a lot of foreign tourists visiting famous places in China each year. Many citizens will release themselves with family by traveling if the entry fee is as usual. So foreigners will be astonished when seen such loaded people and squeezed or crowded, this will only reduce their impression of Chinese tourists.

In a word, the meaning of travel is going to some where you are interested and appreciate, enjoy the moment staying with family and friends, rather than see countless heads. The government charge higher entry fees during peak travel seasons is reasonable. Maintain order is the most significant anyway.


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