

When I sent the resume of the first, for fantasy; when the issue of the first 100 copies of your resume in order to survive


Marriage is a radish, a pit, the work is a pit of a basket of radishes.


Occasionally drifting away in a dark cloud in the sky does not seem to be the next full day of rain


Front whether it is a minefield or a cliff, I have anti-coffin forward!


Whether you are an antelope or a lion, when the sun rises every day, you'd better start running.


the rice stir fry cooked, emotional stir fry light.


girl ah girl, you broke into a man's heart, he should give you a home.


the two together, are dependent on tooth it touched the tongue, tomorrow, tongue touch theteeth, strong man, sooner or later a woman scare.


Love is a feeling, even if the suffering will feel happy. If I occupied the sky and the starry sky: If Ioccupied the world and its infinite wealth, I still have more requests, but as long as I have you, even if I did not almost deprived of accommodation in this world, I will be satisfied .


people are going too fast too stop, or the heart with the soul can not keep up le!


the courage to pick you have to dare to left, dare to left do not be afraid of nobody wanted.


the perfect man is on the ground climb the mountain on top of Outlook, stayed at the room.


marriage is the two pig holding fast chips, happy music into the slaughterhouse.


is a bed of love Well, two, three acres of land, four eyes, five baby.


do not experience those crooked melon split dates, how to know what is good.


this world every sad one minute, you'll lose 60 seconds of happinein this world who have left who can live.


a man sometimes is a honey, ah, you saw a flower that you would want to bite it, bite, andpeople at most one packet from the bloom or full bloom, but you own it. lost a life


When I sent the resume of the first, for fantasy; when the issue of the first 100 copies of your resume in order to survive


Marriage is a radish, a pit, the work is a pit of a basket of radishes.


Occasionally drifting away in a dark cloud in the sky does not seem to be the next full day of rain


Front whether it is a minefield or a cliff, I have anti-coffin forward!


Whether you are an antelope or a lion, when the sun rises every day, you'd better start running.


the rice stir fry cooked, emotional stir fry light.


girl ah girl, you broke into a man's heart, he should give you a home.


the two together, are dependent on tooth it touched the tongue, tomorrow, tongue touch theteeth, strong man, sooner or later a woman scare.


Love is a feeling, even if the suffering will feel happy. If I occupied the sky and the starry sky: If Ioccupied the world and its infinite wealth, I still have more requests, but as long as I have you, even if I did not almost deprived of accommodation in this world, I will be satisfied .


people are going too fast too stop, or the heart with the soul can not keep up le!


the courage to pick you have to dare to left, dare to left do not be afraid of nobody wanted.


the perfect man is on the ground climb the mountain on top of Outlook, stayed at the room.


marriage is the two pig holding fast chips, happy music into the slaughterhouse.


is a bed of love Well, two, three acres of land, four eyes, five baby.


do not experience those crooked melon split dates, how to know what is good.


this world every sad one minute, you'll lose 60 seconds of happinein this world who have left who can live.


a man sometimes is a honey, ah, you saw a flower that you would want to bite it, bite, andpeople at most one packet from the bloom or full bloom, but you own it. lost a life


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