


约束工会、剥夺高福利机制,绝不向反对者妥协。面对游行、罢工、爆炸,不为所动。在她唐宁街的办公室里,日复一日的勤勉工作。 危机的时代,只有铁腕的领导人才能带一个国家度过。因为大众只会想到自己眼前的利益,看到今天希腊等国一次次的大罢工,我们就能理解做为女人的撒切尔做的已经不仅仅是出色而已。这样的人,才有资格被称为政治家,而非动动嘴皮子高喊民主自由的政客。而撒切尔夫人作为这样一个女人,站在了国家民族之颠,用强硬而方式征服了这片土地。




影片《铁娘子(The Iron Lady)》以暮年撒切尔夫人佝偻着身子的背影,踯躅地走过厨房门,来到楼梯口,又缓缓右转,蹒跚地消失在观众视线中,作为全片的落幕,接着那个楼梯口的光渐渐黯淡以至于全部消失,仿佛想藉此来表达一种悲戚:即便玛格丽特•希尔达•撒切尔曾经叱咤风云,但如今的她只是一个老人,一个羸弱而孤独的老人。

许 是影片导演和编剧均为女性的缘故,该片风格趋于温婉哀伤。导演菲利达•劳埃德还长期从事戏剧行当,这是她的第二次触电执导筒,许是表现手法和拍片经验的问 题,影片的呈现总给人一种比较重主观“feel”的感觉,而片中晚年的撒切尔曾说过:“知道这个时代的最大问题吗?我们被这样的人领导着,他们注重感觉多 于思考和想法。”似乎该片的问题也在于此。

客观地说,影片既没有好到令人叫绝,也没差到看不下去。如果将这部饱受争议的影片作为一部传记片 来看,它显然拍得有点“写意”了,它虚拟了撒切尔夫人晚年的心境,试图以回忆的方式串联起撒切尔11年从政生涯的片段和家庭生活的点滴,拟刻画出出身平凡 却努力不懈攀上时代权利顶峰的女性形象,同时再现出在男性权利角逐圈奋斗的女性的辛酸和不易。只是该片的节奏略显凌乱,


不 可否认,该片的立意本是可期许的,即试图从人性化的角度来再现“铁腕”夫人人生的几个时段,如今最终的成色还不算差,毕竟想在有限的片长内梳理一个重要政 治人物的人生,提纲挈领地抛出可圈点之处,还想将人物再现得丰满立体且充满深意,这是很多传记片导演的“野心”,但这是件不太容易做到的事。 当 然,该片也有突出的强项,如画面呈现得颇具美感,很多场景对色彩的运用也充满了意味,如撒切尔一身鲜亮的蓝色衣裙坐在一群情绪激昂的着深色西装的男士中 间,这凸显了这位政治女性的孤独和特殊。而影片最大的强项和看点都来自梅丽尔•斯尔丽普,《每日电讯报》甚至如此盛赞;“虽然英国有那么多出色的女演员, 但是很难找出一个能扮演好撒切尔夫人的。与此同时,我们也很难想象有谁能比斯特里普做得更好。”无疑,梅姑又奉献了一次精彩的表演,虽然部分戏略显用劲稍 大,但瑕不掩瑜,她依旧很有说服力地塑造出了一位经历和内心同样繁复的女性形象,不论晚年时那个蹒跚佝偻神情恍惚的老妇,还是从政时刚毅果敢硬朗犀利的铁娘子,梅姑都拿捏得当,诠释自如。

在表现不同时段撒切尔的形象时,除却化妆师的 协助,梅姑的眼神很具表现力,女首相的目光是坚定而自信地,即便在遭遇非议遇到坎儿时,对比孀居的痴呆老妇,那眼神是游离的犹豫的,还透着股子不确定与隐 隐的恐惧,辅以发僵的腿脚、扶着门框的手臂、语无伦次的自语,梅姑已将昔日首相如今的耄耋残年、沉疴心头塑造得形神兼备。对比,曾经在议会发言的意气风 发,在唐宁街办公的一锤定音,反衬出了一种深沉的无奈和沧桑。其中,关于撒切尔为了参选改变说话语气而做的发声训练中,梅姑所发出的声音令人一下子想起了她主演过的那部充满了奇怪口音的《朱莉和茱莉亚》。
















In 1918, the congress on behalf of "civil law", with more than 30 women have the right to vote, but it was not until 1928 that women's suffrage. In about 50 years, first appeared in Britain in 1979, so far the only female prime minister, she was Margaret thatcher (MargaretThatcher, 1925 -). Margaret thatcher became prime minister, seemingly successful break gender restrictions, in a sexist society ─ ─ especially male political tradition ─ ─ for a place, but the fact is really the case? British director Mr, lida Roy (PhyllidaLloyd), directed by the second plot long piece "the iron lady: strong tender feelings", on the surface is Mrs Thatcher's biography movie depicting the story, but in fact it was entertaining to get hidden in the "Gender" (Gender) in this paper.

The iron lady, Margaret thatcher's always two sides to everything

"Iron lady" (IronLady) derived from the former Soviet union, the media of Mrs Thatcher's calls, but also truthfully reflect her two sides: iron, its hardened, cold nature, can be characterized as "male"; Take it for granted that lady emphasizes "female" (" male "and" female "here refers to the formation of" social gender "the day after tomorrow). As Taiwan's producers under the subtitle, iron fortified with lady tender feelings, expressed by two distinct personality and at the same time slice of Margaret thatcher (MerylStreep).

Movie is now continuously interlaced with the past. Now is already quit politics, memory loss, rolls for grain shape 痀 of Margaret thatcher's time and space; The space and time are used to include Margaret

(AlexandraRoach act the role ofing), as a young and when he became prime minister Margaret thatcher. Through the fragments of the past, we can see Margaret has not been involved in politics and the common women's

difference, for example: standing among a group of men, listen to public topics related to speech; Talk about at the dinner table, the speech we should free-standing self-improvement, etc. In traditional ideas, the "female" should have closed mouth, also is the role of the silent, clearly, at this moment Margaret has showed partial is a "male" part of the character.

However, when Margaret formally into the political, and even become a Margaret thatcher, "male" from her to a layer of the character of the metamorphic had to wear the masks, camouflage. Production, Margaret thatcher's chief of staff, said to her: "no one wants to be a woman's sermon or intimidation." Especially in involving economic, military, national defense, diplomacy, etc, the masculine especially in the political field, which means that Mrs Thatcher must with the identity of "male" on politics. So we see Margaret thatcher change hair style, make yourself look more momentum; Vocal, let his voice is more powerful, spoke the majesty of the ascension. Momentum, powerful and majestic, these adjectives are often set for "male", Margaret thatcher will add to the already, after all is in order to be one of the political world dominated by men.

Compared with the "male" identity when dealing with political, Margaret thatcher in the face of her husband Dennis (JimBroadbent) from time to time when they are show tender feelings of "female" faces. This part can see by the following scene: even if Dennis had already passed away for many years, Margaret thatcher are reluctant to pick up, sort out his belongings; When staff wish Margaret thatcher removed when wearing a pearl necklace for a long time, she don't want to cooperate with, because it was Dennis in children after the birth of twins to send her gift; After

"Iron lady" (IronLady) derived from the former Soviet union, the media of Mrs Thatcher's calls, but also truthfully reflect her two sides: iron, its hardened, cold nature, can be characterized as "male"; Take it for granted that lady emphasizes "female" (" male "and" female "here refers to the formation of" social gender "the day after tomorrow). As Taiwan's producers under the subtitle, iron fortified with lady tender feelings, expressed by two distinct personality and at the same time slice of Margaret thatcher (MerylStreep).

Movie is now continuously interlaced with the past. Now is already quit politics, memory loss, rolls for grain shape 痀 of Margaret thatcher's time and space; The space and time are used to include Margaret

(AlexandraRoach act the role ofing), as a young and when he became prime minister Margaret thatcher. Through the fragments of the past, we can see Margaret has not been involved in politics and the common women's

difference, for example: standing among a group of men, listen to public topics related to speech; Talk about at the dinner table, the speech we should free-standing self-improvement, etc. In traditional ideas, the "female" should have closed mouth, also is the role of the silent, clearly, at this moment Margaret has showed partial is a "male" part of the character.

However, when Margaret formally into the political, and even become a Margaret thatcher, "male" from her to a layer of the character of the metamorphic had to wear the masks, camouflage. Production, Margaret thatcher's chief of staff, said to her: "no one wants to be a woman's sermon or intimidation." Especially in involving economic, military, national defense, diplomacy, etc, the masculine especially in the political field, which means that Mrs Thatcher must with the identity of "male" on politics. So we see Margaret thatcher change hair style, make yourself look more momentum; Vocal, let his voice is more powerful, spoke the majesty of the ascension. Momentum, powerful and majestic, these adjectives are often set for "male", Margaret thatcher will add to the already, after all is in order to be one of the political world dominated by men.

Compared with the "male" identity when dealing with political, Margaret thatcher in the face of her husband Dennis (JimBroadbent) from time to time when they are show tender feelings of "female" faces. This part can see by the following scene: even if Dennis had already passed away for many years, Margaret thatcher are reluctant to pick up, sort out his belongings; When staff wish Margaret thatcher removed when wearing a pearl necklace for a long time, she don't want to cooperate with, because it was Dennis in children after the birth of twins to send her gift; After

the explosion in the hotel, see Dennis safe, Margaret thatcher afraid, and said, "I thought I lost you." Believe the audience from the fragments are not difficult to feel Margaret thatcher affectionate to Dennis and rely on. Moreover, Mrs Thatcher's emotion is not only used for Dennis, also used in people's body, especially her pen to write personally condolences to relatives of victims of war scene impresses me the most.

Margaret thatcher, with its "iron lady" image to make politics, even cause both sides of evaluation, also hurt her position in the history of Britain. But as hsiao-hung chang in the postmodern/woman: power, desire and gender performance of the proposed: "but when we say" women, like men outstanding "at the same time, maybe it's just the way women follow men in male society, get recognition and praise of a man"." Margaret thatcher can have status, it is hard to say not through a "male" cloak and success, however, this also is helpless. "I this lifetime fighting every day, also was

underestimated by the man." Margaret thatcher said. Women want in a male dominated political survival in the jungle, full of gender discrimination, and even a place of their packaging under the "male" may be a no alternative path, just, it also makes the old lady thatcher saw television news in the past, I sighed: "I do not know myself."

Return to yourself as a woman

Simon, boa (SimonedeBeauvoir, 1908-1986) once said: "men today on behalf of the" yes "and" neutral "─ ─ that is to say," male "and" people "─ ─ and women are only" negative ", "female"." Thus, when we refer to "people", referring to the actually is a man can see more from English (this). So, a woman? Again, as "male" packing of woman?

Margaret thatcher won't limited by the traditional "female" in the framework, in Dennis to marry him, she said: "I will never be young woman." Strongly asked Dennis to understand she didn't want to a lifetime nest in the kitchen, trapped in the role of "housewife"; Then she said: "people must live meaningful." Obvious Mrs Thatcher's intent to break the

traditional "= the man", also don't want to be committed in the "female", looking only to the identity of "person" to complete. However, as mentioned, after entering politics, Margaret thatcher was forced to pretend to be "male", homelands in political career, that she had lost some precious things: parents of love with her.

Movie scene: elderly lady thatcher rummage shooting family video discs in the past, see among young pair of children playing in the sea, can not help but rise so kindness; Figure at this time, Dennis said: "you can rewind, but not again." The next scene, Margaret thatcher was driving the

drive to the parliament, left chasing the car, want to share photos with her children. Time to now, their children have grown up, and don't have my son, her husband died, Mrs Thatcher only to capture only the phantom and the memory of the past, so the director choose destruction of time sequence, continuously interlaced with the past now, and let the audience can understand more memory PianDuanXing; At the same time, by passing the high-spirited and frail body now stands in stark contrast, foil a hidden under Mrs Thatcher the uncommon women, is really just an ordinary man, an ordinary mother, as well as ordinary



约束工会、剥夺高福利机制,绝不向反对者妥协。面对游行、罢工、爆炸,不为所动。在她唐宁街的办公室里,日复一日的勤勉工作。 危机的时代,只有铁腕的领导人才能带一个国家度过。因为大众只会想到自己眼前的利益,看到今天希腊等国一次次的大罢工,我们就能理解做为女人的撒切尔做的已经不仅仅是出色而已。这样的人,才有资格被称为政治家,而非动动嘴皮子高喊民主自由的政客。而撒切尔夫人作为这样一个女人,站在了国家民族之颠,用强硬而方式征服了这片土地。




影片《铁娘子(The Iron Lady)》以暮年撒切尔夫人佝偻着身子的背影,踯躅地走过厨房门,来到楼梯口,又缓缓右转,蹒跚地消失在观众视线中,作为全片的落幕,接着那个楼梯口的光渐渐黯淡以至于全部消失,仿佛想藉此来表达一种悲戚:即便玛格丽特•希尔达•撒切尔曾经叱咤风云,但如今的她只是一个老人,一个羸弱而孤独的老人。

许 是影片导演和编剧均为女性的缘故,该片风格趋于温婉哀伤。导演菲利达•劳埃德还长期从事戏剧行当,这是她的第二次触电执导筒,许是表现手法和拍片经验的问 题,影片的呈现总给人一种比较重主观“feel”的感觉,而片中晚年的撒切尔曾说过:“知道这个时代的最大问题吗?我们被这样的人领导着,他们注重感觉多 于思考和想法。”似乎该片的问题也在于此。

客观地说,影片既没有好到令人叫绝,也没差到看不下去。如果将这部饱受争议的影片作为一部传记片 来看,它显然拍得有点“写意”了,它虚拟了撒切尔夫人晚年的心境,试图以回忆的方式串联起撒切尔11年从政生涯的片段和家庭生活的点滴,拟刻画出出身平凡 却努力不懈攀上时代权利顶峰的女性形象,同时再现出在男性权利角逐圈奋斗的女性的辛酸和不易。只是该片的节奏略显凌乱,


不 可否认,该片的立意本是可期许的,即试图从人性化的角度来再现“铁腕”夫人人生的几个时段,如今最终的成色还不算差,毕竟想在有限的片长内梳理一个重要政 治人物的人生,提纲挈领地抛出可圈点之处,还想将人物再现得丰满立体且充满深意,这是很多传记片导演的“野心”,但这是件不太容易做到的事。 当 然,该片也有突出的强项,如画面呈现得颇具美感,很多场景对色彩的运用也充满了意味,如撒切尔一身鲜亮的蓝色衣裙坐在一群情绪激昂的着深色西装的男士中 间,这凸显了这位政治女性的孤独和特殊。而影片最大的强项和看点都来自梅丽尔•斯尔丽普,《每日电讯报》甚至如此盛赞;“虽然英国有那么多出色的女演员, 但是很难找出一个能扮演好撒切尔夫人的。与此同时,我们也很难想象有谁能比斯特里普做得更好。”无疑,梅姑又奉献了一次精彩的表演,虽然部分戏略显用劲稍 大,但瑕不掩瑜,她依旧很有说服力地塑造出了一位经历和内心同样繁复的女性形象,不论晚年时那个蹒跚佝偻神情恍惚的老妇,还是从政时刚毅果敢硬朗犀利的铁娘子,梅姑都拿捏得当,诠释自如。

在表现不同时段撒切尔的形象时,除却化妆师的 协助,梅姑的眼神很具表现力,女首相的目光是坚定而自信地,即便在遭遇非议遇到坎儿时,对比孀居的痴呆老妇,那眼神是游离的犹豫的,还透着股子不确定与隐 隐的恐惧,辅以发僵的腿脚、扶着门框的手臂、语无伦次的自语,梅姑已将昔日首相如今的耄耋残年、沉疴心头塑造得形神兼备。对比,曾经在议会发言的意气风 发,在唐宁街办公的一锤定音,反衬出了一种深沉的无奈和沧桑。其中,关于撒切尔为了参选改变说话语气而做的发声训练中,梅姑所发出的声音令人一下子想起了她主演过的那部充满了奇怪口音的《朱莉和茱莉亚》。
















In 1918, the congress on behalf of "civil law", with more than 30 women have the right to vote, but it was not until 1928 that women's suffrage. In about 50 years, first appeared in Britain in 1979, so far the only female prime minister, she was Margaret thatcher (MargaretThatcher, 1925 -). Margaret thatcher became prime minister, seemingly successful break gender restrictions, in a sexist society ─ ─ especially male political tradition ─ ─ for a place, but the fact is really the case? British director Mr, lida Roy (PhyllidaLloyd), directed by the second plot long piece "the iron lady: strong tender feelings", on the surface is Mrs Thatcher's biography movie depicting the story, but in fact it was entertaining to get hidden in the "Gender" (Gender) in this paper.

The iron lady, Margaret thatcher's always two sides to everything

"Iron lady" (IronLady) derived from the former Soviet union, the media of Mrs Thatcher's calls, but also truthfully reflect her two sides: iron, its hardened, cold nature, can be characterized as "male"; Take it for granted that lady emphasizes "female" (" male "and" female "here refers to the formation of" social gender "the day after tomorrow). As Taiwan's producers under the subtitle, iron fortified with lady tender feelings, expressed by two distinct personality and at the same time slice of Margaret thatcher (MerylStreep).

Movie is now continuously interlaced with the past. Now is already quit politics, memory loss, rolls for grain shape 痀 of Margaret thatcher's time and space; The space and time are used to include Margaret

(AlexandraRoach act the role ofing), as a young and when he became prime minister Margaret thatcher. Through the fragments of the past, we can see Margaret has not been involved in politics and the common women's

difference, for example: standing among a group of men, listen to public topics related to speech; Talk about at the dinner table, the speech we should free-standing self-improvement, etc. In traditional ideas, the "female" should have closed mouth, also is the role of the silent, clearly, at this moment Margaret has showed partial is a "male" part of the character.

However, when Margaret formally into the political, and even become a Margaret thatcher, "male" from her to a layer of the character of the metamorphic had to wear the masks, camouflage. Production, Margaret thatcher's chief of staff, said to her: "no one wants to be a woman's sermon or intimidation." Especially in involving economic, military, national defense, diplomacy, etc, the masculine especially in the political field, which means that Mrs Thatcher must with the identity of "male" on politics. So we see Margaret thatcher change hair style, make yourself look more momentum; Vocal, let his voice is more powerful, spoke the majesty of the ascension. Momentum, powerful and majestic, these adjectives are often set for "male", Margaret thatcher will add to the already, after all is in order to be one of the political world dominated by men.

Compared with the "male" identity when dealing with political, Margaret thatcher in the face of her husband Dennis (JimBroadbent) from time to time when they are show tender feelings of "female" faces. This part can see by the following scene: even if Dennis had already passed away for many years, Margaret thatcher are reluctant to pick up, sort out his belongings; When staff wish Margaret thatcher removed when wearing a pearl necklace for a long time, she don't want to cooperate with, because it was Dennis in children after the birth of twins to send her gift; After

"Iron lady" (IronLady) derived from the former Soviet union, the media of Mrs Thatcher's calls, but also truthfully reflect her two sides: iron, its hardened, cold nature, can be characterized as "male"; Take it for granted that lady emphasizes "female" (" male "and" female "here refers to the formation of" social gender "the day after tomorrow). As Taiwan's producers under the subtitle, iron fortified with lady tender feelings, expressed by two distinct personality and at the same time slice of Margaret thatcher (MerylStreep).

Movie is now continuously interlaced with the past. Now is already quit politics, memory loss, rolls for grain shape 痀 of Margaret thatcher's time and space; The space and time are used to include Margaret

(AlexandraRoach act the role ofing), as a young and when he became prime minister Margaret thatcher. Through the fragments of the past, we can see Margaret has not been involved in politics and the common women's

difference, for example: standing among a group of men, listen to public topics related to speech; Talk about at the dinner table, the speech we should free-standing self-improvement, etc. In traditional ideas, the "female" should have closed mouth, also is the role of the silent, clearly, at this moment Margaret has showed partial is a "male" part of the character.

However, when Margaret formally into the political, and even become a Margaret thatcher, "male" from her to a layer of the character of the metamorphic had to wear the masks, camouflage. Production, Margaret thatcher's chief of staff, said to her: "no one wants to be a woman's sermon or intimidation." Especially in involving economic, military, national defense, diplomacy, etc, the masculine especially in the political field, which means that Mrs Thatcher must with the identity of "male" on politics. So we see Margaret thatcher change hair style, make yourself look more momentum; Vocal, let his voice is more powerful, spoke the majesty of the ascension. Momentum, powerful and majestic, these adjectives are often set for "male", Margaret thatcher will add to the already, after all is in order to be one of the political world dominated by men.

Compared with the "male" identity when dealing with political, Margaret thatcher in the face of her husband Dennis (JimBroadbent) from time to time when they are show tender feelings of "female" faces. This part can see by the following scene: even if Dennis had already passed away for many years, Margaret thatcher are reluctant to pick up, sort out his belongings; When staff wish Margaret thatcher removed when wearing a pearl necklace for a long time, she don't want to cooperate with, because it was Dennis in children after the birth of twins to send her gift; After

the explosion in the hotel, see Dennis safe, Margaret thatcher afraid, and said, "I thought I lost you." Believe the audience from the fragments are not difficult to feel Margaret thatcher affectionate to Dennis and rely on. Moreover, Mrs Thatcher's emotion is not only used for Dennis, also used in people's body, especially her pen to write personally condolences to relatives of victims of war scene impresses me the most.

Margaret thatcher, with its "iron lady" image to make politics, even cause both sides of evaluation, also hurt her position in the history of Britain. But as hsiao-hung chang in the postmodern/woman: power, desire and gender performance of the proposed: "but when we say" women, like men outstanding "at the same time, maybe it's just the way women follow men in male society, get recognition and praise of a man"." Margaret thatcher can have status, it is hard to say not through a "male" cloak and success, however, this also is helpless. "I this lifetime fighting every day, also was

underestimated by the man." Margaret thatcher said. Women want in a male dominated political survival in the jungle, full of gender discrimination, and even a place of their packaging under the "male" may be a no alternative path, just, it also makes the old lady thatcher saw television news in the past, I sighed: "I do not know myself."

Return to yourself as a woman

Simon, boa (SimonedeBeauvoir, 1908-1986) once said: "men today on behalf of the" yes "and" neutral "─ ─ that is to say," male "and" people "─ ─ and women are only" negative ", "female"." Thus, when we refer to "people", referring to the actually is a man can see more from English (this). So, a woman? Again, as "male" packing of woman?

Margaret thatcher won't limited by the traditional "female" in the framework, in Dennis to marry him, she said: "I will never be young woman." Strongly asked Dennis to understand she didn't want to a lifetime nest in the kitchen, trapped in the role of "housewife"; Then she said: "people must live meaningful." Obvious Mrs Thatcher's intent to break the

traditional "= the man", also don't want to be committed in the "female", looking only to the identity of "person" to complete. However, as mentioned, after entering politics, Margaret thatcher was forced to pretend to be "male", homelands in political career, that she had lost some precious things: parents of love with her.

Movie scene: elderly lady thatcher rummage shooting family video discs in the past, see among young pair of children playing in the sea, can not help but rise so kindness; Figure at this time, Dennis said: "you can rewind, but not again." The next scene, Margaret thatcher was driving the

drive to the parliament, left chasing the car, want to share photos with her children. Time to now, their children have grown up, and don't have my son, her husband died, Mrs Thatcher only to capture only the phantom and the memory of the past, so the director choose destruction of time sequence, continuously interlaced with the past now, and let the audience can understand more memory PianDuanXing; At the same time, by passing the high-spirited and frail body now stands in stark contrast, foil a hidden under Mrs Thatcher the uncommon women, is really just an ordinary man, an ordinary mother, as well as ordinary


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