
电影片段《神探夏洛克S3E1》 By Kevin 2015-5-1 对应单元:Book 1 Unit 5 相关话题:一位当代英雄 听力我要这么练(填词):

--When I met you for the first time yesterday,I said Afghanistan or Iraq.You looked surprised.

--Yes,how did you know?

--I didn’t know,I saw.Your haircut,the way you 1 says military(军人).But your 2 ... Bit 3 .Said trained at Barts.So army doctor,obvious.Your face is tanned,but no tan 4 the wrists(手腕).You’ve been abroad,but not sunbathing.Your limp(跛行)is really bad when you walk,but you don’t ask for a chair when you stand.So it’s 5 partly psychosomatic(身心失调).That says the original circumstances of the injury were traumatic(创伤性的) wounded 6 . Then,wounded in action,suntan--Afghanistan or Iraq. --You said I had a therapist(治疗师).

--You’ve got a psychosomatic limp,of course you’ve got a therapist.Then there’s your brother.Your phone,it’s expensive,e-mail 7 (能够的),MP3 player.And you’re looking for a flatshare.You wouldn’t buy this,it’s a gift.Scratches(刮痕).Not

one, 8 ,it’s been in the same pocket as keys and coins.You wouldn’t treat your one luxury(奢侈) item like this,so it’s had a 9 owner.Next bit’s easy.You know it already.

--The engraving(刮刻)?

--Harry Watson.Clearly a family member who’s given you his old phone.Not your father,this is a young man’s gadget(工具).Could be a cousin,but you’re a war hero who can’t find a place to live, 10 you’ve got an extended(扩展的) family,certainly was one you’re close to.So brother it is.Now,Clara.Who’s Clara?These kisses says it’s a romantic 11 .He gave the phone to you,so he wants you to 12 .You’re looking for cheap accommodation(住处),but you are not going to your brother for help,that says you’ve got problems with him.Maybe you liked his wife,or didn’t like his drinking. --How can you 13 know about the drinking?

-- 14 in the dark.Good one,though.Power connection--tiny little scuff(磨损) 15 round it.Every night he plugs(插) it in but his hands are 16 .You never see those marks on a sober(清醒的)

man’s phone,never see a 17 is without them.There you go, you see,you were right.

--I was right? Right about what?

--The police don’t 18 amateurs(外行人).

--That was ...amazing!

--Do you think so?

--Of course it was. It was extraordinary(惊人的),it was quite extraordinary.

--That’s not what people 19 say.

--What do people normally say?

--“Piss off!”(滚!)

Keys:1.hold yourself 2.conversation 3.different from my day 4.above 5.at least 6.in action

7.enabled 8.many over time 9.previous 10.unlikely

11.attachment 12.stay in touch 13.possibly

14.Shot 15. marks 16.shaking 17.drunk

18. consult 19 normally



(身心失调的) traumatic(创伤性的)therapist(治疗师)Scratches(刮痕)luxury item(奢侈品) engrave(刮刻)gadget(工具)extend(扩展)accommodation(住处)scuff(磨损)plug(插)sober(清醒的)extraordinary(惊人的)assume(假设)arch-enemy(天敌)split(分裂)sentiment(情绪)


the way you hold yourself 站立姿势

Be different from my day 时过境迁

no tan above the wrists 手腕没晒黑

at least partly psychosomatic多少有些身心失调

the original circumstances of the injury创伤的最初原因

had a therapist 看心理咨询

e-mail enabled phone 能发邮件的手机 looking for a flat-share 寻找一位室友 many over time 很多很多

Next bit’s easy. 下一步就简单了 a young man’s gadget 年轻人的用品 get an extended family 出生在大家庭 a romantic attachment 爱情关系

People do it ,sentiment. 人之常情

Shot in the dark.Good one,though.瞎猜的,不过猜中了。 There you go, you see,you were right.所以,看吧,你说对了。

It was quite extraordinary. 真是惊人,非同凡响! Piss off! 滚蛋!

You asked me to come,I’m assuming it’s important.急着叫我回来,有什么要紧事?

There was no hurry. 我又不赶时间

Always a chance that my number will be recognized.我的号码可能被认出来。

Pity,we could have split the free.Think it through next time.可惜了!本来我们可以分了,下次要三思啊。


1、What does Microft offer Watson money to do? ( C )

A、Because he is in debt to Watson.

B、To persuade Watson to spy on Sherlock Holmes.

C、Want Watson to tell him the life about Sherlock regularly to care about Sherlock.

2、Who is Clara? ( B )

A.Watson’s wife

B.Watson’s brother’s wife

C.Watson’s girlfriend

3、How did Watson get the expensive and luxury(奢侈的) phone? ( B )

A.He bought it on his own

B.It was a gift that his brother sent to him

C.His brother’s wife sent him


Retiring(退役) from army with a injury,Watson is looking for a flat-share.By coincidence,Sherlock Holmes,a friend of his friend,has the same problem.Certainly,they live together.The delights of taking risks with the famous detective appeal to Watson a great deal.And without running after the convicts(犯人) with Sherlock,he would not be able to get his injured leg recovered.On the other hand,he writes the adventures with Sherlock on his blog to win reputation for Sherlock.

The particularity of the story is,changing the

background of the story from 19 century into 21th century makes it more popular with the fans of Sherlock Holmes.And what attracts me mostly is that Sherlock uses wonderful and realistic methods to pretend to die to convince the Moriyaty’s snipers(狙击手) who will kill Sherlock’s friends if Sherlock not dead.

I am fond of the modern style of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes.


电影片段《神探夏洛克S3E1》 By Kevin 2015-5-1 对应单元:Book 1 Unit 5 相关话题:一位当代英雄 听力我要这么练(填词):

--When I met you for the first time yesterday,I said Afghanistan or Iraq.You looked surprised.

--Yes,how did you know?

--I didn’t know,I saw.Your haircut,the way you 1 says military(军人).But your 2 ... Bit 3 .Said trained at Barts.So army doctor,obvious.Your face is tanned,but no tan 4 the wrists(手腕).You’ve been abroad,but not sunbathing.Your limp(跛行)is really bad when you walk,but you don’t ask for a chair when you stand.So it’s 5 partly psychosomatic(身心失调).That says the original circumstances of the injury were traumatic(创伤性的) wounded 6 . Then,wounded in action,suntan--Afghanistan or Iraq. --You said I had a therapist(治疗师).

--You’ve got a psychosomatic limp,of course you’ve got a therapist.Then there’s your brother.Your phone,it’s expensive,e-mail 7 (能够的),MP3 player.And you’re looking for a flatshare.You wouldn’t buy this,it’s a gift.Scratches(刮痕).Not

one, 8 ,it’s been in the same pocket as keys and coins.You wouldn’t treat your one luxury(奢侈) item like this,so it’s had a 9 owner.Next bit’s easy.You know it already.

--The engraving(刮刻)?

--Harry Watson.Clearly a family member who’s given you his old phone.Not your father,this is a young man’s gadget(工具).Could be a cousin,but you’re a war hero who can’t find a place to live, 10 you’ve got an extended(扩展的) family,certainly was one you’re close to.So brother it is.Now,Clara.Who’s Clara?These kisses says it’s a romantic 11 .He gave the phone to you,so he wants you to 12 .You’re looking for cheap accommodation(住处),but you are not going to your brother for help,that says you’ve got problems with him.Maybe you liked his wife,or didn’t like his drinking. --How can you 13 know about the drinking?

-- 14 in the dark.Good one,though.Power connection--tiny little scuff(磨损) 15 round it.Every night he plugs(插) it in but his hands are 16 .You never see those marks on a sober(清醒的)

man’s phone,never see a 17 is without them.There you go, you see,you were right.

--I was right? Right about what?

--The police don’t 18 amateurs(外行人).

--That was ...amazing!

--Do you think so?

--Of course it was. It was extraordinary(惊人的),it was quite extraordinary.

--That’s not what people 19 say.

--What do people normally say?

--“Piss off!”(滚!)

Keys:1.hold yourself 2.conversation 3.different from my day 4.above 5.at least 6.in action

7.enabled 8.many over time 9.previous 10.unlikely

11.attachment 12.stay in touch 13.possibly

14.Shot 15. marks 16.shaking 17.drunk

18. consult 19 normally



(身心失调的) traumatic(创伤性的)therapist(治疗师)Scratches(刮痕)luxury item(奢侈品) engrave(刮刻)gadget(工具)extend(扩展)accommodation(住处)scuff(磨损)plug(插)sober(清醒的)extraordinary(惊人的)assume(假设)arch-enemy(天敌)split(分裂)sentiment(情绪)


the way you hold yourself 站立姿势

Be different from my day 时过境迁

no tan above the wrists 手腕没晒黑

at least partly psychosomatic多少有些身心失调

the original circumstances of the injury创伤的最初原因

had a therapist 看心理咨询

e-mail enabled phone 能发邮件的手机 looking for a flat-share 寻找一位室友 many over time 很多很多

Next bit’s easy. 下一步就简单了 a young man’s gadget 年轻人的用品 get an extended family 出生在大家庭 a romantic attachment 爱情关系

People do it ,sentiment. 人之常情

Shot in the dark.Good one,though.瞎猜的,不过猜中了。 There you go, you see,you were right.所以,看吧,你说对了。

It was quite extraordinary. 真是惊人,非同凡响! Piss off! 滚蛋!

You asked me to come,I’m assuming it’s important.急着叫我回来,有什么要紧事?

There was no hurry. 我又不赶时间

Always a chance that my number will be recognized.我的号码可能被认出来。

Pity,we could have split the free.Think it through next time.可惜了!本来我们可以分了,下次要三思啊。


1、What does Microft offer Watson money to do? ( C )

A、Because he is in debt to Watson.

B、To persuade Watson to spy on Sherlock Holmes.

C、Want Watson to tell him the life about Sherlock regularly to care about Sherlock.

2、Who is Clara? ( B )

A.Watson’s wife

B.Watson’s brother’s wife

C.Watson’s girlfriend

3、How did Watson get the expensive and luxury(奢侈的) phone? ( B )

A.He bought it on his own

B.It was a gift that his brother sent to him

C.His brother’s wife sent him


Retiring(退役) from army with a injury,Watson is looking for a flat-share.By coincidence,Sherlock Holmes,a friend of his friend,has the same problem.Certainly,they live together.The delights of taking risks with the famous detective appeal to Watson a great deal.And without running after the convicts(犯人) with Sherlock,he would not be able to get his injured leg recovered.On the other hand,he writes the adventures with Sherlock on his blog to win reputation for Sherlock.

The particularity of the story is,changing the

background of the story from 19 century into 21th century makes it more popular with the fans of Sherlock Holmes.And what attracts me mostly is that Sherlock uses wonderful and realistic methods to pretend to die to convince the Moriyaty’s snipers(狙击手) who will kill Sherlock’s friends if Sherlock not dead.

I am fond of the modern style of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes.



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