
That when you succeed, all the words you say are the true meaning.

2. I never carried away and never give up the trust as long as we still have a chance. Finally, we believe that this world as long as there is imagination, as long as the have been trying, as long as continuous learning, no matter how you look, whether it is the case, or as a man looks back to and in inverse proportion to his abilities. Past days are brutal, more brutal tomorrow, the day after tomorrow is wonderful, but certainly a large part in tomorrow night is dead, so do not waste hours each.

3. Masayoshi Son told me there is a unified point of view, a plan is adding third-claimplementation of Idea; another program, the true first-clafacilities add three sources Idea, Which best? Both of us were a trickle when the implementation of choice, third-Idea.

4. I only want to throw firecrackers, but also throwing bombs. Throwing firecrackers to attract other people's careful and confused the enemy; throwing bombs is my real goal. Nothing more, I can not tell you when I throw firecrackers, when throwing bombs. The game is to falsehoods, so that it happy. If you feel pain in the game, then state your Nongfa wrong.

5. "Indeed, sometimes the answer is that most people are right, he said."

6. Who secretly advised us that we ill people, is the real enemy.

7. I am most happy life, that I assisted people permission to do things that he not only completed, but better than they request, when the promise to achieve these letters, the kind of happy feeling is indescribable ... ...

8. Attention to their reputation, hard work, with people, in accordance with his promise, the cause of this exception will help to you to help.

9. Trade alone must have three conditions: First, there must be unilateral benefits of competition, and second, there must be in line with the voluntary, third, must have the unilateral plan to share a total shame. The three are indispensable.

10. Service is the world's most expensive products, so service is not the best service, best service is not required service.

11. Never do with luck than others, I always thought I fortunate than others, I could have more than their perseverance in the most difficult times, they beat it, I can boil a second, two seconds .

12. Today, a special impulse to the heart of Beijing University report. I've been to Peking University students should be doing my idol, always test but not into the exam, so I think if one day I have to go to Beijing University as a teacher.

13. Take a look see 10 rabbits, you reach the peak of which only catch? While some people catch the rabbit, while grasping the rabbit, may finally have a grip. CEO of the important obligation is not an opportunity but rather seek to find opportunity to say NO. Too many opportunities, can only grasp one. I can only catch a rabbit, caught more, what will be lost.

14. Our company is half-yearly evaluation, assessment down, of course, you work very hard, and very outstanding, but you're the last one, very sorry, you have to separate.

15. We are the biggest difference between competitors is that we know that what they do, but they do not know what road we want to do. We want to do, is not necessary for everyone to know about the new era of good guys.

16. Network to the above sentence, barefoot is always afraid of the wearer.

17. Chinese e-commerce will require people to walk Station V, and not always hand in hand, always hand in hand to be finished. Ah, I mean the invention of the gold surf-ace of Baba, which are relatively Seoul I dig, we expect them to fill in, he dug out a piece of gold to me to be able to again.

18. I firmly believed in our model will lose money, the Amazon is the world's longest river, 8848 is the world's highest mountain, A is the world's richest treasure hide. A good busineis living near by the blood transfusion, the crux of their own system of blood.

19. Why did I survive? The first is because I have no money, and the second on the INTERNET one o'clock I do not know, and the third is what I want like a fool.

20. Collar so the gun sounds, hope you are not time how your opponent is running. Only light to our competitors.

21. If finished early to the insects do not eat the bird, it will be eaten by other birds.

22. It is said that the rich had to catch lobsters, whales caught heard the rich.

23. Good things are often difficult to describe the.

24. In my opinion there are three kinds of people, businessmen: the creation of money; business: as an invaluable. Entrepreneurs: Take on obligations to society. Entrepreneurs should create an environment for the community. Entrepreneurs have to have the spirit of renovation.

25. In both cases, a company most easily made mistakes, there is too much money the first time, the second in the face of too many opportunities to see a CEO should not be a chance, because opportunity is everywhere A CEO should see the disaster, and to shake the basket in the disaster denied.



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That when you succeed, all the words you say are the true meaning.

2. I never carried away and never give up the trust as long as we still have a chance. Finally, we believe that this world as long as there is imagination, as long as the have been trying, as long as continuous learning, no matter how you look, whether it is the case, or as a man looks back to and in inverse proportion to his abilities. Past days are brutal, more brutal tomorrow, the day after tomorrow is wonderful, but certainly a large part in tomorrow night is dead, so do not waste hours each.

3. Masayoshi Son told me there is a unified point of view, a plan is adding third-claimplementation of Idea; another program, the true first-clafacilities add three sources Idea, Which best? Both of us were a trickle when the implementation of choice, third-Idea.

4. I only want to throw firecrackers, but also throwing bombs. Throwing firecrackers to attract other people's careful and confused the enemy; throwing bombs is my real goal. Nothing more, I can not tell you when I throw firecrackers, when throwing bombs. The game is to falsehoods, so that it happy. If you feel pain in the game, then state your Nongfa wrong.

5. "Indeed, sometimes the answer is that most people are right, he said."

6. Who secretly advised us that we ill people, is the real enemy.

7. I am most happy life, that I assisted people permission to do things that he not only completed, but better than they request, when the promise to achieve these letters, the kind of happy feeling is indescribable ... ...

8. Attention to their reputation, hard work, with people, in accordance with his promise, the cause of this exception will help to you to help.

9. Trade alone must have three conditions: First, there must be unilateral benefits of competition, and second, there must be in line with the voluntary, third, must have the unilateral plan to share a total shame. The three are indispensable.

10. Service is the world's most expensive products, so service is not the best service, best service is not required service.

11. Never do with luck than others, I always thought I fortunate than others, I could have more than their perseverance in the most difficult times, they beat it, I can boil a second, two seconds .

12. Today, a special impulse to the heart of Beijing University report. I've been to Peking University students should be doing my idol, always test but not into the exam, so I think if one day I have to go to Beijing University as a teacher.

13. Take a look see 10 rabbits, you reach the peak of which only catch? While some people catch the rabbit, while grasping the rabbit, may finally have a grip. CEO of the important obligation is not an opportunity but rather seek to find opportunity to say NO. Too many opportunities, can only grasp one. I can only catch a rabbit, caught more, what will be lost.

14. Our company is half-yearly evaluation, assessment down, of course, you work very hard, and very outstanding, but you're the last one, very sorry, you have to separate.

15. We are the biggest difference between competitors is that we know that what they do, but they do not know what road we want to do. We want to do, is not necessary for everyone to know about the new era of good guys.

16. Network to the above sentence, barefoot is always afraid of the wearer.

17. Chinese e-commerce will require people to walk Station V, and not always hand in hand, always hand in hand to be finished. Ah, I mean the invention of the gold surf-ace of Baba, which are relatively Seoul I dig, we expect them to fill in, he dug out a piece of gold to me to be able to again.

18. I firmly believed in our model will lose money, the Amazon is the world's longest river, 8848 is the world's highest mountain, A is the world's richest treasure hide. A good busineis living near by the blood transfusion, the crux of their own system of blood.

19. Why did I survive? The first is because I have no money, and the second on the INTERNET one o'clock I do not know, and the third is what I want like a fool.

20. Collar so the gun sounds, hope you are not time how your opponent is running. Only light to our competitors.

21. If finished early to the insects do not eat the bird, it will be eaten by other birds.

22. It is said that the rich had to catch lobsters, whales caught heard the rich.

23. Good things are often difficult to describe the.

24. In my opinion there are three kinds of people, businessmen: the creation of money; business: as an invaluable. Entrepreneurs: Take on obligations to society. Entrepreneurs should create an environment for the community. Entrepreneurs have to have the spirit of renovation.

25. In both cases, a company most easily made mistakes, there is too much money the first time, the second in the face of too many opportunities to see a CEO should not be a chance, because opportunity is everywhere A CEO should see the disaster, and to shake the basket in the disaster denied.



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