
姓名 :

















通过这次十天的实习,不仅仅提高了我的英语口译及口语水平,同时也提高了我与人交流的能力是动手实践能力。在此非常感谢王老师 和张老师,在他们的带领下我们不仅学到了知识,更提高了实践水平。

Interpreting Practice Report

2. Introduce our school(SWFU)

3. Introduce the Museum of Plants and Animals

4. The independent practice We mainly divided into four modules in this practice.Each module reflects the every aspects of society.So I have the different feelings about the every practice.Now please allow me to introduce every module as follows:

To the start ,I will introduce the first module, the simulation of the government report.This is a meeting simulation practice .We need the three steps to do this job well. First is the preparations. This the the professional government report. So we must know the backgrounds of the report such as the professional term of translation,the current international political environment and so on. For instance, my mainly responsibility is to introduce the achievements in the economic area of the government. To get this aim,I must understand some professional translation such as "Keep the economy rate grown by eight percent"and so on. Secondly,the good physical body is necessary .As it well known to us that the government report meeting always takes a long time and needs a lot of menta work. So good physical body is necessary.For this point ,our group member divide the duty for each other.Such as political problems translation,economic problems translation ,culture problems translation and Taiwan problems translation etc.And the last step is the team work. As a successful

government meeting report translation, it not only need the high level interpreter but also need the prefect team work. But I am not so worry about this because every our group member is very positive and at the mean time I 'm very proud of them.

Then the second module is to introduce our school----The Southwest Forest University.This is a job about outdoor interpretation. Our aim is to make the people who never understand our school know our school after listened our introduction. We also need the three steps to finish this work. First we must have the consciousness about our university,including the Departement, teaching buildings ,the history of the university and so on. To the better

understand our group walk around our school for several times and search the information. And the key point is that we specially write a guiding book for the university to make the introduction perfectly.This guiding book include the history of university ,each department brief introduction and the future planing for the university. We get together

discussion ,writing and read which make me feel the strength of the collective. The last matter is the manners such as smelling ,confidence and so on. After the practice again and again we do it well for every member.

The third module is act as a interpreter in our school Planting and Animals Museum.It is a indoor practice. The museum is a special place so we also need a lot of work to do .First thing is the preparations of the vocabularies. For the vocabularies to introduce the plants and

animals is not our daily use so we need to search the internet. Secondly is the professionalism. For some pants we not only need to how to speak but also need to how to understand it .For example, I am responsible for the introduction of Asian Black Bear. So I must need to

understand the the distribution of Asian black bear,the Asian Black Bear characteristics and foods etc. Only in this way you can do it professionalism. And the last thing is the protection work of museum. The position for the commentator and interpreter are very important because some plants sample and animals sample are very precious. A good position should make sure the listeners and speaker can be heard and well protected the samples in the museum. This activity let me understand how to be a professional interpreter.

The last internship is the independence internship. Our group decide to make a investigation in Zhenyi street .First we go to the Confucius temple , Bureau of money street and Nanpin street to do our research. Then we search the Internet to compare the difference between now and past.At the meantime we also interview the old people of Kunming to talk about the views about the change. As for me,I mainly in charge of the snakes in this area. And

at last we collect the information together and make PPT for our teacher, This internship makes me how to do a investigation.

Through the ten days practice it not only improved my English oral level but also teach me how to communications with people and so on. And at the end of the report our group specially express out thanks for Teacher. Wang and Teacher. Zhang. We do our internship successfully under their leader. Thank you .

姓名 :

















通过这次十天的实习,不仅仅提高了我的英语口译及口语水平,同时也提高了我与人交流的能力是动手实践能力。在此非常感谢王老师 和张老师,在他们的带领下我们不仅学到了知识,更提高了实践水平。

Interpreting Practice Report

2. Introduce our school(SWFU)

3. Introduce the Museum of Plants and Animals

4. The independent practice We mainly divided into four modules in this practice.Each module reflects the every aspects of society.So I have the different feelings about the every practice.Now please allow me to introduce every module as follows:

To the start ,I will introduce the first module, the simulation of the government report.This is a meeting simulation practice .We need the three steps to do this job well. First is the preparations. This the the professional government report. So we must know the backgrounds of the report such as the professional term of translation,the current international political environment and so on. For instance, my mainly responsibility is to introduce the achievements in the economic area of the government. To get this aim,I must understand some professional translation such as "Keep the economy rate grown by eight percent"and so on. Secondly,the good physical body is necessary .As it well known to us that the government report meeting always takes a long time and needs a lot of menta work. So good physical body is necessary.For this point ,our group member divide the duty for each other.Such as political problems translation,economic problems translation ,culture problems translation and Taiwan problems translation etc.And the last step is the team work. As a successful

government meeting report translation, it not only need the high level interpreter but also need the prefect team work. But I am not so worry about this because every our group member is very positive and at the mean time I 'm very proud of them.

Then the second module is to introduce our school----The Southwest Forest University.This is a job about outdoor interpretation. Our aim is to make the people who never understand our school know our school after listened our introduction. We also need the three steps to finish this work. First we must have the consciousness about our university,including the Departement, teaching buildings ,the history of the university and so on. To the better

understand our group walk around our school for several times and search the information. And the key point is that we specially write a guiding book for the university to make the introduction perfectly.This guiding book include the history of university ,each department brief introduction and the future planing for the university. We get together

discussion ,writing and read which make me feel the strength of the collective. The last matter is the manners such as smelling ,confidence and so on. After the practice again and again we do it well for every member.

The third module is act as a interpreter in our school Planting and Animals Museum.It is a indoor practice. The museum is a special place so we also need a lot of work to do .First thing is the preparations of the vocabularies. For the vocabularies to introduce the plants and

animals is not our daily use so we need to search the internet. Secondly is the professionalism. For some pants we not only need to how to speak but also need to how to understand it .For example, I am responsible for the introduction of Asian Black Bear. So I must need to

understand the the distribution of Asian black bear,the Asian Black Bear characteristics and foods etc. Only in this way you can do it professionalism. And the last thing is the protection work of museum. The position for the commentator and interpreter are very important because some plants sample and animals sample are very precious. A good position should make sure the listeners and speaker can be heard and well protected the samples in the museum. This activity let me understand how to be a professional interpreter.

The last internship is the independence internship. Our group decide to make a investigation in Zhenyi street .First we go to the Confucius temple , Bureau of money street and Nanpin street to do our research. Then we search the Internet to compare the difference between now and past.At the meantime we also interview the old people of Kunming to talk about the views about the change. As for me,I mainly in charge of the snakes in this area. And

at last we collect the information together and make PPT for our teacher, This internship makes me how to do a investigation.

Through the ten days practice it not only improved my English oral level but also teach me how to communications with people and so on. And at the end of the report our group specially express out thanks for Teacher. Wang and Teacher. Zhang. We do our internship successfully under their leader. Thank you .


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