

第一,当今中国推迟退休年龄会加重就业压力且不利于中国经济的发展。随着高校扩招生毕业高峰的来临和原本就存在的隐性失业,再加上农村城市化进程的加快,大量农民工走向城市,造成城市劳动力市场的相对过剩。目前我国新增就业人口比退休劳动力人口每年多出大约1000万,即使每年新增800万个就业岗位,仍然满足不了就业要求。再延长退休年龄,将使新增的就业人口更难找到工作. 从我国的劳动力就业变动看,就业增长率低于经济增长率。所以,就业岗位需求并非无限。我国人口统计的数据表明,近几十年内处于黄金劳动年龄的人将保持较大比重,此后将慢慢进入老年社会,故在近期让处于黄金劳动年龄的人就业对社会是有益的,如延长退休年龄将会使这一优势转化为社会负担,对中国的经济发展不利。所以,在最近几十年内不宜延长退休年龄。 第二,当今中国推迟退休年龄会引发社会公平问题,影响社会和谐发展。首先,一刀切的延迟法定退休年龄明显是不可取的。这对广大辛苦的劳动人民来说是不公平的。延长退休年龄,不仅意味着享受在岗时的工资乃至其他福利待遇,还会按正常的规定提级、晋职;而同年龄其他的退休者,收入和待遇则明显下降,造成了彼此间的矛盾和不平衡,导致社会分配不均,加剧贫富差距,不利于社会和谐发展。



I think retirement age shouldn’t be increased.

Firstly, China postpones the retirement age will increase the pressure on employment .With more and more college graduates cannot find a job and the accelerated process of urbanization in rural areas , a large number of workers move to the city to make living , resulting in a surplus urban labor market . At present China's new labor force retirement employment population is about 10 million per year , even if 8 million jobs were created each year still cannot meet the job requirements. Further extend the retirement age will make it harder to find new employment working population from changes in the employment of labor perspective, employment growth rate lower than the economic growth rate. Our demographic data showed that in the last few decades the golden age of labor will remain a large proportion, the extension retirement age will make this advantage into a social burden on China 's economy and development.

Secondly, China postpones the retirement age will lead to social equity issues that affect social harmony. First, the statutory

[ˈstæt ʃətri] retirement age across the board delay is obviously

undesirable. Extend the retirement age means not only enjoy other benefits as well as wages in the post, but also the normal provisions promotions, while other retirees of the same age , income and benefits are significantly decreased, resulting in a conflict between them, resulting in unequal social distribution , exacerbating[ɪɡ'zæs əbe ɪt] the gap between rich and poor which is not conducive

[kən'dju:sɪv to social harmony.

I think China ’s biggest competitive advantage is the advantage of labor resources, this advantage is mainly reflected in the large number of young workers. In this sense, the current priority is to solve the employment problem. If a large number of young workers unable to find work , not only means a great waste of human resources, but also means that the difficulty of pension accumulation in the future. So I think china should not postpone the retirement age.


第一,当今中国推迟退休年龄会加重就业压力且不利于中国经济的发展。随着高校扩招生毕业高峰的来临和原本就存在的隐性失业,再加上农村城市化进程的加快,大量农民工走向城市,造成城市劳动力市场的相对过剩。目前我国新增就业人口比退休劳动力人口每年多出大约1000万,即使每年新增800万个就业岗位,仍然满足不了就业要求。再延长退休年龄,将使新增的就业人口更难找到工作. 从我国的劳动力就业变动看,就业增长率低于经济增长率。所以,就业岗位需求并非无限。我国人口统计的数据表明,近几十年内处于黄金劳动年龄的人将保持较大比重,此后将慢慢进入老年社会,故在近期让处于黄金劳动年龄的人就业对社会是有益的,如延长退休年龄将会使这一优势转化为社会负担,对中国的经济发展不利。所以,在最近几十年内不宜延长退休年龄。 第二,当今中国推迟退休年龄会引发社会公平问题,影响社会和谐发展。首先,一刀切的延迟法定退休年龄明显是不可取的。这对广大辛苦的劳动人民来说是不公平的。延长退休年龄,不仅意味着享受在岗时的工资乃至其他福利待遇,还会按正常的规定提级、晋职;而同年龄其他的退休者,收入和待遇则明显下降,造成了彼此间的矛盾和不平衡,导致社会分配不均,加剧贫富差距,不利于社会和谐发展。



I think retirement age shouldn’t be increased.

Firstly, China postpones the retirement age will increase the pressure on employment .With more and more college graduates cannot find a job and the accelerated process of urbanization in rural areas , a large number of workers move to the city to make living , resulting in a surplus urban labor market . At present China's new labor force retirement employment population is about 10 million per year , even if 8 million jobs were created each year still cannot meet the job requirements. Further extend the retirement age will make it harder to find new employment working population from changes in the employment of labor perspective, employment growth rate lower than the economic growth rate. Our demographic data showed that in the last few decades the golden age of labor will remain a large proportion, the extension retirement age will make this advantage into a social burden on China 's economy and development.

Secondly, China postpones the retirement age will lead to social equity issues that affect social harmony. First, the statutory

[ˈstæt ʃətri] retirement age across the board delay is obviously

undesirable. Extend the retirement age means not only enjoy other benefits as well as wages in the post, but also the normal provisions promotions, while other retirees of the same age , income and benefits are significantly decreased, resulting in a conflict between them, resulting in unequal social distribution , exacerbating[ɪɡ'zæs əbe ɪt] the gap between rich and poor which is not conducive

[kən'dju:sɪv to social harmony.

I think China ’s biggest competitive advantage is the advantage of labor resources, this advantage is mainly reflected in the large number of young workers. In this sense, the current priority is to solve the employment problem. If a large number of young workers unable to find work , not only means a great waste of human resources, but also means that the difficulty of pension accumulation in the future. So I think china should not postpone the retirement age.


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