

There are big "back-to-school" sales (开学大甩卖)everywhere because the new term begins. Many school students need new clothes for the new school term.

I'm not a new student, but I need a new pair of red shoes. My old shoes are too small. They're usually $60, but in the sale they're 10% off, so they're $54 now. That's good! Maybe I'll buy a pair of white shoes, too. And I want one new white T-shirts. It is $36. How much are socks? They're $3 for one pair. I need three new pairs. Pants are 50% off. That's cheap. I think I'll buy two pairs.


Are you tired of learning English in the old ways(方法)? You read the words, study grammar and have many tests. It is important but it also

can be boring. Let's see how music can make it easier and more fun? Do you have a favorite English song? Sing along with it, please. Soon you can know the new words that you can use! Singing along can help with your pronunciation(发音). Close your eyes and listen carefully. Draw a picture in your mind about the song. Classical music can help you relax. It also helps you concentrate (集中精力) on what you are studying. And you can also make them intoa "Jazz Chant." Read your new words out. Sing or say them out.


Firhall is a small place in Scotland. It is an interesting place for us to travel because of two reasons. First, it is really a beautiful and quiet place. Second, it is a place that has too many rules.

Firhall isn't a city. It is only a village. There are a lot of birds and trees there. You can also do many sports, like volleyball, basketball and golf. But children don't like this place. They call it "child-hating ogres". That is because of the rules in the village. People can't have animals in their homes and each family can only have one dog. People in this village must be over forty-five years old. If grandchildren visit their grandparents, they can't stay for long.

Now, things are getting better. Grandchildren are welcome to live. And if you are under forty-five years old, you can also live here. People only want to have a quiet place to live in. Most old people like this kind of quiet place.


There are big "back-to-school" sales (开学大甩卖)everywhere because the new term begins. Many school students need new clothes for the new school term.

I'm not a new student, but I need a new pair of red shoes. My old shoes are too small. They're usually $60, but in the sale they're 10% off, so they're $54 now. That's good! Maybe I'll buy a pair of white shoes, too. And I want one new white T-shirts. It is $36. How much are socks? They're $3 for one pair. I need three new pairs. Pants are 50% off. That's cheap. I think I'll buy two pairs.


Are you tired of learning English in the old ways(方法)? You read the words, study grammar and have many tests. It is important but it also

can be boring. Let's see how music can make it easier and more fun? Do you have a favorite English song? Sing along with it, please. Soon you can know the new words that you can use! Singing along can help with your pronunciation(发音). Close your eyes and listen carefully. Draw a picture in your mind about the song. Classical music can help you relax. It also helps you concentrate (集中精力) on what you are studying. And you can also make them intoa "Jazz Chant." Read your new words out. Sing or say them out.


Firhall is a small place in Scotland. It is an interesting place for us to travel because of two reasons. First, it is really a beautiful and quiet place. Second, it is a place that has too many rules.

Firhall isn't a city. It is only a village. There are a lot of birds and trees there. You can also do many sports, like volleyball, basketball and golf. But children don't like this place. They call it "child-hating ogres". That is because of the rules in the village. People can't have animals in their homes and each family can only have one dog. People in this village must be over forty-five years old. If grandchildren visit their grandparents, they can't stay for long.

Now, things are getting better. Grandchildren are welcome to live. And if you are under forty-five years old, you can also live here. People only want to have a quiet place to live in. Most old people like this kind of quiet place.


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