













With the rapid development of society, more and more people in China can afford to buy a car.As a consequence, traffic accidents gradually become a serious problem and bring great inconveniences to people. In my opinion, this problem can be solved from three aspects.

Firstly, our government should take drastic measures and enforce a series of effective traffic rules, which must be well acknowledged and understood by every person. Those who do not obey the rules will be punished according to the actual situation.

Secondly, the Ministry of Communications should make every effort to better the poor traffic environment. We need traffic police to be responsible for their job. If our policemen can be committed to what they are doing, the traffic condition will surely be improved.

Thirdly, every member of the society should realize the seriousness of traffic accidents, which not only bring mischief to the drivers themselves, but also lead their families into bitterness. As drivers, they should not drink alcohol before driving. As walkers, they should not cross the street when red light is still on.

In a word, it is the task of the whole society to solve the traffic accidents. I believe the traffic accidents will be reduced through the endeavor of everyone, and our society will have a nice traffic order and environment. (220 words)





Nobel Prize, an international award given for achievements in various academic fields, has been a great honor to people from different countries. However, China, with the greatest population and a large number of research workers, has not produced a single Nobel Prize winner so far. In my opinion, various contributing factors can be identified as follows.

First of all, though the educational system in China has fostered many researchers, it

somehow hinders individuals’ creativity. Children are usually not valued by their unique way of

thinking, but are encouraged to be obedient. Especially in the traditional cramming method of teaching, schools lay particular stress on memorization at the expense of comprehension, which has a very bad influence on students’ ability to solve difficult problems.

Furthermore, for a long period in Chinese history, China had been isolated from the outside world. In ancient times, we were self-contained for self-pride, believing that China was at the center of the whole universe. In modem times, we were self-fettered for self-protection, afraid of the invasion of other countries. As a consequence, China has lagged behind in many fields including science development. Researchers in China have little idea about the research interests of their own areas. At the same time, discoveries by Chinese researchers cannot be made known to foreign countries. For instance, the clone technology was first explored by scientists from Chinese Academy of Sciences decades ago, but their research did not arouse international concern simply due to lack of communication.

Fortunately, the situation mentioned above has been changing. Our educational system has improved a great deal and more and more opportunities to communicate with the external world have been offered. Therefore, I am sure that in the near future China will have one or more Nobel Prize winners. (298 words)














With the rapid development of society, more and more people in China can afford to buy a car.As a consequence, traffic accidents gradually become a serious problem and bring great inconveniences to people. In my opinion, this problem can be solved from three aspects.

Firstly, our government should take drastic measures and enforce a series of effective traffic rules, which must be well acknowledged and understood by every person. Those who do not obey the rules will be punished according to the actual situation.

Secondly, the Ministry of Communications should make every effort to better the poor traffic environment. We need traffic police to be responsible for their job. If our policemen can be committed to what they are doing, the traffic condition will surely be improved.

Thirdly, every member of the society should realize the seriousness of traffic accidents, which not only bring mischief to the drivers themselves, but also lead their families into bitterness. As drivers, they should not drink alcohol before driving. As walkers, they should not cross the street when red light is still on.

In a word, it is the task of the whole society to solve the traffic accidents. I believe the traffic accidents will be reduced through the endeavor of everyone, and our society will have a nice traffic order and environment. (220 words)





Nobel Prize, an international award given for achievements in various academic fields, has been a great honor to people from different countries. However, China, with the greatest population and a large number of research workers, has not produced a single Nobel Prize winner so far. In my opinion, various contributing factors can be identified as follows.

First of all, though the educational system in China has fostered many researchers, it

somehow hinders individuals’ creativity. Children are usually not valued by their unique way of

thinking, but are encouraged to be obedient. Especially in the traditional cramming method of teaching, schools lay particular stress on memorization at the expense of comprehension, which has a very bad influence on students’ ability to solve difficult problems.

Furthermore, for a long period in Chinese history, China had been isolated from the outside world. In ancient times, we were self-contained for self-pride, believing that China was at the center of the whole universe. In modem times, we were self-fettered for self-protection, afraid of the invasion of other countries. As a consequence, China has lagged behind in many fields including science development. Researchers in China have little idea about the research interests of their own areas. At the same time, discoveries by Chinese researchers cannot be made known to foreign countries. For instance, the clone technology was first explored by scientists from Chinese Academy of Sciences decades ago, but their research did not arouse international concern simply due to lack of communication.

Fortunately, the situation mentioned above has been changing. Our educational system has improved a great deal and more and more opportunities to communicate with the external world have been offered. Therefore, I am sure that in the near future China will have one or more Nobel Prize winners. (298 words)


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