
Chemical Analysis of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds of Food packaging Plastic Film

Chongxing Huang*, Wen Lin, Cuicui Li, Dongjie Xue

(College of Light Industry & Food Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning, 530004, China)

摘要:Contamination of foodstuffs by environmental pollutants receives much

attention. Until recently, food packaging as a source of xenobiotics, especially those with endocrine disrupting properties, has received little awareness despite its ubiquitous use. This study presents the research on the analysis of endocrine disrupting compounds, DEA, DBP, BBP, DEHA,DEHP, BHT, BHA,BP and MBP of 4 common used composite packaging films in food-contacted, which belonged plasticizer, Antioxidant,UV absorber. In the chemical analysis, composite films were extracted by acetone under ultrasonic condition, and analysis by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The sources of the 9 endocrine disrupting

compounds were analysis and its content were compared with the related laws and regulations. 研究结果表明,四种塑料中除了DEHA 没有检出外,其他组分都有检测到. 并且, 这些组分在塑料基材和油墨中都有分布,说明它们都是常用的添加剂,在树脂成型和油墨印刷中都发挥作用。DBP 在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是15.67-20.73 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是25.60-38.90 ug/g。BBP 在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是14.26-20.83 ug/g,而在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是17.72-29.97 ug/g。DEHP 未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是165.91-226.38 ug/g, 在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是298.36-369.88 ug/g. BHT在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是6.26-7.98 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是10.11-10.26 ug/g。BHA 在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是157.93-213.27 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是201.97-326.56. BP 在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是0.78-1.17 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是2.58-2.81 ug/g. MBP在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是4.12-5.82 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是6.56-8.86 ug/g。在所有的8种未印刷和印刷后的样品中,除了DEHA 在所有的样品中没有被检出以外, Larger amount of EDCs were found in printed products than unprinted products.将检测结果与欧盟标准EU 10-2011中相关规定进行对比发现,塑料样品中相关物质的含量都在规定范围内。

关键词:内分泌干扰物;复合包装薄膜, 气相色谱-质谱联用


环境内分泌干扰物(Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, EDCs) 是一类广泛分布于环境和食物、包装、玩具等各类消费品中的可以对人体内激素含量产生影响的物质[1,2],是一种外源性干扰人体内分泌系统的化学物质,它们通过逐步摄入、积累等途径,而不是直接作为有毒有害物质给生物体带来不利影响,像雌激素类物质那样对生物体产生作用,即使数量微少,也可能让生物体的内分泌系统失去平衡,出现各种异常现象。内分泌干扰物多为有机污染物及重金属物质。近年来随着经济社会的发展和工业化程度的提高,EDCs 在自然界和人类社会中的分布范围、含量及暴露途径也随之变广、增多[3-5]。伴随着全球工业化的浪潮,EDCs 在医药制造领域、添加剂加工领域(主要用于塑料、橡胶)、除草剂生产方面的使用十分普遍,它们会在产品的使用和废弃处理等过程中释放出来,对生态环境造成巨大的压力和危害。大多数EDCs 都不易降解,不仅能够在食物链中循


The packaging market is a highly important industrial sector, approximately equal in size to the pharmaceutical industry. In 2007, global market value amounted to around US $530 billion, with food and beverage packaging constituting more than half of all packaging uses (food 41%, industry and transport 21%, other 17%, beverages 14%, pharmaceuticals 4%, and cosmetics 3%) (Pira International, in: Schönrock 2008). When broken down by packaging material, the most important consumer packaging (by market value) is made of plastic (38%, both rigid and flexible plastics), followed by paper and cardboard (30%), metal (19%), glass (8%), and others (5%) (Pira International, in: Rexam, 2008). Around 70% of overall consumer packaging consumption is used for food and beverage packaging (Pira International, in:

World Packaging Organization, 2008).Food as a major xenobiotics and heavy metal exposure route to humans is studied intensively. Typical food contaminants, like pesticides, dioxins, PCBs, PBDEs, methylmercury, lead, arsenic, etc. are well characterized in food, with high public and regulatory awareness, as a recent debate on pesticides in food shows, spurred by an NGOs report (Schafer and Kegley, 2002). In contrast, the role of food and beverage

packaging as an additional source of contaminants has received much less attention, even though food packaging contributes significantly to human xenobiotic exposure (Grob et al., 2006). This may now be changing. For example, a fierce public debate has unfolded during the past 5 years over the potential safety of bisphenol A (BPA), a plastic monomer that is one of the highest production–volume chemicals worldwide. BPA is extensively used in many different types of food packaging and a known endocrine disruptor (vom Saal et al., 2007). In fact, many intentionally-used substances in food packaging have been identified as endocrine disruptors in biological systems. Therefore, it is important to consider food packaging as an important route of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) exposure to humans by leaching from the packaging into the food and the environment by waste disposal.

在与人们生活息息相关的食品药品包装方面,内分泌干扰物带来的威胁也与日俱增。目前,用于食品包装的聚合物主要有聚乙烯、聚丙烯、聚酰胺、聚酯、聚氯乙烯等高分子材料[6]。这些塑料材料多以复合薄膜的形式在包装中使用。为了改善塑料包装材料的加工性能和其制品的使用性能,往往在塑料的生产过程中添加一些化学添加剂,比如光稳定剂、抗氧化剂、增塑剂、热稳定剂、抗静电剂、紫外线吸收剂、阻燃剂、防霉剂等。在印刷过程中使用的油墨,其组分中的油墨残留溶剂;复合包装材料用粘合剂;存在于油墨组分中的铅、镉、汞、铬等重金属和苯胺、稠环化合物是包装材料中油墨危害的三个来源[7]。除此之外,油墨中增塑剂、光引发剂、抗氧化剂等添加剂向食品的迁移而产生的食品安全问题近年来出现比较频繁,越来越多的研究人员开始关注这个方面。若干研究表明:油墨中的光引发剂和增塑剂较易通过包装材料向食品迁移,故近年来UV 油墨中的光引发剂的迁移已经引起人们注意[8]。


必然会有一些成分迁移到食品中。总之,塑料食品包装材料中有害物质的迁移对食品安全有着重要的影响。这些有害物质大多是内分泌干扰物,它们会造成人体内分泌系统的紊乱并可能对人体的脏器尤其是生殖器官造成干扰,甚至对其后代产生影响。EDCs 在人体的脂肪组织、血液和母乳中均可检出[12]。

由于内分泌干扰物可以对生物体造成严重或者是潜在的危害,合适的EDCs 分析检测方法尤为重要。为了针对性地预防并控制EDCs 对生物体的伤害,建立操作简单、可行性强、准确度高的检测分析方法刻不容缓,藉此可以进行环境中EDCs 的种类和含量的评估,并对污染情况作出相对的反应。

但是环境中EDCs 的含量极低,所以在对样品中EDCs 进行检测分析之前,对样品的EDCs 进行富集或萃取预处理是十分必要的。预处理过程可以达到使痕量组分富集、消除基体中杂质干扰、提高检测灵敏度的作用[13]。本章在第二章检测分析方法优化的基础上进行实际样品的检测,包括印刷和未印刷的样品。This study presents the research on the analysis of endocrine disrupting compounds, DEA, DBP, BBP, DEHA,DEHP, BHT, BHA,BP and MBP of 4 common used composite packaging films in food-contacted, which belonged plasticizer, Antioxidant ,UV absorber. In the chemical analysis, composite films were extracted by acetone under ultrasonic condition, and analysis by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The sources of the 9 endocrine disrupting compounds were analysis and its content were compared with the related laws and regulations.



(1) Solvents and reagents

The following substances were purchased from Meryer Chemical Co. Ltd.(Shanghai, China). (Shanghai, China), 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol (BHA, analytical standards, >99%), Butylated hydroxyanisole(BHT, analytical standards, >99%), benzophenone(BP, analytical standards, >99%), 4-Methylbenzophenone(MBP, analytical standards, >99%), anhydrous sodium sulfate(AR ). The following substances were purchased from Tokyo Chemical Industry Co. Ltd(Shanghai, China). Di-n-butylphthalate(DBP, analytical standards, >99%)Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate(DEHP, analytical standards, >99.5%), Benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP, analytical standards, >99%), di(2-ethyl hexyl)adipate(DEHA)(DEHA, analytical standards, >99.7%), diethyl adipate(DEA, >99.5%. acetone(AR ) was purchased from ChengDu Kelong Chemical Reagent Company(Chengdu, China).

(2) Samples

The 8 composite packaging films used in contact with food were classified into two groups: 4 unprinted composite films and 4 printed films. The products, details of which are given in Table 1, were purchased at a company of packaging materials in China in 2012.

塑料样品:NY/PE、PET/PE、PET/CPP、OPP/PE购自浙江宁波某塑料制品厂, 丙酮:分析纯,成都市科龙化工试剂厂;




准确量取的0.1g BHA、0.1g BHT、0.1g BP、0.1g MBP、95.56μl DBP、89.7μl BBP、101.4μl DEHP、107.9μl DEHA、99.2μl DEA,放置于一个100ml 棕色容量瓶中,用丙酮定容配置成1g/L的标准混合溶液,置于冰箱中在4℃下进行保存。用移液管移取标准混合溶液1ml 于10ml 的棕色容量瓶中,用丙酮定容配置成100mg/L的标准混合溶液,充分摇匀再逐级稀释成1μg/ml,2μg/ml,5μg/ml,10μg/ml,20μg/ml的梯度溶液。 气质联用条件

Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry(GC/MS)

The chromatographic analysis was performed on a TraceGC Ultra gas chromatography(Thermo Technologies) equipped with a Thermo DSQ Ⅱ mass-selective detector. GC conditions were as follows: column, VF-5ms(30m×0.25mm×0.25µm ); oven temperature was held at 60℃for 1min, then raised at 10℃/min to 220℃ and held for 5 min; injection temperature, 250℃; carrier gas, He at 1ml/min; injection volume, 1µl(splitless). 接口温度:280℃

MS conditions were as follows: electron impact ionization (EI) mode: ion source valtage, 70Ev; ion source temperature, 230℃. Quantitation of the analytes was carried out in the selected monitoring (SIM) mode after selection of the monitor ion from the full spectra.

The chromatogram of standard species of DEA, BHT, BHA, BP, MBP, DBP, BB, DEHA and DEHP are shown in Figure 1.

The Qualitative and quantitative ion of EDCs[14] are showed in Table 2.



Fig.1 GC-MS chromatogram of ethanol mixture of model contaminants with concentration of 5μg/ml

Table 2 Qualitative and quantitative ion of EDCs









DEHP 11.12 12.55 12.76 14.42 15.86 17.84 23.14 23.59 25.67 quantitative ion 111 165 205 105 119 149 149 129 149 111、157、29、128、115 165、137、180、166、124 205、57、220、206、145 105、71、182、51、50 119、196、91、105、77 149、150、29、41、57 149、91、206、65、104 129、57、71、70、112 149、167、57、279、71

3.1.5 样品处理实验方法

(1)Preparation of Samples

塑料样品用蒸馏水清洗干净,晾干后,剪成均匀的碎片,用锡纸包裹起来,备用。 由于检测目标物质在塑料中的含量很少,为了减少实验误差,一方面尽量减少实验过程中塑料制品实验器皿的使用,另一方面实验中用到的玻璃仪器用自来水清洗以后,用铬酸溶液浸泡,然后用自来水和蒸馏水依次冲洗,最后用乙醇淋洗并烘干。


称取0.5g 剪碎的塑料样品,放入锥形瓶中,往瓶中加入20mL 的丙酮作为萃取溶剂,用包裹着锡纸的胶塞封口,固定在超声波清洗器中,在功率为280W 和萃取温度为60℃的条件下超声萃取20 时间后取出,倒入另一洁净的锥形瓶中。将上述萃取过程重复两次,合并萃取液。之后将2g 无水硫酸钠(在马弗炉中烘干过)加入萃取液中,并在4℃下冷藏8h 。除水后的萃取液滤去硫酸钠,进行浓缩。浓缩使用水浴锅和真空泵连接起来的真空浓缩装置,浓缩至5ml 左右的时候,用氮吹仪吹至近干,再用之前的溶剂定容于

5ml 的棕色容量瓶中。最后将萃取液用0.25μm一次性有机微孔滤膜(预先用萃取溶剂进行淋洗)进行过滤,进入气质联用仪进行检测。




定量分析采用外标法对9种EDCs 的浓度进行分析。每次批样分析时,配制相应EDCs 的标准系列溶液浓度为1μg/ml,2μg/ml,5μg/ml,10μg/ml,20μg/ml,经GC/MS 分析后,根据所得到的不同浓度下的内分泌干扰物的响应值结合对应的浓度建立标准曲线,如图4所示。外标曲线的线性回归方程和检出限如表3所示。以峰面积定量计算得到样品中内分泌干扰物的测定浓度(体积为5mL ),再转化为实际样品取样质量下的质量浓度(μg/g),得到实际样品中内分泌干扰物的浓度。

(a ) 内分泌干扰物DEA 、BHT 、BHA 、MBP 和DEHA 的标准曲线

(b ) 内分泌干扰物DBP 、BBP 、BP 和DEHP 的标准曲线

图2-2 九种内分泌干扰物的标准曲线

Fig. 2-2 Calibration curves of nine kinds of EDCs

表2-2 EDCs的线性回归方程

Table 2-2 Linear equation of six kinds of EDCs










DEHP 线性回归方程 y = 4×10x + 462854 66y = 7×10x - 7×10 76y = 2×10x + 7×10 66y = 8×10x - 1×10 66y = 6×10x - 3×10 77y = 4×10x - 2×10 66y = 5×10x - 7×10 66y = 4×10x - 3×10 66y = 4×10x - 5×10 6相关系数 0.9996 0.9982 0.9981 0.9991 0.9989 0.9994 0.9968 0.9967 0.9942

3.2 结果与讨论

3..2.1 Recovery study

A mixture of the target compounds (DEA, DBP,BBP,EAHA, DEHP, BHT, BHA, BP and MBP) 采用超声波萃取方法处理后用气质联用进行检测,每种浓度的标准混合溶夜行进3组平行实验。The results are shown in Table 3.

Table 3 Recovery and relative standard deviation of EDCs at different concentration added










DEHP 加标量(μg/ml) 20 40 20 40 20 40 20 40 20 40 20 40 20 40 20 40 20

40 平均回收率(%) 92.8 91.6 96.8 92.9 88.8 91.2 91.4 96.6 101.2 99.1 95.7 97.2 99.4 93.8 88.4 85.1 92.6 95.1 标准偏差(S ) 4.22 5.15 3.84 3.75 5.34 5.12 4.20 2.58 3.65 4.28 4.51 5.07 3.40 3.10 3.21 4.89 3.20 3.35 RSD (%) 4.55 5.63 3.97 4.04 6.01 5.62 4.59 2.67 3.61 4.31 4.71 5.22 3.42 3.30 3.63 5.74 3.46 3.52

The recovery value were taken from the average of three trials (n=3). The recovery rates were in the range of 88.4-101.2%, and the coefficient of variation(CV) were between 3%-6%, 说明实验选取的对塑料中内分泌干扰物进行萃取和检测的方法是可行的。.


实验使超声波萃取方法,使用丙酮作为溶剂,萃取溶剂为20mL, 在萃取温度为60℃,每次萃取时间为20min (重复两次), 超声萃取和超声功率为280W 的条件下,对NY/PE、PET/PE、PET/CPP、OPP/PE四种印刷塑料的未印刷样品和印刷样品进行超声萃取和气质联用检测分析,Levels of 9 standard compounds in unprinted and printed composited films are shown in Table 4.

从Table 4中可以看出,在本研究选取的四种塑料样品,NY/PE,PET/PE,PET/CPP,OPP/PE中,无论是印刷还是未印刷的样品,都没有检出DEHA 。而未印刷的PET/PE中DEA 没有检出。除了DEHA, 其它的9种添加剂在塑料树脂和印刷油墨中都有分布。

DBP 在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是15.67-20.73 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是25.60-38.90 ug/g。BBP 在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是14.26-20.83 ug/g,而在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是17.72-29.97 ug/g。DEHP 未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是165.91-226.38 ug/g, 在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是298.36-369.88 ug/g. BHT 在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是

6.26-7.98 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是10.11-10.26 ug/g。BHA 在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是157.93-213.27 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是201.97-326.56. BP在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是0.78-1.17 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是2.58-2.81 ug/g. MBP在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是4.12-5.82 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是6.56-8.86 ug/g。在所有的8种未印刷和印刷后的样品中,除了DEHA 在所有的样品中没有被检出以外, Larger amount of EDCs were found in printed products than unprinted products. 这说明这塑料薄膜包装材料中的EDCs 不但包括除了膜薄的加工成形和复合过程中使用了一定量的增塑剂、抗氧化剂、紫外光吸收剂,还包括塑料薄膜印刷过程中广泛使用的油墨。下面对薄膜加工过程中使用的这三种添加剂进行分析。增塑剂类

DEA 、DBP 、BBP 、DEHA 和DEHP 是塑料包装材料中常用的增塑剂,具有降低高分子聚合物玻璃化温度和熔融温度,提高聚合物柔韧性的高沸点、难挥发的液体,能降低聚合物体系的粘度,提高聚合物的塑性等优点。由表4可知, DEA 在未印刷的塑料PET/PE中没有检出,DEA 在其他未印刷和印刷的塑料中都被检测到;DEHA 在印刷和未印刷的任何一种塑料中都没有检测到。DEHP 印刷塑料样品NY/PE、PET/PE、PET/CPP和OPP/PE中的含量分别为306.34 ug/g、369.88 ug/g、298.36 ug/g和305.00 ug/g,而在

未印刷塑料中的含量分别为226.38 ug/g、165.91 ug/g、179.64 ug/g和197.15 ug/g,对比两组数据可以看到未印刷塑料中增塑剂DEHP 的含量只是塑料成品中所含增塑剂的一部分,说明DEHP 在塑料基材和油墨中都有使用。DBP 和BBP 在印刷塑料样品NY/PE、PET/PE、PET/CPP和OPP/PE中的含量也比未印刷的样品中的含量高。抗氧化剂类

BHA 和BHT 是抗氧化剂。其在塑料中能够有效地抑制空气氧化、热降解及铜害等。它们在油墨中也叫做防结皮剂,可以抑制氧化聚合干燥型油墨结膜过快而造成的印刷弊病。由表4可知,BHT 和BHA 在印刷和未印刷的四种塑料中都有分布,BHT 在印刷NY/PE中的含量为10.14 ug/g,而在未印刷的NY/PE中含量为7.36 ug/g;BHA 在印刷NY/PE中的含量为248.67 ug/g,而在未印刷的NY/PE中含量减少至186.38 ug/g,说明抗氧化剂BHA 和BHT 在NY/PE样品的树脂和油墨中都存在。其在塑料可以作为光引发剂延缓塑料的光氧老化,而在油墨中可以作为防结皮剂。分析其他三种塑料样品PET/PE、PET/CPP和OPP/PE的BHA 和BHT 也可以得出相同的结论。紫外线吸收剂类

BP 和MBP 是紫外线吸收剂。紫外线吸收剂用于在室外使用的印刷品,效果很好,它能够吸收紫外线,使油墨可以应对特殊的环境,耐气候性提高,对于荧光油墨印刷品(其耐光性较弱)效果更好。同时BP 和MBP 是UV 油墨中的光引发剂,在光照的作用下,产生自由基,引起油墨中成分的交联固化反应。另外它们在塑料中也用作光稳定剂。对比表4的数据可以发现,实验所用样品中聚合物基体和油墨中均有BP 和MBP ,以MBP 为例进行说明:MBP 在印刷的PET/CPP中含量为6.56 ug/g,在未印刷的PET/CPP中含量为5.82ug/g;MBP 在印刷的OPP/PE中含量为7.00 ug/g,在未印刷的OPP/PE中含量为4.89 ug/g,由此可见光引发剂在树脂和油墨的生产过程中都有添加,只是它们发挥的作用可能有所不同。

Food Contact Regulation in US and EU

为了确保食品包装材料对食品及人体健康安全无害,欧美国家已经着手进行食品包装材料安全性能的科学研究和法律法规的制定,以此来约束和指导包装材料生产厂商的生产行为,保证食品包装的质量和卫生安全性能。Food contact material regulation in the US originates from the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1958, Section on Food Additives (21USC348). Substances used as food additives require authorization, unless they were used in food packaging prior to September 6, 1958. New substances authorization is centered on consumer exposure levels. The cumulative estimated daily intake, or CEDI, is an approximation of consumer exposure to packaging compounds, derived from leaching into food surrogates, or “food simulants”. This migration is determined experimentally or by modeling. Compounds added to food packaging need to be authorized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and different requirements apply depending on the CEDI .

欧盟关于塑料包装材料的法规主要有针对食品用塑料包装材料的2002/72/EC指令;(EC )No 1935/2004(框架法规)和(GMP )(EC )No 2023/2006(良好生产规范法规);EN 1186和EN 13130(制定检测方法标准);迁移测试条件(时间、温度和食品模拟物)选择的法令:82-711-EEC (迁移检测的基本规定)和85-572-EEC (模拟物清单指令)。欧盟委员会关于与食品接触塑料材料和制品的指令2002/72/EC从2002年发布至今修订了六次,分别为2004/1/EC,2004/19/EC,2005/79/EC,2007/19/EC,2008/39/EC,(EC )No 795/2009。该指令给出了在生产中可用于与食品接触的塑料材料的单体和助剂的列表,


指令2002/72/EC已经修订了6次,有的部分已经是冗余陈旧的,并且由于复合材料、纳米材料等新材料和新物质的出现,欧盟委员会2011年1月14日发布了欧盟共同体指令EU 10-2011,同时废除80/766/EEC指令、2002/72/EC、81/432/EEC指令指令三个法规。法规从2011年5月1日起执行,2011年5月1日至2015年12月31日这段时间是一个过渡条款实施的缓冲期。新的法规EU 10-2011与原来的法规2002/72/EC相比,涵盖了多层复合包装材料中的塑料层、进行印刷或者涂覆处理的塑料材料和被具有功能性障碍物阻隔的物质及纳米材料,明确了包括单体或其他初始物质、添加剂(不包括着色剂)、生产助剂(不包括溶剂)、微生物发酵生成的高分子和885种授权物质的授权物质清单表,增加七大重金(Ba 、Co 、Cu 、Fe 、Li 、Mn 、Zn )的迁移的要求,并对食品模拟物的选择进行了修改。与本研究相关的部分授权物质的规定见表5。

Table 5 Restrictions of some additives in EU 10-2011

特定迁移量名称 CAS 号 其他限制或规范 SML(mg/kg)

二苯甲酮(BP ) 119-61-9 0.6 -

叔二丁基羟基甲苯128-37-0 3 - (BHT)

叔丁基羟基茴香醚25013-16-5 30 - (BHA )


(DBP )


基己基) 酯(DEHP) 84-74-2 117-81-7 0.3 1.5 仅用于(a)接触非脂肪性食品材料的增塑剂;(b)塑料制品中最大用量0.05%. 仅用于(a)接触非脂肪性食品材料的增


仅用于(a)重复复用材料和制品的增塑剂;(b) 接触非油脂食品的一次使用材



95/6/EC所规定的产品除外 ;(c)塑料


- 邻苯二甲酸丁苄脂(BBP ) 85-68-7 30 己二酸二(2-乙基己

基)酯(DEHA )

103-23-1 18 由表5可知,新标准中对DBP 、DEHP 和BBP 在塑料中的含量进行了限定。将标准EU 10-2011中以百分比为单位的限量转换单位以后允许添加的最大量分别为:DBP :0.5 mg/g;BBP :1 mg/g;DEHP :1 mg/g。由表3-1可知在四种印刷塑料样品中DBP 的最高含量为38.90 ug/g(NY/PE),BBP 的最高含量为29.97 ug/g(PET/CPP),DEHP 的最高含量为369.88 ug/g(PET/PE). 由表4可知,本研究的四种未印刷塑料样品中DBP 的最高含量为20.73 ug/g(PET/CPP),BBP 的最高含量为20.83 ug/g(PET/CPP),DEHP 的最高含量为226.38 ug/g(NY/PE)。由数据的对比可以得知四种印刷塑料样品和未印刷塑料样品中这三种物质的含量都是合格的,由于欧盟标准未对其他几种内分泌干扰物进行规定,这里不做更多讨论。但是,Current EU regulation has been criticized for permitting too high contamination levels from food packaging migrants (Grob et al.,1999).

There is sufficient evidence that EDCs pose a risk to human and environmental health. Even

at low concentrations, chronic exposure to EDCs is of toxicological concern and this concern increases when humans are exposed to mixtures of similar acting EDCs and/or during sensitive windows of development. The widespread use of chemicals with endocrine

disrupting properties in food packaging thus might present a risk, and it requires dedicated assessment. Only few EDCs have been researched so far with respect to migration, presence in food, human body burdens, and their impact on human health (Waring and Harris, 2005). Furthermore, not all substances migrating from food packaging have been characterized for their endocrine disruptive potential, which is sometimes discovered only by chance long after they are widely in use (Hunt, 2008; McDonald et al., 2008; Soto et al., 1991). The current situation implies chronic exposure to EDCs with essentially unknown effects and presents a health risk that also might affect next generations. Such practice is not in accordance with the principles of sustainable development (The World Commission on Environment and

Development, 1987). Conclusion

This paper investigated the endocrine disrupting compounds, DEA, DBP, BBP,

DEHA,DEHP, BHT, BHA,BP and MBP of 4 common used composite packaging films in food-contacted, which belonged plasticizer, Antioxidant,UV absorber. In the chemical analysis, composite films were extracted by acetone under ultrasonic condition, and analysis by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The sources of the 9 endocrine disrupting

compounds were analysis and its content were compared with the related laws and regulations. 研究结果表明,四种塑料中除了DEHA 没有检出外,其他组分都有检测到. 并且, 这些组分在塑料基材和油墨中都有分布,说明它们都是常用的添加剂,在树脂成型和油墨印刷中都发挥作用。DBP 在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是15.67-20.73 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是25.60-38.90 ug/g。BBP 在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是14.26-20.83 ug/g,而在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是17.72-29.97 ug/g。DEHP 未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是165.91-226.38 ug/g, 在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是298.36-369.88 ug/g. BHT在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是6.26-7.98 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是10.11-10.26 ug/g。BHA 在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是157.93-213.27 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是201.97-326.56. BP 在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是0.78-1.17 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是2.58-2.81 ug/g. MBP在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是4.12-5.82 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是6.56-8.86 ug/g。在所有的8种未印刷和印刷后的样品中,除了DEHA 在所有的样品中没有被检出以外, Larger amount of EDCs were found in printed products than unprinted products.将检测结果与欧盟标准EU 10-2011中相关规定进行对比发现,塑料样品中相关物质的含量都在规定范围内。


The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of this study by the Nature Science Foundation of Guangxi Province (2013GXNSFFA019005) and the fund of Guangxi University.


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Chemical Analysis of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds of Food packaging Plastic Film

Chongxing Huang*, Wen Lin, Cuicui Li, Dongjie Xue

(College of Light Industry & Food Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning, 530004, China)

摘要:Contamination of foodstuffs by environmental pollutants receives much

attention. Until recently, food packaging as a source of xenobiotics, especially those with endocrine disrupting properties, has received little awareness despite its ubiquitous use. This study presents the research on the analysis of endocrine disrupting compounds, DEA, DBP, BBP, DEHA,DEHP, BHT, BHA,BP and MBP of 4 common used composite packaging films in food-contacted, which belonged plasticizer, Antioxidant,UV absorber. In the chemical analysis, composite films were extracted by acetone under ultrasonic condition, and analysis by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The sources of the 9 endocrine disrupting

compounds were analysis and its content were compared with the related laws and regulations. 研究结果表明,四种塑料中除了DEHA 没有检出外,其他组分都有检测到. 并且, 这些组分在塑料基材和油墨中都有分布,说明它们都是常用的添加剂,在树脂成型和油墨印刷中都发挥作用。DBP 在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是15.67-20.73 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是25.60-38.90 ug/g。BBP 在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是14.26-20.83 ug/g,而在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是17.72-29.97 ug/g。DEHP 未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是165.91-226.38 ug/g, 在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是298.36-369.88 ug/g. BHT在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是6.26-7.98 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是10.11-10.26 ug/g。BHA 在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是157.93-213.27 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是201.97-326.56. BP 在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是0.78-1.17 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是2.58-2.81 ug/g. MBP在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是4.12-5.82 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是6.56-8.86 ug/g。在所有的8种未印刷和印刷后的样品中,除了DEHA 在所有的样品中没有被检出以外, Larger amount of EDCs were found in printed products than unprinted products.将检测结果与欧盟标准EU 10-2011中相关规定进行对比发现,塑料样品中相关物质的含量都在规定范围内。

关键词:内分泌干扰物;复合包装薄膜, 气相色谱-质谱联用


环境内分泌干扰物(Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, EDCs) 是一类广泛分布于环境和食物、包装、玩具等各类消费品中的可以对人体内激素含量产生影响的物质[1,2],是一种外源性干扰人体内分泌系统的化学物质,它们通过逐步摄入、积累等途径,而不是直接作为有毒有害物质给生物体带来不利影响,像雌激素类物质那样对生物体产生作用,即使数量微少,也可能让生物体的内分泌系统失去平衡,出现各种异常现象。内分泌干扰物多为有机污染物及重金属物质。近年来随着经济社会的发展和工业化程度的提高,EDCs 在自然界和人类社会中的分布范围、含量及暴露途径也随之变广、增多[3-5]。伴随着全球工业化的浪潮,EDCs 在医药制造领域、添加剂加工领域(主要用于塑料、橡胶)、除草剂生产方面的使用十分普遍,它们会在产品的使用和废弃处理等过程中释放出来,对生态环境造成巨大的压力和危害。大多数EDCs 都不易降解,不仅能够在食物链中循


The packaging market is a highly important industrial sector, approximately equal in size to the pharmaceutical industry. In 2007, global market value amounted to around US $530 billion, with food and beverage packaging constituting more than half of all packaging uses (food 41%, industry and transport 21%, other 17%, beverages 14%, pharmaceuticals 4%, and cosmetics 3%) (Pira International, in: Schönrock 2008). When broken down by packaging material, the most important consumer packaging (by market value) is made of plastic (38%, both rigid and flexible plastics), followed by paper and cardboard (30%), metal (19%), glass (8%), and others (5%) (Pira International, in: Rexam, 2008). Around 70% of overall consumer packaging consumption is used for food and beverage packaging (Pira International, in:

World Packaging Organization, 2008).Food as a major xenobiotics and heavy metal exposure route to humans is studied intensively. Typical food contaminants, like pesticides, dioxins, PCBs, PBDEs, methylmercury, lead, arsenic, etc. are well characterized in food, with high public and regulatory awareness, as a recent debate on pesticides in food shows, spurred by an NGOs report (Schafer and Kegley, 2002). In contrast, the role of food and beverage

packaging as an additional source of contaminants has received much less attention, even though food packaging contributes significantly to human xenobiotic exposure (Grob et al., 2006). This may now be changing. For example, a fierce public debate has unfolded during the past 5 years over the potential safety of bisphenol A (BPA), a plastic monomer that is one of the highest production–volume chemicals worldwide. BPA is extensively used in many different types of food packaging and a known endocrine disruptor (vom Saal et al., 2007). In fact, many intentionally-used substances in food packaging have been identified as endocrine disruptors in biological systems. Therefore, it is important to consider food packaging as an important route of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) exposure to humans by leaching from the packaging into the food and the environment by waste disposal.

在与人们生活息息相关的食品药品包装方面,内分泌干扰物带来的威胁也与日俱增。目前,用于食品包装的聚合物主要有聚乙烯、聚丙烯、聚酰胺、聚酯、聚氯乙烯等高分子材料[6]。这些塑料材料多以复合薄膜的形式在包装中使用。为了改善塑料包装材料的加工性能和其制品的使用性能,往往在塑料的生产过程中添加一些化学添加剂,比如光稳定剂、抗氧化剂、增塑剂、热稳定剂、抗静电剂、紫外线吸收剂、阻燃剂、防霉剂等。在印刷过程中使用的油墨,其组分中的油墨残留溶剂;复合包装材料用粘合剂;存在于油墨组分中的铅、镉、汞、铬等重金属和苯胺、稠环化合物是包装材料中油墨危害的三个来源[7]。除此之外,油墨中增塑剂、光引发剂、抗氧化剂等添加剂向食品的迁移而产生的食品安全问题近年来出现比较频繁,越来越多的研究人员开始关注这个方面。若干研究表明:油墨中的光引发剂和增塑剂较易通过包装材料向食品迁移,故近年来UV 油墨中的光引发剂的迁移已经引起人们注意[8]。


必然会有一些成分迁移到食品中。总之,塑料食品包装材料中有害物质的迁移对食品安全有着重要的影响。这些有害物质大多是内分泌干扰物,它们会造成人体内分泌系统的紊乱并可能对人体的脏器尤其是生殖器官造成干扰,甚至对其后代产生影响。EDCs 在人体的脂肪组织、血液和母乳中均可检出[12]。

由于内分泌干扰物可以对生物体造成严重或者是潜在的危害,合适的EDCs 分析检测方法尤为重要。为了针对性地预防并控制EDCs 对生物体的伤害,建立操作简单、可行性强、准确度高的检测分析方法刻不容缓,藉此可以进行环境中EDCs 的种类和含量的评估,并对污染情况作出相对的反应。

但是环境中EDCs 的含量极低,所以在对样品中EDCs 进行检测分析之前,对样品的EDCs 进行富集或萃取预处理是十分必要的。预处理过程可以达到使痕量组分富集、消除基体中杂质干扰、提高检测灵敏度的作用[13]。本章在第二章检测分析方法优化的基础上进行实际样品的检测,包括印刷和未印刷的样品。This study presents the research on the analysis of endocrine disrupting compounds, DEA, DBP, BBP, DEHA,DEHP, BHT, BHA,BP and MBP of 4 common used composite packaging films in food-contacted, which belonged plasticizer, Antioxidant ,UV absorber. In the chemical analysis, composite films were extracted by acetone under ultrasonic condition, and analysis by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The sources of the 9 endocrine disrupting compounds were analysis and its content were compared with the related laws and regulations.



(1) Solvents and reagents

The following substances were purchased from Meryer Chemical Co. Ltd.(Shanghai, China). (Shanghai, China), 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol (BHA, analytical standards, >99%), Butylated hydroxyanisole(BHT, analytical standards, >99%), benzophenone(BP, analytical standards, >99%), 4-Methylbenzophenone(MBP, analytical standards, >99%), anhydrous sodium sulfate(AR ). The following substances were purchased from Tokyo Chemical Industry Co. Ltd(Shanghai, China). Di-n-butylphthalate(DBP, analytical standards, >99%)Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate(DEHP, analytical standards, >99.5%), Benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP, analytical standards, >99%), di(2-ethyl hexyl)adipate(DEHA)(DEHA, analytical standards, >99.7%), diethyl adipate(DEA, >99.5%. acetone(AR ) was purchased from ChengDu Kelong Chemical Reagent Company(Chengdu, China).

(2) Samples

The 8 composite packaging films used in contact with food were classified into two groups: 4 unprinted composite films and 4 printed films. The products, details of which are given in Table 1, were purchased at a company of packaging materials in China in 2012.

塑料样品:NY/PE、PET/PE、PET/CPP、OPP/PE购自浙江宁波某塑料制品厂, 丙酮:分析纯,成都市科龙化工试剂厂;




准确量取的0.1g BHA、0.1g BHT、0.1g BP、0.1g MBP、95.56μl DBP、89.7μl BBP、101.4μl DEHP、107.9μl DEHA、99.2μl DEA,放置于一个100ml 棕色容量瓶中,用丙酮定容配置成1g/L的标准混合溶液,置于冰箱中在4℃下进行保存。用移液管移取标准混合溶液1ml 于10ml 的棕色容量瓶中,用丙酮定容配置成100mg/L的标准混合溶液,充分摇匀再逐级稀释成1μg/ml,2μg/ml,5μg/ml,10μg/ml,20μg/ml的梯度溶液。 气质联用条件

Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry(GC/MS)

The chromatographic analysis was performed on a TraceGC Ultra gas chromatography(Thermo Technologies) equipped with a Thermo DSQ Ⅱ mass-selective detector. GC conditions were as follows: column, VF-5ms(30m×0.25mm×0.25µm ); oven temperature was held at 60℃for 1min, then raised at 10℃/min to 220℃ and held for 5 min; injection temperature, 250℃; carrier gas, He at 1ml/min; injection volume, 1µl(splitless). 接口温度:280℃

MS conditions were as follows: electron impact ionization (EI) mode: ion source valtage, 70Ev; ion source temperature, 230℃. Quantitation of the analytes was carried out in the selected monitoring (SIM) mode after selection of the monitor ion from the full spectra.

The chromatogram of standard species of DEA, BHT, BHA, BP, MBP, DBP, BB, DEHA and DEHP are shown in Figure 1.

The Qualitative and quantitative ion of EDCs[14] are showed in Table 2.



Fig.1 GC-MS chromatogram of ethanol mixture of model contaminants with concentration of 5μg/ml

Table 2 Qualitative and quantitative ion of EDCs









DEHP 11.12 12.55 12.76 14.42 15.86 17.84 23.14 23.59 25.67 quantitative ion 111 165 205 105 119 149 149 129 149 111、157、29、128、115 165、137、180、166、124 205、57、220、206、145 105、71、182、51、50 119、196、91、105、77 149、150、29、41、57 149、91、206、65、104 129、57、71、70、112 149、167、57、279、71

3.1.5 样品处理实验方法

(1)Preparation of Samples

塑料样品用蒸馏水清洗干净,晾干后,剪成均匀的碎片,用锡纸包裹起来,备用。 由于检测目标物质在塑料中的含量很少,为了减少实验误差,一方面尽量减少实验过程中塑料制品实验器皿的使用,另一方面实验中用到的玻璃仪器用自来水清洗以后,用铬酸溶液浸泡,然后用自来水和蒸馏水依次冲洗,最后用乙醇淋洗并烘干。


称取0.5g 剪碎的塑料样品,放入锥形瓶中,往瓶中加入20mL 的丙酮作为萃取溶剂,用包裹着锡纸的胶塞封口,固定在超声波清洗器中,在功率为280W 和萃取温度为60℃的条件下超声萃取20 时间后取出,倒入另一洁净的锥形瓶中。将上述萃取过程重复两次,合并萃取液。之后将2g 无水硫酸钠(在马弗炉中烘干过)加入萃取液中,并在4℃下冷藏8h 。除水后的萃取液滤去硫酸钠,进行浓缩。浓缩使用水浴锅和真空泵连接起来的真空浓缩装置,浓缩至5ml 左右的时候,用氮吹仪吹至近干,再用之前的溶剂定容于

5ml 的棕色容量瓶中。最后将萃取液用0.25μm一次性有机微孔滤膜(预先用萃取溶剂进行淋洗)进行过滤,进入气质联用仪进行检测。




定量分析采用外标法对9种EDCs 的浓度进行分析。每次批样分析时,配制相应EDCs 的标准系列溶液浓度为1μg/ml,2μg/ml,5μg/ml,10μg/ml,20μg/ml,经GC/MS 分析后,根据所得到的不同浓度下的内分泌干扰物的响应值结合对应的浓度建立标准曲线,如图4所示。外标曲线的线性回归方程和检出限如表3所示。以峰面积定量计算得到样品中内分泌干扰物的测定浓度(体积为5mL ),再转化为实际样品取样质量下的质量浓度(μg/g),得到实际样品中内分泌干扰物的浓度。

(a ) 内分泌干扰物DEA 、BHT 、BHA 、MBP 和DEHA 的标准曲线

(b ) 内分泌干扰物DBP 、BBP 、BP 和DEHP 的标准曲线

图2-2 九种内分泌干扰物的标准曲线

Fig. 2-2 Calibration curves of nine kinds of EDCs

表2-2 EDCs的线性回归方程

Table 2-2 Linear equation of six kinds of EDCs










DEHP 线性回归方程 y = 4×10x + 462854 66y = 7×10x - 7×10 76y = 2×10x + 7×10 66y = 8×10x - 1×10 66y = 6×10x - 3×10 77y = 4×10x - 2×10 66y = 5×10x - 7×10 66y = 4×10x - 3×10 66y = 4×10x - 5×10 6相关系数 0.9996 0.9982 0.9981 0.9991 0.9989 0.9994 0.9968 0.9967 0.9942

3.2 结果与讨论

3..2.1 Recovery study

A mixture of the target compounds (DEA, DBP,BBP,EAHA, DEHP, BHT, BHA, BP and MBP) 采用超声波萃取方法处理后用气质联用进行检测,每种浓度的标准混合溶夜行进3组平行实验。The results are shown in Table 3.

Table 3 Recovery and relative standard deviation of EDCs at different concentration added










DEHP 加标量(μg/ml) 20 40 20 40 20 40 20 40 20 40 20 40 20 40 20 40 20

40 平均回收率(%) 92.8 91.6 96.8 92.9 88.8 91.2 91.4 96.6 101.2 99.1 95.7 97.2 99.4 93.8 88.4 85.1 92.6 95.1 标准偏差(S ) 4.22 5.15 3.84 3.75 5.34 5.12 4.20 2.58 3.65 4.28 4.51 5.07 3.40 3.10 3.21 4.89 3.20 3.35 RSD (%) 4.55 5.63 3.97 4.04 6.01 5.62 4.59 2.67 3.61 4.31 4.71 5.22 3.42 3.30 3.63 5.74 3.46 3.52

The recovery value were taken from the average of three trials (n=3). The recovery rates were in the range of 88.4-101.2%, and the coefficient of variation(CV) were between 3%-6%, 说明实验选取的对塑料中内分泌干扰物进行萃取和检测的方法是可行的。.


实验使超声波萃取方法,使用丙酮作为溶剂,萃取溶剂为20mL, 在萃取温度为60℃,每次萃取时间为20min (重复两次), 超声萃取和超声功率为280W 的条件下,对NY/PE、PET/PE、PET/CPP、OPP/PE四种印刷塑料的未印刷样品和印刷样品进行超声萃取和气质联用检测分析,Levels of 9 standard compounds in unprinted and printed composited films are shown in Table 4.

从Table 4中可以看出,在本研究选取的四种塑料样品,NY/PE,PET/PE,PET/CPP,OPP/PE中,无论是印刷还是未印刷的样品,都没有检出DEHA 。而未印刷的PET/PE中DEA 没有检出。除了DEHA, 其它的9种添加剂在塑料树脂和印刷油墨中都有分布。

DBP 在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是15.67-20.73 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是25.60-38.90 ug/g。BBP 在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是14.26-20.83 ug/g,而在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是17.72-29.97 ug/g。DEHP 未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是165.91-226.38 ug/g, 在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是298.36-369.88 ug/g. BHT 在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是

6.26-7.98 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是10.11-10.26 ug/g。BHA 在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是157.93-213.27 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是201.97-326.56. BP在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是0.78-1.17 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是2.58-2.81 ug/g. MBP在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是4.12-5.82 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是6.56-8.86 ug/g。在所有的8种未印刷和印刷后的样品中,除了DEHA 在所有的样品中没有被检出以外, Larger amount of EDCs were found in printed products than unprinted products. 这说明这塑料薄膜包装材料中的EDCs 不但包括除了膜薄的加工成形和复合过程中使用了一定量的增塑剂、抗氧化剂、紫外光吸收剂,还包括塑料薄膜印刷过程中广泛使用的油墨。下面对薄膜加工过程中使用的这三种添加剂进行分析。增塑剂类

DEA 、DBP 、BBP 、DEHA 和DEHP 是塑料包装材料中常用的增塑剂,具有降低高分子聚合物玻璃化温度和熔融温度,提高聚合物柔韧性的高沸点、难挥发的液体,能降低聚合物体系的粘度,提高聚合物的塑性等优点。由表4可知, DEA 在未印刷的塑料PET/PE中没有检出,DEA 在其他未印刷和印刷的塑料中都被检测到;DEHA 在印刷和未印刷的任何一种塑料中都没有检测到。DEHP 印刷塑料样品NY/PE、PET/PE、PET/CPP和OPP/PE中的含量分别为306.34 ug/g、369.88 ug/g、298.36 ug/g和305.00 ug/g,而在

未印刷塑料中的含量分别为226.38 ug/g、165.91 ug/g、179.64 ug/g和197.15 ug/g,对比两组数据可以看到未印刷塑料中增塑剂DEHP 的含量只是塑料成品中所含增塑剂的一部分,说明DEHP 在塑料基材和油墨中都有使用。DBP 和BBP 在印刷塑料样品NY/PE、PET/PE、PET/CPP和OPP/PE中的含量也比未印刷的样品中的含量高。抗氧化剂类

BHA 和BHT 是抗氧化剂。其在塑料中能够有效地抑制空气氧化、热降解及铜害等。它们在油墨中也叫做防结皮剂,可以抑制氧化聚合干燥型油墨结膜过快而造成的印刷弊病。由表4可知,BHT 和BHA 在印刷和未印刷的四种塑料中都有分布,BHT 在印刷NY/PE中的含量为10.14 ug/g,而在未印刷的NY/PE中含量为7.36 ug/g;BHA 在印刷NY/PE中的含量为248.67 ug/g,而在未印刷的NY/PE中含量减少至186.38 ug/g,说明抗氧化剂BHA 和BHT 在NY/PE样品的树脂和油墨中都存在。其在塑料可以作为光引发剂延缓塑料的光氧老化,而在油墨中可以作为防结皮剂。分析其他三种塑料样品PET/PE、PET/CPP和OPP/PE的BHA 和BHT 也可以得出相同的结论。紫外线吸收剂类

BP 和MBP 是紫外线吸收剂。紫外线吸收剂用于在室外使用的印刷品,效果很好,它能够吸收紫外线,使油墨可以应对特殊的环境,耐气候性提高,对于荧光油墨印刷品(其耐光性较弱)效果更好。同时BP 和MBP 是UV 油墨中的光引发剂,在光照的作用下,产生自由基,引起油墨中成分的交联固化反应。另外它们在塑料中也用作光稳定剂。对比表4的数据可以发现,实验所用样品中聚合物基体和油墨中均有BP 和MBP ,以MBP 为例进行说明:MBP 在印刷的PET/CPP中含量为6.56 ug/g,在未印刷的PET/CPP中含量为5.82ug/g;MBP 在印刷的OPP/PE中含量为7.00 ug/g,在未印刷的OPP/PE中含量为4.89 ug/g,由此可见光引发剂在树脂和油墨的生产过程中都有添加,只是它们发挥的作用可能有所不同。

Food Contact Regulation in US and EU

为了确保食品包装材料对食品及人体健康安全无害,欧美国家已经着手进行食品包装材料安全性能的科学研究和法律法规的制定,以此来约束和指导包装材料生产厂商的生产行为,保证食品包装的质量和卫生安全性能。Food contact material regulation in the US originates from the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1958, Section on Food Additives (21USC348). Substances used as food additives require authorization, unless they were used in food packaging prior to September 6, 1958. New substances authorization is centered on consumer exposure levels. The cumulative estimated daily intake, or CEDI, is an approximation of consumer exposure to packaging compounds, derived from leaching into food surrogates, or “food simulants”. This migration is determined experimentally or by modeling. Compounds added to food packaging need to be authorized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and different requirements apply depending on the CEDI .

欧盟关于塑料包装材料的法规主要有针对食品用塑料包装材料的2002/72/EC指令;(EC )No 1935/2004(框架法规)和(GMP )(EC )No 2023/2006(良好生产规范法规);EN 1186和EN 13130(制定检测方法标准);迁移测试条件(时间、温度和食品模拟物)选择的法令:82-711-EEC (迁移检测的基本规定)和85-572-EEC (模拟物清单指令)。欧盟委员会关于与食品接触塑料材料和制品的指令2002/72/EC从2002年发布至今修订了六次,分别为2004/1/EC,2004/19/EC,2005/79/EC,2007/19/EC,2008/39/EC,(EC )No 795/2009。该指令给出了在生产中可用于与食品接触的塑料材料的单体和助剂的列表,


指令2002/72/EC已经修订了6次,有的部分已经是冗余陈旧的,并且由于复合材料、纳米材料等新材料和新物质的出现,欧盟委员会2011年1月14日发布了欧盟共同体指令EU 10-2011,同时废除80/766/EEC指令、2002/72/EC、81/432/EEC指令指令三个法规。法规从2011年5月1日起执行,2011年5月1日至2015年12月31日这段时间是一个过渡条款实施的缓冲期。新的法规EU 10-2011与原来的法规2002/72/EC相比,涵盖了多层复合包装材料中的塑料层、进行印刷或者涂覆处理的塑料材料和被具有功能性障碍物阻隔的物质及纳米材料,明确了包括单体或其他初始物质、添加剂(不包括着色剂)、生产助剂(不包括溶剂)、微生物发酵生成的高分子和885种授权物质的授权物质清单表,增加七大重金(Ba 、Co 、Cu 、Fe 、Li 、Mn 、Zn )的迁移的要求,并对食品模拟物的选择进行了修改。与本研究相关的部分授权物质的规定见表5。

Table 5 Restrictions of some additives in EU 10-2011

特定迁移量名称 CAS 号 其他限制或规范 SML(mg/kg)

二苯甲酮(BP ) 119-61-9 0.6 -

叔二丁基羟基甲苯128-37-0 3 - (BHT)

叔丁基羟基茴香醚25013-16-5 30 - (BHA )


(DBP )


基己基) 酯(DEHP) 84-74-2 117-81-7 0.3 1.5 仅用于(a)接触非脂肪性食品材料的增塑剂;(b)塑料制品中最大用量0.05%. 仅用于(a)接触非脂肪性食品材料的增


仅用于(a)重复复用材料和制品的增塑剂;(b) 接触非油脂食品的一次使用材



95/6/EC所规定的产品除外 ;(c)塑料


- 邻苯二甲酸丁苄脂(BBP ) 85-68-7 30 己二酸二(2-乙基己

基)酯(DEHA )

103-23-1 18 由表5可知,新标准中对DBP 、DEHP 和BBP 在塑料中的含量进行了限定。将标准EU 10-2011中以百分比为单位的限量转换单位以后允许添加的最大量分别为:DBP :0.5 mg/g;BBP :1 mg/g;DEHP :1 mg/g。由表3-1可知在四种印刷塑料样品中DBP 的最高含量为38.90 ug/g(NY/PE),BBP 的最高含量为29.97 ug/g(PET/CPP),DEHP 的最高含量为369.88 ug/g(PET/PE). 由表4可知,本研究的四种未印刷塑料样品中DBP 的最高含量为20.73 ug/g(PET/CPP),BBP 的最高含量为20.83 ug/g(PET/CPP),DEHP 的最高含量为226.38 ug/g(NY/PE)。由数据的对比可以得知四种印刷塑料样品和未印刷塑料样品中这三种物质的含量都是合格的,由于欧盟标准未对其他几种内分泌干扰物进行规定,这里不做更多讨论。但是,Current EU regulation has been criticized for permitting too high contamination levels from food packaging migrants (Grob et al.,1999).

There is sufficient evidence that EDCs pose a risk to human and environmental health. Even

at low concentrations, chronic exposure to EDCs is of toxicological concern and this concern increases when humans are exposed to mixtures of similar acting EDCs and/or during sensitive windows of development. The widespread use of chemicals with endocrine

disrupting properties in food packaging thus might present a risk, and it requires dedicated assessment. Only few EDCs have been researched so far with respect to migration, presence in food, human body burdens, and their impact on human health (Waring and Harris, 2005). Furthermore, not all substances migrating from food packaging have been characterized for their endocrine disruptive potential, which is sometimes discovered only by chance long after they are widely in use (Hunt, 2008; McDonald et al., 2008; Soto et al., 1991). The current situation implies chronic exposure to EDCs with essentially unknown effects and presents a health risk that also might affect next generations. Such practice is not in accordance with the principles of sustainable development (The World Commission on Environment and

Development, 1987). Conclusion

This paper investigated the endocrine disrupting compounds, DEA, DBP, BBP,

DEHA,DEHP, BHT, BHA,BP and MBP of 4 common used composite packaging films in food-contacted, which belonged plasticizer, Antioxidant,UV absorber. In the chemical analysis, composite films were extracted by acetone under ultrasonic condition, and analysis by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The sources of the 9 endocrine disrupting

compounds were analysis and its content were compared with the related laws and regulations. 研究结果表明,四种塑料中除了DEHA 没有检出外,其他组分都有检测到. 并且, 这些组分在塑料基材和油墨中都有分布,说明它们都是常用的添加剂,在树脂成型和油墨印刷中都发挥作用。DBP 在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是15.67-20.73 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是25.60-38.90 ug/g。BBP 在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是14.26-20.83 ug/g,而在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是17.72-29.97 ug/g。DEHP 未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是165.91-226.38 ug/g, 在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是298.36-369.88 ug/g. BHT在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是6.26-7.98 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是10.11-10.26 ug/g。BHA 在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是157.93-213.27 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是201.97-326.56. BP 在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是0.78-1.17 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是2.58-2.81 ug/g. MBP在未印刷的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是4.12-5.82 ug/g,在印刷后的四种塑料薄膜样品中的含量是6.56-8.86 ug/g。在所有的8种未印刷和印刷后的样品中,除了DEHA 在所有的样品中没有被检出以外, Larger amount of EDCs were found in printed products than unprinted products.将检测结果与欧盟标准EU 10-2011中相关规定进行对比发现,塑料样品中相关物质的含量都在规定范围内。


The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of this study by the Nature Science Foundation of Guangxi Province (2013GXNSFFA019005) and the fund of Guangxi University.


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