
Shall we ask for “mental leave”?

We ask for “sick leave” in case of sickness or “casual leave” for a sound reason. But shall we ask for “mental leave” if we are not in the mood? To the admiration of a lot of employees, some companies now adopt the fresh “mood management” that allows their employees to ask for “mental leave” to curb their agitation at work.

According to general work ethics, “We should not bring our bad mood to work.” But the rule has gradually become disputed. Men should not be reduced to the state of machines, for they are born with emotions. Mood does not choose to spare people engaged in work. On the contrary, mood refuses to be suppressed once it comes to our mind.




[ 2012-04-13 16:34 ]

JESSICA 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是怡茹要问的:夜猫子。

YR: Hey Jessica! What are you doing on Friday?

JESSICA: Hmm, I don't know yet. What's up?

YR: Some of us are planning a sleep over at my apartment. 我们几个都是夜猫子,准备好好看场家庭影院,再睡到自然醒!We are all late cats!

JESSICA: 哈哈,YIRU ,that's not how we say it. We call people who stay up late "night owls"!

YR: Night owls?

JESSICA: Exactly. Owl is spelled o-w-l, owl, 是猫头鹰。Night owl, 就是夜猫子。不过我可不是夜猫子, I usually hit the hay around 10...

YR: Wait a second...hit the hay? 我知道hay 是稻草的意思,你……你为什么要打稻草啊?

JESSICA: 哈哈,YIRU! Hit the hay is just a common way of saying "to go to sleep". 就是睡觉的意思。

YR: 哈!真有意思,hit the hay! Hmm, I'm quite the opposite- I usually hit the hay very late, definitely after mid-night!

JESSICA: I really want to join you guys, but I never enjoy sleepovers. I'm a light sleeper. So normally I can't sleep well on sleepovers.

YR: Light sleeper? 让我来猜猜,就是觉轻的意思,对吗?

JESSICA: Bingo! A light sleeper can be easily awakened.

YR: 哦!那一睡着就雷都打不醒的人要怎么说呢?

Jessica: It's just the opposite! You can call them sound sleepers.

YR: A light sleeper, 觉轻的人;a sound sleeper, 觉沉的人。我想,我们的sleepover party 可能真的不太适合你!那下次别的活动我再叫你吧!

Jessica: Okay! Now tell me what you've learned today!

YR: 第一:夜猫子叫做 night owl;.

第二:睡觉可以说 hit the hay;

第三:睡得沉的人是 a sound sleeper, 觉轻的人则是 a light sleeper!

Shall we ask for “mental leave”?

We ask for “sick leave” in case of sickness or “casual leave” for a sound reason. But shall we ask for “mental leave” if we are not in the mood? To the admiration of a lot of employees, some companies now adopt the fresh “mood management” that allows their employees to ask for “mental leave” to curb their agitation at work.

According to general work ethics, “We should not bring our bad mood to work.” But the rule has gradually become disputed. Men should not be reduced to the state of machines, for they are born with emotions. Mood does not choose to spare people engaged in work. On the contrary, mood refuses to be suppressed once it comes to our mind.




[ 2012-04-13 16:34 ]

JESSICA 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是怡茹要问的:夜猫子。

YR: Hey Jessica! What are you doing on Friday?

JESSICA: Hmm, I don't know yet. What's up?

YR: Some of us are planning a sleep over at my apartment. 我们几个都是夜猫子,准备好好看场家庭影院,再睡到自然醒!We are all late cats!

JESSICA: 哈哈,YIRU ,that's not how we say it. We call people who stay up late "night owls"!

YR: Night owls?

JESSICA: Exactly. Owl is spelled o-w-l, owl, 是猫头鹰。Night owl, 就是夜猫子。不过我可不是夜猫子, I usually hit the hay around 10...

YR: Wait a second...hit the hay? 我知道hay 是稻草的意思,你……你为什么要打稻草啊?

JESSICA: 哈哈,YIRU! Hit the hay is just a common way of saying "to go to sleep". 就是睡觉的意思。

YR: 哈!真有意思,hit the hay! Hmm, I'm quite the opposite- I usually hit the hay very late, definitely after mid-night!

JESSICA: I really want to join you guys, but I never enjoy sleepovers. I'm a light sleeper. So normally I can't sleep well on sleepovers.

YR: Light sleeper? 让我来猜猜,就是觉轻的意思,对吗?

JESSICA: Bingo! A light sleeper can be easily awakened.

YR: 哦!那一睡着就雷都打不醒的人要怎么说呢?

Jessica: It's just the opposite! You can call them sound sleepers.

YR: A light sleeper, 觉轻的人;a sound sleeper, 觉沉的人。我想,我们的sleepover party 可能真的不太适合你!那下次别的活动我再叫你吧!

Jessica: Okay! Now tell me what you've learned today!

YR: 第一:夜猫子叫做 night owl;.

第二:睡觉可以说 hit the hay;

第三:睡得沉的人是 a sound sleeper, 觉轻的人则是 a light sleeper!


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