
学籍管理系统数据库中的表。表Student_course,Student,Course ,Tearch_course和Teacher 。各个表的具体结构如下:

表1 student表(学生信息表)

1 简单查询操作

对EDUC 数据库实现以下查询: (1)求计算机系的学生学号和姓名;

select sno, sname from student

where sdept='IS'

(2)求选修C1 课程的学生学号和成绩,并要求对查询结果按成绩的降序排列,如果成绩相同则按学号的升序排列; select sno,score from student_course where cno='101'

ORDER BY score DESC,sno

(3)求选修课程C1 且成绩在80-90 之间的学生学号和成绩,并将成绩乘以系数0.75 输出;

select sno,score*0.75 from student_course

where cno='101' AND (score=80)

(4)求计算机系和数学系的姓张的学生的信息; SELECT *

FROM student

where (sdept='CS' OR sdept='MS' )AND sname LIKE '张%'

(5)求缺少了成绩的学生的学号和课程号。 SELECT sno,cno

FROM student_course where score IS NULL


SELECT score into prescore FROM student_course where score >90

SELECT score into #posscore FROM student_course where score

2 连接查询操作

对EDUC 数据库实现以下查询:


SELECT student.*,student_course.* FROM student, student_course

where student_course. sno =student . sno


SELECT student.sno,sname,course.cname,student_course.score FROM student,course,student_course

where student_course.sno=student.sno and student_course.cno= course.cno

(3)求选修C1 课程且成绩在90 分以上的学生学号、姓名及成绩; SELECT student.sno,sname,score FROM student, student_course

WHERE cno='102' AND score>90 and student_course.sno=student.sno


SELECT first. cno , second . spno FROM course first, course second

WHERE first. spno = second. cno and second. spno is not NULL

3.子查询操作,在数据库EDUC 中实现查询: (1)求选修了高等数学的学生学号和姓名;

SELECT sno,sname from student

where sno in (SELECT sno from student_course

where cno in ( SELECT cno from course

where cname='高等数学'))

SELECT student.sno,sname

from student,course,student_course

where student.sno=student_course.sno AND student_course.cno=course.cno

AND course.cname='高等数学'

(2)求C1 课程的成绩高于张三的学生学号和成绩;

SELECT sno, score from student_course

where cno = '101' AND score > SOME ( SELECT score from student_course

where cno ='101' and sno in( SELECT sno from student

where sname=' 张楠' ))


SELECT * FROM student

where sdept != 'CS' and sage

(4)求其他系中比计算机系学生年龄都小的学生信息; SELECT * FROM student

where sdept != 'CS' and sage

(5)求选修了select sname

from student

where sno in (select sno from student_course where cno='102' )

C2 课程的学生姓名;

(6)求没有选修C2 课程的学生姓名;

select sname

from student

where sno not in (select sno from student_course where cno='102' )


select sname from student

where sno in (select sno from student_course where cno is not null)


select sno, sname from student where sno in ( select sno

from student_course where cno in (select cno

from student_course where sno= '1103' ))

4.使用子句的查询操作,在数据库EDUC 中实现查询: (1) 求学生的总人数。

SELECT count(sno) FROM studen

(2) 求选修了课程的学生人数。

SELECT count (distinct sno) FROM student_course

(3) 求课程的课程号和选修该课程的人数。

SELECT cno,count (sno )

FROM student_course Group by cno

(4) 求选修课超过3 门课的学生学号


FROM student_course

Group by sno having count (cno )>=3

学籍管理系统数据库中的表。表Student_course,Student,Course ,Tearch_course和Teacher 。各个表的具体结构如下:

表1 student表(学生信息表)

1 简单查询操作

对EDUC 数据库实现以下查询: (1)求计算机系的学生学号和姓名;

select sno, sname from student

where sdept='IS'

(2)求选修C1 课程的学生学号和成绩,并要求对查询结果按成绩的降序排列,如果成绩相同则按学号的升序排列; select sno,score from student_course where cno='101'

ORDER BY score DESC,sno

(3)求选修课程C1 且成绩在80-90 之间的学生学号和成绩,并将成绩乘以系数0.75 输出;

select sno,score*0.75 from student_course

where cno='101' AND (score=80)

(4)求计算机系和数学系的姓张的学生的信息; SELECT *

FROM student

where (sdept='CS' OR sdept='MS' )AND sname LIKE '张%'

(5)求缺少了成绩的学生的学号和课程号。 SELECT sno,cno

FROM student_course where score IS NULL


SELECT score into prescore FROM student_course where score >90

SELECT score into #posscore FROM student_course where score

2 连接查询操作

对EDUC 数据库实现以下查询:


SELECT student.*,student_course.* FROM student, student_course

where student_course. sno =student . sno


SELECT student.sno,sname,course.cname,student_course.score FROM student,course,student_course

where student_course.sno=student.sno and student_course.cno= course.cno

(3)求选修C1 课程且成绩在90 分以上的学生学号、姓名及成绩; SELECT student.sno,sname,score FROM student, student_course

WHERE cno='102' AND score>90 and student_course.sno=student.sno


SELECT first. cno , second . spno FROM course first, course second

WHERE first. spno = second. cno and second. spno is not NULL

3.子查询操作,在数据库EDUC 中实现查询: (1)求选修了高等数学的学生学号和姓名;

SELECT sno,sname from student

where sno in (SELECT sno from student_course

where cno in ( SELECT cno from course

where cname='高等数学'))

SELECT student.sno,sname

from student,course,student_course

where student.sno=student_course.sno AND student_course.cno=course.cno

AND course.cname='高等数学'

(2)求C1 课程的成绩高于张三的学生学号和成绩;

SELECT sno, score from student_course

where cno = '101' AND score > SOME ( SELECT score from student_course

where cno ='101' and sno in( SELECT sno from student

where sname=' 张楠' ))


SELECT * FROM student

where sdept != 'CS' and sage

(4)求其他系中比计算机系学生年龄都小的学生信息; SELECT * FROM student

where sdept != 'CS' and sage

(5)求选修了select sname

from student

where sno in (select sno from student_course where cno='102' )

C2 课程的学生姓名;

(6)求没有选修C2 课程的学生姓名;

select sname

from student

where sno not in (select sno from student_course where cno='102' )


select sname from student

where sno in (select sno from student_course where cno is not null)


select sno, sname from student where sno in ( select sno

from student_course where cno in (select cno

from student_course where sno= '1103' ))

4.使用子句的查询操作,在数据库EDUC 中实现查询: (1) 求学生的总人数。

SELECT count(sno) FROM studen

(2) 求选修了课程的学生人数。

SELECT count (distinct sno) FROM student_course

(3) 求课程的课程号和选修该课程的人数。

SELECT cno,count (sno )

FROM student_course Group by cno

(4) 求选修课超过3 门课的学生学号


FROM student_course

Group by sno having count (cno )>=3


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