租房买房 英语演讲稿

Renting or Buying

Hello, everyone, today my topic is :which one is better for people, to buy a house or to rent one? Have you ever think this question? I believe everyone has their own ideas. Actually, renting or buying, each has its disadvantages and advantages and neither solution is ideal for all situations. It depends. In general, renting is cheaper in the short-term , and buying is cheaper in the long-term .

Before a detailed discussion, we have to know some relevant background. How bad is China ’s housing bubble? Many believe that Chinese housing prices have soared well beyond the reach of ordinary people. There is some truth to that. The country's biggest cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, with populations of more than 10m, are in a class of their own in terms of unaffordability. The price of a 100-square-metre house is on average 14-fold higher than annual household incomes in mega-cities. For cities with populations of less than 10m, the price to income ratio is eight. More and more people are adjusting to high inner-city prices by buying homes that are ever farther from urban centres.

国房地产泡沫有多严重? 许多人相信,中国的房屋价格飙升到了一个常人难以企及的地步。这大约是正确的。中国诸如北京、上海此类的大城市拥有超过1千万的人口,他们处于无法负担房价的那个层次。在大城市里,一处100平方米的住宅价格平均超过了家庭年收入的14倍。那些人口少于1000万的城市,房价与收入的比率是8。越来越多的人们通过购买远离市中心的住房来适应高昂的中心城区房价。

So under this severe background, let us consider the benefits of renting.

Firstly, Greater Flexibility 更加自由

Renting allows greater flexibility than owning a home. If the right apartment is chosen, more money can be deposited in a savings account during the early years. Renting allows people to save money for the rainy day, medical expenses, further education and invest in business.

Secondly,Maintenance-Free 免维护费

Maintenance is usually covered through the rental company . There is no need to invest into maintenance for the home because it is included. That ’s to say you needn’t to fix pipes, workon pumping and so on,just call the landlord.This saves the renter money and time. A person who is not ready for the responsibility of home ownership will appreciate a rental home.

Thirdly,Not Tied to a Particular Location 不用拘泥于一处

If a particular location is not preferred, the rental agreement is typically only a year. Rental contracts do not have to be renewed if the renter doesn’t like the location or if the renter doesn’t like the property itself. So people can choose anywhere they like to live.租房不用固定在一个地方,可以随自己的喜好选择。

However, these are not to say it’s better to rent a house than to buy one. Actually,no one knows since when to buy a house has been many families’ priorities.Many future years ’ income plan and the family ’s core are around the house.

To those who bought a house,it means they own an appreciable asset. Appreciable assets can be used for leverage or inheritance later in the future. Ownership is preferable because it is easier to obtain loans and build credit when buying a home than it is by renting.拥有一栋房子意味着他们有一笔可观的资产。这些资产用做杠杆投资或者做为以后的遗产。拥有房子的所有权可以更容易获得贷款和建立信用。

Not only that,the house ownership through the purchase of their own, that they have enough disposable power, rent, ownership belongs to the landlord. 买下一栋房子就拥有了所有权,出租权等等一系列权利。

Moreover, a house is something can make us settle down. Chinese consider the house as a symbol of security. If we have a house , we may have a sense of belonging and responsibility.

Rent or Buy: The Choice is Up Each Individual

All in all, whether people rent or buy, the choice is entirely up to them. But remember to think twice before you make decision. As the saying goes, each coin has two sides. Nothing is absolutely right, what we should do is to choose one that suits us. That’s all, thank you for listening.

Renting or Buying

Hello, everyone, today my topic is :which one is better for people, to buy a house or to rent one? Have you ever think this question? I believe everyone has their own ideas. Actually, renting or buying, each has its disadvantages and advantages and neither solution is ideal for all situations. It depends. In general, renting is cheaper in the short-term , and buying is cheaper in the long-term .

Before a detailed discussion, we have to know some relevant background. How bad is China ’s housing bubble? Many believe that Chinese housing prices have soared well beyond the reach of ordinary people. There is some truth to that. The country's biggest cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, with populations of more than 10m, are in a class of their own in terms of unaffordability. The price of a 100-square-metre house is on average 14-fold higher than annual household incomes in mega-cities. For cities with populations of less than 10m, the price to income ratio is eight. More and more people are adjusting to high inner-city prices by buying homes that are ever farther from urban centres.

国房地产泡沫有多严重? 许多人相信,中国的房屋价格飙升到了一个常人难以企及的地步。这大约是正确的。中国诸如北京、上海此类的大城市拥有超过1千万的人口,他们处于无法负担房价的那个层次。在大城市里,一处100平方米的住宅价格平均超过了家庭年收入的14倍。那些人口少于1000万的城市,房价与收入的比率是8。越来越多的人们通过购买远离市中心的住房来适应高昂的中心城区房价。

So under this severe background, let us consider the benefits of renting.

Firstly, Greater Flexibility 更加自由

Renting allows greater flexibility than owning a home. If the right apartment is chosen, more money can be deposited in a savings account during the early years. Renting allows people to save money for the rainy day, medical expenses, further education and invest in business.

Secondly,Maintenance-Free 免维护费

Maintenance is usually covered through the rental company . There is no need to invest into maintenance for the home because it is included. That ’s to say you needn’t to fix pipes, workon pumping and so on,just call the landlord.This saves the renter money and time. A person who is not ready for the responsibility of home ownership will appreciate a rental home.

Thirdly,Not Tied to a Particular Location 不用拘泥于一处

If a particular location is not preferred, the rental agreement is typically only a year. Rental contracts do not have to be renewed if the renter doesn’t like the location or if the renter doesn’t like the property itself. So people can choose anywhere they like to live.租房不用固定在一个地方,可以随自己的喜好选择。

However, these are not to say it’s better to rent a house than to buy one. Actually,no one knows since when to buy a house has been many families’ priorities.Many future years ’ income plan and the family ’s core are around the house.

To those who bought a house,it means they own an appreciable asset. Appreciable assets can be used for leverage or inheritance later in the future. Ownership is preferable because it is easier to obtain loans and build credit when buying a home than it is by renting.拥有一栋房子意味着他们有一笔可观的资产。这些资产用做杠杆投资或者做为以后的遗产。拥有房子的所有权可以更容易获得贷款和建立信用。

Not only that,the house ownership through the purchase of their own, that they have enough disposable power, rent, ownership belongs to the landlord. 买下一栋房子就拥有了所有权,出租权等等一系列权利。

Moreover, a house is something can make us settle down. Chinese consider the house as a symbol of security. If we have a house , we may have a sense of belonging and responsibility.

Rent or Buy: The Choice is Up Each Individual

All in all, whether people rent or buy, the choice is entirely up to them. But remember to think twice before you make decision. As the saying goes, each coin has two sides. Nothing is absolutely right, what we should do is to choose one that suits us. That’s all, thank you for listening.


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