

Much like Western culture's Halloween, some Eastern cultures celebrate a Fall festival where they believe the gates of hell are thrown open, releasing hungry ghosts to wander the earth in search of food and taking revenge upon those who wronged them in life. This month-long festival is known as the Hungry Ghost Festival and takes place during the 7th lunar month. 农历正月

Unlike other celebrations of the dead in Eastern cultures that seek

to honor dead ancestors, the Hungry Ghost Festival seeks to pacify 安慰the hungry ghosts, the ghosts of strangers and the un-cared-for dead. These are the ghosts of those who died by their own hands, by accidents, by drowning or hanging who have been denied entry into heaven. Angry because they are forced to dwell in hell without food or comfort, when released, they search for souls to take their place in misery.

To Taoists(道教徒) and Buddhists(佛教徒), these evil spirits are not to be taken lightly. They are most active at night and can take many forms including: snakes, moths(蛾), birds, foxes, wolves, and tigers. They can even appear as beautiful men or women to seduce the living. When they possess an individual by entering the body they cause illness and mental disorders.

Throughout this month, to keep the angry spirits amused, people stage street operas and other forms of public entertainment. In the past, people did not view the street operas as they were performed only for ghosts. Other rituals(典礼,仪式)are performed to help souls enter into heaven. Taoists do their best to avoid late nights away from these amusements and rituals to steer clear of the evil spirits. To appease these wandering spirits, Buddhists and Taoists burn bundles of joss sticks, paper hell money, food, and other offerings by the roadside. Communities along rivers or near the sea float lanterns in the shape of the lotus or carved from fruit or gourds in the water to guide them away from their homes. They follow the lanterns from the river bank or sea shore till they can no longer be seen. This is done to redeem the soul of those who died by drowning.

The most important days of this month are the 14th and 15th, the

days of the great feasts. On the 14th, a great feast would be held to honor family ancestors. Prayers and offerings would be made at family altars. On the following night, the 15th, they would feast for the hungry ghosts. Held outside under the full moon, these feasts feed the evil spirits so that they will leave the living alone and bribe(贿赂) the ancestors for luck with money and the harvest.


In Chinese tradition, the fifteenth day of the seventh month in the lunar calendar is called Ghost Day and the seventh month in general is regarded as the Ghost Month, in which ghosts and spirits, including those of the deceased ancestors, come out from the lower realm。

原来,整个七月都被称作“鬼月”。七月初一是“鬼门关”大开的日子,从七月初一鬼门关开启起,到三十日鬼门关关闭这段日子里,阴间的无主孤魂都会涌到阳间,徘徊于任何人迹可到的地方找东西吃。因此,“鬼节”不仅可以被叫做“Ghost Day”,也常被称为“Hungry Ghost Festival”。

而每年农历的七月十五日(南方为十四日)便是民间常说的“鬼节”了。这其实也是道家所说的“中元节”(Zhong Yuan Festival),以及佛教中的“盂兰盆节”(Yulan Pot Festival)。



这一天的主要活动就是放河灯(Floating River Lanterns)了。 As a rule, there is a Yulan Pot Fair on the day of the Zhong Yuan Festival. People put on performances such as the yang ge dance, the lion dance and other acrobatic shows. When evening comes, people float lit lanterns along the rivers. This practice is called





而盂兰盆节,讲的是目莲在阴间看到去世的母亲受饿鬼纠缠,无法进食,便向佛祖求救,佛祖感其孝心,授予《盂兰盆经》,许其每年七月十五日设素筵供母享用,以后传承开来,遂成“盂兰盆节”的传统。因此,盂兰盆节强调的其实是“孝道”(filial piety)。

Bon Festival (July 15), the Japanese festival of dead

ancestors used to hold a memorial ceremony, their activities continued for several days.

盂兰盆节(7月15 日),日本人用来祭奠祖先亡灵的节日,其活动持续多日。

The jar orchid basin saves

For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean

graves and light incense in menmory of their ancestors

Festivals of the dead, like obon in japan and qing ming in china, are hold to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors、

Tomb-sweeping day


Much like Western culture's Halloween, some Eastern cultures celebrate a Fall festival where they believe the gates of hell are thrown open, releasing hungry ghosts to wander the earth in search of food and taking revenge upon those who wronged them in life. This month-long festival is known as the Hungry Ghost Festival and takes place during the 7th lunar month. 农历正月

Unlike other celebrations of the dead in Eastern cultures that seek

to honor dead ancestors, the Hungry Ghost Festival seeks to pacify 安慰the hungry ghosts, the ghosts of strangers and the un-cared-for dead. These are the ghosts of those who died by their own hands, by accidents, by drowning or hanging who have been denied entry into heaven. Angry because they are forced to dwell in hell without food or comfort, when released, they search for souls to take their place in misery.

To Taoists(道教徒) and Buddhists(佛教徒), these evil spirits are not to be taken lightly. They are most active at night and can take many forms including: snakes, moths(蛾), birds, foxes, wolves, and tigers. They can even appear as beautiful men or women to seduce the living. When they possess an individual by entering the body they cause illness and mental disorders.

Throughout this month, to keep the angry spirits amused, people stage street operas and other forms of public entertainment. In the past, people did not view the street operas as they were performed only for ghosts. Other rituals(典礼,仪式)are performed to help souls enter into heaven. Taoists do their best to avoid late nights away from these amusements and rituals to steer clear of the evil spirits. To appease these wandering spirits, Buddhists and Taoists burn bundles of joss sticks, paper hell money, food, and other offerings by the roadside. Communities along rivers or near the sea float lanterns in the shape of the lotus or carved from fruit or gourds in the water to guide them away from their homes. They follow the lanterns from the river bank or sea shore till they can no longer be seen. This is done to redeem the soul of those who died by drowning.

The most important days of this month are the 14th and 15th, the

days of the great feasts. On the 14th, a great feast would be held to honor family ancestors. Prayers and offerings would be made at family altars. On the following night, the 15th, they would feast for the hungry ghosts. Held outside under the full moon, these feasts feed the evil spirits so that they will leave the living alone and bribe(贿赂) the ancestors for luck with money and the harvest.


In Chinese tradition, the fifteenth day of the seventh month in the lunar calendar is called Ghost Day and the seventh month in general is regarded as the Ghost Month, in which ghosts and spirits, including those of the deceased ancestors, come out from the lower realm。

原来,整个七月都被称作“鬼月”。七月初一是“鬼门关”大开的日子,从七月初一鬼门关开启起,到三十日鬼门关关闭这段日子里,阴间的无主孤魂都会涌到阳间,徘徊于任何人迹可到的地方找东西吃。因此,“鬼节”不仅可以被叫做“Ghost Day”,也常被称为“Hungry Ghost Festival”。

而每年农历的七月十五日(南方为十四日)便是民间常说的“鬼节”了。这其实也是道家所说的“中元节”(Zhong Yuan Festival),以及佛教中的“盂兰盆节”(Yulan Pot Festival)。



这一天的主要活动就是放河灯(Floating River Lanterns)了。 As a rule, there is a Yulan Pot Fair on the day of the Zhong Yuan Festival. People put on performances such as the yang ge dance, the lion dance and other acrobatic shows. When evening comes, people float lit lanterns along the rivers. This practice is called





而盂兰盆节,讲的是目莲在阴间看到去世的母亲受饿鬼纠缠,无法进食,便向佛祖求救,佛祖感其孝心,授予《盂兰盆经》,许其每年七月十五日设素筵供母享用,以后传承开来,遂成“盂兰盆节”的传统。因此,盂兰盆节强调的其实是“孝道”(filial piety)。

Bon Festival (July 15), the Japanese festival of dead

ancestors used to hold a memorial ceremony, their activities continued for several days.

盂兰盆节(7月15 日),日本人用来祭奠祖先亡灵的节日,其活动持续多日。

The jar orchid basin saves

For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean

graves and light incense in menmory of their ancestors

Festivals of the dead, like obon in japan and qing ming in china, are hold to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors、

Tomb-sweeping day


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