

The Great Wall of China was built by the Han Chinese to keep out the nodadic tribes from the north.他们称这些人为匈奴,匈奴的土地荒凉、不适合人居住。They called these people barbarians,and their lands were considered barren and uninhabitable.

中国北方确实是贫瘠之地,冬天非常寒冷,夏天又酷热不适,连绵的沙漠。但并非全无生气Northern China is indeed a harsh place of terrible winter,ferocious summer,parched deserts.But it is far from lifeless.还是有许多极富色彩的地方、令人惊叹的动物、了不起的居民以及奇特的风景。With colorful places,surprising creatures,amazing people,and strange landscapes.越往北走,气候和地形就越极端The further we travel,the more extreme it becomes.所以人类和野生动物如何应付艰难的环境和挑战,在长城之外生活?So how do people and wildlife cope with the hardships and challenges of life beyond the Wall?

(万里长城的塞外风光Wild China Beyond the Great Wall)古代中国的北方界限就是万里长城,长城由东到西蜿蜒5千公里The northern limits of Ancient China were defined by the Great Wall,which meanders for nearly 5,000 kilometres from east to west.汉朝的中心地带,多次遭好战的蛮族入侵。The settled Han people of the Chinese heartland were invades many times by warlike tribes from the north.长城就是用来保护汉朝人民免于北方的侵略The Great Wall was

built to protect the Han Chinese from invasion.但要认识这些北方民族和野生动物,我们必须走出万里长城的屏障,踏入未知的旅途。To meet those fearsome northerners and the wild creatures,who share their world,we must leave the shelter of the Wall and travel into the unknown.中国北方在过去称为东北九省。Northeast China was known historically as Manchuria.它的纬度大约和巴黎相同,但却有全世界最严寒的冬天。It's upper reaches are on the same latitude as Paris,but in winter,it is one of the coldest,most hostile places on the planet.从西伯利亚吹来的寒风,往往让气温降到摄氏零下40度。Bitter winds from Siberia regularly bring temperatures of 40 degrees below zero.这里有密集的常青树,崎岖的地表有难以跨越的深谷。Dense forests of evergreen trees cover these lands.And the rugged terrain is made even more difficult by impenetrable ravines.我们先从这条冰冻的河流开始, 此河蜿蜒于中国的东北角和西伯利亚之间,中国人称之为黑龙江。We start our journey on a frozen river,snaking between China's northeasternmost corner and Siberia.The Chinese call it the Black Dragon River.住在这里的人并非可怕的战士,他们忙着应付恶劣的冬季。The people who live here aren't exactly fearsome warriors.They're too busy coping with the harsh winter conditions.面对挑战,他们有许多创意巧思。And they respond to the challenge in some creative ways.

黑龙江住着一群中国的少数民族,也就是赫哲族。The Black Dragon

River is home to one of the smallest ethnic groups in China, the Heze People.冰天雪地里突兀的不仅是脚踏车,沿路还有渔船和渔网浮出水面。It's not just bicycles that seem out of place in this icy world.Fishing boats and nets lie abandoned,a long way from open water.坚硬冰块下方一英尺处,有各式各样的鱼类悠游,包括225公斤重的鲟鱼,足够一个赫哲族家庭吃上好几个星期。Underneath a metre of solid ice swim a huge variety of fish,including 500 pound sturgeon.enough to feed a family of Hezhe for weeks.但他们如何捕捉冰下的活鱼?But how can they catch their quarry?首先他们要在冰上凿一个洞,以便达到地下的水。First they must chisel a hole through the ice to reach the water below.然后,要在冰下架设域网,这真是一大挑战。Then they need to set their fishing net under the ice,a real challenge.接着在20英尺外凿第二个洞投入加重的鱼线。A second hole is made,20 metres away from the first, and a weighted string is dropped in.然后用一根长竹竿去钩住鱼线,将网子拉到水下定位。Then a long bamboo pole is used to hook the string and pull the net into position beneath the ice.过了几天,再来查看渔网。After a few days,the nets are checked.这些日子几乎没有人捕到珍贵巨大的鲟鱼。These days,almost nobody catches a rare,giant sturgeon.黑龙江已经过度捕捞,其他河流也有同样的情形。The Black Dragon River has been overfished like so many others.但抓到小鱼也不错!But even these smaller fish are a welcome catch.这些鱼不到几秒就会结冰,所

以保证绝对新鲜,一路骑车回家都没问题。Frozen within seconds,the fish are guaranteed to stay fresh for the wobbly cycle ride home.黑龙江南面的森林,有大半年都是积雪状态。The forests that lie the south of the Black Dragon River are bound up in snow for more than half the year.那是全然的死寂。It's deathly silent.大部分的动物不是在冬眠,就是往南方迁移了。Most of the animals here are either hibernating or have migrated south for the winter.但有一种动物例外,野猪在东北森林散步。But there is an exception.Wild boars roam the forests of the northeast.它们和赫哲族一样,在白天也辛苦地觅食。生存就靠灵敏的鼻子,它们是动物界最不挑食的。Like the He People,the hoars find it difficult to gather food in winter.To survive,they follow their noses,among the keenest in the animal kingdom.从地下挖出任何东西它们都能吃。They will eat almost anything they unearth.但其中有项高热量食物特别珍贵,那就是胡桃。But one energy-rich food source is particularly valued.Walnuts.如果有只野猪幸运找到胡桃,麻烦就开始了。When a lucky boar finds a walnut, there's bound to be trouble.虽然偶有争吵,但野猪是合群的动物,它们总是群聚在一起,帮助它们在严寒互相取暖。But the despite the squabbles,wild boars are social animals and gather together in groups.Stay close together may help them to keep warm in the extrem cold.但群居还有另一个原因,就是更能提高警觉注意危险。But there is another reason for group living. More ears to listen

out for danger.西伯利亚老虎也住在这片森林。Siberian tigers also live in these forests.但如今老虎都被囚禁起来,中国存活的西伯利亚老虎,恐怕不到十来只。不过,繁殖中心还有一些。But these days,only in captivity.There may be less than a dozen wild Siberian tigers left in China.Though there are many more in breeding centres.横道河子乡从1986年开始繁殖老虎,供应中药市场所需的虎骨和其它身体部位。This enclosure at Hengdaohezi started breeding tigers in 1986 to supply the bones and body parts for the Chinese medicine market.中国从90年代开始禁止买卖老虎器官,如今繁殖中心纯粹是观光景点。Trade in tiger parts was banned in China in the 1990s and thebreeding centre is now just a tourist attraction.广大森林沿着中国东北连接到俄国和蒙古边界。The forests of the northeast stretch to where the Chinese,Russian and Mongolian borders meet.这里竟有一群放牧动物Here,a surprising herd of animals is on the move.驯鹿在几百年前由鄂温克族从西伯利亚引进中国。The reindeer were introduced to China hundreds of years ago by the nomadic Ewenki people who came here from Siberia.时值四月下旬,妇女呼唤她们的驯鹿,它们是半野放的动物,几乎整个冬天都呆在森林里。

It's late April,and the women are calling in their reindeer,which are semi-wild,and have spent all winter away in the forest.这是非常奇特的关系This is a very special relationship.每只驯鹿有自己的名字,许多都是由这些妇女亲手养大的。Each reindeer has its

own name and many are hand-reared by these women.分离几个月后再次相聚,它们会和主人一直呆到秋天。Finally reunited after months apart,they will now remain together until autumn.鄂温克族的妇女焦急地查看驯鹿的状况,检查哪只驯鹿可能怀孕了。The Ewenki women are anxious to check the condition of their animals and to see which of the reindeer might be pregnant.81岁的玛莉雅苏是30位鄂温克族的一员,只有她们还在寒冷的东北过游牧生活。Eighty-one-year-old Maliya Suo is one of only 30 Ewenki people,still living the nomadic life in these cold northern lands.其他的鄂温克族人早就放弃森林的生活了他们搬到现代成都市定居,住现代的水泥屋。Almost all her fellow Ewenki have given up the forest life to settle in concrete houses in modern cities.如今驯鹿牧人的数量几乎和西伯利亚老虎一样稀少The reindeer herders are now almost as rare as wild Siberian tigers.这里将有新的成员加入There's about to be a new addition to the family.这些妇人充当驯鹿的助产士,从它们一落地就开始饲养。The women act as midwives to the new-born calves helping to nurture them through their first precious minutes of life.但世界变得很快But the world around them is changing fast.这种古老的合作关系很可能是最后一代了。This could be the last generation this ancient partnership will endure.很难想象危险的蛮族是这幅模样,修筑长城竟然就是要防御这些人。This is hardly the image of the dangerous tribal people that the Great Wall was built to keep at bay.沿着中国和

北韩的边界,是此区最著名的高山长白山。Along China's border with North Korea is this region's most famous mountain Changbaishan.它的意思是终年雪白, 这里有全世界最高的火山湖。It's name means Ever-White,and it harbours the world's highest volcanic lake.及时到了五月中,这里还是冰天雪地。Even in mid-May,there is still ice everywhere. 但有些征兆显示季节正在转变。But there are signs that the seasons are changing.从南方吹来温暖的风,再过几个星期之后,长白山的面貌为之改变。Warmer winds arrive from the south,and within a few short weeks,Changbai Mountain is transformed.山上的河水又开始流动,打的开始复苏。Water begins to flow down the mountainside once more,replenishing the landscape.到了六月,百花盛开引来许多昆虫。It's June,and insects emerge to take advantage of the abundance of flowers.候鸟也随着温暖的天气回巢。The warm weather sees the arrival of migrant bi

rds.野鶲冬天飞往中国南部,夏天又飞回此处养育幼鸟。Stonechats that have spent the winter in the south of China return here to raise their chicks. 附近有这么多昆虫,足够鶲鸟喂饱一窝雏鸟。With so many insects around,the stonechats may have several broods.从长白山再往西边,取而代之的是起伏的草原。Heading west from Changbai Mountain,the forests give way to rolling grasslands.万里长城在远处一路蜿蜒而去,隔开中国南方和广阔的蒙古草原。The Great Wall streches off into the distance,defining the southern limits of the vast

Mongolian Steppe.长城以北是宽广无边的草原,但其中有一处特别重要。North of the Wall are huge area of grassland,but one place on your journey is particularly significant.。某个赤狐家庭正在长草间养育它们的小狐。In the tall grass,a family of red foxes is raising its cubs.如今这片大草原几乎全归它们所有。Today they have this meadow pretty much to themselves.但情况并非一直如此But it wasn't always the case.八世纪之前,这地区住满人类。如今这里离北京不远,田野间只剩断垣残壁,这些废墟以前是元朝的上都,忽必烈把这里定为夏都。。Eight centuries ago,this place would have been teeming with people.Now these ruins in a field a short distance from Beijing are all that remains of the great city Xanadu,once the summer capital of China.这些墙垣据说就是元朝大汗忽必烈欢迎马可波罗来访的地方。Within these walls it is said that the leader of the Mongolians,the mighty Kublai Khan,welcomed Marco Polo to China.蒙古战士建立中国有史以来,最强大的帝国势力范围伸及欧陆。Mongolian warrior established the greatest empire in history stretching to the boarders of Europe.汉朝就是害怕这个善战的部落,才会修筑万里长城。Fear of this warrior tribe is the main reason,the Han Chinese built the Great Wall.蒙古人的立国基础,就是建立在马背上。The cornerstone of the Mongolian's supremacy,was their relationship with horses.这就是他们战无不克的原因。This is what brought them such success in war.蒙古骑兵向来轻骑简行,并带着马匹备用,所以,他们能够长距离移

动。The Mongolian raiders travelled light,and rode with spare horses,so they could move huge distances,strike and retreat quicker than their oppenents. 赛马是蒙古文化的精髓,每年七月会举行一年一度的赛马节。年轻的蒙古勇士有机会一展马术。At the heart of Mongolian culture is horse racing.The annual Nadam Festival,held each July,is a chance for the Mongolians to show off their horsemanship.据说蒙古人是在马背上出生的。It's said that the Mongolian people are born in the saddle.他们从孩提时代就会骑马。Even as children,they are consummate riders.马术是过去的蒙古战士能大获全胜的关键,如今依旧是游牧生活不可或缺的中心。Horsemanship was the core of the Mongolians' success as warrior in the last and is central to their lives as nomads today.在巴音布鲁克大草原上,游牧的蒙古家族聚集于此。In an area of grassland as known Bayanbulak,families of nomadic Mongolians are gathering.巴音布鲁克的意思是丰沛的水源,所以,他们来此安置临时住所,让他们的家畜大 夏季这片肥美的草原。The name Bayanbulak means "rich headwaters" and they've come here to set up temporary homes to graze their livestock on the lush on the pastures.为了替家畜寻找新鲜的草料,他们会不断迁移。能把住家轻松地搬来搬去,是一项实质的利多The search for fresh fodder for their animals keeps them on the go and being able to move home so easily is a real advantage.蒙古家庭只需花几分钟时间就能搭好员顶帐篷。It takes only a few minutes

for the Mongolian family to set up their yurts. 但这片土地不全归蒙古人所有。But the Mongolians don't have this place all to themselves.此地丰富的资源也吸引大批鸟类,像是蓑羽鹤。整个亚洲的涉禽类和水鸟都会迁移到这里来The rich resources also attract a huge variety of birds,Demoeselle cranes,wading birds and waterfowl migrate here from all over Asia.这些河流和湿地冰雪融化的雪水由附近高山流下汇集的。drawn to the rivers and wetlands fed by glacial meltwater from nearby mountains.此地在中国称为天鹅湖This place is known in China as Swan Lake.这是世上最重要的大天鹅繁殖地,但也是蚊子聚集的地带。It's the world's most important breeding site for whooper swans and arguably,mosquitoes as well.天鹅湖边有数不清的肥沃牧草,足够鸟类筑巢和家畜嚼食。The pastures at Swan Lake provide endless amounts of lush grass for birds to nest in and for livestock to eat.虽然足够每一份子在此安居It would seem there's plenty for everybody,但偶尔它们会亲密的靠近。But occasionally they can get too close for comfort.在八百年之前,蒙古人是最可怕的一族。Eight hundred years ago,the Mongolians were the most feared peple on earth.但他们也有可敬的精神But they have a spiritual side as well.天鹅湖的鸟类不怎么害怕The birds of Swan Lake have little cause to worry.蒙古人保护天鹅也崇敬它们称它们为神鸟。The Mongolians protect the swans,and venerate them calling them Birds of God.长城之旅再继续西行,接下来的塞外景色越来越干涸。The

Great Wall's journey through northern China continues westwards,bisecting a landscape that becomes increasingly parched.我们来到中国北方的中心,草原变得酷热、干枯和荒凉。Our journey has brought us halfway across northern China and the grasslands are becoming hot,dry and desolate.漫步在荒地上的动物看起来像在非洲,而不是亚洲。Wandering these wastes are creatures that look more African than Asian.这些是胆怯、易受惊的鹅喉羚。These are goitered gazelles,skittish and easily startled.当它们感觉危险逼近,会像赛马一样飞奔而去。When threatened by danger,they're as fast as a racehorse.但在这种酷热之下,它们喜欢轻巧地漫步。But in this intense heat,they favour a gentler pace.这里的水少得可怜,但鹅喉羚有项了不起的技能,它们能从干草吸湿气。There's little standing water here,but the gazelles have a remarkable ability to extract moisture from dry grass.不过为了找到足够的食物,它们必须持续前进。Although finding enough worth eating keeps them constantly on the move.即使到了只这个半沙漠区,长城还是无远弗界。Even out here in the semi-deserts,the Wall continues its march.这里的长城只是用挤压的泥土砌成。Here,it's made of little more than compacted earth.但由于此区几乎不下雨,几世纪下来并没有什么侵蚀损坏。But with hardly any rain falling,it's suffered very little erosion over the centuries.成千上万的人为了兴筑长城而丧命。Hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives building it.任何人看了实在难以相信如此遥

远、荒凉的地方为何需要筑城保护。Yet it seems hard to believe that anyone felt that these distant wastelands needed protecting. 长城还有最后一处令人惊艳的地方,But the Wall still has one final surprise.这是嘉峪关,沙漠中最坚固的堡垒,六百年前由明朝兴建,据说当初建造经过精密的计算准备动用十万块土砖砌成,最后只剩下一块砖头没有用到。This is Jiayuguan,the mighty fortress in the desert.Built in the Ming Dynasty over 600 years ago legend says that the construction of the fortress was so meticulously planned that 100,000 bricks were specially made and only one brick was left unused.这个堡垒就是万里长城的终点。This fortress marks the end of the Great Wall of China.史上最伟大的人造屏障。The greatest man-made barrier on earth.再往前还有更令人畏惧的屏障。But ahead lies an even more formidable barrier.广阔的无人沙漠继续往西延伸,一直到中亚的边界。A vast no-man's land of the deserts that stretch westward to the boarders of Central Asia.嘉峪关被视为中国文化的最后一道关哨。Jiayuguan Fortress was considered to be the last outpost Chinese civilisation.这个关哨之后就是一片的荒芜。也就是中国最大的沙漠,塔克拉玛干沙漠。Beyond this ponit lay utter desolation China's largest desert,the Taklamakan ,lies out here.它的意思是“进得去,出不来”Its name has been translated as"You go in,and you never come out".这是酷热的地带,风蚀的细沙完全不适生存。This is a place of intense heat,abrasive wind-blown sand totally

hostile to life.却有一条道路穿过沙漠,让甘冒生命危险的勇者得以穿越。

Yet there was a route through the desert.For these brave enough to risk their lives for it.诱使人们走入可怕沙漠的原因,是中国极为重要的秘密它改变了整个历史路线。People were lured into the horrors of the deserts because the Chinese had a secret so powerful that it changed the course of the history.这个秘密相传甚久,the key to that secret lies in the distant past.传说大约五千年以前,一位公主在花园散步,某个不寻常的东西落入她的杯子。结果抽出神奇的丝线,它变得比玉和黄金更昂贵。那就是丝。

Legend has it that around 5,000 years ago,a princess was walking in her garden,when something unusual fell into her tea cup.A magical thread was extracted and it became more prized than god or jade.The thread was silk.如此美丽惊人的布料,影响了往后的历史发展。Incredibly,such a beautiful substance and all the history behind it come from a humble little insect.The silkworm.这源自一种不起眼的昆虫,也就是蚕。蚕蛾可以产下好几百个卵,然后孵出蚕宝宝。它们只吃桑叶。Silk moths lay several hundred eggs,and the tiny caterpillars that emerge eating nothing but mulberry leaves.经过50天的啃食,它们的体重暴增1万倍!After 50 days of gluttony,they've grown 10,000 times heavier.这时候它们身体有百分之二十五,是由丝腺所组成的。By this stage,25/100 of their body mass is made up of



The Great Wall of China was built by the Han Chinese to keep out the nodadic tribes from the north.他们称这些人为匈奴,匈奴的土地荒凉、不适合人居住。They called these people barbarians,and their lands were considered barren and uninhabitable.

中国北方确实是贫瘠之地,冬天非常寒冷,夏天又酷热不适,连绵的沙漠。但并非全无生气Northern China is indeed a harsh place of terrible winter,ferocious summer,parched deserts.But it is far from lifeless.还是有许多极富色彩的地方、令人惊叹的动物、了不起的居民以及奇特的风景。With colorful places,surprising creatures,amazing people,and strange landscapes.越往北走,气候和地形就越极端The further we travel,the more extreme it becomes.所以人类和野生动物如何应付艰难的环境和挑战,在长城之外生活?So how do people and wildlife cope with the hardships and challenges of life beyond the Wall?

(万里长城的塞外风光Wild China Beyond the Great Wall)古代中国的北方界限就是万里长城,长城由东到西蜿蜒5千公里The northern limits of Ancient China were defined by the Great Wall,which meanders for nearly 5,000 kilometres from east to west.汉朝的中心地带,多次遭好战的蛮族入侵。The settled Han people of the Chinese heartland were invades many times by warlike tribes from the north.长城就是用来保护汉朝人民免于北方的侵略The Great Wall was

built to protect the Han Chinese from invasion.但要认识这些北方民族和野生动物,我们必须走出万里长城的屏障,踏入未知的旅途。To meet those fearsome northerners and the wild creatures,who share their world,we must leave the shelter of the Wall and travel into the unknown.中国北方在过去称为东北九省。Northeast China was known historically as Manchuria.它的纬度大约和巴黎相同,但却有全世界最严寒的冬天。It's upper reaches are on the same latitude as Paris,but in winter,it is one of the coldest,most hostile places on the planet.从西伯利亚吹来的寒风,往往让气温降到摄氏零下40度。Bitter winds from Siberia regularly bring temperatures of 40 degrees below zero.这里有密集的常青树,崎岖的地表有难以跨越的深谷。Dense forests of evergreen trees cover these lands.And the rugged terrain is made even more difficult by impenetrable ravines.我们先从这条冰冻的河流开始, 此河蜿蜒于中国的东北角和西伯利亚之间,中国人称之为黑龙江。We start our journey on a frozen river,snaking between China's northeasternmost corner and Siberia.The Chinese call it the Black Dragon River.住在这里的人并非可怕的战士,他们忙着应付恶劣的冬季。The people who live here aren't exactly fearsome warriors.They're too busy coping with the harsh winter conditions.面对挑战,他们有许多创意巧思。And they respond to the challenge in some creative ways.

黑龙江住着一群中国的少数民族,也就是赫哲族。The Black Dragon

River is home to one of the smallest ethnic groups in China, the Heze People.冰天雪地里突兀的不仅是脚踏车,沿路还有渔船和渔网浮出水面。It's not just bicycles that seem out of place in this icy world.Fishing boats and nets lie abandoned,a long way from open water.坚硬冰块下方一英尺处,有各式各样的鱼类悠游,包括225公斤重的鲟鱼,足够一个赫哲族家庭吃上好几个星期。Underneath a metre of solid ice swim a huge variety of fish,including 500 pound sturgeon.enough to feed a family of Hezhe for weeks.但他们如何捕捉冰下的活鱼?But how can they catch their quarry?首先他们要在冰上凿一个洞,以便达到地下的水。First they must chisel a hole through the ice to reach the water below.然后,要在冰下架设域网,这真是一大挑战。Then they need to set their fishing net under the ice,a real challenge.接着在20英尺外凿第二个洞投入加重的鱼线。A second hole is made,20 metres away from the first, and a weighted string is dropped in.然后用一根长竹竿去钩住鱼线,将网子拉到水下定位。Then a long bamboo pole is used to hook the string and pull the net into position beneath the ice.过了几天,再来查看渔网。After a few days,the nets are checked.这些日子几乎没有人捕到珍贵巨大的鲟鱼。These days,almost nobody catches a rare,giant sturgeon.黑龙江已经过度捕捞,其他河流也有同样的情形。The Black Dragon River has been overfished like so many others.但抓到小鱼也不错!But even these smaller fish are a welcome catch.这些鱼不到几秒就会结冰,所

以保证绝对新鲜,一路骑车回家都没问题。Frozen within seconds,the fish are guaranteed to stay fresh for the wobbly cycle ride home.黑龙江南面的森林,有大半年都是积雪状态。The forests that lie the south of the Black Dragon River are bound up in snow for more than half the year.那是全然的死寂。It's deathly silent.大部分的动物不是在冬眠,就是往南方迁移了。Most of the animals here are either hibernating or have migrated south for the winter.但有一种动物例外,野猪在东北森林散步。But there is an exception.Wild boars roam the forests of the northeast.它们和赫哲族一样,在白天也辛苦地觅食。生存就靠灵敏的鼻子,它们是动物界最不挑食的。Like the He People,the hoars find it difficult to gather food in winter.To survive,they follow their noses,among the keenest in the animal kingdom.从地下挖出任何东西它们都能吃。They will eat almost anything they unearth.但其中有项高热量食物特别珍贵,那就是胡桃。But one energy-rich food source is particularly valued.Walnuts.如果有只野猪幸运找到胡桃,麻烦就开始了。When a lucky boar finds a walnut, there's bound to be trouble.虽然偶有争吵,但野猪是合群的动物,它们总是群聚在一起,帮助它们在严寒互相取暖。But the despite the squabbles,wild boars are social animals and gather together in groups.Stay close together may help them to keep warm in the extrem cold.但群居还有另一个原因,就是更能提高警觉注意危险。But there is another reason for group living. More ears to listen

out for danger.西伯利亚老虎也住在这片森林。Siberian tigers also live in these forests.但如今老虎都被囚禁起来,中国存活的西伯利亚老虎,恐怕不到十来只。不过,繁殖中心还有一些。But these days,only in captivity.There may be less than a dozen wild Siberian tigers left in China.Though there are many more in breeding centres.横道河子乡从1986年开始繁殖老虎,供应中药市场所需的虎骨和其它身体部位。This enclosure at Hengdaohezi started breeding tigers in 1986 to supply the bones and body parts for the Chinese medicine market.中国从90年代开始禁止买卖老虎器官,如今繁殖中心纯粹是观光景点。Trade in tiger parts was banned in China in the 1990s and thebreeding centre is now just a tourist attraction.广大森林沿着中国东北连接到俄国和蒙古边界。The forests of the northeast stretch to where the Chinese,Russian and Mongolian borders meet.这里竟有一群放牧动物Here,a surprising herd of animals is on the move.驯鹿在几百年前由鄂温克族从西伯利亚引进中国。The reindeer were introduced to China hundreds of years ago by the nomadic Ewenki people who came here from Siberia.时值四月下旬,妇女呼唤她们的驯鹿,它们是半野放的动物,几乎整个冬天都呆在森林里。

It's late April,and the women are calling in their reindeer,which are semi-wild,and have spent all winter away in the forest.这是非常奇特的关系This is a very special relationship.每只驯鹿有自己的名字,许多都是由这些妇女亲手养大的。Each reindeer has its

own name and many are hand-reared by these women.分离几个月后再次相聚,它们会和主人一直呆到秋天。Finally reunited after months apart,they will now remain together until autumn.鄂温克族的妇女焦急地查看驯鹿的状况,检查哪只驯鹿可能怀孕了。The Ewenki women are anxious to check the condition of their animals and to see which of the reindeer might be pregnant.81岁的玛莉雅苏是30位鄂温克族的一员,只有她们还在寒冷的东北过游牧生活。Eighty-one-year-old Maliya Suo is one of only 30 Ewenki people,still living the nomadic life in these cold northern lands.其他的鄂温克族人早就放弃森林的生活了他们搬到现代成都市定居,住现代的水泥屋。Almost all her fellow Ewenki have given up the forest life to settle in concrete houses in modern cities.如今驯鹿牧人的数量几乎和西伯利亚老虎一样稀少The reindeer herders are now almost as rare as wild Siberian tigers.这里将有新的成员加入There's about to be a new addition to the family.这些妇人充当驯鹿的助产士,从它们一落地就开始饲养。The women act as midwives to the new-born calves helping to nurture them through their first precious minutes of life.但世界变得很快But the world around them is changing fast.这种古老的合作关系很可能是最后一代了。This could be the last generation this ancient partnership will endure.很难想象危险的蛮族是这幅模样,修筑长城竟然就是要防御这些人。This is hardly the image of the dangerous tribal people that the Great Wall was built to keep at bay.沿着中国和

北韩的边界,是此区最著名的高山长白山。Along China's border with North Korea is this region's most famous mountain Changbaishan.它的意思是终年雪白, 这里有全世界最高的火山湖。It's name means Ever-White,and it harbours the world's highest volcanic lake.及时到了五月中,这里还是冰天雪地。Even in mid-May,there is still ice everywhere. 但有些征兆显示季节正在转变。But there are signs that the seasons are changing.从南方吹来温暖的风,再过几个星期之后,长白山的面貌为之改变。Warmer winds arrive from the south,and within a few short weeks,Changbai Mountain is transformed.山上的河水又开始流动,打的开始复苏。Water begins to flow down the mountainside once more,replenishing the landscape.到了六月,百花盛开引来许多昆虫。It's June,and insects emerge to take advantage of the abundance of flowers.候鸟也随着温暖的天气回巢。The warm weather sees the arrival of migrant bi

rds.野鶲冬天飞往中国南部,夏天又飞回此处养育幼鸟。Stonechats that have spent the winter in the south of China return here to raise their chicks. 附近有这么多昆虫,足够鶲鸟喂饱一窝雏鸟。With so many insects around,the stonechats may have several broods.从长白山再往西边,取而代之的是起伏的草原。Heading west from Changbai Mountain,the forests give way to rolling grasslands.万里长城在远处一路蜿蜒而去,隔开中国南方和广阔的蒙古草原。The Great Wall streches off into the distance,defining the southern limits of the vast

Mongolian Steppe.长城以北是宽广无边的草原,但其中有一处特别重要。North of the Wall are huge area of grassland,but one place on your journey is particularly significant.。某个赤狐家庭正在长草间养育它们的小狐。In the tall grass,a family of red foxes is raising its cubs.如今这片大草原几乎全归它们所有。Today they have this meadow pretty much to themselves.但情况并非一直如此But it wasn't always the case.八世纪之前,这地区住满人类。如今这里离北京不远,田野间只剩断垣残壁,这些废墟以前是元朝的上都,忽必烈把这里定为夏都。。Eight centuries ago,this place would have been teeming with people.Now these ruins in a field a short distance from Beijing are all that remains of the great city Xanadu,once the summer capital of China.这些墙垣据说就是元朝大汗忽必烈欢迎马可波罗来访的地方。Within these walls it is said that the leader of the Mongolians,the mighty Kublai Khan,welcomed Marco Polo to China.蒙古战士建立中国有史以来,最强大的帝国势力范围伸及欧陆。Mongolian warrior established the greatest empire in history stretching to the boarders of Europe.汉朝就是害怕这个善战的部落,才会修筑万里长城。Fear of this warrior tribe is the main reason,the Han Chinese built the Great Wall.蒙古人的立国基础,就是建立在马背上。The cornerstone of the Mongolian's supremacy,was their relationship with horses.这就是他们战无不克的原因。This is what brought them such success in war.蒙古骑兵向来轻骑简行,并带着马匹备用,所以,他们能够长距离移

动。The Mongolian raiders travelled light,and rode with spare horses,so they could move huge distances,strike and retreat quicker than their oppenents. 赛马是蒙古文化的精髓,每年七月会举行一年一度的赛马节。年轻的蒙古勇士有机会一展马术。At the heart of Mongolian culture is horse racing.The annual Nadam Festival,held each July,is a chance for the Mongolians to show off their horsemanship.据说蒙古人是在马背上出生的。It's said that the Mongolian people are born in the saddle.他们从孩提时代就会骑马。Even as children,they are consummate riders.马术是过去的蒙古战士能大获全胜的关键,如今依旧是游牧生活不可或缺的中心。Horsemanship was the core of the Mongolians' success as warrior in the last and is central to their lives as nomads today.在巴音布鲁克大草原上,游牧的蒙古家族聚集于此。In an area of grassland as known Bayanbulak,families of nomadic Mongolians are gathering.巴音布鲁克的意思是丰沛的水源,所以,他们来此安置临时住所,让他们的家畜大 夏季这片肥美的草原。The name Bayanbulak means "rich headwaters" and they've come here to set up temporary homes to graze their livestock on the lush on the pastures.为了替家畜寻找新鲜的草料,他们会不断迁移。能把住家轻松地搬来搬去,是一项实质的利多The search for fresh fodder for their animals keeps them on the go and being able to move home so easily is a real advantage.蒙古家庭只需花几分钟时间就能搭好员顶帐篷。It takes only a few minutes

for the Mongolian family to set up their yurts. 但这片土地不全归蒙古人所有。But the Mongolians don't have this place all to themselves.此地丰富的资源也吸引大批鸟类,像是蓑羽鹤。整个亚洲的涉禽类和水鸟都会迁移到这里来The rich resources also attract a huge variety of birds,Demoeselle cranes,wading birds and waterfowl migrate here from all over Asia.这些河流和湿地冰雪融化的雪水由附近高山流下汇集的。drawn to the rivers and wetlands fed by glacial meltwater from nearby mountains.此地在中国称为天鹅湖This place is known in China as Swan Lake.这是世上最重要的大天鹅繁殖地,但也是蚊子聚集的地带。It's the world's most important breeding site for whooper swans and arguably,mosquitoes as well.天鹅湖边有数不清的肥沃牧草,足够鸟类筑巢和家畜嚼食。The pastures at Swan Lake provide endless amounts of lush grass for birds to nest in and for livestock to eat.虽然足够每一份子在此安居It would seem there's plenty for everybody,但偶尔它们会亲密的靠近。But occasionally they can get too close for comfort.在八百年之前,蒙古人是最可怕的一族。Eight hundred years ago,the Mongolians were the most feared peple on earth.但他们也有可敬的精神But they have a spiritual side as well.天鹅湖的鸟类不怎么害怕The birds of Swan Lake have little cause to worry.蒙古人保护天鹅也崇敬它们称它们为神鸟。The Mongolians protect the swans,and venerate them calling them Birds of God.长城之旅再继续西行,接下来的塞外景色越来越干涸。The

Great Wall's journey through northern China continues westwards,bisecting a landscape that becomes increasingly parched.我们来到中国北方的中心,草原变得酷热、干枯和荒凉。Our journey has brought us halfway across northern China and the grasslands are becoming hot,dry and desolate.漫步在荒地上的动物看起来像在非洲,而不是亚洲。Wandering these wastes are creatures that look more African than Asian.这些是胆怯、易受惊的鹅喉羚。These are goitered gazelles,skittish and easily startled.当它们感觉危险逼近,会像赛马一样飞奔而去。When threatened by danger,they're as fast as a racehorse.但在这种酷热之下,它们喜欢轻巧地漫步。But in this intense heat,they favour a gentler pace.这里的水少得可怜,但鹅喉羚有项了不起的技能,它们能从干草吸湿气。There's little standing water here,but the gazelles have a remarkable ability to extract moisture from dry grass.不过为了找到足够的食物,它们必须持续前进。Although finding enough worth eating keeps them constantly on the move.即使到了只这个半沙漠区,长城还是无远弗界。Even out here in the semi-deserts,the Wall continues its march.这里的长城只是用挤压的泥土砌成。Here,it's made of little more than compacted earth.但由于此区几乎不下雨,几世纪下来并没有什么侵蚀损坏。But with hardly any rain falling,it's suffered very little erosion over the centuries.成千上万的人为了兴筑长城而丧命。Hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives building it.任何人看了实在难以相信如此遥

远、荒凉的地方为何需要筑城保护。Yet it seems hard to believe that anyone felt that these distant wastelands needed protecting. 长城还有最后一处令人惊艳的地方,But the Wall still has one final surprise.这是嘉峪关,沙漠中最坚固的堡垒,六百年前由明朝兴建,据说当初建造经过精密的计算准备动用十万块土砖砌成,最后只剩下一块砖头没有用到。This is Jiayuguan,the mighty fortress in the desert.Built in the Ming Dynasty over 600 years ago legend says that the construction of the fortress was so meticulously planned that 100,000 bricks were specially made and only one brick was left unused.这个堡垒就是万里长城的终点。This fortress marks the end of the Great Wall of China.史上最伟大的人造屏障。The greatest man-made barrier on earth.再往前还有更令人畏惧的屏障。But ahead lies an even more formidable barrier.广阔的无人沙漠继续往西延伸,一直到中亚的边界。A vast no-man's land of the deserts that stretch westward to the boarders of Central Asia.嘉峪关被视为中国文化的最后一道关哨。Jiayuguan Fortress was considered to be the last outpost Chinese civilisation.这个关哨之后就是一片的荒芜。也就是中国最大的沙漠,塔克拉玛干沙漠。Beyond this ponit lay utter desolation China's largest desert,the Taklamakan ,lies out here.它的意思是“进得去,出不来”Its name has been translated as"You go in,and you never come out".这是酷热的地带,风蚀的细沙完全不适生存。This is a place of intense heat,abrasive wind-blown sand totally

hostile to life.却有一条道路穿过沙漠,让甘冒生命危险的勇者得以穿越。

Yet there was a route through the desert.For these brave enough to risk their lives for it.诱使人们走入可怕沙漠的原因,是中国极为重要的秘密它改变了整个历史路线。People were lured into the horrors of the deserts because the Chinese had a secret so powerful that it changed the course of the history.这个秘密相传甚久,the key to that secret lies in the distant past.传说大约五千年以前,一位公主在花园散步,某个不寻常的东西落入她的杯子。结果抽出神奇的丝线,它变得比玉和黄金更昂贵。那就是丝。

Legend has it that around 5,000 years ago,a princess was walking in her garden,when something unusual fell into her tea cup.A magical thread was extracted and it became more prized than god or jade.The thread was silk.如此美丽惊人的布料,影响了往后的历史发展。Incredibly,such a beautiful substance and all the history behind it come from a humble little insect.The silkworm.这源自一种不起眼的昆虫,也就是蚕。蚕蛾可以产下好几百个卵,然后孵出蚕宝宝。它们只吃桑叶。Silk moths lay several hundred eggs,and the tiny caterpillars that emerge eating nothing but mulberry leaves.经过50天的啃食,它们的体重暴增1万倍!After 50 days of gluttony,they've grown 10,000 times heavier.这时候它们身体有百分之二十五,是由丝腺所组成的。By this stage,25/100 of their body mass is made up of



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  • 课后巩固梯级演练 检查我的基础 1. 下列加点字的注音完全正确的一项是( ) A. 帷幕(w éi ) 屋脊(j ī) 翘起(qi ào ) 翘首以盼(qi áo ).... B. 埋怨(m án ) 接榫(sh ǔn ) 厦门(xi à) 高楼大厦(xi à).... C. 点缀(zhu ì) 辍 ...

  • 1长城的资料
  • (一)烽火戏诸侯 西周周幽王的宠姬褒姒从来不笑,为讨其欢心,周幽王点燃烽火,各路诸侯以为京城告急,急忙发兵来救,结果空忙一场,惹得褒姒破颜而笑.周幽王见状大喜,而各路诸侯愤然而去.后犬戎兵来犯,周幽王点燃烽火求援,各路诸侯以为是诈,按兵不动.结果周幽王被杀,褒姒被俘,西周灭亡. (二)孟姜女哭长城 ...

  • 赞长城演讲稿
  • 各位尊敬的老师同学们大家好: 本次我演讲的题目是<长城赞>. 长城是中国历史文化的一个载体,它涵盖的面非常广,把整个文化载体当中丰富的内涵, 通过具体的活动都展现出来,这无疑对增进海峡两岸之间,对中华文化理解,特别是对台湾 年轻人一代弘扬中华文化传统,都很有意义.当前,岛内台独势力非常嚣 ...

  • 十六.长城的历史
  • 十六.长城的历史 各位朋友,大家好! 现在我们来到著名的八达岭长城脚下,在这里,我给大家介绍一下长城的历史.长城是我国古代一项伟大的防御工程,它是中华文明的见证,也是中华民族精神的体现. 中国最早修筑长城大约是在公元前7世纪前后的春秋时期.那时各诸侯国之间频繁地发生战争,为了抵御入侵,各诸侯国先后在 ...

  • 中国古代重要关塞一览
  • 中国古代重要关塞一览 BY:Lin 鉴于关塞之凌乱,故稍加整理(大而概之.不全). 内容:十大名关+内三关+关中四关+拾零(标红字体为关塞的位置) 一.十大名关(排名不分先后)+内三关 1.剑门关地处四川盆地北部边缘断褶带,位于剑阁县城南15公里大剑山.小剑山中断处,两旁断崖峭壁,峰峦似剑,两壁对峙 ...

  • 万里长城真的有一万里长吗?
  • 长城是历代王朝为抵御外敌入侵而修建的军事建筑.它像一条巨龙一样雄踞在我国北方,既是我国悠久历史的见证,更是中华民族的伟大象征.提到长城,我们常常形容它是"万里长城".那么,长城到底有多长呢,它真的有一万里长吗?这就要从长城的历史说起了. 中国修建长城,始于春秋战国时期.这个时期各 ...