
高一英语单句改错...1.He succeed in the competition made each of us happy.2.The problem is more and more young people are getting into the habit of smoking.3.If he is an engineer is unkown.4.What she wants to know is if she should attend the conference.5.At the meeting he

1.He succeed in the competition made each of us happy.

2.The problem is more and more young people are getting into the habit of smoking.

3.If he is an engineer is unkown.

4.What she wants to know is if she should attend the conference.

5.At the meeting he raised a question if the project would be concelled.

6.It depends on if it's going to rain.

7.We expressed the hope which the Browns would come to China again.

8.The reason why he failed in the exam was became he was too careless.

9.No matter who comes to visit the exhibition is welcome.

10.What he needs are enough time and what i need is enough books.

1.改正:He succeeded in the competition,which made each of us happy. 或:He succeeded in the competition,making each of us happy. 不能用两个动词同时做一个简单句的谓语. 要么把句子变成复合句,要么把某个动词变成非谓语形式.

2.改正:The problem is that more and more young people are getting into the habit of smoking. 表语从句的that不能省略.

3.改正:Whether he is an engineer is unkown. 主语从句的“是否”只能用whether,不能用if.

4.改正:What she wants to know is whether she should attend the conference.


5.改正:At the meeting he raised a question whether the project would be cancelled. 同位语从句的“是否”用whether,不能用if.

6.改正:It depends on whether it's going to rain. 介词后的宾语从句的“是否”用whether,不能用if.

7.改正:We expressed the hope that the Browns would come to China again.


8.改正:The reason why he failed in the exam was that he was too careless.


9.改正:Whoever comes to visit the exhibition is welcome. no matter不能引导主语从句,但是whoever可以.

10.改正:What he needs is enough time and what I need are enough



高一英语单句改错...1.He succeed in the competition made each of us happy.2.The problem is more and more young people are getting into the habit of smoking.3.If he is an engineer is unkown.4.What she wants to know is if she should attend the conference.5.At the meeting he

1.He succeed in the competition made each of us happy.

2.The problem is more and more young people are getting into the habit of smoking.

3.If he is an engineer is unkown.

4.What she wants to know is if she should attend the conference.

5.At the meeting he raised a question if the project would be concelled.

6.It depends on if it's going to rain.

7.We expressed the hope which the Browns would come to China again.

8.The reason why he failed in the exam was became he was too careless.

9.No matter who comes to visit the exhibition is welcome.

10.What he needs are enough time and what i need is enough books.

1.改正:He succeeded in the competition,which made each of us happy. 或:He succeeded in the competition,making each of us happy. 不能用两个动词同时做一个简单句的谓语. 要么把句子变成复合句,要么把某个动词变成非谓语形式.

2.改正:The problem is that more and more young people are getting into the habit of smoking. 表语从句的that不能省略.

3.改正:Whether he is an engineer is unkown. 主语从句的“是否”只能用whether,不能用if.

4.改正:What she wants to know is whether she should attend the conference.


5.改正:At the meeting he raised a question whether the project would be cancelled. 同位语从句的“是否”用whether,不能用if.

6.改正:It depends on whether it's going to rain. 介词后的宾语从句的“是否”用whether,不能用if.

7.改正:We expressed the hope that the Browns would come to China again.


8.改正:The reason why he failed in the exam was that he was too careless.


9.改正:Whoever comes to visit the exhibition is welcome. no matter不能引导主语从句,但是whoever可以.

10.改正:What he needs is enough time and what I need are enough




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