英文 开题报告



论文英文题目:A Feminism Degree: Alice Munro’ Runaway

论文中文题目: 女性主义视角下:艾丽丝. 门罗的《逃离》

专业年级: 英语专业13级

学 号: 136720057

姓 名: 张瑛明

指导教师、职称: 梁伟达

2016 年 6 月 29 日



Since Alice Munro won the Nobel Literary in 2013 and the Award Words given by Swedish Academy called her “master of contemporary short stories”, people pay much attention to her and her works. As we all know, Alice Munro is a Canadian female writer, who makes a great contribution to Canadian literature. Her novel is simple and plain, but delicate portrait of a real life of common people, brings a very sincere deep feelings, which is one of the most attractive works in the world. in her Runaway , Alice Munro put importance on women ’s issues and felt sorry for those who are under suffers .There is no doubt that the second wave of feminism exerted a greatly impact on her writing. Therefore, it’s meaningful to analyze Runaway from feminist perspective

. 研究现状

while so many scholars at home and abroad have made researches on it, Runaway still is worth making deep researches for it’s practical significance.

From Runaway, the women image is mild but strong. Most of them are living in a small town .women wander and suffer in their life, looking for every chance to escape from their original life. Unfortunately, at the end of story, women can’t get what they wanted and get rid of the miserable life. It ’s hard for them to pursue their happiness and freedom. No matter how hard the life is, all they can do was to bear. Like the heroine Carla, she wanted to change her destiny, but failed finally. However, they came to realize the awareness of feminism. With the development of feminism and Women ’s Liberation Movement , the study on women’s suffering and rebellion under the oppression of patriarchy from feminist approach have become more and more important and valuable to show the world’ change. 存在问题

Difficulty on understanding the negative consciousness of Alice Munro in Runaway

Some theory of feminism is one-sided and inaccurate

The background of Canadian culture need to understand


Nadine Fled. Alice Munro, Charles McGrath, and the Shaping of “The Turkey Season”. American Review of Canadian Studies, 2015, Vol.45 (2), p p.174-186

Bloom, Harold. Alice Munro. New York: Bloom’s Literary Criticism, 2009

Thacker, Robert. Alice Munro: Writing Her Lives: a Biography. Toronto: McClelland, 2005

艾丽斯. 门罗:《逃离》。李文俊译。北京:十月文艺出版社,2009

赵慧珍, 《论20世纪前加拿大移民妇女状况及女性意识》,南京财经大学外语系 江苏南京210046,2006年第一期



论文英文题目:A Feminism Degree: Alice Munro’ Runaway

论文中文题目: 女性主义视角下:艾丽丝. 门罗的《逃离》

专业年级: 英语专业13级

学 号: 136720057

姓 名: 张瑛明

指导教师、职称: 梁伟达

2016 年 6 月 29 日



Since Alice Munro won the Nobel Literary in 2013 and the Award Words given by Swedish Academy called her “master of contemporary short stories”, people pay much attention to her and her works. As we all know, Alice Munro is a Canadian female writer, who makes a great contribution to Canadian literature. Her novel is simple and plain, but delicate portrait of a real life of common people, brings a very sincere deep feelings, which is one of the most attractive works in the world. in her Runaway , Alice Munro put importance on women ’s issues and felt sorry for those who are under suffers .There is no doubt that the second wave of feminism exerted a greatly impact on her writing. Therefore, it’s meaningful to analyze Runaway from feminist perspective

. 研究现状

while so many scholars at home and abroad have made researches on it, Runaway still is worth making deep researches for it’s practical significance.

From Runaway, the women image is mild but strong. Most of them are living in a small town .women wander and suffer in their life, looking for every chance to escape from their original life. Unfortunately, at the end of story, women can’t get what they wanted and get rid of the miserable life. It ’s hard for them to pursue their happiness and freedom. No matter how hard the life is, all they can do was to bear. Like the heroine Carla, she wanted to change her destiny, but failed finally. However, they came to realize the awareness of feminism. With the development of feminism and Women ’s Liberation Movement , the study on women’s suffering and rebellion under the oppression of patriarchy from feminist approach have become more and more important and valuable to show the world’ change. 存在问题

Difficulty on understanding the negative consciousness of Alice Munro in Runaway

Some theory of feminism is one-sided and inaccurate

The background of Canadian culture need to understand


Nadine Fled. Alice Munro, Charles McGrath, and the Shaping of “The Turkey Season”. American Review of Canadian Studies, 2015, Vol.45 (2), p p.174-186

Bloom, Harold. Alice Munro. New York: Bloom’s Literary Criticism, 2009

Thacker, Robert. Alice Munro: Writing Her Lives: a Biography. Toronto: McClelland, 2005

艾丽斯. 门罗:《逃离》。李文俊译。北京:十月文艺出版社,2009

赵慧珍, 《论20世纪前加拿大移民妇女状况及女性意识》,南京财经大学外语系 江苏南京210046,2006年第一期


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