
英语幽默短文 Five Hundred Times 五百遍

In the traffic court of a large mid-western city, a young lady was brought before the judge to answer a ticket given her for driving through a red light. She explained to his honor that she was a school teacher and requested an immediate disposal of her case in order that she might hasten on to her classes. A wild gleam came into the judge's eye. "You are a school teacher, eh?" said he. "Madam, I shall realize my lifelong ambition. Sit down at that table and write 'I went through a red light' five hundred times."?



Spring Festival

The Spring Festival, is the first day of the lunar year, also called celebrated on the fifteenth day, commonly known as "new". This is our country folk ceremonious and noisiest a traditional festival. The Spring Festival is very long history, which originated in the period of social SuiWei years worshipping god. According to the Chinese lunar calendar, the first month YuanRi, yuan, or $$, New Year, etc, on New Year's day, to use the Gregorian calendar, the period of the republic of China, the Gregorian calendar year to January 1, called the Chinese Spring Festival on January 1 call.

The Spring Festival is coming, means, vientiane recovery grass and trees renewal, seed and a harvest season begins. People just through the long grass withering of ice and snow, cold spring day, hope the coming Spring Festival when, dancing with joy to meet this festival.

For thousands of years, people make in celebration abnormal colorful, every year from Chinese on the 23rd this year, folk play period is called "chun", also called "Saul, dust and dirt before the Spring Festival, Chinese people have health is known as the traditional customs



China's traditional Mid-Autumn festival is Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, and han Chinese tomb-sweeping day, and called the four traditional festival. According to records, the ancient emperors also have the spring, autumn death on offering for the lunar calendar is rites feast days, August 15, SanQiu coincides with the name "Mid-Autumn festival", For this festival in autumn, August, say again "autumn festival", "BaYueJie" August will "zhongqiu;" And for the reunion of the faith and



The meaning of the word refers to the mass of Christ "Christ" (s) ", namely "the mass of Christ's time for dinner. The ceremony of the new testament derived from the last supper. And the mass of Christ "Christ" (s) "this word is a mass of Greek and Latin, because Christ comes from the Greek Χ ρ ι σ ? τ ?, meaning only refers to the jews," the anointed one "to Christ, And from the original mass missa Latin, for dismissal), extended meeting (for Christian Thanksgiving get-together. So sometimes abbreviation for "Xmas". This may be because of the X is similar to the Greek alphabet Χ (Chi), Χ is "Christ" Χ Greek ι σ ? τ ρ ? Christos I (the first letter). To respect other people's beliefs, religious Christmas to fade.


英语幽默短文 Five Hundred Times 五百遍

In the traffic court of a large mid-western city, a young lady was brought before the judge to answer a ticket given her for driving through a red light. She explained to his honor that she was a school teacher and requested an immediate disposal of her case in order that she might hasten on to her classes. A wild gleam came into the judge's eye. "You are a school teacher, eh?" said he. "Madam, I shall realize my lifelong ambition. Sit down at that table and write 'I went through a red light' five hundred times."?



Spring Festival

The Spring Festival, is the first day of the lunar year, also called celebrated on the fifteenth day, commonly known as "new". This is our country folk ceremonious and noisiest a traditional festival. The Spring Festival is very long history, which originated in the period of social SuiWei years worshipping god. According to the Chinese lunar calendar, the first month YuanRi, yuan, or $$, New Year, etc, on New Year's day, to use the Gregorian calendar, the period of the republic of China, the Gregorian calendar year to January 1, called the Chinese Spring Festival on January 1 call.

The Spring Festival is coming, means, vientiane recovery grass and trees renewal, seed and a harvest season begins. People just through the long grass withering of ice and snow, cold spring day, hope the coming Spring Festival when, dancing with joy to meet this festival.

For thousands of years, people make in celebration abnormal colorful, every year from Chinese on the 23rd this year, folk play period is called "chun", also called "Saul, dust and dirt before the Spring Festival, Chinese people have health is known as the traditional customs



China's traditional Mid-Autumn festival is Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, and han Chinese tomb-sweeping day, and called the four traditional festival. According to records, the ancient emperors also have the spring, autumn death on offering for the lunar calendar is rites feast days, August 15, SanQiu coincides with the name "Mid-Autumn festival", For this festival in autumn, August, say again "autumn festival", "BaYueJie" August will "zhongqiu;" And for the reunion of the faith and



The meaning of the word refers to the mass of Christ "Christ" (s) ", namely "the mass of Christ's time for dinner. The ceremony of the new testament derived from the last supper. And the mass of Christ "Christ" (s) "this word is a mass of Greek and Latin, because Christ comes from the Greek Χ ρ ι σ ? τ ?, meaning only refers to the jews," the anointed one "to Christ, And from the original mass missa Latin, for dismissal), extended meeting (for Christian Thanksgiving get-together. So sometimes abbreviation for "Xmas". This may be because of the X is similar to the Greek alphabet Χ (Chi), Χ is "Christ" Χ Greek ι σ ? τ ρ ? Christos I (the first letter). To respect other people's beliefs, religious Christmas to fade.



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