

1. How do we confirm a truth that has arrived through disbelief and skepticism and not through some childlike wishing something were so.

(尼采) 我们怎么能够确认一种事实在怀疑和不确定中诞生而不是由孩子似的愿望中诞生?

2. It is hard to be in God"s hands. It"s not truth. It is a child"s wish for the everlasting blow to the nipple. We have evolutionary theory, Evolutionary theory scientifically demonstrates God"s redundancy. So Darwin himself had not the courage to follow his evidence to its true conclusion. So-- where are we? Surely you must all realize we have created God-- and all of us together have killed him. God-- is dead.


3. Your extreme isolation is stressing itself, Streis our enemy. My task is to help you reduce strein your life.


4. What you saw were his unconscious desires. Those that if they were liberated could scream for help in daylight. The goal of my talking cure is to liberate those buried desires, to allow the patient to ask for help--openly. But is "liberation Integration" the right term? Isn"t it "integration" that we are after? Integration of the unconscious with the conscious.

你看到的是他潜意识里的欲望。如果被解放了,那么白天也可以请求帮助。谈话治疗的目标就是释放被压抑的欲望,让患者能够寻求帮助,公开的。那么,说成“整体释放” 。我们不是一直在寻找“整体”吗?用意识去综合潜意识 。

5. Choose between comfort and the truth. Are they mutually exclusive? If you want to choose the pleasure of growth, prepare yourself for some pain.


6. As death creeps closer, the value of life increases.

当死亡越来越近,生存的意义更加清楚 。

7. Let me remind you of Goethe"s words. "Be a man. Do not follow me, but yourself, "


8. Life without passion, without mystery? Who can live such a life?


9. You"re lured to mystery. You"re lured to danger.

你被神秘感所诱-惑,被危险所诱-惑 。

10. Living safely is what"s dangerous.


11. We must die. But at the right time. Death only loses its terror when one has consummated one"s life.


12. But have you lived your life? Or have you been lived by it? You stand outside your life, grieving, for some life that you never lived.


13. Maybe I could give you a thought. What if some demon were to say to you that this life, as you now live it, have lived it in the past, have lived it in the past, you would have to live once more but-- innumerable times more. There will be nothing new in it. Every pain, every joy, every unutterably small or great thing in your life would just return to you. The same succession, the same sequence, again and again, like an hourglaof time. Imagine infinity. Consider the possibility that every action you choose, Josef, you choose for all time. Then all--unlived life would remain inside you. Unlived, Throughout eternity, You like this idea? Do you hate it?


14. Your duty is a sham. It"s the curtain you hide behind. To truly build your children, you build yourself. First. And as for your wife, let her break out from this prison you share. And be broken by it.


15. To continue with the sense that I have not lived. That I have not tasted freedom.


16. Well, I was terrified by aging and death. I fought back but blindly. In desperation, I attacked my wife and sought rescue in the arms of one who had no rescue to give!


17. My secret little ways of tolerating my aloneness. But I glorify it, don"t I?


18. And what about the sadnebehind those tears? It"s not sadness. It"s such a relief. It"s such a relief! It"s the first time I"m revealing my loneliness. It"s melting. It"s melting away. It"s a paradox, Isolation exists only in isolation. Once shared, it evaporates.


19. "We"ll have friends,and have become strangers to each other, "This is as it ought to be. We are two ships, each of which has its goal and its course." "We have to become strangers to one another because it"s the law to which we are subject."

我们会有朋友,彼此之间会变成陌生人 ,理应这样. 我们是两只船,都有自己的目的地和路线。我们必须是陌生人,因为这是我们的规则。


1. How do we confirm a truth that has arrived through disbelief and skepticism and not through some childlike wishing something were so.

(尼采) 我们怎么能够确认一种事实在怀疑和不确定中诞生而不是由孩子似的愿望中诞生?

2. It is hard to be in God"s hands. It"s not truth. It is a child"s wish for the everlasting blow to the nipple. We have evolutionary theory, Evolutionary theory scientifically demonstrates God"s redundancy. So Darwin himself had not the courage to follow his evidence to its true conclusion. So-- where are we? Surely you must all realize we have created God-- and all of us together have killed him. God-- is dead.


3. Your extreme isolation is stressing itself, Streis our enemy. My task is to help you reduce strein your life.


4. What you saw were his unconscious desires. Those that if they were liberated could scream for help in daylight. The goal of my talking cure is to liberate those buried desires, to allow the patient to ask for help--openly. But is "liberation Integration" the right term? Isn"t it "integration" that we are after? Integration of the unconscious with the conscious.

你看到的是他潜意识里的欲望。如果被解放了,那么白天也可以请求帮助。谈话治疗的目标就是释放被压抑的欲望,让患者能够寻求帮助,公开的。那么,说成“整体释放” 。我们不是一直在寻找“整体”吗?用意识去综合潜意识 。

5. Choose between comfort and the truth. Are they mutually exclusive? If you want to choose the pleasure of growth, prepare yourself for some pain.


6. As death creeps closer, the value of life increases.

当死亡越来越近,生存的意义更加清楚 。

7. Let me remind you of Goethe"s words. "Be a man. Do not follow me, but yourself, "


8. Life without passion, without mystery? Who can live such a life?


9. You"re lured to mystery. You"re lured to danger.

你被神秘感所诱-惑,被危险所诱-惑 。

10. Living safely is what"s dangerous.


11. We must die. But at the right time. Death only loses its terror when one has consummated one"s life.


12. But have you lived your life? Or have you been lived by it? You stand outside your life, grieving, for some life that you never lived.


13. Maybe I could give you a thought. What if some demon were to say to you that this life, as you now live it, have lived it in the past, have lived it in the past, you would have to live once more but-- innumerable times more. There will be nothing new in it. Every pain, every joy, every unutterably small or great thing in your life would just return to you. The same succession, the same sequence, again and again, like an hourglaof time. Imagine infinity. Consider the possibility that every action you choose, Josef, you choose for all time. Then all--unlived life would remain inside you. Unlived, Throughout eternity, You like this idea? Do you hate it?


14. Your duty is a sham. It"s the curtain you hide behind. To truly build your children, you build yourself. First. And as for your wife, let her break out from this prison you share. And be broken by it.


15. To continue with the sense that I have not lived. That I have not tasted freedom.


16. Well, I was terrified by aging and death. I fought back but blindly. In desperation, I attacked my wife and sought rescue in the arms of one who had no rescue to give!


17. My secret little ways of tolerating my aloneness. But I glorify it, don"t I?


18. And what about the sadnebehind those tears? It"s not sadness. It"s such a relief. It"s such a relief! It"s the first time I"m revealing my loneliness. It"s melting. It"s melting away. It"s a paradox, Isolation exists only in isolation. Once shared, it evaporates.


19. "We"ll have friends,and have become strangers to each other, "This is as it ought to be. We are two ships, each of which has its goal and its course." "We have to become strangers to one another because it"s the law to which we are subject."

我们会有朋友,彼此之间会变成陌生人 ,理应这样. 我们是两只船,都有自己的目的地和路线。我们必须是陌生人,因为这是我们的规则。


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