
Friends, hello!

Now our already arrived the Huangshan Mountain scenic spot southernregion strategic place soup mouth. First introduces the HuangshanMountain scenery in here to you the survey.

Huangshan Mountain, is located south the Chinese Anhui Province, isthe Chinese Nanling sierra the part, entire mountain areaapproximately 1,200 square kilometers. The Huangshan Mountain mountainsystem center-section, is Huangshan Mountain's essence are partial,also Huangshan Mountain scenic spot which must tour on us, areaapproximately 154 square kilometers. It within the boundaries ofHuangshan Mountain city, south neighbour She county, Huizhou area,Xiuning County and Yi Xian, north continually yellow mountainous area;These five counties, the area also all belong to the HuangshanMountain city jurisdiction.

Huangshan Mountain in Chinese Tang Dynasty before is called themountain, is the black appearance, because on the mountain therock blue black is blue black, the ancient gives it such name. Thefable we Chinese race's ancestor shaft Yellow Emperor in completes thearea south of Yellow River to unify after industry, founds the Chinesecivilization, arrives here to pick the medicine to build up Dan, takesa bath in the hot spring, thus obtains enlightenment the immortal.Tang Dynasty renowned Emperor Ming Huangli the prosperous baseextremely will believe this view, (747 years) has gotten downtogether the imperial edict in Day Valuable six years, the mountain willchange name Huangshan Mountain. The meaning is, this mountain isYellow Emperor's mountain. From then on, Huangshan Mountain this nameone until now.

The friends, you are not far thousand, even Wan Lidao here, must lookat Huangshan Mountain with own eyes the America? Not is must feel atime of life to be joyful? Yes, Huangshan Mountain is certainlybeautiful certainly beautiful, may say the day wonderful mountain, canascend a height to get a broad view it, has a look it with own eyes,truly is a life big happy event. Before the very long long time, inthe long geologic history generation, the nature infinite strength,has molded the Huangshan Mountain that certainly beautiful elegantdemeanour and all sorts of unusual landscapes very much, makes onefall, is elated

Friends, hello!

Now our already arrived the Huangshan Mountain scenic spot southernregion strategic place soup mouth. First introduces the HuangshanMountain scenery in here to you the survey.

Huangshan Mountain, is located south the Chinese Anhui Province, isthe Chinese Nanling sierra the part, entire mountain areaapproximately 1,200 square kilometers. The Huangshan Mountain mountainsystem center-section, is Huangshan Mountain's essence are partial,also Huangshan Mountain scenic spot which must tour on us, areaapproximately 154 square kilometers. It within the boundaries ofHuangshan Mountain city, south neighbour She county, Huizhou area,Xiuning County and Yi Xian, north continually yellow mountainous area;These five counties, the area also all belong to the HuangshanMountain city jurisdiction.

Huangshan Mountain in Chinese Tang Dynasty before is called themountain, is the black appearance, because on the mountain therock blue black is blue black, the ancient gives it such name. Thefable we Chinese race's ancestor shaft Yellow Emperor in completes thearea south of Yellow River to unify after industry, founds the Chinesecivilization, arrives here to pick the medicine to build up Dan, takesa bath in the hot spring, thus obtains enlightenment the immortal.Tang Dynasty renowned Emperor Ming Huangli the prosperous baseextremely will believe this view, (747 years) has gotten downtogether the imperial edict in Day Valuable six years, the mountain willchange name Huangshan Mountain. The meaning is, this mountain isYellow Emperor's mountain. From then on, Huangshan Mountain this nameone until now.

The friends, you are not far thousand, even Wan Lidao here, must lookat Huangshan Mountain with own eyes the America? Not is must feel atime of life to be joyful? Yes, Huangshan Mountain is certainlybeautiful certainly beautiful, may say the day wonderful mountain, canascend a height to get a broad view it, has a look it with own eyes,truly is a life big happy event. Before the very long long time, inthe long geologic history generation, the nature infinite strength,has molded the Huangshan Mountain that certainly beautiful elegantdemeanour and all sorts of unusual landscapes very much, makes onefall, is elated

Friends, hello!

Now our already arrived the Huangshan Mountain scenic spot southernregion strategic place soup mouth. First introduces the HuangshanMountain scenery in here to you the survey.

Huangshan Mountain, is located south the Chinese Anhui Province, isthe Chinese Nanling sierra the part, entire mountain areaapproximately 1,200 square kilometers. The Huangshan Mountain mountainsystem center-section, is Huangshan Mountain's essence are partial,also Huangshan Mountain scenic spot which must tour on us, areaapproximately 154 square kilometers. It within the boundaries ofHuangshan Mountain city, south neighbour She county, Huizhou area,Xiuning County and Yi Xian, north continually yellow mountainous area;These five counties, the area also all belong to the HuangshanMountain city jurisdiction.

Huangshan Mountain in Chinese Tang Dynasty before is called themountain, is the black appearance, because on the mountain therock blue black is blue black, the ancient gives it such name. Thefable we Chinese race's ancestor shaft Yellow Emperor in completes thearea south of Yellow River to unify after industry, founds the Chinesecivilization, arrives here to pick the medicine to build up Dan, takesa bath in the hot spring, thus obtains enlightenment the immortal.Tang Dynasty renowned Emperor Ming Huangli the prosperous baseextremely will believe this view, (747 years) has gotten downtogether the imperial edict in Day Valuable six years, the mountain willchange name Huangshan Mountain. The meaning is, this mountain isYellow Emperor's mountain. From then on, Huangshan Mountain this nameone until now.

The friends, you are not far thousand, even Wan Lidao here, must lookat Huangshan Mountain with own eyes the America? Not is must feel atime of life to be joyful? Yes, Huangshan Mountain is certainlybeautiful certainly beautiful, may say the day wonderful mountain, canascend a height to get a broad view it, has a look it with own eyes,truly is a life big happy event. Before the very long long time, inthe long geologic history generation, the nature infinite strength,has molded the Huangshan Mountain that certainly beautiful elegantdemeanour and all sorts of unusual landscapes very much, makes onefall, is elated

Friends, hello!

Now our already arrived the Huangshan Mountain scenic spot southernregion strategic place soup mouth. First introduces the HuangshanMountain scenery in here to you the survey.

Huangshan Mountain, is located south the Chinese Anhui Province, isthe Chinese Nanling sierra the part, entire mountain areaapproximately 1,200 square kilometers. The Huangshan Mountain mountainsystem center-section, is Huangshan Mountain's essence are partial,also Huangshan Mountain scenic spot which must tour on us, areaapproximately 154 square kilometers. It within the boundaries ofHuangshan Mountain city, south neighbour She county, Huizhou area,Xiuning County and Yi Xian, north continually yellow mountainous area;These five counties, the area also all belong to the HuangshanMountain city jurisdiction.

Huangshan Mountain in Chinese Tang Dynasty before is called themountain, is the black appearance, because on the mountain therock blue black is blue black, the ancient gives it such name. Thefable we Chinese race's ancestor shaft Yellow Emperor in completes thearea south of Yellow River to unify after industry, founds the Chinesecivilization, arrives here to pick the medicine to build up Dan, takesa bath in the hot spring, thus obtains enlightenment the immortal.Tang Dynasty renowned Emperor Ming Huangli the prosperous baseextremely will believe this view, (747 years) has gotten downtogether the imperial edict in Day Valuable six years, the mountain willchange name Huangshan Mountain. The meaning is, this mountain isYellow Emperor's mountain. From then on, Huangshan Mountain this nameone until now.

The friends, you are not far thousand, even Wan Lidao here, must lookat Huangshan Mountain with own eyes the America? Not is must feel atime of life to be joyful? Yes, Huangshan Mountain is certainlybeautiful certainly beautiful, may say the day wonderful mountain, canascend a height to get a broad view it, has a look it with own eyes,truly is a life big happy event. Before the very long long time, inthe long geologic history generation, the nature infinite strength,has molded the Huangshan Mountain that certainly beautiful elegantdemeanour and all sorts of unusual landscapes very much, makes onefall, is elated


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