
9A 期中作文辅导



1. Bill自身情况:勇敢自信,勇于接受挑战。乐于助人(举一例)。 最爱橙色,因为……

2. 家庭情况:父亲是首席工程师,谦虚易合作。母亲是艺术家,她的作品给人留下深刻印象。

3. 学习与爱好情况:上课注意听讲,每年成功获得奖学金。去年参加校足球队选拔,受到全校关注。



Bill is a boy full of courage and confidence. He is brave enough to take on challenges. Also, he is so helpful that he is willing to help us with our lessons if we are absent from school. (好句子的使用)What’s more, his favourite colour is orange because it can cheer him up when he is feeling sad.(利用书上原句)

Bill has a great family, too.(整段概括性话语) His father is a chief engineer and easy to work with. His mother is a born artist. His works exprss peope so deeply.

Last but not least, he always listens to teacher carefully, as a result, he succeeds in getting a scholarship every year. Last year, he tried out for the school football team, this brought him to the attention of all the teachers and students in our school.(利用书上原句)


1、不要过分忧虑, 静下心来; 2、做好学习计划,专心完成每项任务;

3、多跟父母交流,得到理解; 4、保持自信,相信付出就会有收获。

要求:1、要点完整、层次清晰; 2、语法正确、适当补充、上下文连贯;


Dear Nick,

As for your problem, I want to share my opinions with you.

(I think it’s a good way to relax yourself by taking a walk after supper every day or doing some sports. )Then,

Best wishes!




In my life, The person who has influenced me most is Mr Jing,my middle school teacher who taught me Maths. He is now in his forties.(简明写出主人公)

class and Our creativity and imagination

(段与段间的连接词), he let us think more about life by sharing his experience.And what's more, he taught me how to live on my own. He gave the

I have learnt a lot from from Mr Jing, I will never forget him.


Dear Partrick,

Thank you for sharing your problems with me.

instead of playing basketball, and then you can go to bed earlier at night.

’t focus on your work. Your grandfather keeps the TV very loud because his hearing is not very good. How about closing your bedroom door when you study inside? Or perhaps you can tell him about your problem. I am sure he loves you so much that he will listen to you.

I hope you think my advice is worth taking.

Best wishes.



某报社正在就“The person who I admire most”为题进行征文比赛。假设你的叔叔对你的学习生活影响非常大,你非常钦佩你的叔叔。请你根据表格提供的有关叔叔的信息和要求写一篇

2. 词数不少于100 字,可以根据要求作适当发挥。

The person who I admire most

I would like to talk about my Uncle Tom who I admire most. He is a writer and he is in his thirties.

My uncle is well organized and he never forgets the things he needs to do. He best.

My uncle’s favourite colour is red, because red represents power and strong feelings, and it can help when he has difficulty making a decision. (用课文中的句子)

This is my uncle, he is a man full of love.


1. so…that, too…to, (not) enough to, (not) until…., as soon as, whenever

2. 表文章结构顺序:first of all, second, in the end/at last

3. 表补充关系:what’s more, what’s worse, besides, not only..but also, neither..nor, both..and

4. 表转折关系:however, on the contrary(正相反)

5. 例举:on one hand(一方面),on the other hand(另一方面),for example, such as

6. 表述自己的观点:in my opinion(在我看来),to tell the truth(说实话)

7. 表总结:in a word(总之)


9A 期中作文辅导



1. Bill自身情况:勇敢自信,勇于接受挑战。乐于助人(举一例)。 最爱橙色,因为……

2. 家庭情况:父亲是首席工程师,谦虚易合作。母亲是艺术家,她的作品给人留下深刻印象。

3. 学习与爱好情况:上课注意听讲,每年成功获得奖学金。去年参加校足球队选拔,受到全校关注。



Bill is a boy full of courage and confidence. He is brave enough to take on challenges. Also, he is so helpful that he is willing to help us with our lessons if we are absent from school. (好句子的使用)What’s more, his favourite colour is orange because it can cheer him up when he is feeling sad.(利用书上原句)

Bill has a great family, too.(整段概括性话语) His father is a chief engineer and easy to work with. His mother is a born artist. His works exprss peope so deeply.

Last but not least, he always listens to teacher carefully, as a result, he succeeds in getting a scholarship every year. Last year, he tried out for the school football team, this brought him to the attention of all the teachers and students in our school.(利用书上原句)


1、不要过分忧虑, 静下心来; 2、做好学习计划,专心完成每项任务;

3、多跟父母交流,得到理解; 4、保持自信,相信付出就会有收获。

要求:1、要点完整、层次清晰; 2、语法正确、适当补充、上下文连贯;


Dear Nick,

As for your problem, I want to share my opinions with you.

(I think it’s a good way to relax yourself by taking a walk after supper every day or doing some sports. )Then,

Best wishes!




In my life, The person who has influenced me most is Mr Jing,my middle school teacher who taught me Maths. He is now in his forties.(简明写出主人公)

class and Our creativity and imagination

(段与段间的连接词), he let us think more about life by sharing his experience.And what's more, he taught me how to live on my own. He gave the

I have learnt a lot from from Mr Jing, I will never forget him.


Dear Partrick,

Thank you for sharing your problems with me.

instead of playing basketball, and then you can go to bed earlier at night.

’t focus on your work. Your grandfather keeps the TV very loud because his hearing is not very good. How about closing your bedroom door when you study inside? Or perhaps you can tell him about your problem. I am sure he loves you so much that he will listen to you.

I hope you think my advice is worth taking.

Best wishes.



某报社正在就“The person who I admire most”为题进行征文比赛。假设你的叔叔对你的学习生活影响非常大,你非常钦佩你的叔叔。请你根据表格提供的有关叔叔的信息和要求写一篇

2. 词数不少于100 字,可以根据要求作适当发挥。

The person who I admire most

I would like to talk about my Uncle Tom who I admire most. He is a writer and he is in his thirties.

My uncle is well organized and he never forgets the things he needs to do. He best.

My uncle’s favourite colour is red, because red represents power and strong feelings, and it can help when he has difficulty making a decision. (用课文中的句子)

This is my uncle, he is a man full of love.


1. so…that, too…to, (not) enough to, (not) until…., as soon as, whenever

2. 表文章结构顺序:first of all, second, in the end/at last

3. 表补充关系:what’s more, what’s worse, besides, not only..but also, neither..nor, both..and

4. 表转折关系:however, on the contrary(正相反)

5. 例举:on one hand(一方面),on the other hand(另一方面),for example, such as

6. 表述自己的观点:in my opinion(在我看来),to tell the truth(说实话)

7. 表总结:in a word(总之)



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