
多样性 相同意思的多种表达








V ariety is the spice of writing. (写作富于变化才会妙笔生花。) 所谓变化,一是避免相同的文字在文章中的反复使用(可用同义词代替),二是避开庸俗老套的语言,追求富有新意、充满活力的表达。

俗话说,“言之无文,行之不远。”语言干瘪平淡,让人看了面目可憎。语言是思维的外壳,语言的好坏直接影响着作文水平的高低。在写作当中,我们要多多制造语言的闪光点,这体现在小到一个词,大到一个短语甚至句子,优秀的作文往往是“锱铢必较”,几乎字字计较。很多学生用词面太狭窄,一提到“我认为”就用I think,此外别无其他表达。其实,英语中这类表达俯拾皆是:I believe//maintain/agree/assert/insist/claim/emphasize/point out/reckon/assume/cling to the idea that等等。越来越多的人:more and more people,尽管这种表达没有错误,但往往不能形成表达中的“闪光点”。People in growing/mounting/increasing/expanding numbers

要表达目的是:in order to, so as to太口语化了

不妨试试更好的表达:in a bid to, in an attempt to, with a view to, aim to, aim at, for the purpose of 等等。

“说”法种种:Admit, acknowledge, add, affirm, allege, analyze, argue, assert, boast, caution, challenge, claim, complain, concede, conclude, confess, contend, continue, contradict, declare, deny, disclose, dwell on, elaborate, exclaim, explain, go on, imply, insist, maintain, note, object, observe, pledge, proclaim, propound, protest, reaffirm, reiterate, recount, remark, reply, refute, retort, reveal, state, suggest, tell, urge

think → claim / suggest / believe / advocate / maintain / suppose

good → beneficial / profitable / helpful / sound / decent / positive

bad → harmful / detrimental / hazardous / negative

advantage → merit / virtue / benefit / profit / pro

disadvantage → demerit / drawback / flaw / shortcoming / cons



英语中,用于表示因果关系的方式很多。比如:介词from, at, through, due to, because of, owing to; 连接副词hence, therefore, thus; 从属连词:because, as, now that, in that, seeing that …therefore, since…then/in that case, on the ground(s) that, by reason that.另外,主动词(分为单词动词和词组动词两类)也可以表示逻辑上的因果关系。现分述如下

1)单词动词:arose, cause, elicit, engender, evoke, ignite, impel, induce

1. Her strange behavior aroused our suspicions.

2. The cold weather caused many animals to die.

3. Lung cancer elicited the death of those two people.

4. His stirring performance engendered our tension.

5. His failure evoked my sympathy.

6. His provocative remarks ignited their anger.

7. My brother’s success impelled me to greater efforts.

8. His illness was induced by overwork.

2)词组动词:arise out of/from, bring about, bring forth, bring on, contribute to, give birth to, give occasion to, give rise to, lead to, result from, result in, set off, stem from

1. Her mental problems arose out of/from her husband’s death.

2. The fall in oil prices brought about the increase in business activity.

3. Eating too much brought forth her sickness.

4. The fact that he had died from AIDS brought on a panic among the patients in his former patients.

5. Eating contaminated food contributed to his illness.

6. The flood gave birth to the collapse of that dam.

7. His negligence gave occasion to the accident.

8. Her disappearance gave rise to their anxiety.

9. Do you know what led to her failure?

10. His mother’s death resulted from a cancer on her breast.

11. The heavy rain resulted in the cancellation of that football match.

12. The inclement weather set off the spread of that disease.

13. Their discontent stemmed from low pay and poor working conditions.


常见表达:according to… according as… in accordance with…

惯用短语:in line with… in keeping with… in agreement with… in conformity with… in unison with … in the spirit of… in view of… in the light of… in consideration of… with reference to… on the ground of…

1. In view of the above-mentioned facts, we wish to make the following proposals.





Drink, breath, morsel, mouthful


Enjoy/win a reputation as

Make a reputation as a classical scholar

Have/possess a good reputation

Lose one’s reputation

Blacken/damage/destroy/hurt/injure/wound/impair/ruin/smear/sully/soil/tarnish sb’s reputation

Acquire/gain/get/obtain/secure/receive information

Collect/gather/accumulate/assemble information

Share/exchange information

Leak/spill information

Update information

Break (off)/sever/ terminate relation with

Damage/impair/endanger/affect bilateral relations

Mend/repair relations with

Open/create/build up/form relation with

Re-establish/re-open/renew relations with

Enjoy friendly relations with

Adhere to a principle

Observe a principle

Accept/hole/maintain a principle

Establish/formulate/lay down a principle

Apply a principle to

Violate the principle of

Abandon/desert/forsake the principle of

Put into practice a principle

1. 至于,关于

With respect to/as regards/regarding/concerning/in point of/in relation to

With respect to the question whether small children should stay with their grandparents, many people hold onto the view that the young should live apart with the old as they are more often than spoiled with over-protection.


The police asked us many questions concerning/regarding the traffic accident but we failed to notice clearly what had happened because we were standing rather far away from the spot.

In point of her ability, knowledge and behavior, she is superior but what she is short of is a sense of responsibility which is of great importance for any admirable persons.



2. 同意,赞赏

Agree with/appreciate/be all for/express agreement with/in favor of/support/have every reason to believe/speak highly of/admit that

I speak highly of the selflessness I find in the heroes, but as to film stars I usually give some comments on their performance which is only their career. I do this just as I comment on a teacher ’s activity.


3. 值得称赞

Win the approval of/be worthy of praise/deserve commendation

Offering help to those who are in dire need of aid is worthy of praise, which is a good example of what true live means.


4. 有道理

It stands to reason that/there is no denying that/it is wise to do/it is an effective way to do

Actually, it stands to reason that when one will think and behave in different ways if one is given some responsibility.


5. 无道理

It is doubtful that/it is not practical to do/it seems far-fetched(牵强)/be offensive to(有悖于)/there is no denying that

The hen’s promise seemed far-fetched. Therefore, we are not sure whether she really means what she pledged.





a.He says one thing but does another.

b.What he does is not consistent with what he says.


a.He still keeps thinking of the hunger he suffered in his childhood.

b.The memory of hunger in his childhood still haunts him.


a.We know very little about the nature of human beings.

b.Little is known about the nature of human beings.


a.Many people think birth control is essential in China.

b.It is wildly held that birth control is essential in China.


a.More and more people are aware that women should enjoy full equality with men.

b.There is a growing awareness that women should enjoy full equality with men.


a.He failed in doing things, which often made him depressed.

b.His failures often left him depressed.


a.I suddenly have a splendid idea.

b.A splendid idea suddenly occurs to me.


a.He is always quick-witted.

b.Quick-wittedness never deserts him.


a.He began to look very alarmed.

b.Alarm began to take entire possession of him.


The world history has seen more tears than laughter.


The new century will see a significant and far-reaching change in China.


The year 2003 witnessed an unprecedented disastrous flood in Huai river basin.


September finds agreeable weather in Shanghai. 九月的上海天气宜人。

June 19, 1999 began as a usual Saturday morning with us on the road, me looking for the signs and Fred trying to find addresses.


Saturday mornings would find me in my car, newspaper in hand, hunting down sites.


From the moment we stepped into the People’s Republic of China, care and kindness surrounded us on every side. (Hewlett and Nowell Johnson, To China at Ninety)



Xiaomei ’s kindly and gentle nature could not but revolt at her friend’s callous behavior.

句型的多样性和复杂性(varieties and complexities of sentence structures):要学会使用不同的句型,平时要注意多收集。写作中应使用简单句、并列句、复杂句及综合句。以下例句比较生动,要多模仿练习:

1) 强调句

F.D.Roosevelt was a man confined to the wheelchair, but it was he who put America again on its feet.

2) 介词短语

Only 2.2 kg of protein can be lost without death occurring.

He sat in an armchair nodding with a newspaper in the hand.

With regard to driving, the laws of some countries are notoriously lax and even the strictest are not strict enough.

3) 分词

They have conducted investigation after investigation, thereby obtaining an enormous amount of data.

4) 倒装句

Not only did they lose all their money but also came close to losing their lives.

5) 比较

Today, as an old order passes, the new world is more free but less stable.

6) 关键词重复

Earth provides enough for every man’s need, but not for every man’s greed.

There is no objective reality which can be looked at objectively .

7) 习惯表达

We are living in a highly challenging world, and we are always ready to challenge challenges. According to the information available to us, the success of our task depends on the availability of money.

8) 平常学习的时候可以积累的好句型。例如:

It goes without saying that the state-run enterprises should try every means to improve their quality and services in order to survive in the economic globalization.

Supposed you wanted to buy a washing machine, it is more than likely that you would obtain details regarding performance, price, etc., from an advertisement.

It does not surprise us to discover that success is measured in terms of the money you earn.

An ancient Chinese saying that “Those who constantly feel satisfied tend to be happy ” is illustrative in this respect.

多样性 相同意思的多种表达








V ariety is the spice of writing. (写作富于变化才会妙笔生花。) 所谓变化,一是避免相同的文字在文章中的反复使用(可用同义词代替),二是避开庸俗老套的语言,追求富有新意、充满活力的表达。

俗话说,“言之无文,行之不远。”语言干瘪平淡,让人看了面目可憎。语言是思维的外壳,语言的好坏直接影响着作文水平的高低。在写作当中,我们要多多制造语言的闪光点,这体现在小到一个词,大到一个短语甚至句子,优秀的作文往往是“锱铢必较”,几乎字字计较。很多学生用词面太狭窄,一提到“我认为”就用I think,此外别无其他表达。其实,英语中这类表达俯拾皆是:I believe//maintain/agree/assert/insist/claim/emphasize/point out/reckon/assume/cling to the idea that等等。越来越多的人:more and more people,尽管这种表达没有错误,但往往不能形成表达中的“闪光点”。People in growing/mounting/increasing/expanding numbers

要表达目的是:in order to, so as to太口语化了

不妨试试更好的表达:in a bid to, in an attempt to, with a view to, aim to, aim at, for the purpose of 等等。

“说”法种种:Admit, acknowledge, add, affirm, allege, analyze, argue, assert, boast, caution, challenge, claim, complain, concede, conclude, confess, contend, continue, contradict, declare, deny, disclose, dwell on, elaborate, exclaim, explain, go on, imply, insist, maintain, note, object, observe, pledge, proclaim, propound, protest, reaffirm, reiterate, recount, remark, reply, refute, retort, reveal, state, suggest, tell, urge

think → claim / suggest / believe / advocate / maintain / suppose

good → beneficial / profitable / helpful / sound / decent / positive

bad → harmful / detrimental / hazardous / negative

advantage → merit / virtue / benefit / profit / pro

disadvantage → demerit / drawback / flaw / shortcoming / cons



英语中,用于表示因果关系的方式很多。比如:介词from, at, through, due to, because of, owing to; 连接副词hence, therefore, thus; 从属连词:because, as, now that, in that, seeing that …therefore, since…then/in that case, on the ground(s) that, by reason that.另外,主动词(分为单词动词和词组动词两类)也可以表示逻辑上的因果关系。现分述如下

1)单词动词:arose, cause, elicit, engender, evoke, ignite, impel, induce

1. Her strange behavior aroused our suspicions.

2. The cold weather caused many animals to die.

3. Lung cancer elicited the death of those two people.

4. His stirring performance engendered our tension.

5. His failure evoked my sympathy.

6. His provocative remarks ignited their anger.

7. My brother’s success impelled me to greater efforts.

8. His illness was induced by overwork.

2)词组动词:arise out of/from, bring about, bring forth, bring on, contribute to, give birth to, give occasion to, give rise to, lead to, result from, result in, set off, stem from

1. Her mental problems arose out of/from her husband’s death.

2. The fall in oil prices brought about the increase in business activity.

3. Eating too much brought forth her sickness.

4. The fact that he had died from AIDS brought on a panic among the patients in his former patients.

5. Eating contaminated food contributed to his illness.

6. The flood gave birth to the collapse of that dam.

7. His negligence gave occasion to the accident.

8. Her disappearance gave rise to their anxiety.

9. Do you know what led to her failure?

10. His mother’s death resulted from a cancer on her breast.

11. The heavy rain resulted in the cancellation of that football match.

12. The inclement weather set off the spread of that disease.

13. Their discontent stemmed from low pay and poor working conditions.


常见表达:according to… according as… in accordance with…

惯用短语:in line with… in keeping with… in agreement with… in conformity with… in unison with … in the spirit of… in view of… in the light of… in consideration of… with reference to… on the ground of…

1. In view of the above-mentioned facts, we wish to make the following proposals.





Drink, breath, morsel, mouthful


Enjoy/win a reputation as

Make a reputation as a classical scholar

Have/possess a good reputation

Lose one’s reputation

Blacken/damage/destroy/hurt/injure/wound/impair/ruin/smear/sully/soil/tarnish sb’s reputation

Acquire/gain/get/obtain/secure/receive information

Collect/gather/accumulate/assemble information

Share/exchange information

Leak/spill information

Update information

Break (off)/sever/ terminate relation with

Damage/impair/endanger/affect bilateral relations

Mend/repair relations with

Open/create/build up/form relation with

Re-establish/re-open/renew relations with

Enjoy friendly relations with

Adhere to a principle

Observe a principle

Accept/hole/maintain a principle

Establish/formulate/lay down a principle

Apply a principle to

Violate the principle of

Abandon/desert/forsake the principle of

Put into practice a principle

1. 至于,关于

With respect to/as regards/regarding/concerning/in point of/in relation to

With respect to the question whether small children should stay with their grandparents, many people hold onto the view that the young should live apart with the old as they are more often than spoiled with over-protection.


The police asked us many questions concerning/regarding the traffic accident but we failed to notice clearly what had happened because we were standing rather far away from the spot.

In point of her ability, knowledge and behavior, she is superior but what she is short of is a sense of responsibility which is of great importance for any admirable persons.



2. 同意,赞赏

Agree with/appreciate/be all for/express agreement with/in favor of/support/have every reason to believe/speak highly of/admit that

I speak highly of the selflessness I find in the heroes, but as to film stars I usually give some comments on their performance which is only their career. I do this just as I comment on a teacher ’s activity.


3. 值得称赞

Win the approval of/be worthy of praise/deserve commendation

Offering help to those who are in dire need of aid is worthy of praise, which is a good example of what true live means.


4. 有道理

It stands to reason that/there is no denying that/it is wise to do/it is an effective way to do

Actually, it stands to reason that when one will think and behave in different ways if one is given some responsibility.


5. 无道理

It is doubtful that/it is not practical to do/it seems far-fetched(牵强)/be offensive to(有悖于)/there is no denying that

The hen’s promise seemed far-fetched. Therefore, we are not sure whether she really means what she pledged.





a.He says one thing but does another.

b.What he does is not consistent with what he says.


a.He still keeps thinking of the hunger he suffered in his childhood.

b.The memory of hunger in his childhood still haunts him.


a.We know very little about the nature of human beings.

b.Little is known about the nature of human beings.


a.Many people think birth control is essential in China.

b.It is wildly held that birth control is essential in China.


a.More and more people are aware that women should enjoy full equality with men.

b.There is a growing awareness that women should enjoy full equality with men.


a.He failed in doing things, which often made him depressed.

b.His failures often left him depressed.


a.I suddenly have a splendid idea.

b.A splendid idea suddenly occurs to me.


a.He is always quick-witted.

b.Quick-wittedness never deserts him.


a.He began to look very alarmed.

b.Alarm began to take entire possession of him.


The world history has seen more tears than laughter.


The new century will see a significant and far-reaching change in China.


The year 2003 witnessed an unprecedented disastrous flood in Huai river basin.


September finds agreeable weather in Shanghai. 九月的上海天气宜人。

June 19, 1999 began as a usual Saturday morning with us on the road, me looking for the signs and Fred trying to find addresses.


Saturday mornings would find me in my car, newspaper in hand, hunting down sites.


From the moment we stepped into the People’s Republic of China, care and kindness surrounded us on every side. (Hewlett and Nowell Johnson, To China at Ninety)



Xiaomei ’s kindly and gentle nature could not but revolt at her friend’s callous behavior.

句型的多样性和复杂性(varieties and complexities of sentence structures):要学会使用不同的句型,平时要注意多收集。写作中应使用简单句、并列句、复杂句及综合句。以下例句比较生动,要多模仿练习:

1) 强调句

F.D.Roosevelt was a man confined to the wheelchair, but it was he who put America again on its feet.

2) 介词短语

Only 2.2 kg of protein can be lost without death occurring.

He sat in an armchair nodding with a newspaper in the hand.

With regard to driving, the laws of some countries are notoriously lax and even the strictest are not strict enough.

3) 分词

They have conducted investigation after investigation, thereby obtaining an enormous amount of data.

4) 倒装句

Not only did they lose all their money but also came close to losing their lives.

5) 比较

Today, as an old order passes, the new world is more free but less stable.

6) 关键词重复

Earth provides enough for every man’s need, but not for every man’s greed.

There is no objective reality which can be looked at objectively .

7) 习惯表达

We are living in a highly challenging world, and we are always ready to challenge challenges. According to the information available to us, the success of our task depends on the availability of money.

8) 平常学习的时候可以积累的好句型。例如:

It goes without saying that the state-run enterprises should try every means to improve their quality and services in order to survive in the economic globalization.

Supposed you wanted to buy a washing machine, it is more than likely that you would obtain details regarding performance, price, etc., from an advertisement.

It does not surprise us to discover that success is measured in terms of the money you earn.

An ancient Chinese saying that “Those who constantly feel satisfied tend to be happy ” is illustrative in this respect.


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