西瓜是水果还是蔬菜 这得取决于你问的人

西瓜是水果还是蔬菜 这得取决于你问的人

西瓜是水果还是蔬菜?这得取决于你问的人 Is Watermelon A Fruit Or A Vegetable? It Depends Who You Ask


Unofficially speaking, the watermelon is everyone’s favorite summer fruit. Because it’s made up of over 90 percent water, it’s guaranteed to refresh on the hottest of days. We add it in our salads, blend it into our cocktails and eat it by the pound. But this beloved sweet, pink fruit has some identity confusion. Some folks refer to it as a vegetable and some are steadfast in its designation as a fruit. So, who’s right?


It all depends on who you ask. If you talk to a botanist, they’ll maintain that watermelon is a fruit because it develops from the plant’s ovary after flowering and holds the seeds. A vegetable is anything eaten from other parts of a plant, like spinach leaves or carrots. But if you ask anyone in Oklahoma, they’ll tell you it’s a vegetable. The state even declared the watermelon is official vegetable in 2007.


How did they come to see the watermelon as a veggie?


The watermelon is a member of the cucumber family known as the

Cucurbitaceae, which includes gourds as well. They’re grown like vegetable crop using vegetable production systems. And they are generally treated as a

vegetable for culinary uses. So even if the watermelon is mostly eaten as a fruit, it got lumped in with vegetables in some circles of thought.


Dr. Lynn Brandenberger, a horticulturist at Oklahoma State University, believes that there can be some crossover when it comes to the classification of fruits and vegetables. Sometimes, it’s not clear cut; there is wiggle room.

Lynn Brandenberger博士是俄克拉荷马州立大学的一名园艺家,他认为在划定水果和蔬菜界限的问题上,是有交叉的。有时候不是很明确,有可商量的余地。

“There is no black and white in biology. It’s all dingy gray,” she told The Wall Street Journal.


No matter how you classify the watermelon, here are a few other things you should know about this pink produce:


The whole thing can be eaten ― even the rind. Just pickle it and you’ll see what we mean.


Watermelons aren’t always round or oval in shape. They’re sometimes grown in a box to form a cube shape . Heart-shaped watermelons are possible, too.


Sometimes, watermelon is yellow, not pink. It’s just one of the 1,200 watermelon varieties that grow worldwide.



1.be made up of 由…所组成

On the world stage 60 per cent think China is set to become the world's leading superpower, while a third of us think Great Britain will be made up of four self-governed countries.

在世界的舞台上60%认为中国势将成为世界领先的超级大国, 而三分之一的美国人认为英国将由四个独立国家组成。

2.be known as 被称为;被认为是;以…著称

If you want to be known as a designer in your own right, do something to make a mark, then work every day at it and create your style. In this economy it is very difficult though.


3.cube 立方;立方体;骰子

Looking at the cube from the front, you might assume that you always see the outside, but what if you could open the box?


4.steadfast 坚定的;不变的

Through it all, you remain steadfast in your belief in high performance—and in them.


西瓜是水果还是蔬菜 这得取决于你问的人

西瓜是水果还是蔬菜?这得取决于你问的人 Is Watermelon A Fruit Or A Vegetable? It Depends Who You Ask


Unofficially speaking, the watermelon is everyone’s favorite summer fruit. Because it’s made up of over 90 percent water, it’s guaranteed to refresh on the hottest of days. We add it in our salads, blend it into our cocktails and eat it by the pound. But this beloved sweet, pink fruit has some identity confusion. Some folks refer to it as a vegetable and some are steadfast in its designation as a fruit. So, who’s right?


It all depends on who you ask. If you talk to a botanist, they’ll maintain that watermelon is a fruit because it develops from the plant’s ovary after flowering and holds the seeds. A vegetable is anything eaten from other parts of a plant, like spinach leaves or carrots. But if you ask anyone in Oklahoma, they’ll tell you it’s a vegetable. The state even declared the watermelon is official vegetable in 2007.


How did they come to see the watermelon as a veggie?


The watermelon is a member of the cucumber family known as the

Cucurbitaceae, which includes gourds as well. They’re grown like vegetable crop using vegetable production systems. And they are generally treated as a

vegetable for culinary uses. So even if the watermelon is mostly eaten as a fruit, it got lumped in with vegetables in some circles of thought.


Dr. Lynn Brandenberger, a horticulturist at Oklahoma State University, believes that there can be some crossover when it comes to the classification of fruits and vegetables. Sometimes, it’s not clear cut; there is wiggle room.

Lynn Brandenberger博士是俄克拉荷马州立大学的一名园艺家,他认为在划定水果和蔬菜界限的问题上,是有交叉的。有时候不是很明确,有可商量的余地。

“There is no black and white in biology. It’s all dingy gray,” she told The Wall Street Journal.


No matter how you classify the watermelon, here are a few other things you should know about this pink produce:


The whole thing can be eaten ― even the rind. Just pickle it and you’ll see what we mean.


Watermelons aren’t always round or oval in shape. They’re sometimes grown in a box to form a cube shape . Heart-shaped watermelons are possible, too.


Sometimes, watermelon is yellow, not pink. It’s just one of the 1,200 watermelon varieties that grow worldwide.



1.be made up of 由…所组成

On the world stage 60 per cent think China is set to become the world's leading superpower, while a third of us think Great Britain will be made up of four self-governed countries.

在世界的舞台上60%认为中国势将成为世界领先的超级大国, 而三分之一的美国人认为英国将由四个独立国家组成。

2.be known as 被称为;被认为是;以…著称

If you want to be known as a designer in your own right, do something to make a mark, then work every day at it and create your style. In this economy it is very difficult though.


3.cube 立方;立方体;骰子

Looking at the cube from the front, you might assume that you always see the outside, but what if you could open the box?


4.steadfast 坚定的;不变的

Through it all, you remain steadfast in your belief in high performance—and in them.



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